January 2018 Challenge



  • TiffanyP0714
    TiffanyP0714 Posts: 17 Member
    Is there a February challenge?
  • NikkiJRM
    NikkiJRM Posts: 328 Member
    I hope this doesn't jam up the group percentages!

    No not at all, I usually do the final tally at the end of the week just before setting up the new week, in case anyone forgets to update. There's always extra time. :)

  • NikkiJRM
    NikkiJRM Posts: 328 Member
    Is there a February challenge?

    It will get started this week. YAY!
    January went by so fast!
  • JoannaVenuto
    JoannaVenuto Posts: 46 Member
    SW&HW: 248.6
    01/07: 245
    01/14: 242.2
    01/21: 244.8
    01/28: 240.8

    Still on my TOM, going on week 3 now :s . I feel pretty bloated and bummed to have gained weight.
    I am also not going #2...so maybe that's weighing on the scale too, lol!

    Here's to a better week, I guess :/

    01/28: 240.8
    Still TOM but the scale is finally moving down again. This is also the most I've lost in a week so I guess this is the famous whoosh people talk about?

    @River_Goddess , you've inspired me a LOT this week; your macros are always on point, and that helped me stay on top of mine and I've had a great week. Thank you!
    This is such a great supportive group, I am looking forward to February!
  • Christin09
    Christin09 Posts: 143 Member
    1/2 - 256
    1/7 - 251.1
    1/14 - 249.3
    1/21 - 247.6
    1/28 - 246.5
  • __Roxy__
    __Roxy__ Posts: 825 Member
    @River_Goddess , you've inspired me a LOT this week; your macros are always on point, and that helped me stay on top of mine and I've had a great week. Thank you!
    This is such a great supportive group, I am looking forward to February!

    Thanks, I needed to hear this today. I've had 3 really off days eating-wise... ate wayy too much keto chocolate, drank too much alcohol at a winter carnival and now that I've come down with a bad cold (and TOM), I just want to eat everything. I will weigh in tomorrow morning but I am not expecting a loss this week - due to both nature and my not-so-hot choices.
    Your comment was really nice to hear and inspires me to not allow my 3-days of slack choices become 4 or 5, etc... back to the regime tomorrow!!
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    Just a quick one to say I've posted the February Challenge and currently it's in the Discussions section but KnitOrMiss will move it up into the Announcements soon. (thanks kOm!)
  • VeronicaMarie27
    VeronicaMarie27 Posts: 40 Member
    1/2 - 158.8
    1/7 - 156.4
    1/15 - 158.4
    1/21 - 157.0
    1/29 - 156.4

    A little bummed because earlier in the week the lowest number I saw on the scale was 154.0, which would mean a nice even 20 lb loss overall. I'm determined to get there! Coming really close, but falling off the bandwagon once or twice and going beyond my carb limit really has an effect… Goal for next month is to be better about planning meals and pre-preparing so I'm not tempted! Great job this month everyone!
  • __Roxy__
    __Roxy__ Posts: 825 Member
    I am not expecting a loss this week - due to both nature and my not-so-hot choices

    Aaaand my body is always full of surprises... Awesome. Down to 239 this week for a total of 75lbs lost :)

    @NikkiJRM ... new weight update! :)
  • dgreene37
    dgreene37 Posts: 27 Member
    SW 12/31 268

    1/7 - 266
    1/14 - 264
    1/21 - 263
    1/28 - 260
  • __Roxy__
    __Roxy__ Posts: 825 Member
    Jan 1 - 260.0
    Jan 7 - 246.8
    Jan 14 - 243.0
    Jan 21 - 241.8
    Jan 28 - 239.0

    Will weigh in on Jan 31st for a solid monthly total. To be realistic, the first 13lbs were water weight I had gained over Christmas. The other 8lbs though... that's actually new territory :) Thrilled to be in the 230s!
  • Lisbydezign
    Lisbydezign Posts: 49 Member
    I guess stress got me this week, with Govt shut down and losing a day of pay, sick kids, and hellish OT hours. :/
    I guess I have to work harder in February.
    SW- 237.8
    1/7- 201.4
    1/14- 198.8
    1/21- 196
    1/29 - 196.2
  • hyperinchrist
    hyperinchrist Posts: 27 Member
    Is this challenge still going on. I’ve been on Keto since November and losing slow, but losing inches. A1C normal on Trulicity now and digestive system is great.
    Looking for friend to go through new lifestyle change.
  • JoannaVenuto
    JoannaVenuto Posts: 46 Member
    Jan 1 - 260.0
    Jan 7 - 246.8
    Jan 14 - 243.0
    Jan 21 - 241.8
    Jan 28 - 239.0

    Will weigh in on Jan 31st for a solid monthly total. To be realistic, the first 13lbs were water weight I had gained over Christmas. The other 8lbs though... that's actually new territory :) Thrilled to be in the 230s!

    Congrats!!! Oh my, the 230s! I am so close to it I actually considered shaving my hair off to get rid of a couple of pounds! Lol.
    Hopefully I'll be there next weigh in.
  • __Roxy__
    __Roxy__ Posts: 825 Member
    Congrats!!! Oh my, the 230s! I am so close to it I actually considered shaving my hair off to get rid of a couple of pounds! Lol.
    Hopefully I'll be there next weigh in.

    This made me laugh out loud... you're almost there!!
  • tamsketo123
    tamsketo123 Posts: 13 Member

    January 1: 213
    January 8: 213.8
    January 15: 208
    January 22: 204.6
    January 29:202.7lbs

    January Goal: 200lbs

    Will weight on 31st to see if i reach my goal

  • babola123
    babola123 Posts: 13 Member
    Last weigh in for January resulted in the following:
    HW: 184 CW:174 GW: 140

    1/02: 184
    1/07: 177
    1/14: 172.5
    1/21: 175
    1/28: 174

    Total down in January: 10 lbs. Average is a little over 2.2 lbs a week. I will take it!

    Looking forward to February!
  • Xirena
    Xirena Posts: 4 Member
    Ugh! I totally forgot to update, but have been weighing and chugging along!

    1/21: 223
    1/28: 221

    Down 8 in January, which is awesome. But the biggest wins for me are definitely NSV's. I'm back to not feeling like crap after falling off the wagon during the holidays AND I snagged my bf's jacket over the weekend (he's tall and skinny so we make quite the pair lol) and I was able to comfortably zip it up!! He was pretty amused by how I nerded out over it, but seriously...I had worn it before and hadn't even tried to zip it because it was an obvious no go. Clearly the inches are moving along with the scale!
  • __Roxy__
    __Roxy__ Posts: 825 Member
    That's awesome Xirena!! I know how good it feels to fit into the boyfriend's s clothes... it was a secret goal of mine haha!! (Ssshh.. I just stole his snow pants, hehehe) Great job.
  • HaideeJo13
    HaideeJo13 Posts: 247 Member
    I am ending January at 138! I can't complain too much, I ate like total crap for 4 days on vacation this weekend. It was a lot of fun. But I am a happier person eating well. I noticed my mood and self esteem started going down by day 4 of not taking care of myself. Back to Ketoing on!!!