TEAM: Flab-U-Less (September)



  • gholderby1234
    gholderby1234 Posts: 73 Member
    Username: gholderby1234
    Week: September Week 1
    PW: 211
    CW: 208

    Daily Post Tuesday
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: 25 min 30 day shred
    Goals/day: workout after work tues, wed, and thurs
  • Sweetzyd
    Sweetzyd Posts: 919 Member
    Daily Post: Monday, September 3rd
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Over- chocolate delight for dessert!
    Exercise: Yes - 30 minutes of hip hop abs
    Goals/day: I do not like going over on my calories, carbs or sugar but it doesn't happen very often for me so I'm not beating myself up over it. Tomorrow is a new day.
    BEASTFIELD314 Posts: 660 Member
    Good evening team, sorry for my late night post!

    I still need weigh ins from the following for today (Tuesday)


    BEASTFIELD314 Posts: 660 Member
    Daily Post: Tuesday, September 4th
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: 2nd job

    Had a long day at work. Came home, got 2 kids to dance, then had my 2nd job. Just getting home. Lots of walking even though not around the track or neighborhood.

    Have an awesome night my team! I am sure there will be a few more posts from me, lol.
    BEASTFIELD314 Posts: 660 Member
    I just wanted to say - I am proud of all of us. We are all doing our best every day and THAT is what matters!

    I have an optional mini-challenge to get us through the week. It's not fitness related, its not health related. Just fun, and a good way to get to know each other better.

    Here is how it works - I am going to find a picture of my "happy place" (make sure it is forum appropriate, lol) and post it here. Tell a little about it and what it means to me. Then I will tag someone from our team - anyone - and it is their turn. Keep it going until we all get to post! (PS - I use the "spoiler" tag just so there isn't 100 pictures trying to load at once!)

    Our current list of members

    My happy place is:
    This is my happy place - Santa's Magical Kingdom... because as a tradition, all of us (all 8) go ever year. Yes, it is cheesy and corny, and yes, my oldest groans every year. But this makes me happy because it is a wonderful time of year and we get to spend it as a family!

    I choose @cdavisdeva to go next!
  • WA_Teacher
    WA_Teacher Posts: 1,042 Member
    @BEASTFIELD314, great mini challenge and I love your happy place.
  • WA_Teacher
    WA_Teacher Posts: 1,042 Member

    Daily Post: Tuesday, September 4th

    Track: Unable to accurately add food from today’s potluck
    Calories: I’m saying no
    Exercise: 35 minute Kettlebell workout and 15 minute walk around the track

    Goal: I was careful at our potluck, ate baked chicken, veggies, salad, and had one small slice of homemade cheesecake. However, I’m sure it put me over my daily calorie count. My success was getting out and walking for 15 minutes between meetings. It was nice to get outside after being stuck in a meeting for 2 hours. Tomorrow’s goal is to work on increasing my water intake. The last few day's I haven't been meeting my normal goal of at least 64 ounces.
  • 12774
    12774 Posts: 1,416 Member
    @BEASTFIELD314, hello Jason, welcome to our team. @Dijou11 happy that you are still here with us.
    Last week's wt 191.4 lbs.
    Today's wt 193.0lbs
    Continue daily logging. Now 2209 days.Have stayed within my calories for the week.
    Cut out snacking. Eat fresh fruits instead
    Increase my gym activities to 4 days/week. Just completed a swimming class where I overcame my fear of the deep end of the pool. This is one of my greatest accomplishments ever.
  • silke_luise
    silke_luise Posts: 6 Member
    I had not a single drink for 10 days!!! And I was eating super healthy. But this morning I woke up and I was so hungry and needed just carbs! I ate a whole pack of chocolate buns.... so I will be totally over today. The weather here is great today. Maybe I will take the boys swimming later. Already done my workout this morning: 1 hour tabata...
    BEASTFIELD314 Posts: 660 Member
    I had not a single drink for 10 days!!! And I was eating super healthy. But this morning I woke up and I was so hungry and needed just carbs! I ate a whole pack of chocolate buns.... so I will be totally over today. The weather here is great today. Maybe I will take the boys swimming later. Already done my workout this morning: 1 hour tabata...

    Things like that happen! Don't let it get you down. The key is that you understood why it happened, and can create a plan to deal with it if that type of hunger strikes again. And, it sounds like you have a plan to work some of that off!
    BEASTFIELD314 Posts: 660 Member
    Good morning my wonderful Team Flab-U-Less, and Happy Weigh In day to the following challengers:


    Please make sure to get me your weight so we can all celebrate or encourage - whichever the case may be!!!

  • Sweetzyd
    Sweetzyd Posts: 919 Member
    edited September 2018
    @BEASTFIELD314 love your happy place! I have no idea how to post using a spoiler to shorten.

    Mini Challenge

    Here is how it works - I am going to find a picture of my "happy place" (make sure it is forum appropriate, lol) and post it here. Tell a little about it and what it means to me. Then I will tag someone from our team - anyone - and it is their turn. Keep it going until we all get to post! (PS - I use the "spoiler" tag just so there isn't 100 pictures trying to load at once!)

    Our current list of members


    The beach is my happy place! Love listening to the waves, it's so relaxing💕

    I choose @mram3582!

  • Ecowles675
    Ecowles675 Posts: 69 Member

    Username: ecowles675
    Week: September Week 1 9/5
    PW: 180
    CW: 180

    No loss is better than a gain! Pretty much maintained all of August. Now need to kick things back into gear and start losing again. Need to focus on more water, more sleep, and better food choices.
  • Sweetzyd
    Sweetzyd Posts: 919 Member
    Username: cdavisdeva
    Week: September Week 1
    PW: 161
    CW: 160

    Started MFP July 18th, 15 lbs lost so far. Very proud of myself for how far I've came so far :)
  • roamingtiger
    roamingtiger Posts: 747 Member
    I'm feeling pretty good today! I did a 4 mile hike yesterday and I'm really feeling it. I'm not working today so I'm getting the apartment all cleaned up. What is everyone else up to today?
  • 12774
    12774 Posts: 1,416 Member
    Walked in the park foe 40 mins. Going on the treadmill for 30 mins
  • gholderby1234
    gholderby1234 Posts: 73 Member
    At work, trying to stay motivated to workout tonight :)
  • ToadstoolBetty
    ToadstoolBetty Posts: 292 Member
    edited September 2018

    We went to an Animal sanctuary today and here's two horses we saw today with moustaches. 🤣
  • 12774
    12774 Posts: 1,416 Member
    @BEASTFIELD314, how do I copy my happy place from my Iphone. I'm not too savvy with copying and pasteing. Just getting prepared for when its my turn.
  • 12774
    12774 Posts: 1,416 Member
    Daily post Sept 5
    Exercise...Yes ..Treadmill 30 mins,walking 40 mins
    Today's goal.. resume monitoring my daily weight on "Happy Scale" app
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