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OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Bert, what a great picture! What a tiny baby!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    quick hi.
    Bert, those tiny babies are soooooo cute. happy for you all.

    Diane, Elise is getting so big and I know she was a big help with the boats.

    off to the grocery and Moms. Got a new laptop. I have been without for about 4 years. Lots to.lear. no plug and play mode, yikes!
    talk later
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hi all.

    Kerry still in ICU. Treating him for seizures but don’t know cause or that seizures are even showing up on EEG or brain scan. He got out of control yesterday late cussing and raving to get out and they had to sedate him. It tore me up. I can’t sleep or think with worry. Thank you for all your caring thoughts.

  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Sorry I'm so MIA lately. Things have been busy and hectic as usual. We've been working on the house alot. Picked colors for dining room, I've almost got it painted, we started laying flooring in kitchen this evening. All the up and down has my legs and hips screaming at me, but soon enough we'll be finished with dining room and kitchen. Bathroom is coming along too. I'll post some pictures of the progress. Tomorrow I have no kids so I'm going to spend time with Mom and when my husband gets home we'll try and finish the kitchen floor.

    I'll really try to read posts and do personals this week!

  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. I had a very busy day today! This is the first time I am sitting down since about 8:30 this morning.

    First I went and did a WI. Down some, not as much as my home scale is showing. But I guess not bad for a week when from Wednesday noon until Sunday morning I did no tracking, just tried to be mindful and watch my portions.

    Next a field trip at Jug Bay. This was a group of homeschoolers, and my group was quite young. I will say that while they were fearless about touching things and generally more knowledgable than most 5-7 year olds, they were not the most enjoyable group to try to lead. They each wanted to talk all the time - basically I think homeschoolers miss out on some of the "working and being part of a group" lessons that get taught in schools, such as LISTENING when a teacher is talking. I think this group was so used to being encouraged to explore at their own pace that they didn't know how to listen to my instructions or some of the things I was trying to teach them.

    Then I went over to the land where John had been working all day, and helped with the last two trailer loads of stuff to the dump. Yesterday we had to cut down a tree that the beaver attacked - it was a healthy tree right by the lane, but he was going to take it down and crash it into our new gate! So down it came.

    Then had a meeting at church about the lesson plan for a series I am leading starting this Sunday for five weeks.

    And just now, Carrie called from upstairs. A family of FIVE raccoons was climbing the huge oak tree that is right off our deck! I'm glad all the cats came in early tonight.

    I'm under on points for the day - I'll take it! Now to convince myself the kitchen is CLOSED for the night, even though I am still a bit hungry. Sipping ice water now.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Karla, my heart goes out to you, and my prayers as well. You are working yourself to the bone caring for Kerry. I hope they figure out what is going on soon. It must be so frightening for him.

    Patti, Elise will someday be a help, but for now it is enough that she is learning that we sometimes have work to do and she can help. She DID require a complete change of outfit after that! We moved to Apple computers a few years ago, and have never looked back. Good luck with the new laptop!

    Bert, some terrific photos of the babies! I love the one with his eyes open, and Lindsey is just glowing. Are these their first children? I have lost track - who is whose son/daughter?

    Tomorrow is my evaluation/training session at the gym, then back to the land (if it isn't raining.) We are planning on taking down another tree tomorrow that is too close to the lane. We think the county code requires a lane paved/graveled 11 feet wide, but centered in a 20 foot clear and 20 foot high right of way for the fire trucks to be able to respond. So we are working at clearing it that wide/high, the whole quarter mile back to the home site. Lots of leaning trees over the lane that need to come down, as well as (mostly smaller) trees to fell to make it wide enough.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Alex gets to come home today! Maddux will follow after he gains more weight. I’m excited to be able to hold Alex at home!

    Diane: Lindsey is Mike’s biological daughter, but she was 2 when we married.
  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    Janet, prayers for good news from biopsy. Love me some breakfast for dinner!

    Diane, so sorry about your mom, my heart goes out to you. Elise is so cute!!!

    Bert, the babies are soooooooo adorable! I'm sure Alex will gain weight quickly! How wonderful to have twins.

    Patti, the new computers/laptops dumbfound me lol. I use to be a computer wiz but it's been so long that when my daughter got one I was lost lol what kind of assistance could I get with HVAC system? You can message me on FB or text me 513-340-0962

    Karla, so sorry to hear about Kerry, prayers they find out what's going on. My heart breaks for you ❤️💔,

    Plan was to go see Mom today but I woke up and had to take muscle relaxers and gabapentin before I got out of bed. I know it's from all the up, down and crawling around laying the floor. I refuse to drive when I am medicated. We'll see how I feel later when meds wear off. I'm in no pain at the moment so that's good but I'll probably be asleep soon 😴😂

    Luis wants to go down to house today to finish the floors in kitchen so we can move appliances and then clear out dining room to start flooring in there. It's really coming along now. He's working so much more now that our household is overflowing with people and dogs lol.

    Well I'm off to watch some TV.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello all. Kerry had surgery today on his neck. I had them look at the MRI of his neck we had done last week and he had pressure on his spinal cord in the cervical area. This has been causing his hands to be numb and clumsy and his walking gait to point of having to be ion a walker. Glad it went smoothly given his Kung capacity. We are back in ICU. The pressure is off his spinal cord, and he was headed to quadriplegic stage had we not done this. He was not happy about it and scared. Please pray for us.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello ladies. Today was NOT a good day, foodwise. Used most of my weeklies ALL TODAY. That's what comes of not looking things up ahead of time. Dinner was soup, but it ended up being 11 FP per serving! And we were working at the land and went to a sub place for lunch, and there were really no good choices, so I just blew it totally.

    Other than that, not much news here.

    Bert, thanks for clarifying. I didn't mean to imply that Lindsey isn't your daughter too, just wanted to get the relationships straight. How exciting that Alex is coming home already! Hope Max follows soon.

    Karla, hopefully the surgery on Kerry will help some of his problems. Maybe that pressure on the spine was also a contributor to the seizures? Still keeping you all in my prayers.

    Paula, hope you are feeling better by this evening. Will all of your household be moving to the new house with you? If so, it will still be overflowing! But the progress pictures are looking great. I love the bathroom floor.

    Patti, how is your mom? Did you get your day with her?

    Janet, any news on the biopsy on Theo yet?


  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Karla, continued prayers for Kerry. I'm glad they figured out the cause of some of his issues. He's so lucky to have you be his advocate.

    Diane, yes they'll all be moving with us. It's a 3 bedroom house but much larger. My son, his gf, daughter and dog will be buying a house sometime after the first of the year. My daughter and her three kids are here for the Long haul. With her severe depression and MS she needs the support.

    Got the rest of the kitchen floor laid this evening, I went down earlier in the day and cleared out dining room the best I could. We need to get the Staples out of the floor from where they had padding, finish painting the trim and ceiling then dining room will be done. We stopped working tonight when it got dark, but my husband said "it's finally starting to look like a house" lol

    Anyway, tomorrow I'll be going to see Mom for sure. Today was another crazy day. I had to go to school to pick Diego up cause he got angry on the bus before it left and started punching the window so they removed him from the bus and suspended him from bus for 3 school days. They just adjusted his meds so hopefully it's just an adjustment period. Poor kid, my heart aches for him cause he is a really good kid aside from his anger outbursts but now they last 10 minutes vs the hour or more before the meds.

    Well off here to relax!
  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member

    I will be clearing off countertops and painting baseboards to install and kitchen will be complete!!! Such an amazing feeling!
  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member

    Cleaned up dining room, still need to paint the trim on tan wall, install flooring and it will be complete. We are really making progress now!!!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Diane: it’s perfectly fine. All is good. I think Lindsey’s mom and I are closer now that the boys are here. Mike doesn’t understand the friendship but life is too short in my opinion. She wasn’t pleasant with us when Lindsey was young, but that’s all water under the bridge in my book.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning everyone, I have had a busy couple of days. Was supposed to take Mom to eye Dr this AM but she said she hasn't slept in over a day and is just too tired to go. We rescheduled for next week. Found out yesterday that I was volunteered for the Eagle Riders dinner next Saturday. It was a miscommunication between a couple of the members. They don't have a backup plan so I will make it work. We cannot attend the dinner because it is at the same time as my friend's celebration and that takes priority. I will be cooking 10 racks of ribs, baked beans and mashed potatoes on Thursday. They will just have to heat it up on Saturday. Friday I am going to my GFs to help prepare the food and set up the church for the celebration. There will be lots of hands to help, at the very least there will be 4 of us YaYas.
    My food choices are better, still not tracking, I hate doing it but know it is a necessary evil...especially with what the scale has shown so far. Little losses but can do better.
    I am slowly, but surely figuring out this new computer. The hardest part is having to load everything myself. I am so used to buying from Best Buy and all I have to do is plug and play pretty much. I got this one off Amazon so basically a blank machine. Have synced my phone, somewhat, and am slowly adding the apps I use regularly. Need to find my mouse, the touchpad is fine but I work a mouse much better. It is nice to have a keyboard again. Typing on my phone and ipad are such a pain. Funny how the ability to type never goes away, like riding a bike I suppose.

    Karla, so relieved that they found the cause of Kerry's symptoms and were able to fix it. I hope he will be able to recover at home very soon. Cannot even begin to imagine how terrifying all this is for him. Continued prayers. I know your whole family leans on you but I do pray that they are stepping up when you and Kerry need them most. How is your Dad handling all this? I bet he is scared out of his mind.

    Bert, oh happy day when babes come home. Praying Max comes home quickly. They certainly are pretty boys. You must be bursting with love.

    Paula, love the kitchen flooring and the colors in the dining room. I hope Alex's meds stabilize his moods. I am sure it is hard on him when he feels so out of control. Hope you get some quality Mom time. I know how precious it can be.

    Diane, I hope once the colder weather hits that you and John will take a breather. Even on your trip you didn't seem to have much down time. I knthow he has knee surgery coming up so that will sideline him for a hot minute, lol. One day of unplanned eating is just that. Move on and never look back except to learn from your experience.

    Janet, I so loved our lunch. Time just flies and you let me talk far too much......I know your ears need a rest afterwards. Your time of year is upon us, enjoy every cool moment!

    Cindy, just want you to know you are always in my thoughts and prayers. Love the picture of
    Meg. I hope you will come to Columbus again soon so I get a chance to meet you too. Still bummed about the last time but I know we will make it happen.

    Today is chore day so that I can have the weekend to work on and in my craft room. Edd will be gone from Friday afternoon until Sunday evening.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    edited October 2019
    They’re home!!! Max is on the right. Alex is on the left. SO happy!!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    So much love and joy in such small packages.
  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Hello all,

    We got most of the floor laid in dining room tonight. Would have finished but one of the boxes of flooring is damaged. We will take it back in morning, get a new one and get baseboards so we can finish the kitchen to move appliances and big cabinet in to help clear out the living room.

    I have my daughter's kids tomorrow while she works so it'll be a short day for me. Not sure if my husband will work or not. Poor guy needs a couple days off. He has been working his job, coming home and working on the house till 7 or 8. He needs a break, but we'll see what he decides to do.

    Anyway I am off here to relax and watch a movie!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, it is crisp and cool and sunny here today. Funny how a small amount of rain yesterday evening greened up the grass. I got quite a lot done in my craft room yesterday. Still have a bit more to clear out but pleased. I found 2 all in one Epson printers and 3 broken laptops/tablets that all need to get gone. Put a small pine, corner tv stand out at the curb for free and it is gone. Today I will be clearing out all the magazines I have given space to for far too long. That will give me lots of needed storage. They are too old to consider donating so looks like recycle bin for most of them. I did made a few Christmas cards and watched a wonderful movie suggested by my gf. "The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society". Starring Lily James (Cinderella) and Penelope Wilton (Isobel Crawley of Downton Abbey).

    Paula, I do hope Luis takes a day or two to just rest. He is certainly a gem.

    Bert, how was the first night home for the babies? Did anyone sleep, lol. I bet Lindsey is happy to have you both there for these first few days. I love that you get along with her Mom, especially now that these two precious souls will bind you forever.

    Thinking of the rest of the crew, need to put some pep in my step and get back to making my craft room my oasis. I work fairly well in chaos but thrive when things are better organized. Was considering going out to buy some fabric and make curtains for the upstairs at my cabin but since I won't be back until New Years there is no rush. The clearance fabric is on deep discount until the end of October and there is lots of it. Kind of wish I need to cover some outdoor furniture as the fabric is now less than $5/yard, originally $22.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. We are currently on the road home. I’ve only had about an hour of sleep. The nursery is directly above the spare bedroom downstairs. I’m a very light sleeper and heard everything from Justin walking on the hardwood floors, babies crying to get fed and changed, getting bottles ready, etc. I’ll definitely crash tonight.

    Patti: The first night both boys were home was very trying. I think Justin fed them too much during the night. They were fine during the day when Mike and I watched them so Justin and Lindsey slept. We both kindly told them to burp the boys every 2-3 oz!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    edited October 2019
    So they started doing that. Lindsey said the boys had a better night last night, but Gramma was awake for most of it.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all, and happy Sunday. I am sitting down to my 2 FP lunch after (she says, virtuously!) cleaning the bathrooms, vacuuming, and mopping the kitchen floor (after church and adult study). John is over at my sister's house doing some "honey do" chores for her, and when he gets back we are meeting Brad, Rossanne and Elise and going to a corn maze. If anyone is looking for a new soup recipe, this one is great! You can spice it up or down to suit your taste - I like it spicy, so I added a can of chopped green chilis, and used a medium to spicy salsa verde. For those following WW, the soup itself is zero points, but I put some pepper jack cheese on top along with extra lime.

    I am leading an adult study session at church for the next five weeks, on Stewardship. I didn't feel like the first session today went very well. The material for the first session was very difficult to relate to, and I'm not sure I was all that well prepared. I am determined to prepare better for the rest of the sessions. Also, the material for the other sessions is much better.

    Last night was a church fellowship pot luck supper. I didn't do very well - I filled my plate with all sorts of yummy things and enjoyed them tremendously. (creamy potato salad - yum!) The only saving grace is I didn't go back for seconds!

    Bert, what precious pictures of those little bundles of joy! I can only imagine the exhaustion that is facing Justin and Lindsey over the next few months. I hope they have local family and friends they can call on occasionally. I know we were always taught to leave sleeping babies sleep, but apparently the science shows that especially tiny babies really DO need to be woken up to eat every 2-3 hours, if they aren't waking themselves. I have forgotten the reasoning, but I know it made scientific sense to me at the time. Nurse Patti, any knowledge? Also, I am so happy to hear that you and Lindsey's mother have a good relationship. I have always respected divorced parents who put the kids first, and not in the middle.

    Patti, what a luxury it must have seemed to have a weekend to play in your craft room! Mine is a disaster, though I did get some mending done last night. A friend of mine has taken some "decluttering" sessions with a pro in advance of downsizing her house. I know I've got way too much "stuff" around that I should just eliminate. I've read the book of the movie you mentioned - did not know it had been made into a movie.

    Paula, hope you are getting some progress on the house in this nice weather. You mentioned that your daughter suffers from severe depression - mine does too. All we can do is give them the support they need, and hope for the best.

    Janet, you have been quiet. I hope it is that you are just taking a break from electronics and not having a tough spell. Any update on Theo?

    Karla and Cindy, hugs to you both, for all that you are doing for your family members.

  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Patti, how is clearing out the room going? We had to clear out our "storage" room when we realized Kati and boys will be here for the Long haul.

    Bert, being first time parents to one child is difficult, I can only imagine how are it is with twins. They will find their routine and do great!

    Diane, my husband was down there all day yesterday and is down today. I have the kids cause my daughter works this weekend. Should have dining room and kitchen finished today or tomorrow. He is in process of installing baseboards and window/door trim. Depression is so evil. She didn't have it so bad till MS set it. I remember when your daughter was real bad for a while. How is she doing now?

    Well I got nothing done on the house this weekend because I'm babysitting all weekend while my daughter works. Dining room and kitchen should be finished today. My husband has been down there working his *kitten* off. I'll go down tomorrow after I take Adi to school. All the work I do on the house doesn't compare to having kids to care for lol. Today I'm just so very tired.

    My eating has been horrible to say the least. I was thinking about cancelling my ww membership for now and trying to follow my fitness pal. I feel like I'm wasting money on it even though I'm online only and it's only $19.95 a month. Just too much going on in my household to focus. I'm not gaining but definitely not losing either.

    I have a terrible headache today, my legs are hurting. I just got Diego and baby Luis their lunch. Adi isn't feeling well so not eating much and Alex had his breakfast then a bowl of cereal so he's not hungry right now. I'm hungry but too lazy to fix myself something 😂😂 guess it's a good thing haha.

    Karla, how is Kerry doing? How are you doing?

    Talk with everyone later!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Another week has begun. What good choices will you make? I really need to make some better choices and start planning my meals better. I ate mostly pasta all weekend. It is my go to, comfort food and what I eat when left alone because Edd doesn't care for it. He is more of a potato/rice kinda guy.
    I got so much done this weekend. Got rid of 2 shelves worth of magazines and papers. Have a few more small pieces of furniture that I need to get out but not sure what to do with them. Maybe put on the curb for free, easier than taking to Goodwill or other such place. I live in a very poor neighborhood and know the stuff is being used by someone in need.
    I just had to go to Joann's yesterday because the foam was 70% off and I needed 2 large pieces of 4 inch foam. It is regularly $70/yard! The flannel was $2.99/yard so just had to pick up some of that. And the cotton was $1.79/yard. How could I resist. I made new curtains for the upstairs windows at the cabin. Never really thought about making curtains from flannel but the pattern was perfect and the price was right. Made 4 lined panels for less than $20. Now waiting for the nursery fabric to go on sale so I can make some of those blankets that Diane makes for my two babies coming in Feb. I also got a few Christmas cards made and got a short visit in with Mom. So a great weekend on all fronts except eating, lol.

    Paula, you guys have made amazing progress. Does Luis ever rest? Hope your migraine was short lived. You certainly have your hands full with the house and the littles. Kati is one lucky girl to have such a dedicated mother and grandmother to help her when she needs it most. You are amazing!

    Diane, I have always thought that the home schooled children are sorely lacking in social skills and need more interaction, plus discipline in group settings. I do think that some thrive but some need much more socialization.

    Karla, how is Kerry doing? when will be coming home? How is your dad taking all that has gone on? Are you getting any rest while he is in the hospital?

    Janet, miss you and hope you stop by soon to chat.

    Cindy, prayers continue.

    Bert, have you caught up on your rest yet. How are the twins and parents adjusting?

    I have to go back to Joann's to get my bill adjusted, they charged me for some stuff I didn't buy. Then have to hit Costco to get a gift card that was offered when I renewed my membership but I didn't have the flyer with me when I was there. Also need to get the rest of the fixings for the food I am cooking on Thursday for the Eagle Riders dinner Saturday nite. Friday I will be helping my friend cook and set up for the Celebration of Life on Saturday. Mom has eye appointment Thursday morning, so time is going to be tight for me to get it all done but I will.

  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member

    An almost completed kitchen. Little wavy because I did panorama to try to get most of the kitchen in one picture. Need to get windows, hang light and ceiling fan and it'll be complete. Going down again after my husband gets home to finish dining room and do more work on bathroom. Then on to the living room!! Yay!!!

    Patti, you definitely stayed busy this weekend. I'm working on staying within my points. There's a new program coming out, well not new but there are 3 different programs to choose from. The old sp program, the current one and another that I'm not sure of.

    Waving hi 👋👋👋 to everyone!

  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member

    Thought I'd add a before pic for comparison!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It has been very busy here. Yesterday I traveled for a student visit. After being in the car for 13 hours on Saturday, I wasn't looking forward to traveling again. I don't know why Mike wanted to complete the trip in one day (we also drove 13 hours on our way down there as well) as we are too old to do that. We have discussed flying in the future; however, it will be expensive for two people. It will definitely be less taxing on our bodies though.

    The boys are doing fine. Lindsey and Justin are trying out different beds for the boys. She said last night that the boys prefer the Pack and Play, so they took it upstairs in the nursery to see how they did. I'm anxious to hear from her today.

    One of my best friend's mother-in-law passed away. She suffered from Alzheimers. It has been rough for the family this past year. My friend asked if I would play the piano 30 minutes before the funeral service. Of course, I said yes. I'm happy to help out.

    Paula: Your house is coming right along!

    Patti: You definitely are busy!

    Diane: Your recipe looks great. Perhaps I'll try it. I make a chicken taco soup which is 0 points. However, without a fridge/freezer space, it's difficult to store. The fridge is supposed to be delivered Oct. 21, but I'm not holding my breath......I fully expect to be called over the weekend to say the delivery will be postponed. I'm so sick of the whole mess.

    Waving hi to Cindy, Janet, and Karla. Have a great day, everyone!

This discussion has been closed.