TEAM: Gutbusters (January)



  • SillyCat1975
    SillyCat1975 Posts: 328 Member
    craigo3154 wrote: »
    January 10
    Exercised?: Yes (3 km walk in 24 mins)
    Calories?: Yes
    Tracked?: Yes

    Early walk today as was going to be hot and midday change was due to bring rain.

    Power outage just before dinner so went out for Korean. Still in budget.

    The sixth mini-challenge is: Eat all meals away from distractions."

    This means every time you eat, you either sit at a table or bench away from the TV, computer, tablet, etc..

    By making eating a deliberate activity, you tend to notice what you are eating (and not eat out of boredom, comfort or nibble absent mindedly).

    A couple days ago I posted:
    craigo3154 wrote: »
    Question for the Gutbusters team. (conversation starter)

    If you were to change one thing (and only one thing) to assist you with losing weight, what would it be?

    Must be something simple within your power to change. Something you can do any (or every) day.

    Eating away from distractions would be my simple #1 choice to help people lose weight.

    (Second would be to not eat between meals.)

    (Third is to portion out what you are going to eat, pack away any excess, THEN sit down to eat. - This way you need to re-get out more food if you still want more to eat. This extra effort often discourages going back for seconds or thirds as it is now no longer simply dish out another helping.)

    @craigo3154 Yes! I need to eat away from the TV, I am sure that I don't think about eating and I just eat. We have this nice formal dinning room and we don't eat in there at all. In fact no one eats together, that is something I need to do differently, move away from the TV and to the dinner table with my family.
  • BonnieHosk85
    BonnieHosk85 Posts: 2,552 Member
    @inshapeCK, nice maintain over 10 days! :smile:

    @zengen09, all part of the journey. Don't let it get you down! You've got this! :smile:
  • SillyCat1975
    SillyCat1975 Posts: 328 Member
    Jan 10th
    Exercise at least 20 mins? Yes, 30 mins elliptical, and 30 mins treadmill with incline and a very few minutes of weights.
    Logged? Yes
    Tracked? Yes

    Participating in this is making me do exercise, which is wonderful thing! I've been at the gym 3 times now since the New Year. I would normally go outside and go around the block but now I am incorporating both! I am really starting to feel like I can do this.
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    January 11
    Exercised?: Yes (10 km walk in 86 mins)
    Calories?: Yes
    Tracked?: Yes

    Long walk today. Cooler temperatures and no smoke haze. Ideal for walking.

    Really needed the walk today. Was feeling drained and anhedonistic (usual activities I do to feel better not working).

    Last night daughter had another emotional crisis. Fortunately, my wife and I managed to deal with it. Nothing as severe as what Rick has had to deal with with his Aunt and the scammers, but still challenging especially given the frequency of the occurrences.

    The seventh mini-challenge is: Find an activity that soothes you without requiring food. (music, drawing, writing, bath, etc…)

    This is fairly pertinent to me today.

    My usual go to is puzzles, FPV RC flying, video games (playing though "Ark Survival Evolved" in single player at the moment) and walking. Most were not working today and still felt mostly out of things. The walk did help, but not for long. It was a fight to not use chocolate, crisps or ice cream to try make me feel better.

    Often we are raised with both celebrations and commiserations being food occasions. This can lead to a habit of turning to food for comfort when things go wrong. The problem with this is that, with the prevalence of cheap, sweet, comfort food; this becomes peoples first choice for self gratification.

    The dangerous cycle for this comes when you try to lose weight. Your comfort can become a guilt provoking activity that spirals out of control (you soothe yourself with food, then feel bad about having eating outside of what you promised yourself, so need to soothe yourself more but the only habit you have is to consume more comfort food).

    The way to break this cycle is find a non-food method for self comfort. Ideally several.

    What can you use when life does not go as planned, and you feel stressed, anxious, sad, angry or upset?
  • BonnieHosk85
    BonnieHosk85 Posts: 2,552 Member
    Good morning!

    Nice loss, @fe452436! :star:

    Today we’re looking for weigh-ins from:


    Please post using this template:
    January Week 1

    We still need to hear from these team members to complete week 1:

    Have a great weekend, everyone! :heart:

  • BonnieHosk85
    BonnieHosk85 Posts: 2,552 Member
    January Week 1
    PW: 244.8
    CW: 240.6

    2020 Transformation on its way 🤗
    good morning Gutbusters. 🥳

    I'd say!! Great loss!! :star:
  • looneycatblue
    looneycatblue Posts: 1,312 Member

    Week 2 January
    PW: 267
    CW: 258

    Did kEto all week, think I dropped a lot of water weight too. ??

    WOW, great loss! Is this your first time doing keto?
  • looneycatblue
    looneycatblue Posts: 1,312 Member
    January Week 1
    PW: 244.8
    CW: 240.6

    2020 Transformation on its way 🤗
    good morning Gutbusters. 🥳

    PARTY TIME! Great week for you!
  • looneycatblue
    looneycatblue Posts: 1,312 Member
    January Week 1
    PW: 223.5
    CW: 223.7

    Up this week. Should have been worse. I went off the rails on Thursday and Friday, eating as if there would be no tomorrow. Instead of getting rid of all the fun-size M&Ms I decided to eat them all. Thursday night I had a second serving of soup at our small group AND had dessert. Then, grocery shopping I fell for the buy 2 get 1 free Cadbury eggs at the counter. Ugh!! Old habits rearing their ugly heads. Over a year into this journey and I thought I had control of some of these. Not! I'm reflecting on why this happened this week and trying to figure out how I can turn to other things instead of food in the future.

    I took a peak at your journal for the past few days and good for you, still logging everything! My guess is that your body is going through a sugar detox, and the cravings are going to be strong for a few days, but it will get better. Also, looks like with all of the calories you are burning with exercise, you also needed those calories!
    .2 is nothing, you are doing great, just keep at it this week and the scale will follow !
    I also blew it last night, ate about 700 unhealthy calories in about 1 hour, after bowling last night, just before bed. I also questioned myself why did I do that to myself??? Moving forward, today is a new start. 😊
  • BonnieHosk85
    BonnieHosk85 Posts: 2,552 Member
    Thanks, @looneycatblue! :heart:

    @Kiadams317750, incredible loss!! Congrats!! :star::star:

  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    PW 182.4
    CW 179.4
  • BonnieHosk85
    BonnieHosk85 Posts: 2,552 Member
    @Matthewsfive, woo hoo!! Congrats on that hard work right there, gal!! :star:

    Guys, we're killing it with 41.4 pounds lost so far this week. Way to go!! :blush:
  • allietuge
    allietuge Posts: 343 Member
    January Week 1
    PW: 166.3
    CW: 165.2
  • inshapeCK
    inshapeCK Posts: 3,946 Member
    edited January 2020
    January Week 1
    PW: 223.5
    CW: 223.7

    Up this week. Should have been worse. I went off the rails on Thursday and Friday, eating as if there would be no tomorrow. Instead of getting rid of all the fun-size M&Ms I decided to eat them all. Thursday night I had a second serving of soup at our small group AND had dessert. Then, grocery shopping I fell for the buy 2 get 1 free Cadbury eggs at the counter. Ugh!! Old habits rearing their ugly heads. Over a year into this journey and I thought I had control of some of these. Not! I'm reflecting on why this happened this week and trying to figure out how I can turn to other things instead of food in the future.


    I got a kick out of reading that the way you got rid of all the M & Ms was by eating them! :D
    I have done that before too! :s
    On Thursday I was at the dollar store picking up some required items and was dying for a chocolate covered marshmallow bunny (can't believe they have Easter treats out all ready, right beside the Valentine's Day treats!) and like you I also got the Cadbury creme eggs that were near the cash! At least they are way smaller than they used to be but the biggest problem was I bought one for myself and 1 for my husband but I ate them both before he got home! :# Good thing I never told him I had bought him one as I would've been giving him an empty egg container by the time he got home, lol! I ate the chocolate marshmallow bunny at the same time too! I was okay with allowing myself 1 treat and I did enjoy all 3 but that was not a healthy choice especially when I need to be lessening my sugar intake. This week my goal was to not bring junkfood into the house which I accomplished until Thursday!
  • corriepelc
    corriepelc Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good morning, everyone! Sadly I'm starting this challenge in the wrong direction. Meh.

    January Week #1
    PW: 171.6
    CW: 174.4

    Here's to a better week!
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