

  • rosetigger
    rosetigger Posts: 1,147 Member
    jugar wrote: »
    HELLO ALL! Team WaistAways challenges all of F2F for Week 2:

    come on and check it out!

    I'm in on this challenge. I hope I can do something every day. Today I cleaned up my receipts and caught up on my budget.
  • schlerin
    schlerin Posts: 801 Member
    7/4 = 4,443
    7/5 = 8,853
    7/6 = 8,629
  • rosetigger
    rosetigger Posts: 1,147 Member
    I have been feeling bloated and sick the last few days. Today I finally feel better. I'm not sure if it was the new vitamins i started taking or something else. Resting today. I hope everyone is enjoying thier weekend.
  • Grimmerdhore
    Grimmerdhore Posts: 66 Member
    Week 1
    Previous weight: 317.3
    Current weight: 317.3

    No weight loss this week, but I'm feeling better about my diet - no binges, cravings, or hunger.
  • AmiC0717
    AmiC0717 Posts: 440 Member
    Weigh in Friday
    PW 189.8
    CW 188.9
    SORRY I just realized i didn't post on Friday 7/5!
  • jenready
    jenready Posts: 2,658 Member
    7/6 2,494
    7/7 10,063
  • DreaRN15
    DreaRN15 Posts: 453 Member
    7/7 - 2277
  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    AmiC0717 wrote: »
    Weigh in Friday
    PW 189.8
    CW 188.9
    SORRY I just realized i didn't post on Friday 7/5!

    Ami, looks like you got dropped. Check with the moderators to see you can be reinstated, I'm perfectly fine with it.
  • SaraMakingChanges
    SaraMakingChanges Posts: 178 Member

    I am right there with you Sister!

    @jessicakrall8 thank you! Let's beat this together!
  • SaraMakingChanges
    SaraMakingChanges Posts: 178 Member
    DreaRN15 wrote: »

    Thank you for so transparent!! I can identify so much with this!! For so long I told myself that as long as I wasn't 300lbs it was ok. For a long time I believed it was....until the day I stepped on the scale and it read 296!! At 5'5" I looked like the Michelin man. That was the moment I decided that something absolutely had to change. Progress is slow and steady but I WILL get there!! I don't know how to quit. I have every confidence that you will too!

    @DreaRN15 Denial is a scary thing isn't it? I excused and avoided and outright lied to myself for decades! I'm so grateful to this group and MFP because this site and the comrades in battle I have found through it are what keep me from going back to accepting those old thought patterns. Thank you for your support. You are doing awesome and I have no doubt that you will reach your goal! Slow and Steady is the best way. Let's do this!
  • SaraMakingChanges
    SaraMakingChanges Posts: 178 Member
    kmfeig87 wrote: »
    Weirdly, for me it is both the fear of success and the fear of failure oddly intertwined. The problem with reaching a goal is the fear that I will backslide and thus the self sabotage of not getting there!

    @kmfeig87 YES!! I hadn't thought of it that way before - but this hits home 100%!

    #1 - Fear of getting to my goal and not being able to maintain (Example: I had a colleague say something nice to me about a month ago about how well I've maintained my weight loss and that conversation kept replaying in my mind whenever I was overeating - and I'm not sure why but it brought up bad feelings... and I can see now it was probably bcs I don't truly believe I can maintain)

    #2 - Fear of not knowing what to do once I'm at goal weight (Example: Will I be happy then? Will all my other "problems" go away? And the answer I feel is a big old F-No)

    #3 - Fear of what that new world (the world of someone who is not overweight, which I have not been in since about 1997) might bring my way. (Example: dating? Super big fear for me as I have been single for... lets just say a looooooooong time)

    Clearly I have a lot more mental-health work to do. And if I don't do it, chances are high that I will continue to struggle.

    Thank you so much for your support and wisdom Trina <3
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,191 Member
    AmiC0717 wrote: »
    Weigh in Friday
    PW 189.8
    CW 188.9
    SORRY I just realized i didn't post on Friday 7/5!

    Hi Ami:
    I have to put in a request to have you moved back to the chart...we'll git r done! :smile:
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,191 Member
    edited July 2019
    kmfeig87 wrote: »
    Weirdly, for me it is both the fear of success and the fear of failure oddly intertwined. The problem with reaching a goal is the fear that I will backslide and thus the self sabotage of not getting there!

    @kmfeig87 YES!! I hadn't thought of it that way before - but this hits home 100%!

    #1 - Fear of getting to my goal and not being able to maintain (Example: I had a colleague say something nice to me about a month ago about how well I've maintained my weight loss and that conversation kept replaying in my mind whenever I was overeating - and I'm not sure why but it brought up bad feelings... and I can see now it was probably bcs I don't truly believe I can maintain)

    #2 - Fear of not knowing what to do once I'm at goal weight (Example: Will I be happy then? Will all my other "problems" go away? And the answer I feel is a big old F-No)

    #3 - Fear of what that new world (the world of someone who is not overweight, which I have not been in since about 1997) might bring my way. (Example: dating? Super big fear for me as I have been single for... lets just say a looooooooong time)

    Clearly I have a lot more mental-health work to do. And if I don't do it, chances are high that I will continue to struggle.

    Thank you so much for your support and wisdom Trina <3

    Ooooh ya'll could preach a whole sermon on that topic...and you're both so's kinda like we're doomed if we do (because of those fears) and doomed if we don't (because of the weight/binging/overeating/gaining, etc)...Fear is so powerful. I went through a big bout of this as my sizes began to come down...I panicked about getting rid of my "fat clothes"...but I finally bit the bullet and did was quite cathartic for me I must say and weirdly there were tears involved. Now, I think my fear involves leaving the 300s and STAYING in the 200s...that's why I keep playing around with that same stupid ten pounds...

    I'm trying to approach it as an adventure...the excitement of seeing what I'll feel like, what I'll look like and what even less pain and pressure on my joints will change my life for the positive. It's only fat...LET IT GO is that I'm telling myself.

    My biggest problem is losing control when eating today on my way home, I decided that I won't eat my weakness foods until I hit 285. That's far enough into the 200s that if I stray a bit, I have wiggle room, but still gives me a bargain with myself as a small goal. I haven't seen that weight since my 2nd year of college in 1986! Yes, we all know that over 50% of this is a mental game and we have to do what works to motivate ourselves...what works for me may not work for anyone else. So this is my plan.

    I really like that we set goals of what we want to lose for July. I set a respectable number and I'm really hoping to hit that 8 pounds gone. I think I'm halfway at this point already!

    I wish we all lived a little closer...would be awesome to walk with ya'll or get together and share ideas/recipes/meal planning. But at least we have our group.

    Thanks for sharing help me get more concrete on that decision I made today and now that I've announced it, you will be able to keep me accountable! Ya'll are the best!
  • Kbrad2325
    Kbrad2325 Posts: 36 Member
    Week 2, Monday
    PW: 158
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,191 Member
    @AmiC0717 You've got mail! :smile:
  • rosetigger
    rosetigger Posts: 1,147 Member
    It was a nice day today so walking was easy. As I sit all day I shoot for 8k steps a day. I got that today. I didn't hardly move on the weekend. It was raining and I was busy all day Sat then tired all day Sun. I'm looking into making a commitment to a weekly exercise, besides my daily walks. I just have to find the right fit. It has to be low impact as I injure myself a lot these days. I'll keep you all posted.
  • kmfeig87
    kmfeig87 Posts: 1,990 Member
    7/6 15,654
    7/7 13,331
  • kmfeig87
    kmfeig87 Posts: 1,990 Member
    @jessicakrall8 @DreaRN15 @SaraMakingChanges Just wanted to say you've all got this! I spent so long just sitting feeling sorry for myself that I couldn't do it, couldn't lose weight. The first step, biggest step, and hardest step is to say "I CAN" and to start making changes day by day to get there. And to breathe through the fluctuations and missteps and set backs and just keep plugging away. And patience! Because it is a darn slow process while it's happening! Hugs to all the Trimstones! Thanks for all the support!
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