TEAM: Flab u Less (April)



  • wyhorzegal
    wyhorzegal Posts: 152 Member
    @Ecowles675 that is amazing! have you done your before and after pictures? Tell us what all you did? Sucesses? and Struggles?

  • wyhorzegal
    wyhorzegal Posts: 152 Member
    Username: wyhorzegal
    Weigh in day: Thursday
    Starting Weight 211.8
    Todays Weight 208.4
  • wyhorzegal
    wyhorzegal Posts: 152 Member
    Between the new challenge I am doing and milking goats twice a day, i felt like I might have a good week. I had two Elk meetings this week and we ended up going out after words. I am close to my 40 pound mark and I am ok ordering water and a chicken breast with side salad. It no longer bothers me that everyone else is eating fries, drinking and eating pizza or hamburgers:)
  • Djou11
    Djou11 Posts: 167 Member
    @lar25473 I like this one found on pinterest and I enter my results in MFP oh and ps I totally hate it when it does that to me too it's ok it's a loss for next weeks weigh in lol

    @ToadstoolBetty yes vacations are nice and necessary and can sometimes mess up the routine but just enjoy it life is too short to stress about being perfect all the time <3

    @mlhopp93 amazing job on focusing on you this week :)

    @wyhorzegal great loss this week :) and isn't it amazing when you don't feel deprived when you're not eating like others :) kudos to you!!
  • Djou11
    Djou11 Posts: 167 Member
    @Ecowles675 I didn't forget you in the last post ... I wanted to make one just for you !!!

    <3<3 100 lbs loss in 11 months that is insanely amazing. <3<3

    You are a rockstar!!! It is so amazing to see success stories like yours. I am sure it has been an uphill battle at times and probably still is but wow what an accomplishment!!!!

    So proud of you girl :) keep pushing hard and keep us motivated :)


  • Djou11
    Djou11 Posts: 167 Member
    Sorry guys and gals I have been a little MIA the last few days. Not feeling the greatest, happy to report that the headache is gone (as of now, yesterday was not good either)

    Back up and running today, hoping for a better day :)

    Keep up the good work guys, proud to be part of this team with you !! <3
  • Ecowles675
    Ecowles675 Posts: 69 Member
    Thanks @wyhorzegal and @Djou11!

    The biggest change is that I cut way back on sugars- I had no problem eating an entire bag of swedish fish in one day. And along with that cut out breads, chips, soda. That was hard, and still is. About 3 months in my doctor suggested I do two weeks on a high protein/low calorie plan, like Medifast because I kept falling back into old habits. I hated it, but it helped me kick the sugar/carb cravings. After that I was in a much better mindset to really focus and stick with my plan. I was tired of the fad diets and wanted something I could maintain and stick with for a long time, no more "diets". So now I have a green protein smoothie for breakfast, apple and PB2 or carrots and hummus for a morning snack, lean protein and veggies for lunch, half of a protein bar or turkey cheese wraps for an afternoon snack, and then lean protein/veggies for dinner. I stick to around 1200 calories a day as I still have a bit of weight to lose. It is hard sometimes when we go out and everyone is eating a burger and fires and I have a half burger wrapped in lettuce and a salad, but it is so worth it! Don't get me wrong, I still cave, but when I do it is no where near like it was a year ago!

    I have also come to believe that we don't lose weight in the gym- we lose it in the kitchen. When I added in a consistent and focused workout plan, I changed my focus for exercise to get strong. I don't have a lot of time to spend in the gym so a trainer where I go helped me set up a couple different weight circuits that I can do in 30 minutes in the mornings before work. I do a lot of kettle bells and compound moves to get the most out of my time. I do weights 2-3 times/week. I do sprint circuits on the elliptical or bike the other 2 days during the work week (ex 30 seconds as fast as I can go, 30 sec rest, repeat at varying intervals for 20 minutes- and yes, I get a lot of funny looks at the gym when I am going as fast as I can and then slow way down!!). I do a Pilates class on Saturday's and they just began having a barre class right after so I've done that too the last few week. Mainly for something different and to work my muscles differently. Sunday is my rest day- usually a walk but generally no weights (unless I missed a day during the week). I have to keep it as a routine or I slack off. And, I am a total klutz so remembering that the gym is to help me be strong and that I can continue to lose weight by eating right is a great reminder when I have to cut back to nurse an injury (right now coming off a sprained ankle and just found out my meniscus is frayed).

    I do weigh every day, but only track my weight on Wednesdays, I just can't break that habit. I take measurements once a month. I don't weigh my food, but do track everything. Oh, and my goal is to get in 80-100 ounces of water every day. It is certainly a battle, one that I am not sure I will ever win. So I take each victory as it comes and prepare for the next hurdle.
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,187 Member
    lar25473 wrote: »
    @Djou11 I'm trying hard to encourage myself!! But I feel bad for not losing weight. It's a daily source of anxiety for me.

    Give yourself permission to not think about dieting too much. Just eat with purpose and fuel your body with good things. When you start to feel badly, change that thought around and see how far you've come. You're doing much better than you think even if the scale doesn't change for a little while. xo
  • ToadstoolBetty
    ToadstoolBetty Posts: 292 Member
    wyhorzegal wrote: »
    @ToadstoolBetty vacations are the best! I agree once you get out of your habits, its hard to get back. I have to reward myself, like ok you can watch this movie but first you have to workout or take a 30 min walk:)

    Good idea. I bought a TV series on DVD last year and set myself to lose a stone (14lbs) before I could watch it. I just hate wasting nice days or part of them from sleeping in when I could be enjoying it.
    Can't wait for it to get less wet here haha I'll be springing out of bed nice and early then. And more active.
  • shamrockmist
    shamrockmist Posts: 17 Member
    Username: shamrockmist
    Weigh in day: Wednesday
    Starting Weight 173.6
    Todays Weight 174.8

    Hey everyone sorry for not posting last week. Very busy as I wrap up my last semester of college. My weight was the same for week 1 as it is for this week.
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,187 Member
    @Ecowles675 Sounds like you are disciplined in all the right ways. I agree with you, I workout and even enjoy exercising , but if I dont track my calories, I would easily go over by about 500 calories eating snacks. If I track calories, once I hit my limit, I say to myself, well that's it for the day, no more snacking or food. I have to set rules for myself, or I just don't make progress.
    I'm happy for you! You are doing all the right things to improve your health.
  • culmo80
    culmo80 Posts: 16 Member
    @Djou11 (and everyone else)

    I've been incredibly busy and I just haven't had time to track. I do enjoy the challenge and the commitment, but I just don't have the time right now. If I can be put in a "hold" status or something, I do want to come back, possibly next month, but if not, then I'll still come back and join whatever group I'm assigned to.

  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,187 Member
    Julie AL1969
    weigh in day : Friday
    Previous 164.2
    Current 164.6

    Too many snacks are making me plateau. I also have to get back to jogging. xo
    On a positive note, I put on a pair of pants from last spring, and they are not tight, kind of loose. Happy they didn't shrink in the closet over the last 6 months. LOL
  • 12774
    12774 Posts: 1,416 Member
    @wyhorzegal,amazing loss this week!
  • Djou11
    Djou11 Posts: 167 Member
    culmo80 wrote: »
    @Djou11 (and everyone else)

    I've been incredibly busy and I just haven't had time to track. I do enjoy the challenge and the commitment, but I just don't have the time right now. If I can be put in a "hold" status or something, I do want to come back, possibly next month, but if not, then I'll still come back and join whatever group I'm assigned to.


    @culmo80 I understand sometimes life gets kinda busy :) wish you the best and hope to see you back soon :)
    @craigo3154 can we pls help her out with that :) thanks
  • Djou11
    Djou11 Posts: 167 Member
    Julie AL1969
    weigh in day : Friday
    Previous 164.2
    Current 164.6

    Too many snacks are making me plateau. I also have to get back to jogging. xo
    On a positive note, I put on a pair of pants from last spring, and they are not tight, kind of loose. Happy they didn't shrink in the closet over the last 6 months. LOL

    @JulieAL1969 just double checking I had last week weigh in at 166.6. on April 6th that sounds right ?

    and @lacatgirl I'm only entering week 2 weights right now so I'm assuming that is this week (Wednesday 11th) weight ?
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,187 Member
    Djou11 wrote: »
    Julie AL1969
    weigh in day : Friday
    Previous 164.2
    Current 164.6

    Too many snacks are making me plateau. I also have to get back to jogging. xo
    On a positive note, I put on a pair of pants from last spring, and they are not tight, kind of loose. Happy they didn't shrink in the closet over the last 6 months. LOL

    @JulieAL1969 just double checking I had last week weigh in at 166.6. on April 6th that sounds right ?

    and @lacatgirl I'm only entering week 2 weights right now so I'm assuming that is this week (Wednesday 11th) weight ?

    That does sound right - sorry - I was going on my last weigh in on my phone but you are probably right :)
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    Djou11 wrote: »
    culmo80 wrote: »
    @Djou11 (and everyone else)

    I've been incredibly busy and I just haven't had time to track. I do enjoy the challenge and the commitment, but I just don't have the time right now. If I can be put in a "hold" status or something, I do want to come back, possibly next month, but if not, then I'll still come back and join whatever group I'm assigned to.


    @culmo80 I understand sometimes life gets kinda busy :) wish you the best and hope to see you back soon :)
    @craigo3154 can we pls help her out with that :) thanks

    @Djou11. I have moved @culmo80. to "Cheer Squad" for the month. @culmo80., you are still welcome to participate in Flab-u-less for the rest of this month if you wish, but pressure to weigh-in is taken off.
  • ToadstoolBetty
    ToadstoolBetty Posts: 292 Member
    Week 2
    Previous 11st 12
    Current 11st 12.
This discussion has been closed.