Please allow me to introduce myself...



  • minimyzeme
    minimyzeme Posts: 2,708 Member
    Welcome back @markryan18400700 ! Jump in; the water's fine!
  • Jerdtrmndone
    Jerdtrmndone Posts: 5,699 Member
    Welcome back Mark.
  • pixieparrot
    pixieparrot Posts: 1 Member
    hi, I was reeser8 on the old board. In 2007/2008, I lost 25 pounds on WW Online, with the help of GoaDies. I was one of the gal-guys on board. I was maintaining, even after my first and second children were born, but I ran into the big C and needed chemo, radiation, then surgery. The anti-nausea meds are so good now, people often gain weight on chemo and while in treatment. I think a lot of it is thinking f-this, I'm going to eat what tastes good, and part of it is eating to fight off fatigue. Anyway, I'm up 20 pounds from my 2008 low weight, and would love to get back into some clothes. I was fretting a bit when I discovered the WW site had closed own, but here you all are! Is there also a Facebook Group? Where is the link to that?
  • Stud47
    Stud47 Posts: 389 Member
    Hi guys im Adam from Canada
    Im 48 and 188 lbs i gained more than 35 lbs, last year i Lost 15 lbs and gained them back. But this time il back for Real.
    My Goal is 155 lbs

    See you guys
  • FatCrankyGoat
    FatCrankyGoat Posts: 35 Member
    51 y/o mountain hiker and outdoor adventurer; gained weight over past ten years and now my knees are feeling it - time to lose the weight and focus on fitness. Feel free to add me, looking for serious motivation... into intermittent fasting; Sworkit; long walks and ConceptII rowing; Starting a whole foods focused diet.
  • Philtex
    Philtex Posts: 926 Member
    Welcome FCG. Quiet on this board over the weekend but sign the roll call each morning and join in.
  • Al_Howard
    Al_Howard Posts: 8,029 Member
    Welcome aboard to our cast of crazies.
  • minimyzeme
    minimyzeme Posts: 2,708 Member
    Great to have you join us, @FatCrankyGoat ! Don't be bashful...
  • acoustikarl
    acoustikarl Posts: 19 Member
    Old time GoaDie here. Originally in the group on WW back in 2008/2009. I originally reached goal in April 2009. Then a couple months later I underwent a triple bypass, job loss, bankruptcy, etc and had to stop WW. It's been a long journey back to health for me. I restarted WW in April and got back to my goal weight about a month ago.

    I don't remember what my forum login name was. Either Karl Johnson or Acoustikarl. When I restarted WW I wondered what had happened to the old forum groups. I was digging through my old bookmarks today and came across one for the GoaD site and saw that this group was still kicking around on FB and MFP. I mostly use MapMyRun but these pages are all connected/related so I have access to them both.

    I'm not sure how active I will be here, but it is nice to know the group still exists. I really enjoyed it years back. I will try to check in regularly.
  • Philtex
    Philtex Posts: 926 Member
    Welcome back Acoustikarl! This Goad board is not as active as the old WW one was years ago but is still a good place to connect and discuss weight management. Look forward to your input.

    So you are a runner? It was a long hot summer with me mostly on the treadmill but the heat finally broke and I'm getting outside again. Feels good.
  • acoustikarl
    acoustikarl Posts: 19 Member
    Yes, I do run. Not as fast as I was but I try to get out a few times a week. Wildfire smoke interrupted it for a week but I'm back at it. I use MapMyRun and Zombies, Run! to track my runs.

    It is good to find this group again. It helped quite a bit last time.
  • Al_Howard
    Al_Howard Posts: 8,029 Member
    Welcome home Karl!
  • minimyzeme
    minimyzeme Posts: 2,708 Member
    Hey @acoustikarl , welcome back! Good job overcoming those many challenges and getting back to goal! Hope you join us in our now cozy little group.
  • goldenfrisbee
    goldenfrisbee Posts: 1,640 Member
    Good morning Karl. You were around before I joined up with GOAD. Welcome back and I hope you find encouragement and community here.
  • Jerdtrmndone
    Jerdtrmndone Posts: 5,699 Member
    Karl welcome back. Still a great place to be.
  • michael_atx
    michael_atx Posts: 44 Member
    edited November 2018
    Hi GOADies, it's been a long time. I was active on the WW GOAD board from 2007-2009ish (?). I lost 105 from 2007-2009, got down to goal, lost a good 15 pounds more (to the point that my now ex-wife told me I was "manorexic" -- looking at pictures from that time period, she wasn't wrong), then found that I could not maintain that weight, especially as feet and hip troubles made it impossible to run any longer and at the risk of souding cliché, I was treating it as a diet and not a lifestyle. Managed to maintain around 20 pounds above goal for another 3 years, then I had a number of life changes -- marriage started falling apart, family drama, my mom died, divorce, a couple of moves -- and I honestly just stopped caring about maintaining my weight and wanted all the Ben and Jerry's, pizza, and beer. I found myself last spring at 20 pounds above my original WW starting weight in 2007, on meds for high blood pressure, and having used a CPAP for three years due to sleep apnea.

    I've had horrible sinus problems for years, and ended up having surgery back in May. I also saw an allergist who confirmed that I had non-allergic (aka vasomotor) rhinitis, which means that many things either breathed in or eaten or drunk cause congestion and allergy-like symptoms. Alcohol was one of the things on the list, as was dairy. While I didn't become a teetotaler, I did start cutting back on alcohol intake quite a bit, especially beer (and especially hoppy beers), and then also cut way back on dairy, replacing it with soy. I also started on a new med that has an appetite suppressant side effect. It also seemed to have some effect on sugar cravings. Lo and behold, I had lost 15 pounds within a month by... doing nothing other than not eating mindlessly and not drinking much at all.

    But I realized that it was time to make a change, because I'm a couple of years shy of 50 and really need to not die at 70 like my mom. I need to lower my dosage of BP meds and lower the pressure on my CPAP (my ENT said I'd probably even have apnea at a normal BMI because of my throat anatomy). I need my feet and knees to stop hurting. I need to stop being a sweaty big dude. I don't care about getting to "normal" or a pre-set goal at this point. I just need to be healthier.

    I rejoined WW Online this past weekend and made a 6-month commitment (if I stop my membership before the end of the six months, they'll charge me $40). Let's see what happens.
  • Jerdtrmndone
    Jerdtrmndone Posts: 5,699 Member
    Welcome Michael. You will get great support here.
  • Jimb376mfp
    Jimb376mfp Posts: 6,232 Member
    Hi GOADies, it's been a long time. I was active on the WW GOAD board from 2007-2009ish (?). I lost 105 from 2007-2009, got down to goal, lost a good 15 pounds more (to the point that my now ex-wife told me I was "manorexic" -- looking at pictures from that time period, she wasn't wrong), then found that I could not maintain that weight, especially as feet and hip troubles made it impossible to run any longer and at the risk of souding cliché, I was treating it as a diet and not a lifestyle. Managed to maintain around 20 pounds above goal for another 3 years, then I had a number of life changes -- marriage started falling apart, family drama, my mom died, divorce, a couple of moves -- and I honestly just stopped caring about maintaining my weight and wanted all the Ben and Jerry's, pizza, and beer. I found myself last spring at 20 pounds above my original WW starting weight in 2007, on meds for high blood pressure, and having used a CPAP for three years due to sleep apnea.

    I've had horrible sinus problems for years, and ended up having surgery back in May. I also saw an allergist who confirmed that I had non-allergic (aka vasomotor) rhinitis, which means that many things either breathed in or eaten or drunk cause congestion and allergy-like symptoms. Alcohol was one of the things on the list, as was dairy. While I didn't become a teetotaler, I did start cutting back on alcohol intake quite a bit, especially beer (and especially hoppy beers), and then also cut way back on dairy, replacing it with soy. I also started on a new med that has an appetite suppressant side effect. It also seemed to have some effect on sugar cravings. Lo and behold, I had lost 15 pounds within a month by... doing nothing other than not eating mindlessly and not drinking much at all.

    But I realized that it was time to make a change, because I'm a couple of years shy of 50 and really need to not die at 70 like my mom. I need to lower my dosage of BP meds and lower the pressure on my CPAP (my ENT said I'd probably even have apnea at a normal BMI because of my throat anatomy). I need my feet and knees to stop hurting. I need to stop being a sweaty big dude. I don't care about getting to "normal" or a pre-set goal at this point. I just need to be healthier.

    I rejoined WW Online this past weekend and made a 6-month commitment (if I stop my membership before the end of the six months, they'll charge me $40). Let's see what happens.

    I have been on WW since 2013, Made Lifetime May 2018 at age 70.
    (376 to 180)

    Good to see an old GoaD come back.
  • countcurt
    countcurt Posts: 593 Member
    Hi GOADies, it's been a long time. I was active on the WW GOAD board from 2007-2009ish (?). I lost 105 from 2007-2009, got down to goal, lost a good 15 pounds more (to the point that my now ex-wife told me I was "manorexic" -- looking at pictures from that time period, she wasn't wrong), then found that I could not maintain that weight, especially as feet and hip troubles made it impossible to run any longer and at the risk of souding cliché, I was treating it as a diet and not a lifestyle. Managed to maintain around 20 pounds above goal for another 3 years, then I had a number of life changes -- marriage started falling apart, family drama, my mom died, divorce, a couple of moves -- and I honestly just stopped caring about maintaining my weight and wanted all the Ben and Jerry's, pizza, and beer. I found myself last spring at 20 pounds above my original WW starting weight in 2007, on meds for high blood pressure, and having used a CPAP for three years due to sleep apnea.

    I've had horrible sinus problems for years, and ended up having surgery back in May. I also saw an allergist who confirmed that I had non-allergic (aka vasomotor) rhinitis, which means that many things either breathed in or eaten or drunk cause congestion and allergy-like symptoms. Alcohol was one of the things on the list, as was dairy. While I didn't become a teetotaler, I did start cutting back on alcohol intake quite a bit, especially beer (and especially hoppy beers), and then also cut way back on dairy, replacing it with soy. I also started on a new med that has an appetite suppressant side effect. It also seemed to have some effect on sugar cravings. Lo and behold, I had lost 15 pounds within a month by... doing nothing other than not eating mindlessly and not drinking much at all.

    But I realized that it was time to make a change, because I'm a couple of years shy of 50 and really need to not die at 70 like my mom. I need to lower my dosage of BP meds and lower the pressure on my CPAP (my ENT said I'd probably even have apnea at a normal BMI because of my throat anatomy). I need my feet and knees to stop hurting. I need to stop being a sweaty big dude. I don't care about getting to "normal" or a pre-set goal at this point. I just need to be healthier.

    I rejoined WW Online this past weekend and made a 6-month commitment (if I stop my membership before the end of the six months, they'll charge me $40). Let's see what happens.


    Welcome back. Sounds like you've been on quite an adventure. I remember you from the original days of GOAD. There are a few of us oldtimers left here, but not many.
  • michael_atx
    michael_atx Posts: 44 Member
    Thanks for the welcome (back), guys!

    @countcurt yeah, it's been quite a ride. Hasn't been all bad, though.