

  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    thanks for setting me straight on the weight. I couldn't find my last weigh in on here so went with my records.
    I am trying to increase the water slowly - a cup more each day - I seem to spend most of my time running to the bathroom as it is. Got to give the body time to adjust to this change.
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    czvanut wrote: »
    I went so overboard yesterday. Was fine until the afternoon, but we started drinking and binge watching a show and... ugh.

    So I'm recovering. I have to go to a mentor teacher orientation this morning and do the menu planning and grocery shopping for the week.

    Maybe I should do burpees for pennance....

    How do y'all recover when you go overboard?

    Speaking from experience... tons and tons of water... and fruits/veggies. Get back on track as fast as possible.
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Busy busy day back at work. No time for a yoga class. I tried again to do yoga with Adrienne. I don’t know why - but I just can’t get into doing yoga st home. Though the why maybe in the two dogs and one kid on my yoga mat, one kid asking me dozens of questions about Zelda gaming, one dog barking off and on for no apparent reason, and my cell phone texts going off from some leftover work stuff!! I love Adrienne and don’t think the issue is in the presentation. Happily I have time for a yoga class Saturday and Sunday this weekend. Maybe next week I will put all the dogs and kids away and try yoga at home one more time before giving up entirely. The problem with this plan is it tends to get late before I can get them all settled and then I am tired! Lol, but I will try. Anyone with the same issue? I think the motivation is the me time, and lack of distractions, in a class setting. Plus I am not able to give up so easily with an audience. Hope you all are having a great beginning to the weekend. Power in team!

    I took yoga classes for years. Especially when first starting out there's no replacement for hands on guidance from an experienced teacher. Since moving I've tried to practice at home but there just isn't the same energy flow. I like Yoga with Adrienne but I just can't get the same vibe at home from her videos. If you enjoy the classes, stick with them. You will likely get more enjoyment from them. Good luck!!!
  • Navydaddjtc
    Navydaddjtc Posts: 4,166 Member
    edited January 2019

    hope002 wrote: »
    MFP Name: hope002
    Weigh In: Friday
    Starting weight: 213.8

    Username: zumba_luvah
    Weigh in day: Saturdays
    Starting weight: 198 (12-29-18)
    Current weight: 197.4 (1-5-19)
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    daily check in Friday
    Food-good choices
    water-I think I drink more than my perception. Going to start tracking.
    Steps over 10k
    yoga-day 4

    yesterday was a mixed bag. I woke up early cleaned out the fridge, started straitening out the kitchen, made a big pot of pasta sauce with garlic, mushrooms and onions, made zoodles and did my yoga. I made a detox smoothie for breakfast with fresh OJ, seaweed, wild blueberries, spirulina, cilantro and barley extract. For lunch I looked at my empty fridge. Chose the 3/4 cup of orca beans and heated those up. In the same little jar after they were heated, I added mom's salsa, green onion, slivered spinach about 3/4 cup, red and orange chopped peppers and 1/4 avocado cubed. I shook the jar and thoroughly enjoyed it. The problem was the portion size. An hour later I was hungry again. Had an organic pink lady apple, 2 dates and almonds. At 4:30 I had raw pea pods and oil free hummus. It wasn't much but it killed my appetite. I was so disappointed cuz I was really looking forward to my favorite dinner. I stopped at the store on my way home from work and picked up a few groceries including some brown rice vegetable vegan sushi. Got home at 7:30 and sadly was still not hungry even though I really wanted that pasta. So we ate the "sushi" instead. Very satisfying and tasty but again I was hungry at 9:30pm. We were in the middle of playing a very competitive game of Fairynopoly with Wifey, Skylynn (9yr old granddaughter) and my mom. Now it was too late to eat. I think I was mentally really wanting that pasta and it made me antsy. I ready Cyndies message @cyndiessstuff and decided not to eat. It was the right decision but it was a weird food/hungry day. I normally eat a lot more at meals but both lunch and dinner were a little too light.
    But that was yesterday. Today is a very exciting new day!
    Have a great weekend everyone and welcome newbies!!!
  • lenka1
    lenka1 Posts: 295 Member
    Jan 5

    Week 1:
    Pw: 149.4
    Cw: 149.0


    Another less than a half pound. Last week it made sense I didn’t track and ate chocolate.

    This week i don’t know but I think it’s bc I started new workout routine- 4day split - higher weights, lower reps and I have been absolutely damaged lol I haven’t felt this sore ever. My body needs to adjust I guess so I’m sure I’m holding water. I’m fine with it. I know I will start dropping soon.

    I also started 120oz a water a day for January so We will see.

    @Mrsbell8well I love planners too! I have a workout logging planner and regular one for other things (appointments, to do and mood :D ) and I draw in them, do stickers lol it makes me more organized and all the pretty drawings are also form of relaxation at night once my kid is asleep. (However past week I’ve been going to bed with her 😂)

    Here’s mine! It’s already colorful - still enough room to draw some if I need to :smile:

  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @lenka1 girl you are killing me! That planner is sooooo me!!! I LOVE that planner. Well dang...I took a snap shot. I will definitely look into that. After I find a spot in my budget. lol. Thanks for sharing. Just more to lust after.
  • lenka1
    lenka1 Posts: 295 Member
    @lenka1 girl you are killing me! That planner is sooooo me!!! I LOVE that planner. Well dang...I took a snap shot. I will definitely look into that. After I find a spot in my budget. lol. Thanks for sharing. Just more to lust after.

    It was very cheap! $7.94 free shipping off Amazon. It’s small but I like pocket ones bc I carry them in purses

  • CassieGetsFit2013
    CassieGetsFit2013 Posts: 584 Member
    @Mrsbell8well and @lenka1 I've really been needing a planner to, but I went on Amazon and being as indecisive as I am, I stressed and panicked cause there were SO many to choose from, lol. So, I still don't have one.
  • CassieGetsFit2013
    CassieGetsFit2013 Posts: 584 Member
    Oh yeah and good thing I see my Dr. On the 8th, my BP before seeing Psych was 135/121. I felt horrible! So it's always hard understanding, and concentrating on everything she is saying when my ears are hot and ringing and my head is being a pain! Lol.
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