TEAM: Run Track Minds (October)



  • jupollock
    jupollock Posts: 53 Member
    Username: jupollock
    Weigh in week: October week 3
    Weigh in day: Sunday
    Previous Week's weight: 262.2lb (6 Oct)
    Todays Weight: 258lb (13 Oct)

    Loss this week - 4.2lb
    Total loss this challenge - 13.7lb

    Pretty pleased! Weight loss stalled for the last few days, not really sure why. Hopefully it'll start heading down again shortly.

  • joehlrich
    joehlrich Posts: 39 Member
    Username: joehlrich
    Weigh in week: October Week 3
    Weigh in day: Sunday
    PW: 151.8lb
    CW: 149.4lb

    One thing I did well this week is stick to my calorie goal despite having to eat out for some meals. I'd going to work on hitting my step goal every day next week.
  • Kathie_GoGo
    Kathie_GoGo Posts: 209 Member
    Daily Post: Saturday
    Tracked: Yes
    Calories: Over (300)
    Activity: 8 mile run
    Daily Step Goal Streak: 86

    Ate bigger breakfast than usual before my run. 8 miles burned 850 kcal. Even though 300 kcal over goal, weight was down this morning.
  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    Username LyndaBSS
    Week Sunday, October Week 3 (10/13)
    PW 183.7
    CW 183.5
  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    @jupollock wow, impressive. I am the same, I find it harder once I stop. Well done! And what an amazing loss! Your hard work shows!

    @jupdyke impressive loss! Go you!

    @joehlrich a good loss! Well done!

    @Kathie_GoGo 8 miles? WOWZERS!!

    @LyndaBSS a loss is a win, right?
  • skullsandskeletons
    skullsandskeletons Posts: 675 Member
    username: skullsandskeletons
    Week: October week 3 (Sunday October 13)
    PW: 210
    CW: 209

    One thing I did well: Tracking my calories. Knowing that I went over calories Friday helped me reel myself back in yesterday.
    One thing to improve: I really need to exercise, if not for my physical health, but for my mental health.
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    ⏳ ⏳ OCTOBER WEEK 2 ⏳ ⏳

    HUGE congrats to our teammates who posted every day for the daily RTM Mini-challenge!!


    Week 2 Results

    Great Job to the top 3:
    1st - @DDay2020. - 2.85%
    2nd - @Heyjude0225. - 1.93%
    3rd - @docbeauty1. - 1.87%
  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    @Pearl4686 I'll take any loss, I'm not picky. I can be patient. There's a whoosh in my future. 😉

    Congrats to the top 3! 👍
  • Nihal9495
    Nihal9495 Posts: 8 Member
    Username: Nihal9495
    Week: October week 3 (Sunday October 13)
    PW: 195
    CW: 194

  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    Daily Post: Sunday
    Track: yes, I track everything
    Calories: under
    Exercise: yes, walked dogs
    Healthier habits: clean up clutter
    Goals: focus on eating mindfully, walk more
    Am I happy with my progress today: Yes! Good day today. I made good choices.
  • Rozbee1
    Rozbee1 Posts: 335 Member

    PW 178.4
    CW 177.4

    Going the right way i suppose 😏 not much lost.
  • Rozbee1
    Rozbee1 Posts: 335 Member
    That was week 2 by the way .
  • DDay2020
    DDay2020 Posts: 56 Member
    Daily Post Sunday
    Tracked: yes
    Calories: under
  • skullsandskeletons
    skullsandskeletons Posts: 675 Member
    Daily post Sunday
    Tracked: yes
    Calories: under
    Exercise: no
  • bootssowhite
    bootssowhite Posts: 93 Member
    Username: bootssowhite
    Week: October, Week 3
    Weigh in day: Sunday
    PW: 264.4
    CW: 264.2

    Bah, I'm frustrated. I felt like this week was the first time in a while I strung together a string of good days -- I finished C25K Week 3 despite some scheduling difficulties, I stuck to my goal of no snacking while in the car over three long car trips, I stuck my diet and counted calories. But then I was out of town on Friday night and while I didn't eat poorly, I always see my weight pop up when I eat out, and I went from 260 lb on Friday to 264 lb today. And obviously I know I didn't gain 4 pounds in one day and that weight will drop over over the next week, but it's still frustrating to feel like this week was a stalemate.
  • Toyota100
    Toyota100 Posts: 182 Member
    Username: Toyota100
    Week: Sunday, Sep. Week 3 (10/14)
    PW: 219.2
    CW: 219.2

    Sorry. late weigh-in. Got a puppy for my son yesterday and have not had much sleep. First dog ever. It's so hard and my son already want to give up. I have much respect for anyone who has a dog now.
  • Kathie_GoGo
    Kathie_GoGo Posts: 209 Member
    Daily Post: Sunday
    Tracked: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Activity: Church, family time, housework
    Daily Step Goal: Under goal ... streak broken at 86 days :(
  • docbeauty1
    docbeauty1 Posts: 126 Member
    Username: docbeauty1
    Week: Monday, Oct week 3
    PW: 189.2lb
    CW: 189.2lb
  • Magickxxx
    Magickxxx Posts: 15 Member
    Oct wk 3
    Pw 249
    CW 248
  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    Daily Post: Monday
    Track: yes, I track everything
    Calories: under
    Exercise: yes, walked dogs
    Healthier habits: clean up clutter
    Goals: focus on eating mindfully, walk more
    Am I happy with my progress today: Yes! Good day today. I made good choices.
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