WEIGHT NO MORE Team Chat - April 2020



  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Week 4 Step Challenge Winners

    1. @Annliz23 - 84,241 steps
    2. @Zumba_Luvah - 81,967 steps
    3. @ljdanny - 81,142 steps

    Together 5 steppers walked 371,177 steps!!
    Congratulations everyone!!
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Sunday 4/26
    Food: over
    Water: 64 oz
    Exercise: 30 minute walk

    My church did a drive in service today. I opted to stay home and watch the livestream. I couldn't get that going so I watched a service on TV. I found out later that church couldn't get the livestream to work.

    I went for a walk with my neighbor and then napped for the afternoon since I'm going to work tonight.
  • CassieGetsFit2013
    CassieGetsFit2013 Posts: 579 Member
    @CassieGetsFit2013 My weight has jumped up today because of sodium I think, +800 grams or almost 2 lbs. It's not a true gain, just a fluctuation. I track my weight daily so I look at the trend, and I'm consistent and accurate with my logging. I have just altered my daily calorie goal however, as with the lockdown and working from home I'm not moving as much and not losing much. Set myself to Sedentary instead of Lightly Active which took away some calories, but at least now I can log my exercise and not feel guilty if I eat some of the calories back. also set to lose 0.75kg per week. Hopefully I'll have a nice balance now between not starving and losing consistent weight - when was the last time you set your goals? Are they still realistic? Are you weighing and logging everything consistently? Just a few suggestions because I know going back to the basics can sometimes help.

    Actually, I haven't messed around with my goals in a while! I should probably take a look at them and see what they are set at. I'm sure I have ot set to lightly active too, when some days that is true, but I'm more sedentary than before...Some weeks I am moving around more, some very little...I am weighing once a week, every Sunday and I wasn't logging for a while, but I just got back to trying to stick with logging everything!

  • CassieGetsFit2013
    CassieGetsFit2013 Posts: 579 Member
    User ID: CassieGetsFit2013
    Week Number: Week 1
    Previous weight: 209.8
    Current weight: 208.6

    Well, I didn't lose the 3lbs that I gained last week, but I did lose 1.2lbs. That's better than nothing OR a gain!

    So, my Sister kind of body shamed me yesterday...She is a lot heavier than me, and I don't know if she meant to body shame me or if she just said it and I took it too seriously as I do with everything...But it's something I'm self conscious about so of course it would bother me...Anyway, don't really want to say what she said or tell you guys what it is that I'm self conscious about, cause it's embarrassing, but I figured this should be the best and safest place to ask about this because maybe some of you have dealt with it...Anyway, I looked it up the other day and it's called FUPA...Basically I have too much fat under my belly/above my...You know...So, I was wondering if there are any exercises that target that area or if overall weight loss with help with that area...Please, someone tell me what to do and let me know if there's anything that can help with this!
  • xX_PhoenixRising_Xx
    xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Posts: 623 Member
    Check in for Monday - it's a public holiday here (ANZAC day observed) so a day off work. I went for a walk down to the beach, first time in 4.5 weeks since we've been in lockdown. Technically I live close enough to not break the rules by going there, but so many others out every time I've tried to go for a walk that I've just stuck to my garage gym. Too hard to keep a 2 meter safe distance! Did a loop and got an hour walk in.

    I also tried a little bit on my spin bike when hubby was lifting weights but I admitted defeat on that, feeling a bit lightheaded still.

    Tracking food okay today, still need dinner. Think I'd better make sure that I stick to mealtimes and make sure I eat enough at meals that I don't want anything outside of those times.

  • podperson1
    podperson1 Posts: 207 Member
    Hi all,

    Weigh in
    username - podperson1
    Week - 5 (?)
    PW - 189.6
    CW - 188.6

    Happy with that :smiley:

    @sleepymom5 - how wonderful to hear that Jim seems to be getting that bit better each day, and how lovely your community had a car parade for him :)

    @Cafelelia - glad your test results were ok, hope you're feeling better soon x

    @Fi45 - we do all need a break sometimes but please don't feel you have to leave just because you aren't losing. This group is wonderfully supportive in ways that go far beyond a number on the scales, and in these uncertain times I know that's something I'm really appreciating

    While it's a shame that the groups overall had a gain, I hope it does make those not losing in here realise that they're not alone. It's so stressful overall at the moment, and I know that many are like me and have been conditioned to turn to food for 'comfort'. It's something I'm trying hard to break myself of, but will varying degrees of success lol.

    I don't feel like I have much to report as I haven't really been anywhere or done anything! After a few quite hilarious hiccups then managed to get my folks onto video calling at weekend - it was nice to 'see' them again. A few blips on the food side (takeaway is like my kryptonite at the moment) but trying to keep the workouts up a bit more. It's been gorgeous weather here, which is actually a little frustrating as would love to be out in it but it seems like everyone has the same idea and the 'people dodging' just makes it stressful. It's times like these I really wish I had a garden to sit out in. But ah well.

    Hope everyone is staying safe and well x
  • brown6267
    brown6267 Posts: 476 Member
    04/26 steps 7678
  • GingerPwr
    GingerPwr Posts: 1,982 Member
    @CassieGetsFit2013 I think @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx is right, you can't spot reduce. But I wanted to ask, if strengthening the lower ab muscles might help???

    You just need to be content with the progress you're making. Don't worry about what other people have to say. It's YOUR body and YOUR journey and *eff* everyone else. And we love you!
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,077 Member
    i didn't do any workouts this weekend but i did rake a ton of leaves that are along the outside of the yard. yesterday a guy came to give us a quote for a new pool liner. i cry everytime we get one. my husband decided to go with this guy so hopefully by june 1st the pool is ready to go.
    i was supposed to have a zoom meeting this morning with my bosses, they scheduled a one on one with all the staff because we were going to reopen monday but when i just logged in for mine there were a ton of emails last night cancelling them and saying that we are not opening at this time. they will pick a later date. i really didn't think they would. we only had 15 kids who were going to be coming back for monday and they wanted at least 25. none of us were going to be getting full time hours. maybe this second round of being off work i will actually get some weight off. i am getting some more fruit and veggies in. not sure what is happening to the stawberries i buy, they go bad so fast.
    it's raining here today so i am either going to sit and read my book or maybe clean up around the basement, that can use some organizing.
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    @ljdanny have you tried freezing the strawberries. They are good whole -like candy- or cut up and freeze in their own juice makes a great topping for anything
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    edited April 2020
    Good morning everyone,
    I had a nice weekend coming out of self isolation. I feel so free even though I am still in regular quarantine! We cleaned the entire house, I did a bunch of laundry and we celebrated with pizza and a movie. My brother and his partner also came by for a distanced visit on our front lawn, which lifted everyone’s spirits. I just feel like I can focus on everything again. This week, aside from helping with the online schooling, I am going to get things going again for my legal practice, so I can start up some work as May rolls in. Today, our government is outlining a schedule for a gradual reopening, but that will not be until late May. They just extended online schooling to the end of May, which really means it will stay that way in June as well. It’s a warm and sunny day today, so I am going to try to get out this afternoon.

    @ljdanny - Too bad that your work delayed, but looks like you are making the best of the free time. That will be very nice when you pool is ready to go in June!

    @podperson1 - Nice loss! You are so right that we are not in this alone and a lot of us have similar issues around food. I love that term “people dodging”!

    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx - What a beautiful photo! Thanks for posting. I really hope that you are feeling better and that the dizziness and nausea have stopped.

    @CassieGetsFit2013 - First, great loss! Cassie, I totally agree with the wisdom @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx and @GingerPwr. Please do not ever let another person’s negative opinion influence your self-esteem and what you see in the mirror. You are a lovely, young woman and you really have made great progress on your journey. Just keep doing what you are doing, which is focusing on health, weight loss and fitness. Just tune out that negativity and stay focused on you. Sending you a virtual hug!

    @tryingagain5 - Hope that work went well last night!

    @annliz23 - Sorry about that little gain, but keep up your amazing focus and step count!

    @freeglerock - Thanks for posting and I was afraid we lost you! Things don’t have to be perfect to post here. Sometimes if you having a not great day, be it mood, eating or whatever, it can really help if you post about it. Even if it is just to vent. Plus I want to hear about the vegetables that you are growing!

    @timibotkin - Sorry for that gain, you are not alone, especially now! On the bright side, you step count is impressive!
  • jedaschultz
    jedaschultz Posts: 1,010 Member
    Username: jedaschultz
    Week: 5
    Weight in day: Monday
    Previous weight:203.6
    Current weight: 201.4

    Determined to get this weight off and back under 200. That is the goal for this week
    is to be in the 100's once again. It's a shelter in place order not a eat everything in sight order.

    Focus this week will be:
    1. Drink more water
    2. Get more walking (Steps) in
    3. Control the calories with thoughtful eating
    Next week's weight goal - 199.4, 2 lbs. but I can do it.

  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,448 Member
    Saturday 4/25
    Food: over
    Water: 64 oz
    Exercise: 30 minute walk, PT, stretching and strength

    Sunday 4/26
    Water: 64 oz
    Exercise: 30 min stationary bike, PT, stretching and strength

    WTG! @hope002, @GingerPwr and @podperson1 Our 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners last week!!

    Congratulations also to our winners in the step challenge! @Annliz23 @Zumba_Luvah and @ljdanny great job ladies!!

    Well, so much for getting on everyday Lol! My computer time yesterday went to ordering thank you cards. I wanted to have ones that had a nice message inside and then I just have to add a line or two on the bottom to personalize with what was done. I am not really sure that I need to do them but I feel like I have them hanging over my head to do. Our dryer also died yesterday morning so the rest of my computer time went to looking for a new one. Ugh! Bad timing but at least we were all caught up on wash.

    I have been doing good with planning, water and exercise since Friday. Now to kick it up a notch and follow the plan lol! Shannon is back to watching what she is eating so she planned a menu for the week. Tomorrow I am going to the store in the morning. Jim has been sleeping in so it is a good time. I am really amazed at his progress since he has come home. He does get tired very easily but is walking without his walker, showering, doing stairs and back to work a few hours a day. He still has the PT and OT coming twice a week so I am sure it will take a while to get his strength and endurance back but it is encouraging how far he has come. On a side note, he lost over 40 lbs with this whole ordeal so in about a month. He has a ways to go with that too but for the first time he is actually interested in continuing to lose and to also get healthier and start exercising.

    Hope all of you are surviving through this crazy time. I will go back to read but not sure when. I am picking up where I started Friday and hopefully can continue to do more and more. Let's have a great week and finish April strong!

    @Zumba_Luvah Congratulations on getting to your goal! I know you will be just as successful in reaching your new goal too! Amazing steps by the way!!
    @kirsten11872 That is basically a maintain which isn't bad at all. I hope all is going well with you.
    @Cafelelia I am so glad that you are finally out of isolation. It has been a long time coming! Take your time with all you have to do and still listen to your body. If you need rest be sure to rest. I bet your little guy was so happy to have you back! Now that I see today's post, you did great and had a productive and fun day! Now that you have the home front squared away, time to move on to the business end I guess. Remember to take breaks and still take care of yourself.
    @tryingagain5 It is good to spend time outdoors when you can. It is good for the soul. Even better when you are exercising as well but talking to friends and neighbors keeps us sane. I also think that it is important for you living alone to keep these connections going. The drive in church sounded interesting. Too bad the live stream didn't work. I wonder how that worked. Sounds like a good idea to be together but still apart.
    @timibotkin No worries about the weight. I have to read back and see what is going on with you but considering all that you have been going through, this is going to be a little blip on the radar. Do what you can to get back on track and if you are on track, there could be a number of reasons why your weight is up. Hang in there! Sending hugs!
    @Freeglerock I am so happy to see you post! We would miss you if you left. I think when you want to put your head in the sand is exactly when you should be posting. You need our support during those times. I know that several of MFP friends like those two programs you found. I think making a point to exercise is a great place to start. Once you are comfortable with that, you can make another change. Small changes add up. :)
    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx I am glad you were able to be in contact with your doctor and get a few answers. Hopefully you will slowly start to feel better. I am glad that you listen to your body and just do the exercise that you are able to and not push. I know this is not your first rodeo so I don't have to tell you! And absolutely stay away from Dr Google lol! I love where you are able to walk. What a beautiful picture!
    @annliz23 Those are amazing steps for someone who has back pain! I hope you start feeling better soon. Don't push if you aren't feeling well.
    @ljdanny Holy crap! Some of those day's steps are amazing!! I can relate to the to do list that isn't getting done...I am not surprised about the daycare not opening. They aren't opening here either. I will join you with getting some weight off on this end of the quarantine. I can't continue to go up. I am hoping we get our pool open soon. It will be nicer to look at in the yard over the cover.
    @CassieGetsFit2013 Nice loss! Keep doing what you are doing. I am sorry that your sister's comment upset you. Don't let her stand in the way of your goals.You keep taking care of yourself and being healthy. That is what is important.
    @podperson1 Nice loss! You must be doing better than you think. Hang in there, this is a tough time and sounds like you are making the best of it! xo
    @pacsnc6 What a great tip with the strawberries! I am going to try that. I haven't read through all of what I missed but I have been thinking of you. Hope all is going well. xo
    @jedaschultz Nice loss! Love your goals for the week. You got this!
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Congratulations @hope002, @GingerPwr and @podperson1 for being our top “losers” this week!! And hip hip hooray to @Zumba_Luvah for reaching your goal weight!!

    Nice loss @jedashultz and I like your goals. I have to also remind myself that its not a "eat everything in sight order" LOL

    Congrats @gingerpwr for getting into the 130's. Seems like Noom is just what you needed to shake things up. Do you feel it would be beneficial to continue at the completion of the free trial?

    @pacsnc6 Yum, that sounds good! @ljdanny in my experience it helps if I take the strawberries out of the plastic container and put them in a glass container. I can't recall if I wash them or not. I don't think you're supposed to wash berries too far in advance but for some reason I think I do so they're grab and go ready. Good luck! I hate when produce goes bad so quickly.

    Not much to report from here. I can't believe its already April 27th. I don't know where this month went and everyday feels like groundhog day. At times I get so frustrated and cranky and other times I'm so thankful for the little things. Its shameful what a shambles the unemployment compensation system is in. I've been getting some form of exercise in each day even if its only a 30 minute walk. Haven't been consistent with logging my food. Still tinkering with IF. !4 hr fasts (7 pm - 9 am) are getting easier. Mixing in some 16 hr fasts (7 pm - 11 am) and don't bother to fast at all 2 days of the week. Setting my fasting app seems to keep me from randomly snacking/grazing. I read that its good to keep the body guessing... time will tell if that applies to my body.

    Take care everyone!

  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Monday 4/27
    Food: good
    Water: 64 oz
    Exercise: 20 minute low intensity, 40 minute walk

    I slept all day since I worked last night. Getting home earlier because of the policy at work. Had some breakfast and went to bed. I still wake up a couple of times before I just get up.

    I did a low intensity workout after getting up. My neighbor and I got in a 40 minute walk before it started raining. Since I was still tired I took a nap after supper.

    Now I'm sitting in the parking lot at work waiting for 10:10 so I can go into the building.

    We find out tonight if we work again tomorrow. From what my boss said last night, there wasn't a lot of work to do but it changes so much that it's probably all different from what he said last night. It really is strange not knowing how many days I will work.
This discussion has been closed.