
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    I see people sometimes like, inspire or hug, etc on posts. Is there a way to see who the person is that is doing the liking, etc?
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @pacsnc6 yes I did use tunnel vision. At first I followed Molly’s T-shirt then she got farther away. It was very high up. I start getting panic attacks but I tried to breathe and calm myself down. I just wanted to get off my bike but that scared me too. The 36 trestles before this we’re not a problem so it took me by surprise. After that Molly slowed down so I could focus on her. Mind over matter. We just keep going.
    @nstephenson01 i know how much you want to hit that goal. You can do it. During my year I had to stay super focused and determined. I feel like I went “inward”. I didn’t participate like normal times. Sometimes I had to eat dinner earlier than others. For one year my priority was “me” and it worked. All my decisions were built around taking care of my needs. Sleep, exercise and nutrition. No one will care about us as much as we will. It’s up to us to take care of us. For me it was and still is about my health. Not just a number on a scale. But that scale number was my chosen tool to let me know I have hit my goal. It was a long year but it went by fast.
    This is our time ladies. I can tell you from 63 years of experience if you don’t do it now...1 year from now you will still be “trying”. There will always be a holiday, anniversary, wedding etc.
    I daily look in the mirror and marvel how skinny I am. I am so proud! And above all I am so incredibly healthy.
    When I was riding the creeper I thought “this is it! I am living the life of my dreams”
    My affirmation was “I am slender, toned, radiant and full of energy “. I said this daily even when I began at my highest weight of 202. Now at 142 maintenance give or take a few pounds, I am slender, toned, radiant and full of energy.
    My life feels technicolor now compared to 1 year of black and white. But it was just a little year and so worth it. That doesn’t mean I was deprived you all saw my celebration pictures of amazing meals. But sugar, alcohol, salty, high fat...did not make many appearances that year.
    You do what you have to do.
    How much do you want it? Where will you be 1 year from now? What will you weigh January 1st! November 1st? Next week?
    You all have the power to take control of your lives and make those choices each and every day.
    It feels so good to succeed and frustrating not to succeed. Fortunately we have the power to make that choice now for ourselves.
    You can do it!
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member

    @lennoncpa - Nice maintaining and great to see that your weekend away did not cause any major gain!!

    @Barbb1557 - So sorry about your back and keep us posted. I think it is a great idea to bring your PT friend along for the next visit. Don’t get me started on Goldfish crackers. I do not keep certain flavours in the house anymore because it is just too tempting!

    @pacnc6 - Oh I am just starting to understand there is no cure for aging! Hope that the Tylenol works better for you. I was taking a lot of Aleve for my injury, but given how long the recovery is, I had to taper off doses. After some research, I started using a turmeric supplement called Meriva SF by Thorne. I also add in a daily collagen powder. It works remarkably well for me, which was nice surprise.

    @nstephenson01 - Being off routine is difficult and you will get back to your soon. It is so nice to visit with your dad. Will you be cooking the pheasant and the fish that they catch? I am glad that you like Dr. Melissa. She has such a calme and soothing manner in her videos.

    @hope002 - Nice maintain and I hope that all is well with you!

    @tryingagain5 - Good day yesterday. Unlike your home page, you cannot see who is reacting to your posts here. I loved your post about your walking group. I am a long time runner, and especially as I get older, I am not a fast runner. I totally get being last or at the back of the pack, but you are right that you have to measure against yourself. That’s why there is the “PB” (personal best) for races! And to put some perspective on things, I have an injury (sciatica) which started in November 2018 due to a lot of driving at that time, not running. I have been in PT since January, recovered well, but reinjured in July and am now on the road to recovery again with regular physio. I love racing and have done many 5kms, 10kms and a few half marathons. My last race was a half marathon in June 2018 and I simply cannot plan the next one because I don’t know when I will be cleared to do it. So that person finishing last in his/her race is doing way better than me. I would love to trade places right now, and be finishing a race in last place!

    @KatAdele - What a fantastic NSV! You scan shows that there are many metrics relating to our health and fitness, and it is not just the number on the scale.

    @Zumba_Luvah - Congratulations, you are back in onderland! Way to go!

    @mrsbell8well - Thank you for the encouragement!! You are an inspiration!
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Friday check in

    Food - logged & under, but too many of my mother’s cookies
    Water - 2 l
    Exercise - rest day

    Yesterday was not a good day. I had 4 hours of driving to pick up my mom for the Thanksgiving weekend. Lots of running around and younger son was super cranky in the evening. My mom brought lovely cookies for us, but I had about 3 or 4 too many, and they ended up being my lunch! Today is a new day and am just going to stay focused on my plan. We have supper out tonight, but it is our favorite bistro, which has lots of healthy choices.

    Hope that everyone has a great weekend!
  • Barbb1557
    Barbb1557 Posts: 111 Member
    Checking in
    I was in much better control yesterday, I just returned from a walk with the dog, I count the steps, but feel like I need to subtract 10 minutes from the time due to many many stops to 'smell the roses.' This is at least twice as far as I have ever walked her dog. It is an example of how far I have come, only comparing myself to myself and previous walks. I have a chart I started that logs time and steps, I always want to log either more steps or a faster time for the walk. I am feeling very thankful for the prednisone which allowed a pain free walk, Devine!
    Last night I was bargaining with myself about eating a cucumber and humus then tomorrow I would buy pretzels. Today I will make the same bargain and hopefully for every day to come.
    @amytriesww Great pep talk!
    @Mrsbell8well I am so impressed with what you have accomplished, your journeys inspire me!
    Have a great weekend everyone!

  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @Cafelelia I love cookies! What kind did she make?
    @nstephenson01 you can do it!
    This morning I ran 50 minutes with a 10 minute warmup/cool down. I have started my training for the turkey trot. I am planning to place in the top 3. I was very happy with my run since I was still recovering from the creeper and the winery yesterday. Everyday has been so much fun. We played cribbage and rummy with a bottle of wine, a picnic we packed and a view of a gorgeous creek.
    We are packed and ready for home. We stopped at their local farmers market. Car is packed to brim with 6 different types of potatoes, Russian kale, chard, mustard greens, heirloom cowpeas, heirloom no spray apples, sweet potatoes, bean sprouts, acorn squash, spaghetti squash, jujube an Asian fruit, 3 types of lettuce, baby currant tomatoes and I think that’s it. I feel so rich. Can’t wait to go home and start cooking. Probably greens, cow peas and cornbread for dinner.
  • Julie8468
    Julie8468 Posts: 151 Member
    @nstephenson01 so glad to hear your husband is coming home!!

    While you seem to have a busy day today, I hope you can add to your list some well deserved “welcome home” kisses!
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @julie8468 how frightening. I’m glad your on the other side of that. Sending prayers. Hope you heal quickly.
    @Barbb1557 your doing great! I did a lot of charting too. We will take every success we can get. Great job!
  • ihp2015
    ihp2015 Posts: 221 Member
    PW 221.4
    CW 222.8
  • GingerPwr
    GingerPwr Posts: 1,984 Member
    Really tied one on yesterday both with food and alcohol. Today I've been better. I need to drink more water but I'll get there.

    Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member

    Thank you, I'm glad you liked my post. I hope it inspires others. I'm going to read it often as a reminder for myself.

    I like your post about "just for today, I will"
    You're right it is definitely one day at a time. One day will be great, one day not so much. Yesterday I planned on being over my goal. That wasn't in my plan for today. However, I did go over at a birthday party. Tomorrow I need to keep myself in check.

    We can do it!!
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