TEAM: The Big Butt Theory (April)



    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Hi Everyone. I think this is my fourth month on the challenge and find it so useful for keeping heading in the right direction and appreciate Lisas leadership and support here. In 2017 I hit my highest ever weight. I'm heading into the April challenge with a starting weight of 171lbs (over 100lbs down) and determined to lose about 20 more before learning to maintain. I've also just seen a wedding dress I love and need 3cm off my measurements for it to fit! (it's second hand and not available in the UK or online otherwise) No idea what that equates to weight wise but I'm going to try!

    @lozenger1984, what a great fit into a wedding dress!! Do you have a date set?
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Kwinnero wrote: »
    My name's Krystal, I started my journey April 2016 and at 213lbs I was very self conscious and unhappy with how I felt about myself. Sooo, I finally decided to do something about it. I had heard allot about the keto diet and how easy it was to stay under calories (I had tried it all before so i thought.. Why not?) Over the next 2 years I took my time getting on the diet then off the diet, then on again and by the end of 2018 I was down to 185lbs. After that I took a turn for the better and started tracking my food religiously (MFP was my crutch and that was ok by me) but by doing that in conjunction with the keto lifestyle I finally found my groove and not only was I losing weight at an accelerated pace, I was also starting to change my mindset into that of a skinny person (even though I'm not sure ill ever really be "skinny" I'm ok with thinking like one 😊) But what I mean by thinking like a skinny person is I stopped allowing food to control me, I was in charge, no longer did I have to avoid the bakery because the smells were triggering, I would just hear a little voice say, "this doesn't have to be emotional, you're just picking up fresh rolls for your familys dinner, you're eating what you planned and wrote in your diary tonight and that's just the facts"(I wasn't sure who this person was but she's in your head somewhere, waiting on you to learn better habits so you're ready for her no-nonsense type of discipline)

    I would also recommend to anyone that they must find a team like TBBT and The UAC! They have really helped me because its so easy to forget your goals, forget yourself, forget why your doing all this, but this group is where you can "regroup" and put it all back into perspective, every day. Don't be afraid to post about your feelings on that day when you almost ate a whole watermelon by yourself!! And make sure to tell everyone about that triumphant moment when you stuck to your plan and ate your leftovers while everyone in your office ate the Chinese food your boss ordered out, and we're all dying to cheer you on because you lost .5 lbs this week. There's no better group to confide in about these things. Someone here is probably going thru the same thing you are and needs to know they're not alone. No one is here to judge you either and that's why we are...awesome!!

    So I'd like to extend a warm welcome to our new teammates:


    I can't wait to learn from you all and see what you can do!!

    @Kwinnero, so inspiring, Krystal!! We should all strive really hard to find our "matter of fact" voice, so we don't find ourselves listening to our "emotional" voice all the time!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Hello all! My name is Jess I am a 28 year old stay at home mom of 4. Ages 10, 8, 7, and 2. This is my 1st time being in this challenge. I have started my journey over countless times. I hit my highest weight at 323 during this past December. After having a colonoscopy recently the Dr told me i stopped breathing several times while i was sedated so i am going to be doing testing for sleep apnea here soon. This was my wake up call. I weighed in at 315 the other day so a bit down. This time around has to be life changing. I cant keep feeling like crap and going down this road.

    @freeingme25, welcome, Jess!! Yes, stopping breathing is definitely a wake up call. No taking this lightly anymore!! I hope we can help inspire you to stay the course!!
  • freeingme25
    freeingme25 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you!
  • swauters
    swauters Posts: 426 Member
    Hello all! My name is Jess I am a 28 year old stay at home mom of 4. Ages 10, 8, 7, and 2. This is my 1st time being in this challenge. I have started my journey over countless times. I hit my highest weight at 323 during this past December. After having a colonoscopy recently the Dr told me i stopped breathing several times while i was sedated so i am going to be doing testing for sleep apnea here soon. This was my wake up call. I weighed in at 315 the other day so a bit down. This time around has to be life changing. I cant keep feeling like crap and going down this road.

    I hear you. I have been on the fitness/ health/ weight loss journey since middle school. I am now 47 years old! At the end of December I had some blood tests done. My fasting blood sugar was high, my blood pressure was high, I have the start of chronic kidney disease, and some other numbers were just not great. Wake up call!
    I have lost 28 pounds since then with 26 more to go. We can do it!
  • freeingme25
    freeingme25 Posts: 6 Member
    @swauters congratulations on the 28!!! We do got this!!
  • crab5005
    crab5005 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi All. My name is Angie. North Idaho, 40, 3 kids (14,8,4). I have been on MFP on and off for years. My highest weight was 371(!) pounds and I have now been at 271 for the last 2 years. I joined this challenge to try to stay actively engaged and get the weight loss moving again. I struggle horribly with food. Can you say HOT MESS? Any ways, happy to be here.
  • lozenger1984
    lozenger1984 Posts: 166 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    Hi Everyone. I think this is my fourth month on the challenge and find it so useful for keeping heading in the right direction and appreciate Lisas leadership and support here. In 2017 I hit my highest ever weight. I'm heading into the April challenge with a starting weight of 171lbs (over 100lbs down) and determined to lose about 20 more before learning to maintain. I've also just seen a wedding dress I love and need 3cm off my measurements for it to fit! (it's second hand and not available in the UK or online otherwise) No idea what that equates to weight wise but I'm going to try!

    @lozenger1984, what a great fit into a wedding dress!! Do you have a date set?

    Unfortunately the place we want to get married hasn’t got a wedding licence yet. They’ve been working on it for a year so we’re just waiting for it to come through and we can get our date booked in. Can’t wait!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    crab5005 wrote: »
    Hi All. My name is Angie. North Idaho, 40, 3 kids (14,8,4). I have been on MFP on and off for years. My highest weight was 371(!) pounds and I have now been at 271 for the last 2 years. I joined this challenge to try to stay actively engaged and get the weight loss moving again. I struggle horribly with food. Can you say HOT MESS? Any ways, happy to be here.

    @crab5005, welcome, Angie! Congratulations on losing 100 pounds and maintaining for two years!! Don't sell yourself short...that is quite an accomplishment!!! So now it is time to work on the next block of weight that you want to be rid of forever, using the skills that you honed during the first 100 pound loss. You can do know you can!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    Hi Everyone. I think this is my fourth month on the challenge and find it so useful for keeping heading in the right direction and appreciate Lisas leadership and support here. In 2017 I hit my highest ever weight. I'm heading into the April challenge with a starting weight of 171lbs (over 100lbs down) and determined to lose about 20 more before learning to maintain. I've also just seen a wedding dress I love and need 3cm off my measurements for it to fit! (it's second hand and not available in the UK or online otherwise) No idea what that equates to weight wise but I'm going to try!

    @lozenger1984, what a great fit into a wedding dress!! Do you have a date set?

    Unfortunately the place we want to get married hasn’t got a wedding licence yet. They’ve been working on it for a year so we’re just waiting for it to come through and we can get our date booked in. Can’t wait!

    @lozenger1984, in the meantime, you can focus on your health, and of course, fitting into that dress!!
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,401 Member
    @bbmich23, first off welcome to our challenge, second sorry to hear about your accident! Congratulations on your 12 pounds lost so far, I’m also addicted to carbs. Sweets are my trigger food so each day is a struggle. I have good days and bad but the important thing is I jump right back on the horse.

    Your absolutely right this isn’t a diet, is a life change. One day at a time, one pound at a time. If I can do this YOU CAN.....
  • drea2011
    drea2011 Posts: 874 Member
    Exercised: yes P90X3: the warrior
    Tracked: yes
    Under: yes
  • drea2011
    drea2011 Posts: 874 Member
    @HASWLRS I made an error in my SW: It was 248.5
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