OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Paula, your mom looks great. Happy to hear she was having a good day during your visit - her smile says it all. Those moments are true treasures.

    Patti, that elephant motif is just so sweet - he should look at licensing the drawing for all sorts of baby/kid things, shirts for parents, embroidery, etc. Talented family!

    Bert, thinking of you as you meet the little guys.

    The change of seasons overnight is such a blessing - it's an open-windows day!

    "Dear Evan Hansen" was so good - it asks a lot of the performers because the material is really intense, and the company gave their all - Knew I would cry and I did.

    Had a bit of a not-great surprise yesterday - took Theo for dental work (got the go-ahead from the vet a couple of weeks ago and scheduled it). But yesterday they found a heart murmur and a golf-ball-sized mass near his left shoulder that weren't noticeable two weeks ago. They did a needle biopsy and now we wait. It could be minor, or it could be big. It threw me for a loop yesterday but now I have to wait for pathology report. I know he's 16 1/2, but he's always been really healthy. Praying it's something we can deal with.

    Eating has been OK but definitely not great. Had an excellent omelet last night - James was in the mood to cook (using the nonstick omelet pan he gave me for Christmas). I got ingredients out and did cleanup - good tradeoff!

    Have a lovely weekend, dear friends!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Stealing a moment while Elise is coloring. Yesterday was my mom's ceremony at Arlington. It was a lovely day, and afterwards we had a family gathering at my sister's house with lots of talking, laughing and generally having a great time. I think it was exactly what my mom would have wanted. Pictures on Facebook if anyone wants to see them.

    Eating has been surprisingly okay. I'm watching my portions and being careful about snacking, but eating what is around. Trying to limit my alcoholic calories by alternating glasses of water with glasses of wine or beer, even when we went to the pub with my sister and BIL on Thursday night.

    Back later, maybe when Elise naps. We have her for the whole weekend. After our gathering yesterday, they went to a concert in DC, then today left for NY for a wedding tomorrow, and won't be back until Monday.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. We are traveling today to go see the babies! Oh, and Lindsey and Justin! :) I'll check in later...........have great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good evening, just golike back from the cabin. What a nice weekend. We got all the seats and benches taken out of the boat and stored, emptied freezers and fridges and did end of summer cleaning. Will not be back until New Years. Edd has several projects scheduled down there but I will be working. We got invited to a retirement party for one of the weekend residents on the road. It was a lot of fun and just about everyone from the road came. There was a magician, about 75 years old, that was the most entertaining guy. He was just walking thru the crowd and stopping to do his bits whenever her found 4 or five in a group who he had not previously amazed, lol. Sort of vaudevillian. Just a great day overall.

    Diane, what a glorious celebration of your Mom and now extra time with the sweetest granddaughter. Your blessings are many.

    Bert, I can imagine you with those precious boys and their parents, too! Pictures when allowed

    Karla, sending prayers for Kerry. Sure wish they could find a cause for these episodes.

    Thinking of everyone else and sending prayers for those that need it.
    Looking forward to lunch with Janet tomorrow.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. It has been an exhausting weekend. Childcare 24/7 is harder than just a grandma day! Elise sleeps about 12 hours at night, but she wakes at least once during the night crying. I am not supposed to get up and go to her, but it wakes me and keeps me up un til she settles again. And my back is very sore from carrying her! She weighs 33 pounds, so it is quite a load. She was good as gold yesterday. My sister and BIL spent Friday night at my other sister's house, the one where we had the gathering. But they all three came over here yesterday about 1:30 to sort through photo albums for a while. So that was chaotic and tiring, and John had gone off with a friend to deliver some things down to the land. I was a bit ticked off that he disappeared for hours, unplanned, including once everyone got here. I was caring for Elise AND trying to get the things done with my sisters (which was planned, but I thought he'd be here to help with Elise!) She stayed up and happy way past her bedtime yesterday, still woke at 5:45 this morning! Today she was cranky even after a morning nap and a 2.5 hour afternoon nap. I think she was just worn out and tired of lots of people around, just like I was.

    Eating is going okay. I'm doing much better about the snack monster. Keeping so busy has its advantages! Tomorrow Carrie is going to watch Elise for a while so I can go to the land while John takes down a tree. A beaver has been working on a big one, and it is aimed at the new gate we put up. We need to get it down before the beaver drops it. I don't like John running the chain saw (at least not dropping trees) without someone else around.

    Carrie and I joined a gym last Tuesday, though I haven't had time to go yet.

    Patti, sounds like you accomplished a lot, even with the fantastic party. I'm sure you would rather still be going to the river on weekends than working! My BIL who was here is an entertainer/juggler/clown.

    Bert, kiss the babies! Are they big enough to come home?

    Janet, hoping for good news (or at least not devastating news) about Theo. When will you get a report? Jealous of your lunch meet-up tomorrow.

    Karla, such a worrying time with Kerry. It is so hard when the doctors can't figure out what is going on.

    Cindy, hope you are getting some writing time to keep yourself sane.

    Elise just stirred and cried. She has only been in bed for about 1/2 hour. I sure hope she sleeps later tomorrow morning! We are going to have her bath in the morning because she was too tired tonight, then go grocery shopping.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Paula, somehow I left you out! Terrific picture of your mom. Did you get to the house this weekend to get some things done? At least the cooler weather should be helping.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Elise helped me wash off the boats today.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good morning,
    Ladies. We made it but traffic was horrendous. Took us almost 13 hours however, we got to see the twins in person. So it was worth it.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Bert, what a great picture! What a tiny baby!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    quick hi.
    Bert, those tiny babies are soooooo cute. happy for you all.

    Diane, Elise is getting so big and I know she was a big help with the boats.

    off to the grocery and Moms. Got a new laptop. I have been without for about 4 years. Lots to.lear. no plug and play mode, yikes!
    talk later
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hi all.

    Kerry still in ICU. Treating him for seizures but don’t know cause or that seizures are even showing up on EEG or brain scan. He got out of control yesterday late cussing and raving to get out and they had to sedate him. It tore me up. I can’t sleep or think with worry. Thank you for all your caring thoughts.

  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Sorry I'm so MIA lately. Things have been busy and hectic as usual. We've been working on the house alot. Picked colors for dining room, I've almost got it painted, we started laying flooring in kitchen this evening. All the up and down has my legs and hips screaming at me, but soon enough we'll be finished with dining room and kitchen. Bathroom is coming along too. I'll post some pictures of the progress. Tomorrow I have no kids so I'm going to spend time with Mom and when my husband gets home we'll try and finish the kitchen floor.

    I'll really try to read posts and do personals this week!

  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. I had a very busy day today! This is the first time I am sitting down since about 8:30 this morning.

    First I went and did a WI. Down some, not as much as my home scale is showing. But I guess not bad for a week when from Wednesday noon until Sunday morning I did no tracking, just tried to be mindful and watch my portions.

    Next a field trip at Jug Bay. This was a group of homeschoolers, and my group was quite young. I will say that while they were fearless about touching things and generally more knowledgable than most 5-7 year olds, they were not the most enjoyable group to try to lead. They each wanted to talk all the time - basically I think homeschoolers miss out on some of the "working and being part of a group" lessons that get taught in schools, such as LISTENING when a teacher is talking. I think this group was so used to being encouraged to explore at their own pace that they didn't know how to listen to my instructions or some of the things I was trying to teach them.

    Then I went over to the land where John had been working all day, and helped with the last two trailer loads of stuff to the dump. Yesterday we had to cut down a tree that the beaver attacked - it was a healthy tree right by the lane, but he was going to take it down and crash it into our new gate! So down it came.

    Then had a meeting at church about the lesson plan for a series I am leading starting this Sunday for five weeks.

    And just now, Carrie called from upstairs. A family of FIVE raccoons was climbing the huge oak tree that is right off our deck! I'm glad all the cats came in early tonight.

    I'm under on points for the day - I'll take it! Now to convince myself the kitchen is CLOSED for the night, even though I am still a bit hungry. Sipping ice water now.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Karla, my heart goes out to you, and my prayers as well. You are working yourself to the bone caring for Kerry. I hope they figure out what is going on soon. It must be so frightening for him.

    Patti, Elise will someday be a help, but for now it is enough that she is learning that we sometimes have work to do and she can help. She DID require a complete change of outfit after that! We moved to Apple computers a few years ago, and have never looked back. Good luck with the new laptop!

    Bert, some terrific photos of the babies! I love the one with his eyes open, and Lindsey is just glowing. Are these their first children? I have lost track - who is whose son/daughter?

    Tomorrow is my evaluation/training session at the gym, then back to the land (if it isn't raining.) We are planning on taking down another tree tomorrow that is too close to the lane. We think the county code requires a lane paved/graveled 11 feet wide, but centered in a 20 foot clear and 20 foot high right of way for the fire trucks to be able to respond. So we are working at clearing it that wide/high, the whole quarter mile back to the home site. Lots of leaning trees over the lane that need to come down, as well as (mostly smaller) trees to fell to make it wide enough.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Alex gets to come home today! Maddux will follow after he gains more weight. I’m excited to be able to hold Alex at home!

    Diane: Lindsey is Mike’s biological daughter, but she was 2 when we married.