January 2018 Challenge



  • Figaver
    Figaver Posts: 69 Member
    @KnitOrMiss @baconslave
    Thank you for the advice! I did eat low carb for my last pregnancy, atleast for the first half or so of it. My body tends to like flip a switch when I’m pregnant and it’s like my metabolism all of a sudden decides to start working. I did not track my foods last time so I’m not sure how many calories I was consuming daily. I’m at about 1300-1400 now. I’m assuming that’s too low, but I’ll definitely ask my doctor at my appointment next month. I just had bloodwork done last month and my cholesterol and glucose were good, so I’m hoping to have an uneventful pregnancy. This will be my 4th child, so I need to stay as healthy and as active as possible!
  • betsy0426
    betsy0426 Posts: 14 Member
    I’m still figuring out how to use the mfp app so I’m a bit late to this challenge, but I started Keto on dec 31st at 175lbs and this past Sunday I was 167lbs! My goal is to lose 40lbs my dream is to lose 60lbs. This is my first time trying keto. I’ll add a picture from the first day of week one to the first day of week 3.
  • NikkiJRM
    NikkiJRM Posts: 328 Member
    Remind me to NEVER get hurt again! UGH!!! I'm paying for my weekend of laziness & debauchery...lol. In the name of accountability here's what that evil thing (scale) said to me this morning... I still think the cake was worth every bite and ounce. On to next week!!!

    1/1 - 199.6
    1/7 - 197.6
    1/16 - 200.6
  • dbaca123
    dbaca123 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, we started Keto on Jan 5th after completing a 3 day juice detox. Lost 2 lbs a day initially, however, now I have not had any weigh loss and even up a pound one day and down the next. I have refigured my macros a couple of times and they always come out the same, and I am staying on target with them. This week, week 3, I am following the Keto Reset by Mark Sisson. Anyone else had weight gain when starting Keto?
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    edited January 2018
    @dbaca123 1 pound up and down is not weight gain. It is normal weight fluctuations for the many reasons the human body fluctuates in weight. Do a google search on "why does body weight fluctuate" or something similar.

    You might find it useful to get a weight trend app. Happy Scale for IPhone. Libra for android. There is also a website named TrendWeight.
  • Xirena
    Xirena Posts: 4 Member
    Long time lurker, first time joiner lol. Late to the party, but I'll throw mine in. Need something to help keep me honest!

  • Figaver
    Figaver Posts: 69 Member
    @veronicaringel That dress is beautiful!!! Also wondering where you hide your 158 lbs? You look great!
  • stormywxs288
    stormywxs288 Posts: 811 Member

    I know Sunday is our regular check-in, but yesterday was my birthday, and I would like to log in my birthday weigh on this thread for a matter of record. On my 68th birthday I weighed in at 191.0 lbs. Actually, I was hoping to weigh 180something on my BD, but that would have been a small miracle (14.5 lb.) weight loss in the first 16 days of the year. Considering the fact, I didn’t start Keto until 5 Jan, it would have been more than a small miracle.

    Instead I’ve only lost 13.4 lbs since New Years day and 11.6 from the day I started Keto. This is the most success I’ve had in such a short time since I started my yo-yo dieting career back in the seventies. I know it has only been a short sample size but I am seriously motivated by the quick weigh loss and the way I feel. Being an expert on about every diet on earth that I have tried over the last 40 some years, I honestly feel this may be the one to do the trick.

    I’m hopefully optimistic that by Sunday I will be back here posting a 180 something weight. I also think that Keto is not just a diet but a lifestyle that I can sustain. The truth is : I love to eat fat.


  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    @veronicaringel You look wonderful. Well done and just try to stay about the same now as you look fabulous, I think your scales are wrong! I'm currently just a couple of pounds heavier than 158 and let me tell you I look NOTHING like you (not helped by the age gap!!) <3<3
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    edited January 2018
    @stormywxs288 Happy Birthday and happy new way of life! Been a fabulous start for you well done. Hope you had a great day!
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    edited January 2018
    Late to the party!

    SW: 248.6 lbs
    GW: 180 lbs

    1/7: 245 lbs
    1/14: 242.2 lbs

    I did go down to 241 lbs but then shark week happened :| ...
    TMI: I haven't been on them for months. This is really interesting, I am almost sure that Keto did this as nothing else has changed in my lifestyle.

    It could be, as it's a diet that works well for people with PCOS. Good luck this week too!
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    dgreene37 wrote: »
    SW 12/31 268

    1/7 - 266
    1/14 - 264
    1/21 -
    1/28 -

    Yeah and down you go!
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    End of 2nd week check-in!
    SW 290 CW below GW 165

    12/31- 237.6

    01/07- 234.2
    01/14- actually 1/16- 233.4

    I didn't bother to check in sunday since my TOM was finishing up and I gave into a million cravings last week. Weighed in today and I'm moving on down the scale again. I'd like to be 229 by next check in and 225 by 1/31. Those are my targets, but of course going to be kind and compassionate with myself as I make my way.

    Well done, good start and the best thing is to do exactly what you say about being kind to yourself on the way. <3
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    Snookie86 wrote: »
    12/31 - 191.6

    1/7 - 193.0
    1/15 - 192.4

    Going down again, excellent!
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    @betsy0426 welcome and well done this week!
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    Xirena wrote: »
    Long time lurker, first time joiner lol. Late to the party, but I'll throw mine in. Need something to help keep me honest!


    Welcome lurker!! Doing well it seems, good luck this week B)
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    NikkiJRM wrote: »
    Remind me to NEVER get hurt again! UGH!!! I'm paying for my weekend of laziness & debauchery...lol. In the name of accountability here's what that evil thing (scale) said to me this morning... I still think the cake was worth every bite and ounce. On to next week!!!

    1/1 - 199.6
    1/7 - 197.6
    1/16 - 200.6

    Sometimes we just have to be human!! <3
  • HaideeJo13
    HaideeJo13 Posts: 247 Member
    Sooooo.... does anyone do intermittent fasting??