Over here !!!



  • jlburns2005
    jlburns2005 Posts: 331 Member
    Great work Jenn !
    Enjoy the rest day !

    Thank you;)
  • jlburns2005
    jlburns2005 Posts: 331 Member
    bianca616 wrote: »
    Monday-iso speed hammer. Done
    Tursday-chisel endurance. Done
    Wed-total body hammer. Done
    Thurs-chisel cardio. Done
    Friday-max hammer strenth. Done
    Sat-chisel agility. Done
    So I actually took thurs. off and ate pizza and cake for my dads birthday. I doubled the workout on friday and then got back on track food wise. I really wanted to skip today to but my hubby kept me on track. I like when he is doing it with me. We can motivate each other on our off days. Also its fun jumping around your livingroom with someone else;)

    Great week! So awesome to have your hubby onboard. It’s great to have the people at home supporting your commitment.

    I do find it so much easier when hes on board. When he is not he is offering me snacks constantly.
  • jlburns2005
    jlburns2005 Posts: 331 Member
    bianca616 wrote: »
    My finished week...

    Monday- off
    Tuesday -total body Chisel, plus 10 min ab Chisel, plus 30 mins on the elliptical
    Wednesday-Hammer power, plus 10 min ab Hammer, plus 30 mins on the elliptical
    Thursday- Chisel balance
    Friday-ISO speed Hammer
    Saturday- Chisel endurance
    Today- off

    I would say it was a good week. B)

    I'd say so also;)
  • jlburns2005
    jlburns2005 Posts: 331 Member
    Cafelelia wrote: »
    HF Training Plan - Week 2

    Sunday - 4 km tempo run
    Monday - 3 km tempo run, strength train core & legs
    Tuesday - 3 km steady run
    Wednesday - 3 km steady run
    Thursday - Rest, strength train core & arms
    Friday - 7 km long run
    Saturday - Rest, drink a glass of wine (obligatory)

    Weather here in Toronto is some of the worst I’ve ever seen. My run today was brutal & included rain, hail, freezing rain, ice, and slush. My hair was literally frozen solid. My son says that the running gods are taunting me, saying if you want to do this, let’s do this!

    Wow. You are inspiring! I would have definatly used that as an excuse and stayed in.
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Cafelelia wrote: »
    HF Training Plan - Week 2

    Wow. You are inspiring! I would have definatly used that as an excuse and stayed in.

    Thank you Jenn!! I keep thinking about race day on June 3rd & the distance that I will have to go. Plus I have to report to all of you on my progress, so that keeps me going!
  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member
    • Monday after work : Chisel Agility
    • Tuesday morning (Finally ! Days off work !) : Hammer conditioning
    • Wednesday afternoon : Chisel Cardio
    • Thursday morning : Hammer Power
    • Friday after work : Chisel Balance
    • Saturday after work : Rest ?
    • Sunday morning : Max Hammer Strength

    Alright ladies, (Scotty, what's with the MIA, get your *** back here)
    We had a great week huh !!!
    Let's keep it going !
    My scale is showing "pluses" all over the place this week and that's fine with me. Last week was a real "building week" on the program for sure and I had an evening with too much food intake last night being my rest day. So... scale is showing that.
    This is real life and in real life sometimes you just eat more than you need.

    Then you get up, go to work, check with your MFP possy, eat within your estimated calorie target, work out and there's a good day in the books. Voilà.

    Right ?

    Thanks for listening lol

    Only 5 weeks til my Cancun getway !
    WoooHOoooooooooo !!!
  • ScottyTheGent
    ScottyTheGent Posts: 48 Member
    My week is looking like

    Monday: p90x2 core
    Tuesday: p90x2 plyocide
    Wed: rest
    Thursday:total body and v sculpt
    Friday yoga
    Saturday: balance and power
    Sunday rest

    Gon work in some runs when Its not raining this week probably Wednesday and Saturday. Have a good week ladies! Also I am doing a Daniel fast for the next 10 days to start off lent the right way. I am giving up sweets, cereal, and cigarettes for lent. Gonna use this time to rediscipline myself. Wish y'all the best!
  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member
    My week is looking like

    Monday: p90x2 core
    Tuesday: p90x2 plyocide
    Wed: rest
    Thursday:total body and v sculpt
    Friday yoga
    Saturday: balance and power
    Sunday rest

    Gon work in some runs when Its not raining this week probably Wednesday and Saturday. Have a good week ladies! Also I am doing a Daniel fast for the next 10 days to start off lent the right way. I am giving up sweets, cereal, and cigarettes for lent. Gonna use this time to rediscipline myself. Wish y'all the best!

    Alright Scotty !
    Have a great week !!
    Ladies are right here with ya !
  • jlburns2005
    jlburns2005 Posts: 331 Member
    Mon- hammer power. Done
    Tues-chisel balance
    Wed-hammer conditioning
    Thurs-total body hammer
    Friday-chisel agility
    Sat- max hammer strength and 10 min abs

    Ok I dont know if it was just me being really tired after my work shift but hammer power pissed me off. I kept skipping the upward row part of clean then squatting when i should press etc. Normally i feel better for working out. I just felt iritated which amused my husband to no end. Ok rant over.
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    HFM Training Plan - Week 2

    Sunday - 4 km tempo run
    Monday - 3 km tempo run, strength train core & legs

    Tuesday - 3 km steady run
    Wednesday - 3 km steady run
    Thursday - Rest, strength train core & arms
    Friday - 7 km long run
    Saturday - Rest, drink a glass of wine (obligatory)

    Good to hear from you Scotty! Nice goals for Lent & in general. Thanks for reminding me that I need to come up with something for Lent!
  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member
    Mon- hammer power. Done
    Tues-chisel balance
    Wed-hammer conditioning
    Thurs-total body hammer
    Friday-chisel agility
    Sat- max hammer strength and 10 min abs

    Ok I dont know if it was just me being really tired after my work shift but hammer power pissed me off. I kept skipping the upward row part of clean then squatting when i should press etc. Normally i feel better for working out. I just felt iritated which amused my husband to no end. Ok rant over.

    that happens to me when doing dumbass jumping one leg bulgarian squats
  • bianca616
    bianca616 Posts: 295 Member
    Ready for the week! My plan..

    Monday -hammer power
    Tuesday- chisel agility
    Wednesday- hammer conditioning and 10 min ab hammer
    Thursday-chisel cardio
    Friday- hammer power
    Saturday- chisel balance?? Going to play it by ear. If I can get in a walk I will choose that.
  • Jamie6636
    Jamie6636 Posts: 107 Member
    My awesome NSV-I did chisel endurance today (which I should have done Sunday) and did Incline push-ups for 1 minute straight 2 times. I am sticking with getting the elliptical in. I use it more as a cool down and it feels good.

    Monday- Chisel Endurance- 20 minutes elliptical
    Tuesday- Total Body Hammer <3
    Wednesday- off
    Thursday-Chisel Agility
    Friday- Hammer Conditioning
    Saturday- Chisel Cardio
    Sunday-off???Going with Bianca here Chisel Balance???

  • jlburns2005
    jlburns2005 Posts: 331 Member
    Mon- hammer power. Done
    Tues-chisel balance. Done
    Wed-hammer conditioning
    Thurs-total body hammer
    Friday-chisel agility
    Sat- max hammer strength and 10 min abs

  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    HFM Training Plan - Week 2

    Sunday - 4 km tempo run
    Monday - 3 km tempo run, strength train core & legs
    Tuesday - 3 km steady run

    Wednesday - 3 km steady run
    Thursday - Rest, strength train core & arms
    Friday - 7 km long run
    Saturday - Rest, drink a glass of wine (obligatory)
  • bianca616
    bianca616 Posts: 295 Member
    Halfway through the week and still feeling strong.

    Monday -total body hammer
    Tuesday- chisel agility
    On the board for today- hammer conditioning and 10 min ab hammer

  • jlburns2005
    jlburns2005 Posts: 331 Member
    Mon- hammer power. Done
    Tues-chisel balance. Done
    Wed-hammer conditioning. Done
    Thurs-total body hammer
    Friday-chisel agility
    Sat- max hammer strength and 10 min abs
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Sunday - 4 km tempo run
    Monday - 3 km tempo run, strength train core & legs
    Tuesday - 3 km steady run
    Wednesday - 3 km steady run

    Thursday - Rest, strength train core & arms
    Friday - 7 km long run
    Saturday - Rest, drink a glass of wine (obligatory)
  • jlburns2005
    jlburns2005 Posts: 331 Member
    Mon- hammer power. Done
    Tues-chisel balance. Done
    Wed-hammer conditioning. Done
    Thurs-total body hammer. Done
    Friday-chisel agility
    Sat- max hammer strength and 10 min abs
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member

    Sunday - 4 km tempo run
    Monday - 3 km tempo run, strength train core & legs
    Tuesday - 3 km steady run
    Wednesday - 3 km steady run
    Thursday - Rest, strength train core & arms

    Friday - 7 km long run
    Saturday - Rest, drink a glass of wine (obligatory)

    Omg I needed a break from running today