

  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    We have a couple of team members who live in Michigan @tryingagain5! Congratulations on your 40 pound loss... that's fantastic!! We are a very supportive team. Welcome aboard!!
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    We have a couple of team members who live in Michigan @tryingagain5! Congratulations on your 40 pound loss... that's fantastic!! We are a very supportive team. Welcome aboard!!

    Thank you Nancy!

    I've been a member for a while but haven't really used it much. For the last few months I've been kind of "lurking" on the community area and did one of the September challenges and am also doing the "your goal by Halloween challenge"

    I saw this one pop up and thought I'd jump in. Hopefully I'll get everything straight.😊 There was a lot of information to digest.😊 I"ll probably be asking a lot of questions of everyone.

    Congrats on your weight loss also! Sometimes slow loss is better, although frustrating. We all just need to keep going, one day at a time.
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Daily check in for Saturday

    Food - Logged & on target (ate back a big chunk of exercise calories)
    Water - 2 l
    Exercise - 30 min stationary bike, 25 min cross training, 45 min walking

    Our neighbors & good friends joined us for our date night out at an Italian restaurant. Let’s just say that it is difficult going out for dinner with three slim foodies with big appetites! These friends are not manipulative food pushers, but they are foodies, so they order lots of plates & rave about the deliciousness. But I kept to plan other than an extra glass of wine and a few spoons of dessert. I enjoyed the food that I selected, and had fun (and a break from the kids).

    Pam did the congratulations for last month, but wanted to mention that as a team, we lost 28.8 lbs last month! I have said it before, but I think that regardless of losses or not, we are all winning being on this healthy journey!

    @nstephenson01 - Omg, snow! I remember September snow when I lived in Edmonton for university. That’s tough and hope that you did ok shoveling. Love your October goals and I did not realize that you are so close to your overall goal! This is your month!!

    @sleepymom5 - Oh no, McDonald’s! You are right, today is a new day and time to start fresh!

    @carlsoda - Good luck with packing and check in when you can!

    @Barbb1557 - Fantastic NSV at the Apple Festival!

    @Mrsbell8well - Thanks for everything and we will miss you! Good luck with your next phase!

    @KatAdele - Welcome once again! I am going to look up that Lift like a Girl program!!
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    @KatAdele - Welcome to the team and we are so glad that you joined! I just sent you a friend request, so you will see it in your messages and just have to accept it. To make a friend request, you can click on their photo/icon, that takes you to a box, then click on their name & you will see an add friend icon on the bottom right.

    @lennoncpa - 64 is not at all old, but I really thought you were much younger. It must be the dancing!!
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member

    @sleepymom5 came up with this great idea!

    Let us know what your top 1, 2 or 3 struggles/issues are on this journey. We will pick the ones most listed and discuss them here throughout this month, posting ideas, resources and advice. You don’t have to participate, but we have so much knowledge and experience on this team. There is strength in numbers (and wisdom in the the crowd)!

    This can be a difficult time of year. Maybe you are feeling like you did not hit your 2019 goals (that includes me)? Maybe you are concerned about upcoming life events or the holidays fast approaching? Maybe you just want to put things off to the New Year? It is a good time to talk about what is challenging us so that we can support each other and maybe get a new perspective.

    We have 3 months left in 2019 and let’s make the most of it!!

    My top struggles?
    When the going gets tough, I give up! I hit an extended plateau, I hit a stressful time, and then I veer far off course and stop taking care of myself. I need to learn how not to let a rough patch turn into a huge setback in my journey. I don’t understand it fully because I am so persistent in so many aspects of my life, but not when it comes to weight loss & my health.

    Related to above, my other top struggle is making myself a priority, consistently and without guilt or worry.

  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    edited September 2019
    @tryingagain5 - That message above is for you, I sent you a friend request! Welcome to the team!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,455 Member
    edited September 2019
    Ok...back at the shore :D I am actually glad this is the last week of this running back and forth. I am getting tired of it. Tomorrow I plan to clean and prepare for winter the outside and the first floor. My son in law brought up the paddle board and kayak already. I also am going to hopefully bring home most of the clothes I have here that I can wear in fall and spring. If I get that all done before I go home Tuesday I will be doing good.

    Tomorrow I will check in with my goals and my struggles. I really think many of us have the same or similar struggles so looking a little further into each of them will benefit us all. :)

    Have a good night everyone!

    @nstephenson01 What?! Snow?! :o I can't believe it! You must get snow for most of the year! Hopefully the storm isn't too bad and you can get out and about soon. Thank you for all you do too Nancy! You are such an important member of our team with the support and encouragement you provide! Prayers to your husband for a safe journey to SD! With this job at least you both get to see a lot of the country!
    @tryingagain5 Welcome Linda! I also sent you a friend request. It is awesome that you have already lost 40lbs! This is probably the perfect time to join the team, sometimes you need to change things up a bit after you have been doing well for so long. I think you will be such a good fit for our team. I hope you jump right in and start checking in with us daily.
    @Cafelelia Your date night is something I would have struggled with especially with Italian food. I love that you pretty much stuck to your plan and had fun with your friends. That is what I am striving for! Great job. Thank you also for writing up what's your struggle as you know one of my struggles is writing lol! Did you draw that too?
    @lennoncpa I keep forgetting that you had your hips replaced! It must be because you are so active! I just saw your post from Sunday morning in the September thread, did you ever try the overnight oatmeal? There are so many yummy recipes and people say it is simple to make. That may be an idea if the slow cooker doesn't work out.
    @amsandos . I just saw your post on the September thread. I can't imagine why you feel asleep yesterday...couldn't have been that 10K trail run and bike half marathon could it?! Lol! I am even tired from writing that. Seriously though, I wonder if your eating was "all over the place" because you need to plan to eat more on days that you are doing that type of work out. Sounds like you had a successful weekend for the most part. I do like that you are in the habit of journaling everything. It is important to really think about what we are doing and journaling helps us do that.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,455 Member
    Sunday's Weigh Ins still due
    Monday's Weigh Ins
    Tuesday's Weigh Ins
  • KatAdele
    KatAdele Posts: 290 Member
    Today was not my best eating wise but it is my birthday so... Anyway, I knew lunch and dinner would be higher calorie so i skipped breakfast and worked out this morning. Tomorrow I will be back at it.

    My October goals:
    Log my meals, even if I’m over on calories
    Keep up with my exercise schedule and add distance on my runs
    Find and practice three alternate ways of dealing with stress besides eating
    Limit sweet treats to 4x a week, then 3x a week

    As far as struggles, for me it’s really afternoons and evenings when i feel like i have no time and so much to do that I tend to overeat. I crave the ‘high’ from a big sugar hit. I know it’s easier to avoid the craving when I limit sweets so maybe I need to try to focus on that.
  • amsandos
    amsandos Posts: 273 Member
    User ID: amsandos
    Week Number: Week 1
    Previous weight: 145
    Current weight: 142

    Lst night I listened to the PnP podcast and it talked about fat girl thinking. My challenge for this week - this month is to become aware of my fat girl thinking and to deprogram myself. So cultivating my fit girl thinking. I will do this by jounralling morning and night.

    I am happy with my loss I am keen to let one good day follow another and when I have a bad day let the good day follow it.

    I hope to be 5lbs lighter at least by the end of October.
  • amsandos
    amsandos Posts: 273 Member
    That should say my goal is to be 5lbs lighter by the end of October by maintaining the actions from last week.
    No unplanned sugar
    eat to + 2
    plan eat evaluate
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,455 Member
    edited September 2019
    Daily check in for Sunday
    Food - Good day, ate junk at night.
    Water - 64oz
    Exercise -None

    I don't know why I ate junk. I feel like if I don't eat a lot during the day, I some how feel deprived and make up for it at night. I ate some cereal and peanut butter. Ugh!
    Onward, busy day cleaning and packing. Hopefully a ton of steps. I was going to ride my bike but it is windy. I may just try it to the store and back. If that goes well I will go for a ride. If I struggle too much I will do something else. Want to get exercise in early and get to the store before I get too involved here. I want to have healthy options here. I already started the laundry and soaking the life vests. I have a bad sense of smell so I am always afraid things smell. I had my daughter sniff all the life vests before she left this weekend. She said they smelled so I am cleaning them and hanging them out. Hopefully that helps. If not, then I will get new ones next year. I am soaking in oxyclean and laundry detergent so I am hoping that will do it. Cleaning the garbage cans too. It is going to be a fun day! Lol! I have to say, at least now in my head I have accepted summer is over. I do love it down here but I am ready to be home.

    @nstephenson01 I was so hoping I would see a post from you this am. I woke up with an alert that there is a state of emergency in Montana as there were several feet of snow dumped in the Northern Rockies. Is that you? I swear one day I am making a map and putting a little dot with where everyone is in the world so I can properly worry! Lol! I also don't know why I got an alert, not much I can do from South Jersey. I hope you and your doggies are safe and warm.
    @amytriesww Awesome loss! I am going to have to let you in on a secret, I don't know when it is decided that we move to a new thread. Sometimes we have a few days left and we move, sometimes we go into the next month before we move. I think it just depends where the end of the month falls. So with that long winded non explanation, you posted in the right spot! You have been doing so well and I really admire your consistency with your busy life. You really are inspiring!
    @KatAdele HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I think you did great, you knew that you would be celebrating so you balanced it out with your calories during the day and exercise. Now back at it today! Great October goals! I especially like that you aren't cutting sweet treats out all together and it appears like you are slowly dialing them back. I think that is better in the long run.
    @amsandos Awesome loss!! I agree with your thinking. Sometimes bad days happen, don't beat yourself up just get back on track. Not too long ago you weren't on track and weren't very happy with your progress. Look how you turned that around! What a great feeling! Btw, I think we are on the same podcast. Lol! I need to work on that too. Great October goals! You are going to have an awesome October my friend!
    @Barbb1557 I almost forgot to respond to you! I actually came back to write down what you had said-progress not perfection. I like that. I hope you are feeling more like yourself today. I am glad you noticed that although you were feeling down, you didn't cook and eat like you used to. That is progress! Thank you for listing your struggles too. I have many of the same ones.
  • jedaschultz
    jedaschultz Posts: 1,010 Member
    edited September 2019
    Hi, I'm Debbie. I'm 56, married 35 years and have two daughters. Our oldest is 29 and has special needs and lives with us. Our youngest is married and lives in the next state over. We live in Central Illinois and I stay home and am the caregiver for our daughter. I have been trying to lose weight now for quite some time. I'm great at recording everything however it usually is way over my limit. Here are my goals:

    Today - stay within my calories, drink my water
    Week - Stay within my calories and be good while traveling
    Month - lose 3 pounds
    Year - lose 10 by the end of the year.

    I do well with my exercise(step challenges with my daughter and son in law most weeks, I usually lose but stay close to them). I also go to the gym with my husband every morning during the work week. I walk on M,W,F and do weight machines on T,Th. Sleeping is hard for me and I rarely get enough. Writing down my food I do great with and do it faithfully every day with everything I eat, I just eat too much and too many snacks.

    Username: jedaschultz
    Week: 1
    Weight in day: Monday
    Previous weight:204.2
    Current weight: 205.6
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,455 Member
    @jedaschultz I like your goals. They are all obtainable. You really have a great workout routine (or should I say routines) Let's have a great October!
    @nstephenson01 Thanks for checking in! I am glad you weren't in the region that got the state of emergency! Snowy days can do that to you. Your's sounded like the snowy relaxing day we all envision. I was thinking, can you make a new vision that is equally enticing. Maybe a healthy meal that you really love and save it to make just when you are snowed in. Or even snacks that are healthy that you truly enjoy to have on hand. Maybe instead of wine, you can have a special tea that feels like you are splurging when you aren't. That is actually one think that I did change successfully at the shore, I used to like to have a glass of wine on the deck every night. I switched it to tea. If it happened to be iced tea or another low cal drink, I put it in a cute glass. Lol! Weird but it worked for me. I just remember last winter and all the snow you had. I was thinking a making a plan now may help you in the future. Thanks for posting the pictures, you know I love them! Your dogs look like they are enjoying the snow!
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Sunday check in

    Calories - logged & on track
    Water - 2 l
    Exercise - 30 min walk

    It was a busy weekend and for whatever reason, I did not sleep well last night. Probably thinking about everything to do this week. Our younger boy is sick today and home from school. It feels like all of the back to school illnesses are circulating early this year.

    We will give it a few more days to hear from everybody about you struggles and then list some topics.

    A note to our new members that Pam and I record your weekly weigh ins on the Challenge spreadsheet. When we do so, we mark you entry as “insightful” to let each other know that we have recorded the weigh in. You can view the spreadsheet on the Challenge home page.

    @jedachultz - You have great goals for the month (and year)! I totally relate to the overeating & snacking. A lot of exercise & activity often make me more hungry, or just plain old stress too.

    @sleepymom5 - There is so much to do in closing down a summer place, hope that you get it all done and relax! Love how you listed the struggles that you have overcome. Look at how much you have accomplished! Btw, I did not draw that sign, just found the image on the internet!

    @Barbb1557 - Thanks for sharing your struggles and I think they are common to so many of us. Sorry that you had a down day yesterday, but you still ate well and stayed on track, which is fantastic!

    @amsandos - Amazing loss, congratulations! I noticed last week that you stuck to plan, and also made small decisions & choices that added up to doing so well this week. I like your goals and will also listen to that podcast as I think that mindset/thinking can really hold me back.

    @KatAdele - Happy Birthday!! Love how you still got a work out in on your special day! Great goals and totally relate to the “danger zone” times of day for overeating.

    @amytriesww - Another amazing loss, congratulations! You have been so consistent and successful! Can you remind us what you are doing? I take it Weight Watchers, but what about exercise, self-care, anything else?

This discussion has been closed.