Downsizers Team Chat - August 2020



  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,530 Member
    pandygirl1 wrote: »

    Actually when I weighed my heaviest, there is nothing wrong with me, and the Doctors at the time we're surprised that everything was normal. Will except for me being morbidly obese, my sugar and everything else were fine.

    Around the time I started losing, is when I was diagnosed with arthritis and sometime later type 2 diabetes.

    It's only since I started losing all that weight, that I've been diagnosed with multiple things seems like the more weight I take off, the worse I get.
    They keep finding things wrong with me, my heart problems, along with a few other serious health issues, were diagnosed in the past year or so.

    Some of my health problems are due to me being obese. But according to many health specialists I've seen since becoming sick, they are not related to obese, however, it doesn't help being grossly overweight.

    I hope some of your things do start to feel better with weight loss. I can only speak of my arthritis and diabetes. I have rheumatoid arthritis and my symptoms have improved drastically with weight loss. The doctor said that fat cells cause inflammation so weight loss does improve inflammation. My a1c is now in the non diabetic range and I am off most of my diabetic medications. My insulin has dropped from 88 units to 28 units. I know weight loss won’t cure all my medical problems but I feel better mentally as I lose the weight too. So I guess what I am trying to say is while weight loss may not make all your medical problems disappear but the overall benefits are huge. You have lost an impressive amount of weight so far and I can’t wait to watch you finish your journey.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,530 Member
    mszoueb wrote: »
    Monday check in

    Hi all, just checking in with a weigh in day. Unfortunately this morning on the scale I weighed in at 252.6. The scales initially said 252.8/253 but then changed the batteries as it had been a while since doing so, so goes to show how batteries can effect the calibration. I'm not overly worried about the gain as a few days ago I checked in and was at 251.8 so. I was still active last week with getting a few walks in and a bike ride so that is at least something.

    You did not have a huge gain and I am sure this week will be better. Keep being active!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,530 Member
    Good morning. I'm with all my things ready and at 9:45 I start the gym. I'm outside the BasicFit thinking I DID IT! I'm here!
    The steps from yesterday were crapppy 6.484 steps But today it will be better!

    You are awesome! Well done!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,530 Member
    Happy new week all.
    Goals for the week.
    1. Stick to calorie allowance
    2. 2. 5x 30mins workout

    Great goals! Keep us updated throughout the week how they are going.
  • pandygirl1
    pandygirl1 Posts: 87 Member
    After losing around 115 lbs, my diabetes is still not under control.
    Infact I'm tacking 3 kinds of meds to try to bring it under control. My A1C is over 8+, have done recent lab test and waiting results.

    Doctor think part of it might be influenced by other things that are wrong with me. So not everybody gets better when they lose the weight.
    I was told if I could lose 50 even a 100 lbs, my diabetes would improve or go away. It didn't it just got worse.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,530 Member
    inky92 wrote: »
    Happy Monday!
    This week, I'm gonna try eating more fruit and veg - I love the stuff, but recently I've been cooking nice things and 'skipping' the veg. I'm making a pasta dish tonight and will be including a big salad, and tomorrow's chicken wraps will include loads of bell peppers and maybe some courgette (and more salad on the side). I roasted some broccoli and carrots with my Sunday lamb last night - reduced the potatoes and skipped dessert too :)
    Found out I'll likely be working from home till December, which means I don't get to walk to bus/work (a big part of my daily exercise). So I'm gonna try use that 30 mins each evening to do some cycling - I can't just be sitting on sofa all day!

    Sometimes I am bad on getting my fruits and vegetables in. Green salads tend to bother my stomach and I am not a big fruit person. Looks like you are doing a good job incorporating those veggies. I need to start roasting veggies. I am holding you to getting that cycling done every day.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,530 Member
    rhaaa wrote: »
    Monday weigh in:
    Previous weight 299
    Current weight 292
    Total loss to date 68 pounds.

    I am on my phone so please forgive spelling/grammar. I am a 48 year old man that has been on a weight loss journey for about 7 years. I have a wonderful 14 year old daughter. Over the years I have always lost some, gained some back. I got as low as 238 a couple of years ago but life derailed me. I have always had a fairly easy time losing weight it’s the keeping it off that I have always struggled with, but I’m sick of riding this yo-yo I am jumping off this time for good. I enjoy lifting weights and walking.

    That’s an awesome loss this week. That an impressive amount of weight you have lost so far. I think maintaining is something that has to be worked at. We have a special chat for people maintaining once you get there.
  • pandygirl1
    pandygirl1 Posts: 87 Member
    @lindamtuck2018 ,
    Thank you, I can't wait till I get the rest of this excess weight off either.
    Has to be much better life, then lugging this excess weight around
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,530 Member
    Tazaria87 wrote: »
    Daily post August 2
    Tracked: Yes
    Under calorie: Yes
    Water: 138oz
    Exercise: 63 minute walk around the neighborhood
    Steps: 8771

    Great job meeting all your goals. That must have been an enjoyable walk.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,530 Member
    Good Morning/Evening ....Happy Monday ....I just wanted to pop on real quick to say this show this week who is boss .... I will come back from labs and catch up with all you amazing people .........I am hoping my a1c is lower than 6.1 (that was 3 months ago) before that it was 8.1 ...My Dr is happy with my progress :) ..Alright I am off to shower and then go to labs ...Chat soon and have a marvelous Monday :)

    Hope they are down. It was so satisfying to watch my a1c to go from the diabetic range to the non diabetic.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,530 Member
    Sunday’s check in
    Calories: under
    Exercise: 33 minute walk
    Water: ✅
    Steps: 6,930

    Today is a civic holiday here so my hubby is off. I am going to do some running around with him. It was cooler this morning so I had a nice walk outside today.

    Today’s goals
    1. Walk 30 minutes minimum ✅
    2. 10,000 steps
    3. Stay within calorie goal
    4. Drink 72 ounces of water
    5. Bed by 11pm
  • Tazaria87
    Tazaria87 Posts: 604 Member
    Tazaria87 wrote: »
    Daily post August 2
    Tracked: Yes
    Under calorie: Yes
    Water: 138oz
    Exercise: 63 minute walk around the neighborhood
    Steps: 8771

    Great job meeting all your goals. That must have been an enjoyable walk.

    It was fabulous! Wasn't too hot, there was a nice breeze, and I walked while my husband cooked dinner. Can't get much better haha
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,303 Member
    Labs didn't happen this morning ... my Dr. forgot to order them ...this happened 3 months ago too ....he will be getting scolded on the 10th when I see him LOL
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,530 Member
    Tazaria87 wrote: »
    Tazaria87 wrote: »
    Daily post August 2
    Tracked: Yes
    Under calorie: Yes
    Water: 138oz
    Exercise: 63 minute walk around the neighborhood
    Steps: 8771

    Great job meeting all your goals. That must have been an enjoyable walk.

    It was fabulous! Wasn't too hot, there was a nice breeze, and I walked while my husband cooked dinner. Can't get much better haha

    I walked outside today for the first time in awhile. The heat has been brutal this summer. I am so looking forward to the cooler weather and longer walks again.
  • cesse47
    cesse47 Posts: 947 Member
    Cesse - age 72 - Check-In

    308.6 lbs - starting weight on 3/28
    295.4 lbs - weighin on 04/30 -- (-13.2 Total Loss to date)
    291.2 lbs - weighin on 05/30 -- loss = 4.2 lbs for month of May (17.4 lb Total Loss To Date)
    293.2 lbs - weighin on 06/27 -- gain = 2.0 lbs for month of June (15.4 lb Total Loss To Date)
    289.8 lbs - weighin on 07/25 -- loss = 3.4 lbs for month of July (18.8 lb Total Loss To Date)
    291.2 lbs - weighin on 08/01 -- gain = 1.4 lbs -- (17.4 lb total loss to date)

    August Mini Goal -- 285 lbs - (need to lose 6.2 lbs or 1.5/week)
    First Major Goal = Onederland
    Goal Weight = 165 lbs

    (1) Log everything; Drink 10+ water; minimize sodium where possible
    (2) Exercise 30 min minimum (3000 steps) 5 days each week / LOG
    (3) Clean 30 min per day: house or yard or declutter / LOG
    (4) Do stretches and Yoga 5 days each week / LOG
    (5) Stay within MFP daily goal; not exercise adjusted goal / LOG
    (6) Once each week, get out of the house and do something FUN

    08/01 - 3000
    08/02 - 3000
    08/03 - 3000

    Do 20 min stretches and 30 min of walking
    Feed & Water animals -- done
    Water outside plants -- done
    Bedroom -- reorganize, declutter, strip bed & redo -- STILL need to do
    Do Yoga

    So, yesterday I made a concerted effort to keep sodium at a minimum. Chicken salad was good without it as were the cucumbers. However, the eggs need something more than pepper. Next time, I'll try using Mrs Dash No Salt to see if that helps. I tried fresh tomatoes without but ended up using salt on them.
  • Melly045
    Melly045 Posts: 65 Member
    Happy Monday team. Hope everyone is doing well. Missed my step goal on Saturday was on track yesterday and think i will make it today as well. Doing better with my calories although still over each day but I’m trying to get there.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,303 Member
    Melly045 wrote: »
    Happy Monday team. Hope everyone is doing well. Missed my step goal on Saturday was on track yesterday and think i will make it today as well. Doing better with my calories although still over each day but I’m trying to get there.

    Happy Monday to you ...As time goes on you will get the hang of things ....wishing you the very best :)
  • leeniekat
    leeniekat Posts: 145 Member
    Steps for Sunday, August 2: 8,017
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