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WEIGHT NO MORE Team Chat - April 2020



  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    I understand about the weight gain. Still trying to lose what I gained. You were going through a rough time with being sick. Definitely harder to exercise and planning on eating healthy.

    Thanks, It's been harder with nothing normal but we're all in the same boat. I'm going to do my best to keep that up.

    It's ok that you can't find that peanut butter pie recipe. You're right, I do have a good supply at a nearby restaurant and a good supply of the hot fudge cake I like at another restaurant.😁
  • srw32
    srw32 Posts: 10 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! Here is my weigh in

    Username: srw32
    Weigh-In Day: Friday
    Week: 5
    Previous Weight: 187.4
    Current Weight: 186.8
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Looks like all of us had issues with overeating this month but nothing is normal right now. One day at a time.

    Glad you're having a good day today.

    I will let you know if I figure it out. I think sometimes it depends on the placement of the mask or possibly how tight it is.

    Yes, I'm off until Sunday night. We're not back to 40 hours yet and they're doing involuntary layoffs. I talked with people in the other buildings who know people that were laid off yesterday. I don't know of anyone in my building on my shift but will find out when I go back and see who's missing.

    It is nice here, already 60 degrees. I'm walking with my neighbor this afternoon and with a lady from my church tomorrow morning.
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    A Few Reminders!

    Move to the New Thread
    We move on Sunday, May 3rd and this thread will close. Here is the link and please feel free to visit, post an intro and your May goals:

    April Week 5 Weigh Ins
    Please post this week’s weigh in on this thread.

    Step Challenge
    Please post your weekly totals on the new May thread on Sunday before noon. If we had enough people stepping through the month of April, I will post a winner for the month, as well as for the week. If you want to be part of the May step challenge, we run Sunday to Saturday, and please post your steps either daily or in total on the following Sunday before noon.

    Roses, Thorns & Sees Mini Challenge
    I will post that mini challenge in the new thread in case anyone wants to still participate. I am going to, but want to give it a bit of time and thought.

  • GingerPwr
    GingerPwr Posts: 1,984 Member
    @Mrsbell8well I'm so glad you're active in the group again! Also wish this pandemic would end - I'd so love to visit with you and Molly when you're in NC. Oh well - Someday, hopefully!

    @sleepymom5 Be sure to give yourself a big hug and an even bigger break. You went through such a stressful and scary time and you did it with more strength than I think I could muster under the same circumstances. If you could weather all that you did, dropping a few pounds will be an easy task. You're right that it's a new month and you have so many positives on the horizon!

    @srw32 Great loss and such a cute fur baby you have!!!!

    I've been thinking about the April reflection. Here are mine:

    Roses - obviously, finally busting through a frustrating plateau has been good, but also, I'm much more fit. I just did a Hiit workout and could do all of the hard or intermediate level exercises! Even if I'm not at goal weight, that's a huge NSV for me.

    Thorns - Losing touch with my students. I have seniors, and because of the state's decisions concerning passing and graduation, most of them are done. We also got the announcement last week that we won't be returning. I know that's not a weight-related one, but that's what has made me saddest.

    Seeds - Loving what I'm learning in Noom about eating triggers and how my environment impacts my eating choices. I'm in the beginning phases of making those healthier substitutes and starting to enjoy a slightly different method of planning out my meals.

  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    @sleepymom5 glad Jim is improving every day! It is hard to stay on track with so many things going on. Our lives have changed so much in the past 2 months!
    Yes, I am still doing WW. We have our weekly meetings on Zoom. It is not the same as in-person, but you do get to see everyone & the leader runs the meeting.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Friday 5/1
    Food: over
    Water: 80 oz
    Exercise: 60 minute walk

    Last night I was messaging with some of the people I used to work with when I was in another building for work. Apparently work has already laid off some people. From what I understand the employee's boss called them to tell them. I didn't get a call so hopefully that means I'm safe from this round of layoffs.

    I ran errands today but didn't accomplish much else with my day. The weather was pretty good here today so there were quite a few people out on the trail. We saw the neighbor who walks his dog again today. He said he saw an eagle and that it was eating a fish. He said it was interesting to watch.

    I talked with both my brother and sister today so that was nice.

  • brown6267
    brown6267 Posts: 476 Member
    05/01 steps 9470
  • podperson1
    podperson1 Posts: 207 Member
    Hi all,

    @Freeglerock - congrats on the weight loss! I'm with you on the lack of movement with working from home, even taking away the walking across the office etc then I used to walk a bit going to/coming from the office and at least get outside on my lunch break

    @CassieGetsFit2013 - that sucks, I get really bad periods and I'm normally on a contraceptive injective so I don't get them. With the doctor's only taking emergencies though I couldn't really justify going last month so have a bad feeling mine will be appearing soon (probably with a vengence for all those missed ones!). Try not to feel too bad about the overeating, we all have blips and it's just one day so you can easily get back on track x

    @lennoncpa - yay for our Sunny pics, always makes me smile. Congrats on the weight loss, that's around where I'd like to be eventually, but a long way to go yet!

    @Cafelelia - sounds like you're getting back into a routine, glad you're starting to feel better but remember to take it easy when you need to x

    @tryingagain5 - sounds stressful at your work, sadly I think they're not the only ones and can't be an easy thing. Hopefully your volunteering will give you that extra bit of safety. Glad you're still getting out with the neighbours, your community sounds so lovely and supportive

    @sleepymom5 - you have had such a stressful and scary month so please don't beat yourself up over gaining a couple of pounds! It's a new month, you're already getting your healthy routines back, I'm sure it will be back down in no time

    @srw32 - congrats on the weight loss :)

    Had a bit of a cheat day yesterday, went out to the grocery store and saw our local chippy has opened up again, so couldn't resist getting a bag of chips. Also had a few drinks at night with the flatmate - those liquid calories are lethal as they just don't feel like they should count :D Anyway the rest of the week has been pretty good so hopefully it will all balance out. I try quite hard not to 'ban' myself from any foods as I know that just means I'll want them more.

    Trying to keep up with the workouts. I really love my instructors live streams that he does a twice a week but struggling to find some pre-recorded online ones to do inbetween. Been doing a few different ones but they're not really sticking. If anyone has any recommendations for cardio/dance-based ones that aren't HIIT ones then do please link me!
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Hi everyone! Yesterday was another good day in terms of feeling well and having energy. I ate on plan, drank 1.5l of water and did a 30 minute walking workout. I baked a few loaves of sourdough and also completed spring tidying of our closets and the boys tidied their rooms. So we have pretty much completed all spring tidying and cleaning. We usually go away a lot of the summer, but that is all up in the air right now. So my husband and I have been turning our attention to outside as we may be spending more time there. We did a spring clean up outside, and I ordered a few new things to decorate, which my husband is picking up today. The boys need a new basketball net too as we are just not sure when the parks and playgrounds will open again. Our province allowed the reopening of a few more businesses starting Monday, including garden centres, so we will buy some annuals and plant them for more colour. The boys finished all of their schoolwork this week, so we can all have a relaxing weekend.

    @podperson1 - It is ok to have a few treats here and there, so don’t worry about it. Glad that you are keeping up with the workouts too. I am still trying to navigate through what works for me, so don’t have a lot of recommendations.

    @timibotkin - Nice loss and that is nice victory!

    @Zumbz_luvah - Another great loss!

    @brown6267 - Congratulations on meeting your goal! That is amazing! I will arrange to have you moved to cheer squad. We do not track weights there, but feel free to keep posting, and weighing in if you feel you need some accountability to maintain. Also, you can continue to do the weekly step challenges too. I am so happy for you!

    @tryingagain5 - That is good news about you not being laid off right now. Glad that you continue to get outside and catch up with your siblings as well!

    @1theresamcvean - Those photos of your mom are so sweet and those cards are very impressive. That is such a relief that they have had no cases of the virus at her home. Thanks for sharing your roses, thorns & seeds and I love your goals! Now is the time of year where we would normally start seeing those boot camps in parks all over the city. Glad that you can keep doing it online!

    @gingerpwr - Thanks for sharing your roses, thorns and seeds! So amazing that Noom is really working for you! I must be so sad to lose touch with your students. I have seen a positive difference in my kids since they reconnected with their teachers through online learning. As much as I can try to homeschool, I cannot replace the professionals like you!

    @srw32 - Nice loss!!

    @sleepymom5 - All things considered, your overall gain really was not that bad, especially considering all of the stress and all fo the food that people brough over. Glad that Jim continues to do well! My “seeds” are very similar to yours!

    @hope002 - Nice maintain!

    @mrsbell8well - Wow, a move right now is a big undertaking, but if it works for you, then go for it! It will be nice for you and Molly to get away for a little bit, especially because it has been such a busy time for you.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,471 Member
    Friday 5/1
    Food: Over
    Water: 64 oz
    Exercise: 30 minute walk

    I had a good day yesterday. I got my exercise done early and then caught up with a lot of stuff I have had hanging over my head the past few weeks. I even put together office furniture for Jim's home office and set up his copier.This weekend, I plan to enjoy the beautiful weather and Jim. That and catch up with wash. We have been without a washer and dryer for over a week. I do plan to exercise and watch what I eat too. Hope everyone has this beautiful weather too and can get out a little to enjoy.

    @srw32 Nice loss! Hope all is doing well.
    @tryingagain5 You are right, 1 day at a time. I need to remember that. I hope that you survive the layoffs. Hopefully they will re hire once this is over.
    @GingerPwr I do like your review for April. I feel so sorry for the seniors and what they are missing but it is true for the teachers too. I am glad that you are doing so well with Noom.
    I understand you pay for their content but if you find anything interesting that you can share we would love to learn.Thank you for the kind words. I do need to remember that it was a tough month for me but I really wish I came through at least maintaining.
    @1theresamcvean Nice loss especially considering all you went through. I love your roses! Even though your Mom doesn't have visitors, the nursing home seems to be sure they all get love and attention. I remember when they first couldn't have visitors and the staff made sure to get your Mom to the window. I also remember when she first went there and wasn't as close to you. Looks like it was a good decision considering how the other place was hit with COVID. You really have a good plan with exercise and eating for May. I think this will be a comeback month for us all. If you don't mind sharing that buffalo chicken spaghetti squash recipe, I would love to have it.
    @kirsten11872 I am glad that they are having the WW meetings on zoom. I know my Mom loved her meetings and wouldn't have liked the online option. It is nice that you can still be with the other members and the leader.
    @brown6267 Congratulations on meeting your goal! That is awesome! It must be so nice to look back and see how far you have come!
    @Zumba_Luvah Nice loss! You are doing great!
    @timibotkin Nice!! Hope all is well with you!
    @podperson1 I agree with not banning anything from your diet and enjoy in moderation. I have gone the restrictive route and that didn't work for me at all. I am not good with help for the workouts. I know quite a few of our members are. Hugs!
    @Cafelelia Glad that you are feeling better and stronger everyday. You and your family has been so productive! The more I hear about your tidying, the more I know I have to do that major clean out. It seems like once you spent the time doing the initial clean out, the follow up ones are much easier. I am going to do my usual spring cleaning but if I end up being home this summer. I am going back and use the Marie Kondo method

  • timibotkin
    timibotkin Posts: 235 Member
    Steps have been a little better this week! I’ve slept a lot so far today so I’m not expecting much today unless I get a lot of energy or force myself this evening.
    S- 7,986
    M- 14,351
    T- 11,638
    W- 14,044
    T- 16,503
    F- 15,913
  • 1theresamcvean
    1theresamcvean Posts: 934 Member
    sleepymom5 wrote: »
    Friday 5/1
    Food: Over
    Water: 64 oz
    Exercise: 30 minute walk

    I had a good day yesterday. I got my exercise done early and then caught up with a lot of stuff I have had hanging over my head the past few weeks. I even put together office furniture for Jim's home office and set up his copier.This weekend, I plan to enjoy the beautiful weather and Jim. That and catch up with wash. We have been without a washer and dryer for over a week. I do plan to exercise and watch what I eat too. Hope everyone has this beautiful weather too and can get out a little to enjoy.

    @srw32 Nice loss! Hope all is doing well.
    @tryingagain5 You are right, 1 day at a time. I need to remember that. I hope that you survive the layoffs. Hopefully they will re hire once this is over.
    @GingerPwr I do like your review for April. I feel so sorry for the seniors and what they are missing but it is true for the teachers too. I am glad that you are doing so well with Noom.
    I understand you pay for their content but if you find anything interesting that you can share we would love to learn.Thank you for the kind words. I do need to remember that it was a tough month for me but I really wish I came through at least maintaining.
    @1theresamcvean Nice loss especially considering all you went through. I love your roses! Even though your Mom doesn't have visitors, the nursing home seems to be sure they all get love and attention. I remember when they first couldn't have visitors and the staff made sure to get your Mom to the window. I also remember when she first went there and wasn't as close to you. Looks like it was a good decision considering how the other place was hit with COVID. You really have a good plan with exercise and eating for May. I think this will be a comeback month for us all. If you don't mind sharing that buffalo chicken spaghetti squash recipe, I would love to have it.
    @kirsten11872 I am glad that they are having the WW meetings on zoom. I know my Mom loved her meetings and wouldn't have liked the online option. It is nice that you can still be with the other members and the leader.
    @brown6267 Congratulations on meeting your goal! That is awesome! It must be so nice to look back and see how far you have come!
    @Zumba_Luvah Nice loss! You are doing great!
    @timibotkin Nice!! Hope all is well with you!
    @podperson1 I agree with not banning anything from your diet and enjoy in moderation. I have gone the restrictive route and that didn't work for me at all. I am not good with help for the workouts. I know quite a few of our members are. Hugs!
    @Cafelelia Glad that you are feeling better and stronger everyday. You and your family has been so productive! The more I hear about your tidying, the more I know I have to do that major clean out. It seems like once you spent the time doing the initial clean out, the follow up ones are much easier. I am going to do my usual spring cleaning but if I end up being home this summer. I am going back and use the Marie Kondo method

    Oh my, Pam, you made me tear up there. It means so much to me that you remember so many things about each of us when you've had so much to handle in the last several weeks. You'll love the Buffalo Chicken recipe. It's like pub food after all. In this recipe, it says the calories are 405 per serving. When I make it, I weigh the squash and measure everything else precisely, reduce the chicken to 1.5 cups, and it comes out to 271 calories. In fact, every time I make a recipe I update it in My Recipes on MFP because sometimes I have a little more or less on an ingredient. When I serve it, I actually weigh the portions because, if not, I'm likely to cheat and take more. For leftovers of this, I scoop it out of the squash shell and put it in single-serving containers in the fridge or freezer. https://peasandcrayons.com/2016/02/cheesy-buffalo-chicken-spaghetti-squash-recipe.html
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    @sleepymom5 - Yes, that’s totally correct about the Marie Kondo method. You do one big tidying session. You keep the things that you need and love in a way where you know where they are and make sense to you. So going forward, it is so much easier to clean and maintain your house, and also buy what you truly need and love. So I did the method in January 2019 and this year, spring tidying and cleaning was so easy. Because I have kids who are still growing (and fast), their stuff was the main focus this year. We had to go through their clothes, games, toys, hockey equipment and books because that is what they outgrow. But it did not take long because the boys are on board with the Marie approach too. Once Jim is better and you have some time, we can talk about it more if you want. I highly recommend watching the shows on Netflix as they are quite entertaining!
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    Weigh-in day:Saturday
    Previous weight:179.0
    Current weight:176.4
This discussion has been closed.