WEIGHT NO MORE Team Chat - April 2020



  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Welcome to the team!
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Thanks, I know it will. I"ll continue to work hard, although some days are better than others, as we all know very well.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Welcome to the team!
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Yes, having a routine is important, especially now. Sounds like you've been productive with your deep cleaning.

    Wow, an earthquake, that had to be scary.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Wednesday 4/1
    Food: over
    Water: 48 oz
    Exercise: 30 minutes low intensity bodyweight exercises, 30 minute walk

    I didn't have a lot of motivation today. I was somewhat productive but only for part of the day. I did clean out my pantry and started getting things ready for my church's sale. I listened to my church's livestream midweek check in service.

    Usually I walk with my neighbor in the afternoon but she was getting together at the park with her daughter and grandkids. She said I could join them but I didn't want to intrude on their family time. I went out for a walk around my condo complex and talked with one neighbor, walked with another neighbor and her dog and then walked around one more time by myself.

    My dad stopped by to get a couple of chairs from my garage. He only has a carport so he stores some of his things in my garage. A few neighbors were outside so I talked with them for a while. While we were out there we saw 4 deer in the field near our complex. One of my neighbors said she sees them a lot. I guess I'm not out at the right time since I usually don't so it was really nice to see.
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    edited April 2020
    Late check in for Tuesday
    Sorry everyone, I had a busy day and still did not feel well. I took a long nap late afternoon and felt better this evening. Somebody must have seen the “Save Me From My Kids” post because our school board is implementing distance learning starting on Monday. We have schedules, so there will be some video learning and assignments on abbreviated schedules. Thank goodness as it was like another job trying to put together lessons and get the kids to do them. Given how I have been feeling, I decided to take the week off of food planning, exercising and the step challenge. If I continue to feel this good tomorrow, I will do a shorter workout to start. I will start up everything on Sunday again. I am doing a virtual sourdough baking class tomorrow night and am really looking forward to it.

    @ProfDawnLee - Welcome to the team! It is amazing that you have kept up your running through such a challenging time.
    @lennoncpa - What a cutie! You are making me want to get a dog!
    @mrsbell8well - I really like your new profile photo!
    @ljdanny - It is hard trying to get into a new routine through all of this. I have wavy hair and luckily just had my straightening treatment about a week before we went into stay in place. I should be good for about 5 months and fingers crossed I can actually go to the hairdresser then!
    @GingerPwr- I have heard good things about Noom. It is good to change things up, so glad that you are giving it a try!
    @nstephenson01 - An earthquake? That is crazy! I love that “ate like a jerk” line.
    @annliz23 - Welcome to the team! As you can see, everyone loves to post pics of their fur babies!
    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx - I am so sorry about your job. I hope that you can keep it and get some more hours.
    @Freeglerock - Well no gain is good, even if you didn’t expect it! I totally get it about not caring about looks I FaceTimed my mom today & she told me that I looked bad!
    @tryingagain5 - Lots of great exercise, nice job!
    @podperson1 - Happy Anniversary to your parents! What a milestone! Too bad about Barcelona, but you can do an amazing party when this is over.
    @sleepymom5 - will keep praying for Jim. Glad that you and the girls are feeling ok.

  • brown6267
    brown6267 Posts: 476 Member
    04/01 steps 4769
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,448 Member
    Managed to get a walk in today 2 1/2miles now aim to do an abs workout.
    Good luck with you day!
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Week 1
    PW: 170
    CW: 171
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Daily check in for Wednesday
    Food: Forgot to set my IF app. Pre-planned food and stuck to plan so consider it a good day
    Water: Great... plus a cup of tea
    Exercise & Steps: 20 mins Bowflex MaxTrainer Intervals; 30 minute dog walk; 10,165 steps

    Yesterday was cardio day... my heart wasn't in it so not the best workout calorie burn wise but I did it. Eating was back on track and water was really good. I'm not much of a fan of tea but try to force myself to have a cup now and then. Still stuck in a winter weather pattern and am so over this snow we're getting. Was a bit short on steps so did a lap around the house before bed to get my 10,000 steps.

    Been bouncing around the low 170's for 2 weeks now. The 1 pound gain could be because my husband is home with me and it throws off my routine plus discipline goes out the window. It could be that I'm more committed to my strength training since yoga is closed or it could be that I've been behaving badly. LOL Or all 3! My goal for April is to get back into the 160's... there are 5 Thursdays in April so this should be totally doable. I seriously plateaued at 175 and am not going back there. :neutral:

    @mrsbell8well Love your new profile pic. That shade of green is so flattering on you. You really choose your colors well.

    @annliz23 Great Day!!

    @Cafelelia Hope you continue to feel better and that's great news about the schooling. I am fascinated by your online sourdough baking class!! Let me know how it goes

    @tryingagain5 Another good day of exercise!
  • jedaschultz
    jedaschultz Posts: 1,010 Member
    Username: jedaschultz
    Week: 1
    Weight in day: Monday
    Previous weight:199.2
    Current weight: 199.8

    Sorry about being so late. This "shelter in place" is really making it hard to stay out of the snacks. It's a new month and I will try harder to keep to my personal goals. Spring is here and we are starting to get outside more, although we can't really go anywhere. Thank goodness for gardening.
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    edited April 2020
    Step Challenge and Other Stuff
    We have some new members this month, so I wanted to go over a few team items.

    Step Challenge
    We run an optional weekly team step challenge from Sunday to Saturday each week. If you wish to participate, please post letting us know. You can post your steps daily or all at once for each day on the following Sunday morning in the following week (eg. Please post all of this week’s steps by noon on Sunday, April 5th). We announce the winners on Sunday evening here and we also provide a tally of how many steps we have done as a team.

    If you are just getting into exercise, don’t worry too much about your step count. This challenge is about moving and you can also use it for “personal bests” as we say in running. I was injured all of 2019, so this challenge has really helped me to see how much I have healed and progressed since then.

    Weigh Ins
    We ask that you post your weigh in on your specified day each week. You can see the format, as posted by @jedaschultz and @nstephenson01 right above this post. Pam or I will record your weight on the team spreadsheet. You will see that Pam or I mark your weigh in post as “insightful”. This is just something Pam and I use to let each other know that the weight has been recorded. The F2F moderators announce the individual and team winners each Sunday.

    If you cannot weigh in for the week, please post here by Saturday and ask to be excused. If you don’t do that, you receive an “NWI” (No weigh in) on the spreadsheet and after 2 weeks of NWIs, you are moved to the team drop list.

    The moderators introduced the “green” metric recently, which is related to a loss or maintain on the team spreadsheet as it appears a green. So each Sunday, we announce the green % for each team. At the end of the month, we also announce which individuals have been consistently green that month.

    We are here to support each other and many of us post daily for accountability or support. We are going through unprecedented tough times right now with this pandemic. It is totally ok to post about your struggles, even if it is not directly about weight loss. The moderators started a F2F community resource thread with all kinds of info about exercise, mental health, and routine during quarantine. The link is below. Please feel free to add any useful resources to that thread.


    F2F Group Challenges
    The moderators run a monthly group challenge. These are meant to be fun and completely optional. You don’t have to do the challenge from the first day of the month and you can jump in at any time. The challenges are a great way to get to know people from the other F2F teams.

  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,080 Member
    week 1
    pw 188
    cw 190.2
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,080 Member
    UGH!!! I knew it would probably go up being stuck at home but I have been trying to workout everyday. i try to get out walking everyday for at least an hour. i am sure it doesn't help that i am eating easter candy, cadbury mini eggs are my favorite and a giant weakness. i am trying to limit myself. i got out early today because they said its suppose to rain, i even ran over to get my food shopping done. my bosses text me to see if i could do a conference call, they are bored. i helped my son set up a home office in the basement because he needed more room than what he has in his bedroom and seeing we don't have a home office anymore because we got a cute little baby instead to put in there, the basement is his only option. i really have to kick my butt in gear or my weight will keep going up while im home instead of down.
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,448 Member
    Alfie chilling as he is not very well!
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    My poor doggie lol. Teammates playing with her.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @annliz23 ahhhh poor Alfie. Hope your doggie feels better.
    @gingerpwr are those weights?
    @ljdanny it definitely is taking a new way of doing things. Hang in there.
    @Cafelelia thanks for the photos and the smiles they put on my face! I am concerned about you not feeling well. You have mentioned it several times. Glad you were able to get some rest and feeling better today.
    @nstephenson01 thanks Nancy. I parted my hair the opposite side and fluffed it a bit. The grey/silver is more prominent from that side part but I have earned it!
    @profdawnlee welcome to our family! I read your post earlier and have been thinking about it all day. So chilling and far from over. Sounds like you are very active. What is your goal weight? How tall are you? How long have you been losing weight? What did you start at? Just curious.
    @lennoncpa I love your photos of Sunny. So dang cute!

    I am at work and feeling like a zombie. I am trying to go through the motions but I desperately want to be home. Sigh...and so many people want to be working. I am grateful to have a healthy happy home. I was going to write but...and changed my mind. Happy healthy home period!

    I am so happy to be doing yoga again. I am bringing in an ipad to work tomorrow and having my teammates join me in a yoga session.

    Hang in there everyone. Are group seems quiet without Pam. I hope Jim is recovering. Glad to hear the rest of her family is healthy. @sleepymom5 in our prayers and heart.
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