Who is racing this weekend?



  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    This weekend is the Abbey Dash for me... my last race of the year and my husband's first ever 10k... I'm really hoping I'll beat him but I don't think I will!

    My husband beat me by four seconds in last year's turkey trot. I'm still not over it. And he still hasn't stopped crowing.

    this is the untrained for 10k... so i am quietly hopeful that i pass him at mile 5 when he hasn't paced himself and cant breathe.... :laugh:

    Keeping my fingers crossed for you. My husband doesn't do cardio. He prefers lifting heavy objects. But he had one goal and that was to beat me. He was hoping I would still be recovering from the half marathon I'd run three days previously. He admits if the race had been any longer I would have caught him.

    I've got a couple more races to do this year. Both are 5k. A turkey trot and a jingle bell run. Very festive.

    if thy're in fancy dress, we need pictures!!!!
  • BruinsGal_91
    BruinsGal_91 Posts: 1,400 Member
    This weekend is the Abbey Dash for me... my last race of the year and my husband's first ever 10k... I'm really hoping I'll beat him but I don't think I will!

    My husband beat me by four seconds in last year's turkey trot. I'm still not over it. And he still hasn't stopped crowing.

    this is the untrained for 10k... so i am quietly hopeful that i pass him at mile 5 when he hasn't paced himself and cant breathe.... :laugh:

    Keeping my fingers crossed for you. My husband doesn't do cardio. He prefers lifting heavy objects. But he had one goal and that was to beat me. He was hoping I would still be recovering from the half marathon I'd run three days previously. He admits if the race had been any longer I would have caught him.

    I've got a couple more races to do this year. Both are 5k. A turkey trot and a jingle bell run. Very festive.

    if thy're in fancy dress, we need pictures!!!!

    Not quite fancy dress, but I will be wearing this little number.

    Hope you have a great race this weekend. Give Leeds a high five from me.
  • dewd2
    dewd2 Posts: 2,445 Member
    Running Leg 2 on a male masters team at the Harrisburg Marathon on Sunday. If the planets align we should win our division (based on finishing times from the past couple years). Of course there's no guarantee that a faster team won't show up so I will be sacrificing a virgin pair of Nike's tomorrow to appease the running gods. :D
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    Running the Syracuse Half Marathon on Sunday.
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    Running the Monterey Bay Half tomorrow, if the air quality holds up. We're not that close to the Camp Fire, but we're getting some smoke from it.
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    apullum wrote: »
    Running the Monterey Bay Half tomorrow, if the air quality holds up. We're not that close to the Camp Fire, but we're getting some smoke from it.

    The race got cancelled due to poor air quality from the Camp Fire smoke. Very disappointing, especially since I feel sure that I would have PR'd it, but it was the safe call to make. They're still giving out the medals tomorrow morning, so I'll probably go pick mine up and then do another long run when conditions are better so I can at least feel like I earned it.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    I'm doing the Route 66 Marathon in Tulsa, OK this Sunday. I'm doing the Center of the Universe Detour, which makes it the World's Shortest Ultra-Marathon.
  • BruinsGal_91
    BruinsGal_91 Posts: 1,400 Member
    I've got a turkey trot on Saturday. I think they're expecting around 700 runners. Hopefully the snow which has been forecast starting tonight will have melted by then.
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    8K cross country on Sunday, Pete Glavin Upstate NY XC Series #5. I have a mild hamstring pull from the Syracuse Half, so I don't expect to do great on Sunday; but I have to be there for the final race of the series.
  • 99clmsntgr
    99clmsntgr Posts: 777 Member
    Just picked up my number for Thursday's Atlanta Thanksgiving Half Marathon. Final Leg of the Atlanta Track Club's Triple Peach series (Peachtree Road Race 10k, Atlanta 10 miler in October and the Half on Thanksgiving).

    Just like the 10 miler last month, hoping really for a pace that's as good or better than my normal lunchtime run paces. Finish is the main goal. Eat turkey later is the secondary goal.
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    I have a 10k turkey trot on Thursday morning, which will be my only race of this season since my half marathon got cancelled.

    The air quality here is much improved, though not excellent. It's been safe for running and should be safe Thursday morning. We're over 250 miles from the Camp Fire, but because the smoke is blowing toward the ocean, the entire Bay Area and central California coast has been in its path. It's supposed to rain buckets starting tomorrow, with what currently looks like a nice dry window during the race, so hopefully that will help get the fire under control--they're supposed to get a lot more rain than we are. I think we would all gladly run a wet race if it helps put the fire out.

    Plus, I just set a new 5 mile PR during my usual run this morning, so hopefully I can do the same on race day.

    No bling for this race, but we do get little pumpkin tarts.
  • dewd2
    dewd2 Posts: 2,445 Member
    10k Turkey Trot on Thursday (not racing, just running)

    Cocoa Bean 5K on Saturday. I'll most likely race that one to see if I can get an age group award.
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    10K Thanksgiving Day morning, 8th year in a row. This year I'm nursing a strained hamstring. Doc says to run easy and be prepared to walk if need be; so it may well be the slowest 10K race I've ever run. It's the final race in the Rochester Runner of the Year series, but finishing well doesn't matter because I've already clinched my age group for the series and there's no way I'd finish high enough to get any overall points at this on even if I were at peak fitness. Age group awards for the individual race are nominal and bragging rights, not worth messing myself up to get.
  • BruinsGal_91
    BruinsGal_91 Posts: 1,400 Member
    This weekend is the Abbey Dash for me... my last race of the year and my husband's first ever 10k... I'm really hoping I'll beat him but I don't think I will!

    My husband beat me by four seconds in last year's turkey trot. I'm still not over it. And he still hasn't stopped crowing.

    this is the untrained for 10k... so i am quietly hopeful that i pass him at mile 5 when he hasn't paced himself and cant breathe.... :laugh:

    Keeping my fingers crossed for you. My husband doesn't do cardio. He prefers lifting heavy objects. But he had one goal and that was to beat me. He was hoping I would still be recovering from the half marathon I'd run three days previously. He admits if the race had been any longer I would have caught him.

    I've got a couple more races to do this year. Both are 5k. A turkey trot and a jingle bell run. Very festive.

    if thy're in fancy dress, we need pictures!!!!

    @TavistockToad I've got my Holiday Hustle race coming up this weekend, and because I'm a good girl and follow the 'nothing new on race day' rule*, I decided to wear my ugly sweater running shirt at parkrun on Saturday just to make sure there's nothing on it that will drive me bonkers while running. And it's fab. My favourite part of the race is that everyone attaches bells to their shoelaces. It sounds as if there's a herd of cats all coming in for their dinners.

    * Well, apart from that time I wore brand new shoes. (Shhh don't tell anyone).

  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    This weekend is the Abbey Dash for me... my last race of the year and my husband's first ever 10k... I'm really hoping I'll beat him but I don't think I will!

    My husband beat me by four seconds in last year's turkey trot. I'm still not over it. And he still hasn't stopped crowing.

    this is the untrained for 10k... so i am quietly hopeful that i pass him at mile 5 when he hasn't paced himself and cant breathe.... :laugh:

    Keeping my fingers crossed for you. My husband doesn't do cardio. He prefers lifting heavy objects. But he had one goal and that was to beat me. He was hoping I would still be recovering from the half marathon I'd run three days previously. He admits if the race had been any longer I would have caught him.

    I've got a couple more races to do this year. Both are 5k. A turkey trot and a jingle bell run. Very festive.

    if thy're in fancy dress, we need pictures!!!!

    @TavistockToad I've got my Holiday Hustle race coming up this weekend, and because I'm a good girl and follow the 'nothing new on race day' rule*, I decided to wear my ugly sweater running shirt at parkrun on Saturday just to make sure there's nothing on it that will drive me bonkers while running. And it's fab. My favourite part of the race is that everyone attaches bells to their shoelaces. It sounds as if there's a herd of cats all coming in for their dinners.

    * Well, apart from that time I wore brand new shoes. (Shhh don't tell anyone).



    loving that your jumper matches your shoes as well!!! :laugh:
  • I'm running the San Antonio Rock N Roll Marathon this weekend....but only running the half this year. I'm still training for the full. Ran my first ever half a few weeks ago..... 1:58:03 @ 9:01
  • 99clmsntgr
    99clmsntgr Posts: 777 Member
    edited December 2018
    Last race of the calendar year coming up this weekend, Helen Holiday Half-Marathon (ish). Trail run in Helen, GA, with RunBum Race Tours. Projected race start is 40 degrees and raining. Can't wait!

    A challenging course, will be the same as last year. Hoping to not turn my ankle at mile four (still finished!) and match last year's time.
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    Freezeroo #1, the Don Curran Memorial 5K on Saturday. Forecast for Saturday is low of 36° F, high of 44° F, 60% chance of precipitation which would be rain at that temperature. So it probably won't live up the the Freezeroo moniker. Should be a low key race, which is good because I'm coming off injury and need to run it only as hard as my body will tolerate on Saturday.

    Freezeroo #2 will be at 10AM on New Year's Day; there's a better chance that one will live up to the series name.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I'm doing my first every park run tomorrow :laugh:
  • BruinsGal_91
    BruinsGal_91 Posts: 1,400 Member
    I'm doing my first every park run tomorrow :laugh:

    @TavistockToad Better late than never, but how did it go? I love my local parkrun. Actually it's the only parkrun in New England. If I want to try a different one I have to travel 270 miles to New Jersey.

    I should have run a 10k at the weekend but a snowstorm with freezing rain on race day put paid to that. Gotta love that Massachusetts weather.