TEAM: The Slimsons (July)



  • gjaholy33
    gjaholy33 Posts: 2,626 Member
    Weekly weigh in Monday
    July week 3
    Username MagnificentPanda
    PW 155.75
    CW 156.5

    Don't give up this just a tiny wine set back
  • gjaholy33
    gjaholy33 Posts: 2,626 Member
    Daily Post Sunday

    Track yes
    Calories yes under
    Exercise no
    Water 190oz (frequent flyer)
    Finally free of my chest pain but now other issues but it's okay I'm not letting anything defeat my journey.

    Daily Post Monday

    Track yes
    Calories yes under
    Exercise no
    Water 174oz
    Missed my appointments today cause my aide came late but tomorrow I'll be make up for my PT appointment
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    edited July 2019
    I saw this quote and it's really true! Be determined to succeed and you will!

  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Daily Post (Monday)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes
    Exercise: Yes, 45 mins yard work, 45 mins walking, 69 mins weight training--Pull + Snatch and Shrug + Pull + Clean + Power Jerk, Front Squat with 2s pause at the bottom, Weighted planks 50 seconds with 45 lb weight.

    Comments: Good day, great lifts today, really happy overall with today.
  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 3,819 Member
    Daily Post Sunday
    Track yes
    Calories yes under
    Exercise hiking
    Water 104oz
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    edited July 2019
    AB0215 wrote: »
    July Week 2
    PW: 138.0 lbs
    CW: 140.6 lbs

    So I don't really want to talk about this except I do. Wednesday I weighed 135.6, and Thursday was hungry so I ate, Friday same thing, the thing is I have been experimenting with different foods this week and how they affect me, the downside is well the scale is responding, although telling me what I needed to know. It's not mathematically possible for me to have gained 5 lbs of fat in 48 hours based on the amount of food I actually ate, it's that my body is responding negatively and holding water to the foods I ate which is of course, showing up in the form of extra numbers on the scale I don't want to see. So the bottom line is that I learned what I needed to know by eliminating certain foods from my diet more than a month ago and then trying to reintroduce them and saw a negative impact both on the scale and on how I felt, which is exactly what I needed to know and of course, I have to live with these choices this week, but that's all it is, water weight and inflammation and next week I can get back to normal.

    If you don’t mind me asking? I deal with the same issue at times..

    What foods did you eliminate and saw a negative impact after reintroducing back?

    @Fitness327wk So I have been thinking a lot about your question and I'm a bit leery of sharing considering what I've done is a bit (a lot) extreme and I'm not sure that I can exactly recommend doing what I'm at this point, but if you look at it from that point of view, then it okay.
    Beginning of June I went on an elimination diet or the carnivore diet where I was only eating beef and eggs and did that for 30 days. Before I went on the diet, I was having some extreme swings in body weight and strength issues, where some days I felt really strong and other days I just didn't.
    Some points worth noting are that this IS an extreme. I only did this as a means to figure out what may have been causing my issues, I had every intention of reintroducing back ketogenic veggies like lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, etc.

    What I found is I actually feel better, look better and perform better on this diet. What's interesting is that there seems to be some evidence that based on your heritage, you may do better on a diet like this, and I fall into that category based on where my father's side of the family is from. What I really didn't expect was to see so many extreme results. And what really really surprised me (and this may be a bit of TMI for some of the audience, so...sorry in advance) was to have my FIRST PMS symptom free TOM. I literally had no symptoms, bloating, cramps, headaches, none of it. And I suffered A LOT prior to eating a ketogenic diet, so extreme there, some days couldn't even get out of bed, but on Keto I felt a lot better, had very few days where I couldn't get out of bed, fewer headaches, and a lot less bloating, but on Carnivore, I had ZERO of those symptoms, and I didn't even realize it until day 4 of my period, didn't miss those symptoms lol. I swear that if that's a trend that continues, I will probably not eat carbs again, because I have never felt so free!

    But the thing is, I was really interested in the diet from an elimination diet standpoint because I wanted to eventually start reintroducing back in low carb veggies to see if that was what was causing it or something else. So I ate broccoli on Thursday and the reaction was huge. Instantly bloated, Friday I had NO strength for my weightlifting and on Saturday I was still up 5 lbs. The reaction was severe, and I've decided to go back to Carnivore.

    I would like to mention again, I am by no means suggesting everyone go Carnivore...that's an extreme and a decision that actually took me several months to come to. But ultimately, may be the way I eat from now on, not 100% sure what I'm going to do in the future and on a side note, I know what a lot of people will say about the diet itself, not being healthy and all, but it really is. It's all grass fed, grass finished, sustainably raised meat I eat from a local farmer (and family friend--I can actually meet my cow--not that I think I could do that and still eat it, just saying), and I've had my blood work done to make sure I'm good, and I've never been healthier! Going to keep heading in this direction as I am really seeing a loooot of benefits out of it, and one last time I will mention I don't necessarily recommend doing what I'm doing, it is an extreme and I am doing it for my own health.
  • CindyJNC1963
    CindyJNC1963 Posts: 895 Member
    Daily Post: July 15th

    Track: Yes
    Calories under goal: Yes
    Exercise: 11,500 steps

    It felt good to get back to walking today. Unfortunately I need to drive out of town for a meeting tomorrow so I probably won't get my steps in tomorrow.
  • jeapri17
    jeapri17 Posts: 63 Member
    Daily Post: July 15, Monday

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes
    Exercise: Yes. Leg exercises 10 min, stretching 10
  • jeapri17
    jeapri17 Posts: 63 Member
    Weekly weigh in Monday
    July week 3
    Username jeapri17
    PW 167
    CW 168
  • mylosinggametowin
    mylosinggametowin Posts: 53 Member
    Happy Monday everyone!!!

    Week: July Week 3
    PW =243.8lbs

    Daily Post (Monday, July 15)

    Track: Yes✅
    Calories: Yes✅
    Exercise: Yes✅ quick walk around the block this morning at 6:18AM for 2.20 miles for 34:13 minutes.
    Goals/Day/Comments: I’m ever so close to getting out the door by 6:15!!! Tomorrow is a new day and new challenge!
  • Kin59vara
    Kin59vara Posts: 608 Member
    Daily Post: July 16
    Calories: close under
    Water: 12 cups
    Exercise: Daily Burn and 21058 steps

    Goals July goals
    1) Track: track as soon as a meal over :/ but I did track everything I ate did well with tracking breakfast and dinner
    2) Steps at least 100,000 steps a week :/ ( 95360week total )
    3)Strength at least once a day <3
    4) Diet one salad, one fruit: <3
  • dracocapricorn
    dracocapricorn Posts: 106 Member
    sreid92 wrote: »
    Sorry folks, had a bad weekend and binged!

    July week 3
    Pw 222

    But I’m back on track today and ready to kick butt this week!

    You can make it!
    OkieGina wrote: »
    Weekly Weigh-in for Monday:
    Username: OkieGina
    Week: July Week 3
    PW: 203.4
    CW: 202.8

    There's a part of my annoyed by that number. Saturday morning I was at 201! But my 6 year old daughter made (and decorated) a cake for us. So I had cake this weekend. And I don't regret it. And yes, I realize i could have said no. But (1) my 6 year old made it! and (2) I want to raise my kids with good eating habit - not seeing their mother on a diet, or learning to consider certain foods bad or off-limits - but learning to have treats in moderation.

    And considering that I did have cake this weekend and I only managed to get 2 gym-sessions in last week, I am happy with a loss, even though 199.9 would have been awesome to see!

    It's fine that you still have the loss and you have enjoyed the cake too!

    July: Week #3

    Original starting weight: 273

    PW: 193.3
    CW: 191.2

    I was able to get down to 190.2 this week which was really exciting, but I was up a pound this morning. Maybe because I wasn't able to exercise over the weekend. I am still VERY ok with this loss.

    That's very nice tho!
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    @Kin59vara Great day!! Way to stay under and great step count!!

    @13point1runnermomma Nice loss! And great day!!

    @jeapri17 Hang in there, some weeks are like that, it's part of the process. And great day on Monday!

    @CindyJNC1963 Awesome loss! You're doing a great job! And great day on Monday.

    @digger61 Great day!! Way to stay under and nice hike!

    @gjaholy33 So happy that you're free of your chest pain, and you're doing great.

    @Gadgetgirl259 Awesome loss! Woot woot!

    @lsjhudson It's important to realize that there will be ups and downs, but not giving away your power is important! Great job! Awesome loss this week!!

    @OkieGina Great loss. And I know that feeling all too well, you have a great week, saw a lower number on the scale another day, and here's comes weigh in day, yet it's higher...been there! It's important to look at the trend and less about the daily fluctuations, the fact that you are seeing lower numbers throughout the week is a great sign overall!

    @sreid92 Hang in there, some weeks are like that, you got this!

    @Fitness327wk Another great day!!!

    @Magnificentpanda Hang in there, that's only a small increase and part of the process, you got this!

    @o0kody0o Great job this week!!

  • OkieGina
    OkieGina Posts: 126 Member
    Daily check in for Monday

    Track: yes
    Calories: yes, under
    Water: yes 100+ oz
    Exercise: yes, 30 minute HIIT session with my trainer

    Swamped at work today, so I don't have much time. Just wanted to check in, say hi, and mention that there were some great updates yesterday and this morning - great job everyone!
  • galeroke
    galeroke Posts: 41 Member
    Not sure if Ive missed my weigh in but I was away at the weekend for my birthday and didn't get to the scales until today.

    Username: galeroke
    Weigh in week: July Week 3
    Weigh in day: Normally a Sunday
    Previous Week's weight: 259.8
    Todays Weight: 258.2

  • lsjhudson
    lsjhudson Posts: 181 Member
    💥Daily Post: Tuesday, 16th July 💥

    ✅Track: yes
    ✅Calories: under
    ✅Exercise: lots of walking with mum and the kids

    Comments: omg can we talk about saboteurs? My mother is the worst offender...went to see her thinking her and the kids would have some fish and chips on the beach or something (I already had an excuse planned that I had dinner at home waiting for me...otherwise I would be met with biscuits and donuts and all sorts of things I find hard to resist)...Guys, she flat out dragged us to a restaurant and I had to sit there while she ordered food and they ate around me, she ordered chicken stripes and full rack of ribs and bread yadda yadda and kept asking me if I wanted any. I love her, but it's like she can't cope with me doing something healthy and positive for myself. It's not all her my family food has always equalled love. That's a very hard thing to step away from.

    But it was a very frustrating evening and no wonder I struggle now as a grown up around food. I reeeeeeally don't want my kids to grow up the same. I really need to be better for them...
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    So... I haven't been tracking 100%, but I have been getting back on track. I have been struggling the past few weeks, but I feel like that may have finally passed. I had gained 10 lbs since last month, and it's been an internal battle every hour, to get my eating urges under control.
    But I think we're good now. And the scale is reflecting that, so I'm happy. Not sure how many people are single on here, but the dating life can do all sorts of damage to your weight!!

    Hopefully my weigh in this week will reflect that. I have been tracking everything but dinner, because I have no idea what or how to log it. I am kinda winging it and guessing. So far it's been good guessing though!
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    tinak33 wrote: »
    So... I haven't been tracking 100%, but I have been getting back on track. I have been struggling the past few weeks, but I feel like that may have finally passed. I had gained 10 lbs since last month, and it's been an internal battle every hour, to get my eating urges under control.
    But I think we're good now. And the scale is reflecting that, so I'm happy. Not sure how many people are single on here, but the dating life can do all sorts of damage to your weight!!

    Hopefully my weigh in this week will reflect that. I have been tracking everything but dinner, because I have no idea what or how to log it. I am kinda winging it and guessing. So far it's been good guessing though!

    @tinak33 The married makes it REALLY hard to give a damn if you're fat, just saying. I got a looooot fatter when I got married!
  • o0kody0o
    o0kody0o Posts: 642 Member
    🌟 Daily Post: Tuesday, 16 July

    ☹️Track: No
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: Walking and a lot of housework this morning
    💭Comments: This is the first time I haven’t tracked what I’ve eaten. I’ve had such a long day and night with my son who is teething. It’s almost midnight here and I’m just home from a drive. I decided to take my son for a drive to see if it would help him sleep and he was out like a light by the time we got home. Back on track tomorrow team - hope you are all well 😊
  • mylosinggametowin
    mylosinggametowin Posts: 53 Member
    tinak33 wrote: »
    So... I haven't been tracking 100%, but I have been getting back on track. I have been struggling the past few weeks, but I feel like that may have finally passed. I had gained 10 lbs since last month, and it's been an internal battle every hour, to get my eating urges under control.
    But I think we're good now. And the scale is reflecting that, so I'm happy. Not sure how many people are single on here, but the dating life can do all sorts of damage to your weight!!

    Hopefully my weigh in this week will reflect that. I have been tracking everything but dinner, because I have no idea what or how to log it. I am kinda winging it and guessing. So far it's been good guessing though!

    @tinak33 I gained so much weight after I got married and understand the falling of the wagon. It happens to everyone but you’ve got this and I know you’ll be successful!!!
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