Team WEIGHT NO MORE-December 2018 Team Chat



  • Shirin_K
    Shirin_K Posts: 258 Member
    sleepymom5 wrote: »
    @shirin_k I am losing my mind! I don’t know why I thought you volunteered to be in it. I blame the hour! It was late. Do you mind being in it as no one else is stepping up?

    @sleepymom5 I'm in! No problem, it was the extra push I needed. It will be great! :smile:
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Daily check in Monday
    Food-day 1 of cleanse
    Water-88 oz
    Exercise-30 minutes mall walk with Molly (fun)
    Yoga-day 3

    It was too dark when I got home from work. Molly surprised me and said she would do the mall walk with me. So fun! Usually we do 3 loops but last night we did 2 loops plus quick detours in and out of stores. Molly picked Skylynn’s name for stockings this year. She found rainbow unicorn poop bath bombs. Skylynn will love it. Lol
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    It’s Tipsy Tuesday Time

    What tips have you found that work for you?

    1) peppermint oil is fantastic for alleviating headaches. Put on temples and back of neck. Avoid eyes.
    2) food prep-I LOVE my mason jars. I sometimes place a paper towel on bottom then leave green onions whole standing up right. Lettuce works great too. Dramatically extends life of produce. I love seeing jars of cubed butternut squash, roast mushrooms, chopped red and yellow bell peppers, red cabbage diced and seeded pomegranates. Makes salad making a snap. I keep my radishes floating in water tails intact.
    3) I envy Molly that she jumps right out of bed. I need 30 minutes to wake up, check MFP, the weather, my horoscope etc. comparing this to exercise she said “I don’t make that’s a given!” I’m applying that to morning yoga.
    4) DONT use your car as a refrigerator to store roasted Brussels sprouts. At Thanksgiving our fridge was too full. I had the bright idea to store some of the dishes in my car. 2 weeks later my car still smelled like brussels and not in a good way. Molly took a small bowl of ground coffee and stored it in my back seat. I gave up coffee in October but adore the smell!
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @CassieGetsFit2013 I’m really proud of you for continuing to check in. I know it’s not easy for a shy girl to share her down days. We’re here with you. Keep posting.
    @Lyssysho26 sometimes simple is all we have. “This too will pass” is a saying that I love. Stay with us. Keep posting. Create a plan and stick to it. Make it a “given” and not a “decision”. You can do this!
    Great posts team! This is how we create a December to Remember!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,452 Member
    My Tipsy Tuesday Tip
    This is for the newer people but it is a small tip that helped me a lot.
    Always eat sitting down. Not only meals, all the time. You would be surprised how many times when you are eating something you shouldn't, you are standing.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,452 Member
    Daily check in for: Monday
    Logged: yes, under
    Water: 64 oz
    Exercise & Steps: Walked in place for 15 min and 10,025
    Day 2 in my string

    I rolled a 5-I will be walking Daisy at some point today. It is chilly but sunny in Philly today.

    The day got away from me yesterday but it was a good day. I should have just done a Leslie Sansone mile video for the 15 min. It probably would have given me more steps and it would have been more fun! I was just tired last night. Today I have the trainer. Hope everyone is having a great week!

    @Lenka1 You gave me a little light bulb moment...I get ahead of myself and worry how I am going to be able enjoy treats without going overboard. You have a good plan, focus on wt loss now and worry about that once the weigh is off. I am like you, I have to avoid my problem foods.
    @shirin_k My first screw up as Captain. Thanks for saving me!

    @ cyndiesstuff. Look at that string!! You are doing awesome!
    Love your tip!
    @mrsbell8well. What an awesome idea to mall walk. It is so festive now too! Skylynn is going to love her bath bomb! Lol! Your food pics always look so yummy! You made me lol with your tip number 4! However, I would have never thought of the smell. Great tips.

  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    edited December 2018

    What is The T.E.A.M. Pledge?

    The pledge allows you to make a very specific, short-term goal (also called a SMART goal). As you move throughout the day, you commit to being mindful of your large and small efforts to reach that goal. Every small step matters because it builds confidence and gets you closer to a fit, active, healthy body. So, every small step should be acknowledged and celebrated.





    When you sign a T.E.A.M pledge, you acknowledge that you may not be perfect in your path to weight loss, but your small steps in the right direction are important. And every small step should can be celebrated. Get support, share support, and reach your weight loss goals as a group.


    When to Use Your Weight Loss Contract

    You can use the weight loss contract at any time, but it is especially helpful on days when you know that sticking to your weight loss program will be especially challenging. For example, if you know that a coworker is bringing birthday cake to the office, you might sign a T.E.A.M pledge to enjoy a half serving and cut back calories at lunch. That way you can let the team support you throughout the day.

    Perhaps, you have been skipping your workouts and need to start over. You can sign a pledge to do a short workout to boost your confidence and get back on track. Or maybe you have been postponing the start of a new diet. Sign a T.E.A.M. Pledge to calculate your energy balance numbers so that you have a place to begin.

    Here’s how it works.

    1. Set a specific goal for the day. The goal should be simple, attainable, and measurable. These are examples, but you should make one that is meaningful for you.

    •I commit to taking a new exercise class this evening for one hour
    •I commit to eating fruit instead of baked goods when I’m craving sweets
    •I commit to completing three 10-minute walking sessions throughout the day
    •I commit to reaching within 100 calories of my daily weight loss calorie target
    •I commit to burning 300 extra calories today as measured by my Fitbit

    2. Post your goal on the Daily Diet Weight Loss Forum.

    3. Fill out a Daily Diet Tip T.E.A.M Pledge (optional) and post it in a place where you see it throughout the day.

    4. Post updates about your challenges or your successes and cheer on others who have also made a T.E.A.M. pledge

    It will look something like this:

    T.E.A.M. Pledge

    Today, every act matters. Every small step I take to reach my goal is a step towards a healthier body. My goal for today is to:

    These are the small steps I have taken to make the day successful:

    Let’s lose weight as a team. Sign your weight loss contract and post your commitment today.

    So mine would look like this for today:

    T.E.A.M. Pledge

    Today, every act matters. Every small step I take to reach my goal is a step towards a healthier body. My goal for today is to:

    I will drink to my water goal.

    These are the small steps I have taken to make the day successful:

    I have filled up my water bottles with the amount of water I need to drink today
    I have set an alarm on my phone to remind me to drink.
    I have infused some water with strawberry to make it a little tasty
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,452 Member
    Weigh in reminders

    Today's weigh-ins

    Wednesday's weigh in's

    Monday's weigh-ins still due
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,452 Member
    @Ashleigh1178 I am sorry, we must have been typing at the same time! I am glad you are back and focused!!
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    don't forget Team. we are now able to track your steps. every week when you weigh in, include your weekly step count and we will add it to the spreadsheet.

    not to be confused with:

    the 10 of us who volunteered for the step challenge. those of you go to the December step challenge thread and check in with your steps daily ( you can do it here weekly as well)
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,452 Member
    T.E.A.M. Pledge

    Today, every act matters. Every small step I take to reach my goal is a step towards a healthier body. My goal for today is to:

    I will exercise for at least 45 min and reach my 10k steps.

    These are the small steps I have taken to make the day successful:

    I will go to the trainer today(don't always get steps here)
    I will make sure I get at least 1,000K an hour today.
    I will do a walking tape if I notice I drop off in steps too far
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,452 Member
    Team Weigh No More Step Challenge participants-

    Here is the link to the December step challenge thread
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member

    @Lyssysho26 woooowhoo! and the scale goes down. byebye thanksgiving!
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    T.E.A.M. Pledge

    Today, every act matters. Every small step I take to reach my goal is a step towards a healthier body. My goal for today is to:

    Prepare for step 2 of cleanse. Days 3-6

    These are the small steps I have taken to make the day successful:

    Tonight I will plan my meals for days 3-6.
    I will write out my grocery list.
    I will plan my morning tomorrow to allow for a walk, yoga and grocery store before I go into work. (work at 12:45). This will be interesting since I also have to drop off Skylynn at school and snow is in the forecast. Which is exactly why I am committing to have a plan today.
This discussion has been closed.