Leslie Sansone January 2019 Walk Challenge



  • VeggieGirlforLife
    VeggieGirlforLife Posts: 777 Member
    @PinkyPan1 that is gorgeous! I bet you will have some firm muscles after working and playing in all that snow!
  • VeggieGirlforLife
    VeggieGirlforLife Posts: 777 Member
    4 Miles: Walk Your Way Thin: Punch Up Your Walk

    (First time doing this walk and I loved it! I didn't have any weighted gloves, so I did it without. I borrowed this title and just from a quick search online, it looks like it will be difficult to locate a copy at a decent price. If anyone knows where I can get one, please let me know!)

    60 out of 100 miles
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    @AnnofB, Thanks for the encouragement <3 ! And you are so determined to get those strength sessions in! So proud of you 💪

    @PinkyPan1, measuring shoveling snow by the miles is an amazing way to visualize how much work it truly is!
    That is a beautiful route that you have available to you! All that snow does look so beautiful and peaceful.

    @VeggieGirlforLife, you are getting doing awesome keeping pace with your goal mileage! Over 1/2 way there!

    @Deeder522, keep it up and you'll be sure to find more miles in there than you even realize! Walk strong!

    @knjstolt, aha! so that is your secret to your walk choices! Using Leslie's FB post is a great way to keep the motivation and the walk variety going on at the same time! Excellent! Thanks for sharing ;) . Also you're welcome <3

    @janna674, increasing your steps from 9500 to 12k each day is awesome!! All the work around the house and upping the lunchtime workout is paying off well!

    @Mazydasiy2001, splitting up your desired mileage during your day is an excellent way to increase your mileage withing your endurance ability at this time while also increasing your total burn for the day... win/ win!

    My January goal: to exercise 5 days a week.

    January 1: 35 minute neighborhood walk, brrrrr :o
    January 2: 4 miles: 4 Miracle Miles
    January 3: Tone Every Zone: Upper Body Circuit and Fast walk, 2 Mix & Match Walk Blasters
    January 4: 4 miles: 5 Day Slim Down, plus gazelle
    January 5: 3 miles: 5K with a Twist

    January 6: Rest Day
    January 7: 3 miles: Walk Your Belly Flat plus gazelle
    January 8: 2 miles: Belly Blasting Walk, 2 Mix & Match Walk Blasters (Trim Tummy & Flexibility)
    January 9: 60 minutes gazelle with higher intensity/ power surges during all commercials
    January 10: 60 minutes gazelle with higher intensity/ power surges during all commercials
    January 11: 3 miles: Slim & Sleek, 2 Mix Match Walk Blasters (Trim Tummy & Flexibility)
    January 12: 3 miles: Walk Slim 3 Fast Miles, 2 Mix & Match Walk Blasters (Dance & Flexibility)

    January 13: Rest Day
    January 14: 6 Mix & Match Walk Blasters (60 minutes)

    Walk Happy :)


  • JoyStoltenburg
    JoyStoltenburg Posts: 327 Member
    January goal 5 days a week to exercise and get to 195 lbs.
    1/1 1.5 miles with Leslie
    1/2 2 miles with weights
    1/3 2 multi-muscle fast miles
    1/4 2 multi-muscle fast miles
    1/7 2 mile burn body fat and 30 mins yard work
    1/8 2 12 min miles and grocery shopping
    1/9 3 burn and tone miles
    1/10 Nick's 15 min mile TWICE... 1 mile is not enough for me I need more
    1/11 2 multi-muscle fast miles
    1/12 5k with a twist

    1/13 Day of rest

    1/14 3 Strong mile with firm band in mile 2
    1/15 3 burn and tone 12th workout for 2019 3 more miles for 27.6 miles this year
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tW9IY48x1bc 1st mile today with Leslie
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBAjNQODSVo 2 mile with Nick
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqYetfdjKtY 3rd mile with Nadia
  • janna674
    janna674 Posts: 410 Member
    Thanks for everyone's words of encouragement! Everyone is doing a great job!
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    @PinkyPan1, I like how you can go "snow hiking"! Anyone who has been out in deeper snow knows the effort and work it takes to keep moving in the snow. You are certainly walking strong!

    @knjstolt, Thanks for sharing your workout. With 3 different leaders on the same day one would get excellent variety to challenge our routines.

    My January goal: to exercise 5 days a week.

    January 1: 35 minute neighborhood walk, brrrrr :o
    January 2: 4 miles: 4 Miracle Miles
    January 3: Tone Every Zone: Upper Body Circuit and Fast walk, 2 Mix & Match Walk Blasters
    January 4: 4 miles: 5 Day Slim Down, plus gazelle
    January 5: 3 miles: 5K with a Twist

    January 6: Rest Day
    January 7: 3 miles: Walk Your Belly Flat plus gazelle
    January 8: 2 miles: Belly Blasting Walk, 2 Mix & Match Walk Blasters (Trim Tummy & Flexibility)
    January 9: 60 minutes gazelle with higher intensity/ power surges during all commercials
    January 10: 60 minutes gazelle with higher intensity/ power surges during all commercials
    January 11: 3 miles: Slim & Sleek, 2 Mix Match Walk Blasters (Trim Tummy & Flexibility)
    January 12: 3 miles: Walk Slim 3 Fast Miles, 2 Mix & Match Walk Blasters (Dance & Flexibility)

    January 13: Rest Day
    January 14: 6 Mix & Match Walk Blasters (60 minutes)
    January 15: 2 miles: WAP Express series -Walk Strong, with Firm Band intervals.

    Walk Strong,


  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    edited January 2019
    Deeder522 wrote: »
    AnnofB wrote: »
    Deeder, a pal of mine likes to say, "When motivation fails, and it will from time to time, you have to fall back on discipline." It's hard to find discipline at times too! Do what you can when you can. Sometimes just continuing to go through the motions can actually rejuvenate your motivation. Just don't give up. Your health is worth every bit of the effort you put into it. Hang in there. ((Hug))

    Thanks, Ann. I blame no one but myself and I was completely active in the decision making and not do any Leslie walks. It was easier the 1st-week b/c work was still slow and not a lot of errands to run. Now things are picking up. Back to tricking myself into my tried and true exercise technique....sleeping in my working gear. :blush:
    Meanwhile today was a busy day and I'm over 2 miles tracked.

    I love "....sleeping in my workout gear. :blush: " Hey, whatever it takes to get marching with Leslie, again, that's what we've got to do. :smiley:
  • janna674
    janna674 Posts: 410 Member
    January 1st SW 184
    Current weight 181.4
    Miles walked 54.55
    Goal for January is 90 miles...maybe I should bump it to 100 lol
    I started MFP seriously this year on the 12/27 at 186 so in reality I am down 4.6 I could not be happier.

    I did a boosted mile today with the added ab workout...I lost my workout partner, the one I was forcing to work out with me lol...she was doing a weird juice diet and I think its messing with her ...today she was eating a bacon egg and cheese so I think she gave up for at least this week.
  • JaxxieKat
    JaxxieKat Posts: 427 Member
    Yesterday was a 3 mile advanced walk. Mile 2 was with my resistance band for upper body. I was feeling it today. Grateful that today's walk was a 15 minute mile lol.
  • VeggieGirlforLife
    VeggieGirlforLife Posts: 777 Member
    4 mile walk

    64 out of 100 miles
  • JoyStoltenburg
    JoyStoltenburg Posts: 327 Member
    January goal 5 days a week to exercise and get to 195 lbs.
    1/1 1.5 miles with Leslie
    1/2 2 miles with weights
    1/3 2 multi-muscle fast miles
    1/4 2 multi-muscle fast miles
    1/7 2 mile burn body fat and 30 mins yard work
    1/8 2 12 min miles and grocery shopping
    1/9 3 burn and tone miles
    1/10 Nick's 15 min mile TWICE... 1 mile is not enough for me I need more
    1/11 2 multi-muscle fast miles
    1/12 5k with a twist

    1/13 Day of rest

    1/14 3 Strong mile with firm band in mile 2
    1/15 3 burn and tone 12th workout for 2019 3 more miles for 27.6 miles this year
    1/16 2 miles first mile is 1 miracle mile! https://youtu.be/xY8q8ITVZQY
    And our second mile is a wake up and walk series workout! https://youtu.be/IRlqno285-E with firm band and weights
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    JaxxieKat wrote: »
    Yesterday was a 3 mile advanced walk. Mile 2 was with my resistance band for upper body. I was feeling it today. Grateful that today's walk was a 15 minute mile lol.

  • VeggieGirlforLife
    VeggieGirlforLife Posts: 777 Member
    4 Miles: Walk Your Way Thin: Punch Up Your Walk

    68 out of 100 miles
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    edited January 2019
    @knjstolt, nice walks today!

    @janna674, YaY for you being down 4.6! That is awesome and you deserve to be very happy about it! o:)

    @JaxxieKat, Great workout and using the resistance band :sweat_smile:.

    @VeggieGirlforLife, great walking and punching B)

    My January goal: to exercise 5 days a week.

    January 1: 35 minute neighborhood walk, brrrrr :o
    January 2: 4 miles: 4 Miracle Miles
    January 3: Tone Every Zone: Upper Body Circuit and Fast walk, 2 Mix & Match Walk Blasters
    January 4: 4 miles: 5 Day Slim Down, plus gazelle
    January 5: 3 miles: 5K with a Twist

    January 6: Rest Day
    January 7: 3 miles: Walk Your Belly Flat plus gazelle
    January 8: 2 miles: Belly Blasting Walk, 2 Mix & Match Walk Blasters (Trim Tummy & Flexibility)
    January 9: 60 minutes gazelle with higher intensity/ power surges during all commercials
    January 10: 60 minutes gazelle with higher intensity/ power surges during all commercials
    January 11: 3 miles: Slim & Sleek, 2 Mix Match Walk Blasters (Trim Tummy & Flexibility)
    January 12: 3 miles: Walk Slim 3 Fast Miles, 2 Mix & Match Walk Blasters (Dance & Flexibility)

    January 13: Rest Day
    January 14: 6 Mix & Match Walk Blasters (60 minutes)
    January 15: 2 miles: WAP Express series -Walk Strong, with Firm Band intervals.
    January 16: 3 miles: 5K with a Twist. today was such a dreary, drizzly, cold, wet day that I barely wanted to walk :s

    Sometimes we fake it till we actually find ourselves walking,

  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    I want to invite my walking buddies to check out this blog post: https://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/themedalist/view/forget-new-year-s-fitness-goals-try-monday-resolutions-with-us-instead-964140

    This blog, called "Forget New Year's fitness goals, try 'Monday resolutions' with us instead!" is written by themedalist and is currently trending in the "Popular Blog Posts" section on your home page.

    The "Building Healthy Habits" group that I belong to is partnering with "Move It Monday", one of the nonprofit initiatives mentioned in the CNN article in this blog post. Together they have developed a special 9 week challenge that starts on Monday, Jan 21st, and I am inviting you to check it out.

    For quite a while now "Move it Mondays" have become my special jump start for the week, especially if I'm in a "Monday" mood. And having a place in the Building Healthy Habits group to also post on Mondays has been both an additional motivator and a blessing for me.

    I especially like the quote in the CNN article cited in the blog that said: "New Year's only comes around once per year, but Mondays come every seven days. You basically get 52 chances a year to stay on track." I've not thought of Mondays like that before now, but it is true when I thought about it.

  • geniebear4
    geniebear4 Posts: 2 Member
    Is it too late to start?
  • JoyStoltenburg
    JoyStoltenburg Posts: 327 Member
    January goal 5 days a week to exercise and get to 195 lbs.
    1/1 1.5 miles with Leslie
    1/2 2 miles with weights
    1/3 2 multi-muscle fast miles
    1/4 2 multi-muscle fast miles
    1/7 2 mile burn body fat and 30 mins yard work
    1/8 2 12 min miles and grocery shopping
    1/9 3 burn and tone miles
    1/10 Nick's 15 min mile TWICE... 1 mile is not enough for me I need more
    1/11 2 multi-muscle fast miles
    1/12 5k with a twist

    1/13 Day of rest

    1/14 3 Strong mile with firm band in mile 2
    1/15 3 burn and tone 12th workout for 2019 3 more miles for 27.6 miles this year
    1/16 2 miles first mile is 1 miracle mile!
    1/17 THURSDAY! We are over the hump! This week is flying by! And YOU are WALKING your way to a healthier you! Let’s WALK STRONG today!
    Today’s Walk Assignment is a 3 mile walk! https://youtu.be/DYuw4f1c4xs
  • JoyStoltenburg
    JoyStoltenburg Posts: 327 Member
    @geniebear4 it is never to late to start getting healtier
    @texasgardnr thank you and good walk yesterday I love the 5K with a twist
  • JoyStoltenburg
    JoyStoltenburg Posts: 327 Member
    went from the 3 mile walk above to 60 mins of taping the floor and painting the baseboards and window trim.