DOWNSIZERS Team Chat - June 2020



  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    edited June 2020
    kerdil08 wrote: »
    CW: 208.6

    Can I please change my day to Saturday? I keep being late because I head off to work Friday without remembering to step on the scale. Yeeshk.

    Congrats on your loss!
    Friday’s check in
    Calories: over
    Exercise: 15 minute walk
    Water: not enough

    Steps 6/5 9,818

    I walked every hour for 5 minutes expect once I walked for 15 minutes. I am going to do the same again today. I didn’t sleep well last night so I am probably going to want to nap today which could mean I might not get as much done as yesterday.

    Hubby is gone grocery shopping by himself. I hope he gets everything on the list or I will be scrambling to adjust my menu for the week. I always plan our weeks meals a week at a time. When I didn’t do that I found I ended up getting takeout more often than I like.

    Have a great weekend!

    Today’s goals
    1. Stay within calories
    2. Walk 5 minutes every hour with one 15 minute walk
    3. Drink 8 cups of water

    such a great idea to plan meals ahead of time. I’ve tried and really struggle with this. The good thing is that my husband and I have an agreement on only eating out once a month so even if I don’t plan the weeks meals it’s always homemade and always includes veggies. Well done on your goals GF.
    Last weight: 219.5
    Current 219.3
    Admittedly some emotional eating this week. Eye on the prize next week. Everyone stay healthy and safe xxxo

    Eye on the prize is right. I totally understand emotional eating. I’ve been dealing with it this past week as well. Hang in there and just do your very beat each day ❤️
    cesse47 wrote: »
    cesse47 wrote: »
    Weigh In Day -- Saturday, June 6, 2020

    SW - 308.6
    LW - 291.2
    CW - 288.8 == 2.4 lbs loss - l9.8 lbs loss to date

    Steps to date --- 8000 steps

    Friday, June 5 --- 2000 steps

    well done with the step challenge this week! And wowza! Look at that amazing loss on the scale! Congratulations 🎉
    missGYST wrote: »
    Steps for Friday, June 5th: 2,772
    What an abysmal, rainy day. I sat working for far too long and I didn’t get up and move the two times it did stop raining. Thank God today the sun is shining, the birds are singing!

    My whole mood changes depending on the weather so I’m happy to see you’ve got your sunshine now. It’s a new day now so enjoy the singing birds .
    Check in Wednesday June 3, Thursday June 4 and Friday June 5

    3/3 - 10,986
    3/4 - 12,903
    3/5 - 9,587

    Weigh in day Friday
    PW - 238.8
    CW - 234.6

    Calories - not tracked
    Water - epic fail

    My scale decided to bite the dust yesterday and kept giving me error messages and never the same number twice so I replaced it yesterday afternoon, the weigh in number is from the new scale this morning, I like the number but not entirely convinced I dropped 4 lbs over the week, I think the old scale was incorrect, but I will take it!

    I hate when I have to change scales. I’ve had to do so 3 times over the past 4 years. The worst thing is when one of them is off and you are actually heavier than you thought so I think you got lucky you are actually lighter than your old scale was telling you. I’ll take a 4 lb loss happily lol.
    19shmoo69 wrote: »
    6/6 steps 16918

    missGYST wrote: »
    Steps for Saturday, June 6th: 6,428

    Saturday weigh in: 304.4 lbs. oof. Will check in with more details later.

    Waiting for your update Mr Josh. Don’t stress it my friend just “smile and wave“ (penguins of Madagascar.)

  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Thank you @lindamtuck2018 and @Marigorringo for the kind words and encouragement ❤️❤️💐
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,571 Member
    Saturday weigh in: 304.4 lbs. oof. Will check in with more details later.

    Ups are part of the journey. Looking forward to your check in later.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,571 Member
    Check-In: Saturday, June 06

    •Log all food: No ❌
    •Under Calories: No ❌
    •Exercise: Afternoon Walk ✔️
    •Water: 1.5 L ❌
    •Steps:10,014 ✔️

    Happy Sunday Team. It’s French Mother’s Day so It may be a hard one for me. I never got to Zumba yesterday as my joints are still pretty bad. I spoke to the Zumba instructor and he said to stay home and rest. 😔 I’ve got a brace on my right hand as I can’t even move it at this point. I can’t wait for the sun to come back.

    Today we’ve been invited to a friends house for Mother’s Day lunch. She is making Moroccan couscous and usually meals with her family are pretty big. I think that if I feel I’ve gone over at lunch I will skip out on dinner. I’ve had a nice peaceful breakfast this morning and I plan on doing a little jumping in a few. If my pain is too bad I’ll just do a walk like yesterday.

    Wishing you all a wonderful blessed Sunday.

    June goals:

    •Log all food. The good the bad and the ugly!
    •Stay on or under my allowed calorie goal.
    •Do at least 30 minute workout each day.
    •Drink at least 2L water each day.
    •Reach at least 10,000 steps each day.

    Happy Mother’s Day Mari! I hope you have a great one. I feel you on the joint pain. I have rheumatoid arthritis and when the pain is bad it is just best to rest. I hope the pain goes away soon.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,571 Member
    Saturday’s check in
    Calories: over
    Exercise: 15 minute walk plus lots of 5 minute walks
    Water: ✅

    Steps 6/6 10,702

    My Fitbit broke yesterday. Somehow I broke the pins on the back for charging. My husband is going to pick me up one today. I have the ionic right now and I don’t use everything on it. I am going to get the charge hr 4.

    I am starting to feel antsy being cooped up in the apartment. My breathing is much better today so I hope in a few days I will be out again.

    Today’s goals
    1. Walk 20 minutes and 5 minutes every hour
    2. Stay within calorie goal
    3. Drink 8 cups of water
    4. Bed by 10 pm
  • Z10Rtza
    Z10Rtza Posts: 450 Member
    Yesterday 12.239 steps
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,136 Member
    P. W. 254
    C. W. 254
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
  • michelleywardell
    michelleywardell Posts: 84 Member
    P.W 182.4
    C.W 180.4

    I forgot my watch at home a few times this week.

    6/1 13152
    6/2 4008
    6/3 5115
    6/4 3623
    6/5 3352
    6/6 9438
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member

    WEEK 1

    1st Downsizers 0.60%
    2nd Weight No More 0.51%
    3rd Trimstones 0.42%

    1st Downsizers 36.4 lbs
    2nd Weight No More 28.7 lbs
    3rd Trimstones 23.9 lbs

    1st @raleighgirl09 3.03%
    2nd @dymphnadaniels 3.02%
    3rd @Mrsbell8well 2.84%

    1st @dymphnadaniels 9.8 lbs
    2nd @wilsonkellies 5.8 lbs
    3rd @raleighgirl09 5.6%


  • destiny_sierra
    destiny_sierra Posts: 66 Member
    Check in Saturday June 6

    Steps - 11,446
    Calories - Under
    Water - Fail
  • Piqueaboo
    Piqueaboo Posts: 1,193 Member
    Username: piqueaboo
    Weigh-in Day: Saturday
    Weigh-in week: 2
    Previous weight: 197lbs
    Current weight: 198.4 (bad fail day, yesterday I actually hit 191!)

    • Monday June 1: 6 498
    • Tuesday June 2: 11 255
    • Wednesday June 3: 7 099
    • Thursday June 4: 7 658
    • Friday June 5: 4 220
    • Saturday June 6: 16 605
    • Sunday June 7: 13 909 (will adjust final number tomorrow)

    Jump Rope Challenge: 4 minutes

    Weekly Sumup:
    It was a great and a terrible week, I stuck to my workouts and didn't drink until Thursday when I decided to have wine instead of dinner (I wasn't hungry but felt like a tipple) and completely overdid it. Friday I was very hungover and for some reason decided it would be a great idea to have Mcdonald's, then I decided to not work out that day and friends took me to a bar and we ended up having Chinese for dinner. Saturday I hopped back on the wagon and worked out, and today I also finished a 100-minute workout so I kinda made up for it, but I need to really watch myself and not let it get out of control. Wine in moderation moving forward, and better planning.

    Goals for next week:
    • Try 16/8 for a few days and see how it feels
    • Get a handle on the drinking (isn't as bad as it sounds)
    • Run 15k or more
  • charlottemilton
    charlottemilton Posts: 144 Member
    Username: charlottemilton
    Weigh-in Day: Sunday
    Weigh-in week: 2
    Previous weight: 233
    Current weight: 229.5

    Super hot right now and the air is out in the truck. so of course I needed to hook up the trailer, drive to the closest campground and dump our holding tanks that we have avoided dumping since our last camping trip. I don't remember why we couldn't dump earlier, but today was the designated day. Thermometer read 99 degrees (that is 37.2 C for the rest of the world) in the shade. I am just starting to feel hot instead of like passing out. Drank more than a quart of water and a frozen raspberry popsicle helped.

    Second good week in a row. My stall has really broken. Yeah! More than halfway to wonderland now. I definitely need to get some new jeans. Mine fell off twice today, thankfully not in public. Guess that is on my list for this week. It will have to be Target or Walmart as those are the only stores with clothes open here I think. I don't know if I need to go down one size or two to make them so they don't fall down. At least I won't be spending much since I hope to shrink out of them before they wear out.

    Goals for this week:
    1. Get see if topping up the air conditioner with whatever they use for Freon these days fixes the problem. If not, make an appointment to get it fixed which will be many more $$ than just a top up.
    2. Remember to take my meds an hour before eating so my stomach doesn't erode again and start hurting.
    3. Don't eat too many foods not on my approved list. Doctor said I could start slowly adding more into my diet but go easy especially on the acidic ones.
    4. Stay under my calorie count except for next Saturday, Hubby's birthday party. (A life happens event
      --shouldn't bee to much over as my oldest has offered to make him his favorite fajitas.)

  • charlottemilton
    charlottemilton Posts: 144 Member
    @destiny_sierra Congratulations on the loss!

    @mari_moulin Love your accountability and honesty to yourself with your daily lists. I do well with lists, so my copy it with your permission although I am not sure I would post for all to see.

    @cesse47 Great loss! You are doing wonderfully!

    @FormerlyFit48 A loss is a loss. The scale is going in the right direction. You didn't gain everything overnight and you won't lose it instantaneously even if we want and wish to be instantly fit and fabulous.

    @lindamtuck2018 Sorry you didn't sleep well. I would blame it on weather but not sure where you are located. Hopefully, you will sleep better tonight.

  • wbs2020
    wbs2020 Posts: 23 Member
    Sunday Check In!
    SW 168.9
    PW 167.0
    CW 166.6

    Doing good on limiting processed foods
    I have a few new meals on deck for the week
    Looking forward to more intensity in my workouts and longer walks this week
    Goals: Log all food; stay under calories for the day
    6 days of workout/walking minimum
  • michelleywardell
    michelleywardell Posts: 84 Member
    6/7 13848

    Food choices have been bad all day. Left over sausage spaghetti for breakfast, yogurt, nuts cheese, ham and a muffin top from Dutch bros. and a golden eagle with soft top. Then on the way home I got 🐼 express🤪 sooooo bad and a short day so I didnt burn enough calories for all that. Ill do better tomorrow.

  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,136 Member
    6/7 steps 13741
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Check-In: Sunday, June 07

    •Log all food: No ❌
    •Under Calories: No ❌
    •Exercise: Jumping Fitness ✔️
    •Water: 1.5 L ❌
    •Steps: 10,957 ✔️

    A new week is here and I’ve already messed up lol. Yesterday was a nice day. We spent the afternoon with my friend and her family. They prepared a Moroccan couscous for us and it was so so yummy. We ate it Moroccan style which means we all ate out do the same dish so I’ve no idea how much I ate. I do know I stopped before my “oops I ate too much” hiccups started so all good.

    I was planing on going to the gym this morning but I woke up too late. I woke up at 5 and thought ok good I have another hour. Next Thing I knew it was almost 8 am. Ugh. I’m making sure i put my alarm on for tomorrow. Tonight is Zumba for me which is an extra 30 minutes longer than usual. I’m looking forward to a great burn.

    Wishing you all a marvelous Monday!!

    June goals:

    •Log all food. The good the bad and the ugly!
    •Stay on or under my allowed calorie goal.
    •Do at least 30 minute workout each day.
    •Drink at least 2L water each day.
    •Reach at least 10,000 steps each day.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,212 Member
    This week's F2F Challenge is UP!! Feeling cranky? You're going to love this one :wink:
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