Team WEIGHT NO MORE-December 2018 Team Chat



  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,471 Member
    @carlsoda That is awesome! Congrats on the loss and being so close to your goal!
    @Shirin_K Don't stress about no checking in. It isn't supposed to be stressful, it is supposed to be helpful. But def. check in if you need to. I need to Lol! Hope you are feeling better. I am so impressed with how much you have done for Christmas! Awesome team pledge too!
    @jedaschultz Belated Happy Birthday!! Nice loss! Great goals for the week! You are doing great!
    @amsandos The important thing is to get back on track. This is a tough time of year with all the celebrating. Try to have a plan for parties and for when things go off track. Don't beat yourself up, just dust yourself off and keep trying!!
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,118 Member
    @Navydaddjtc and @sleepymom5 my Fitbit is officially out of business. I did go on my computer and poked around and managed to find my steps for Friday and Saturday, yesterday is officially gone and I had some good ones. I had been working out. My page is only showing my calories. I cried when it broke, I was mad at my husband, lol. It's not even his fault. So Tuesday I should be unwrapping a new one and back to stepping. Good luck with the rest of challenge.
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member

    As everyone is aware, this challenge is made up of 5 teams. Each team is made up of 2 Captains and 2 Motivators and an average of 30 challengers. Each team has many personalities, some mild and some strong. Each team has a unique dynamic that sets it apart from the others. If you are unhappy with your team, or feel you would be better suited on another, please reach out to your Captain or a MOD.

    You are ALL always welcome to work to improve the team. If anyone ever feels uncomfortable with the team, we can always try new teams - there is an open door to this for anyone that would ever choose to move to a new thread.

  • Lyssysho26
    Lyssysho26 Posts: 35 Member
    Check in : Sunday
    Food logged : yes under
    Exercise : rest day

    Ugh this weekend was to much. I stayed up til 3 Almost 4 am one night then the next i stayed up till 5am. I was out with some girlfriends. I hated it! Not the spending time with friends but staying up late. My body didn't take it well. I was sleeping so much and a meal. I rather just have fun at a time that works for me and whomever i hangout with. Other then that I'm ok just still a little tired. I'm hanging in there.
  • steplaj
    steplaj Posts: 586 Member
    Beka3695 wrote: »

    As everyone is aware, this challenge is made up of 5 teams. Each team is made up of 2 Captains and 2 Motivators and an average of 30 challengers. Each team has many personalities, some mild and some strong. Each team has a unique dynamic that sets it apart from the others. If you are unhappy with your team, or feel you would be better suited on another, please reach out to your Captain or a MOD.

    You are ALL always welcome to work to improve the team. If anyone ever feels uncomfortable with the team, we can always try new teams - there is an open door to this for anyone that would ever choose to move to a new thread.


    I will just add - it's often about being a good fit for a team. Not all personalities match the collective of the group. If you feel you are not a good fit with your team, we welcome you to try changing teams before you get frustrated and leave the group. Sometimes the grass is greener on the other side of the fence...
  • code4food
    code4food Posts: 35 Member
    Username: code4food
    Weigh in week: Week 3
    Weigh in day: Monday
    PW: 172.1
    CW: 172.7
  • lenka1
    lenka1 Posts: 295 Member
    Good evening!

    I have been all over the place past couple of days. This weekend I was busy finishing some shopping for nieces and nephews, teachers, husband, decorating cookies, went to see awesome show last night and eat out.

    I managed to eat under calories (barely) but my excercise and steps were weak and I def snacked more of crappy food than I should have :(

    There’s 2 more weeks left in old year so hoping to finish strong and get back to good nutritious eating.

    Hope everyone is having a good week! Only a week til Christmas:)

    Planning on doing my 7-8 mile walk/jog tomorrow if my daughter goes to preschool. She may be getting sick again ugh :/

    Oh and here’s the pic of her cookies she picked all her colors :D
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,471 Member
    @kirsten11872. Sounds like you were sick. Sometimes you have to listen to your body and rest. Hope you are feeling better! I am with you! Let’s finish off 2018 kicking some butt!
    @cyndiesstuff. Sounds like a great day! Nice job not eating crap at the movies. That is hard to do!
    @ljdanny I feel the same way. I would be lost without my Fitbit. I am glad you are getting a new one for Christmas.
    @lyssysho26 It’s hard to go to sleep late one night but two nights in a row can really take a toll. Looks like taking a rest day Sunday helped.
    @gottagetthisdown. Nice loss!
    @mandi5512 Feel better!
    @code4food. That is around a 1/2 lb. That’s not bad, especially this time a year!
    @lenka1 You have been doing great. It is such a busy time of year. Love the cookies! You are so creative!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,471 Member
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,471 Member
    Can anyone jump into the step challenge?
  • twyla77
    twyla77 Posts: 445 Member
    Daily check in for: Monday Dec 17
    Logged: yes, over just a bit
    Water: more than usual!
    Steps: 13,490
    Gym: missed the gym this morning due to being a bit injured - i had a nasty spill saturday morning and can’t really move my’s feeling better tonight than was this morning which I’m happy about.
  • ihp2015
    ihp2015 Posts: 221 Member
    twyla77 wrote: »
    Daily check in for: Monday Dec 17
    Logged: yes, over just a bit
    Water: more than usual!
    Steps: 13,490
    Gym: missed the gym this morning due to being a bit injured - i had a nasty spill saturday morning and can’t really move my’s feeling better tonight than was this morning which I’m happy about.

    Twyla, you're a great stepper! Would you be willing to substitute for ljdanny on the step challenge until she gets her new Fitbit for Christmas?
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,471 Member
    Daily check in for: Monday
    Logged: Yes and under
    Water: 64 oz
    Exercise & Steps: 10,022 steps
    Day 3 on my string

    I was my lowest weight since May this morning! I am so excited that I had two events-my party and the brunch and play, and I didn't screw up my progress. This is new to me. My stomach isn't too good today so not going to the trainer, I would rather stay close to home :s
    I plan to exercise at the same time. Another challenge is coming up tomorrow through Friday. My husband wants to go to the shore for a few days. It depends if I get my wrapping done today. House is already clean. He loves to go out to eat, every meal so I need to be careful. I think I am going to go to the store when he turns the heat up. I am excited to do some shopping down there and see it all decorated. Well, if I want to go, I need to get going! Hope everyone has a great day!

    If anyone has a pedometer and can join us in the step challenge-we need you!

    @twyla77 I hope your arm is ok. If you could do the step challenge that would be awesome

    @Ashleigh1178 Awesome loss!! Great job!!
  • beckm2022
    beckm2022 Posts: 298 Member
    Week 2?
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Previous weight: 200.2
    Current weight: 202.6

    I’m just focusing on surviving the next 4 work days and then gonna get my head back in the game. :neutral:

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