Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Oh Anne, I’m so sorry you are suffering as there is nothing worse than toothache to my mind. If no painkillers are working Perhaps you have an abscess but whatever is going on you should certainly be treated as an emergency and I do hope you can get some help today. ❤️

    Goodness Diane, you haven’t had the best luck recently have you. I read recently that because we have all spent so much more time at home electric goods are breaking down at an alarming rate. Hopefully you’ve come to the end of your run of bad luck. Love your photo of Jacque; what a sweetie. A friend who has always adopted large dogs in the past recently took in a stray poodle found wandering in her local town. She lives in a rural area of France where unfortunately dogs and cats get dumped all the time! Her gorgeous new friend is apparently highly intelligent and a poppet.

    You are the bargain king Bob for sure. I’m amazed at the prices you now pay for prescription glasses especially with all the necessary extras thrown in. A great collage of photos! I always think I’m getting a bargain since seniors receive free eye tests through our NHS but once everything else is added up the bill can be quite hefty.
    I’m fascinated by the colourful salads you create and imagine you have a store cupboard full of special extras to keep adding to your dish. I particularly love the look of yesterday’s rice cakes idea and the mix of ingredients to make up their content isn’t something I’ve seen before... plain old rice cakes here or covered in naughty chocolate!

    Lin I bet the pictures you were hunting for will turn up when you least expect! I’m used to rain arriving soon after I water potted plants but today just got away with it. Fed and watered everything even though I could hear and feel thunder rumbling around our heads but luckily I was right on the edge of the storm cloud... sunny to my right and thick dark clouds to my left but not a drop fell. A couple of miles away it was torrential!

    In the last few days I noticed a leak from my car engine was leaving a wet patch on the garage floor so placed a newspaper down to later check and see what it was. Definitely not oil or anti freeze so rang the garage this morning and the suggestion is the air conditioning system has collected moisture and in her words “dumped it”. That’s a new one to me but I’m to monitor it!

    Both dogs are sleepy and low key so I think the heat has affected them. George is sensible and stays in the cool cottage but dear Betty has no concept of outdoor life even after 18 months away from her puppy farm. All she wants to do is stand no further than 2” away from my feet but I’m now going to do my best to dodge any storm clouds to cut the grass. I’ve suggested it stop growing but so far it’s ignoring me!

    Hello Sandy, Patsy and Buzz 🐝 (my iPhone offered up the buzzy bee and I couldn’t resist!)

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Ah Anne, I see you have your appointment so I hope to hear soon you are feeling more comfortable. 😻
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited August 2020
    Well, I'm home to a very excited Jilly and minus one wisdom tooth. Given to me so I can prove I had it pulled. Want a photo! Thought not, lol. The puller was the prettiest, petite, tiny Chinese girl. I couldn't believe she was going to pull it out. It's all in the wrist. she said. Cost of X-rays and pull, $388! Worth every penny.!
    Off for a nap after two sleepless nights.
    Anne. Now the toothless.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,089 Member
    Happy Monday! <3 Hot day today with rain expected later. If it doesn't rain I will be sitting while they play volleyball. Tomorrow I am going to visit my friend in her daughter's backyard.
    I will bring my own chair, drink and ice, which my friend is balking at.
    My son's father needed help with electronics so I asked my son to go and help him if he was comfortable going. Both should wear masks and hopefully both stay safe or I will feel responsible.

    Anne, I do hope the dentist can relieve you of your pain and can fix whatever the problem is.
    I agree with Jackie, nothing worse than a toothache or earache. Healing prayers.

    Jackie, I was sitting with Joe and a lady drove up to give him some groceries she bought for him and when she left there was a leakage from her car. We just had our driveways paved so I said to Joe wonder what that is. He said it was from the A/C and once you stop it releases some water, normal thing so hopefully that is what your problem was.

    Diane, seems a little like Murphy's law for you right now. I hope thing improve and no more incidents.

    Page has flipped and I have to get moving. Have a great day and hopefully pain free.

    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    SANDY, see post above yours, Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,136 Member
    Hello, me again. I did my errands, library, post office, and credit union. Home again as storms rolled in. Horrendous winds, power on and off, lost of leaves and twigs everywhere. I ran out and rescued my front door mat as it started to take flight. My tomato plants were sheltered by the house as winds were hitting the front of my house. Just some lost leaves st this point. Winds, 60 to 70 mph. It is lightening up now, doesn’t look like midnight. Sirens, warning after warning. What an exciting morning.

    Well, my lovingly made cards are in an outside box near the post office which is probably partially flooded since there is no cover around it. Oh well, I tried.

    Jackie, my cars always puddle. The air conditioning system removes moisture along with cooling the car. If I do not see water, I worry. 😂🤣😂

    Sandy, good luck on the weather. We weren’t expecting rain here, it was to go North of us. Surprise!

    Anne, thank the Lord you were able to get an appointment and that they were able to extract the tooth. My dentist wouldn’t have done that. He would have called to get an appointment for me with a specialist. When you’re in a lot of pain, that is intolerable. I hope you get lots of rest. Jilly, let her sleep!

    Back to the storm updates.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Off to PT!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited August 2020
    That’s great news Anne and I hope you are now sleeping with that tooth under your pillow so the tooth fairy visits to swap for a sixpence. 🧚🏻

    Thanks Sandy and Lin for confirming the car A/C puddle story. I don’t think my old car was sophisticated enough to do such a thing or perhaps our hottest weather on record has something to do with it! One of our BBC weather reporters told us emphatically last week this is climate change, get used to it! I’m not sure that comment was in the script but he looked deadly serious.

    Sweet potato rice, home grown green salad and tomatoes with delicious mackerel for my meal this evening. No effort required which is good as I just finished cutting the grass for an hour when it’s still hot.

  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Started with a great warm 5am walk today – it was 75 degrees F (going to 90’s). Then back home to coffee on the deck with Jean. Then some house and personal “clean-up.” We then headed out for some air-conditioned mall walking. Brought Jean home with a “to-go” lunch for her and I headed to the grocery store for a few items. Uh-Oh… as I type this I remember Jean had said she was almost out of apple sauce and peanut butter – 2 of her important foods. I see a quick trip in my future.

    Grilled some lunch for myself (Buffalo Chicken Burger, Romaine Salad, hot banana peppers, Gaea - Pitted Green Olives, Goya Fancy Pimientos, artichokes, Balsamic Spray, Extra Virgin Olive Oil Spray) and a couple hot dogs for Jean for later.

    Made plans via text to take some senior pic’s either at a lake or sunflower area about 30-45 miles away later in the week. That’s it so far…

    Diane & Anne – Tough on both counts. I hate when a foot injury/pain keeps me from walking and sometimes all you can do is rest it….and then there is everything else you had to deal with….argh. Hope this run of unlucky events passes quickly.

    As for the dental issue that is horrible. Especially during this pandemic… Hope the pain doesn’t get worse. I think Patsy added some great comments.

    Anne – Just saw your subsequent post – thoughts are with you!

    Jackie – Sounds like all of us can relate to Anne’s problem - a toothache can drain the best of us. With regards to the eyeglasses, I was leery ordering on line - but eventually gave it a go. My sister recently paid about $350.00 at the local opticians (like I did in the past). She isn’t comfortable ordering online. My eye Rx changes every couple years, so Zenni has a blessing and quality/comfort great. Like you, Soc Sec Advantage reimburses a decent amount annually. The most important thing when ordering online is knowing your accurate (PD) Pupillary distance…everything else is easy.

    Lin – You’re a busy lady…. Glad you beat the storms, but hate when we lose power and the winds are that gusty. Time to sit back and have a cup of tea – if you happen to have a tea pot around the house. :D

    Wishing all a great Monday night. We are headed for 90’s again tomorrow – but with some rain. Bob :)

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    :) staying home, staying safe, staying active, eating home grown zucchini
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited August 2020
    A beautiful day so out early with the pooches before it got too hot for them. We walked our usual 2 mile circular route amongst the grazing sheep where halfway round is a deep pool for them to get a drink. There was a gentle breeze but even with that it was getting very warm by the time we got home. Top of moor with village of St Cleer below us.

    Breakfast was on the deck entertained by a young buzzard being taught to fly by its mum. She took off from the trees gliding across the fields with barely a flick of a wing feather while the youngster sat screeching don’t leave me! After a few minutes and no sign of mum it too took off but with frantic flapping of wings, disappearing in her direction. It must be tough love time because it’s still crying in the distance!
    Some washing up while coffee brews then a couple of jobs outside.
    I hope Anne slept well and will awaken refreshed.

    Happy Tuesday everyone. 😘
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,136 Member
    Hello, the metro apparently is in disarray. Damage everywhere, power out, some streets still impassable. Since I stay home I am seeing this on Facebook and on television news. Unable to co tact many of my friends. No landline service apparently, no power with dying cell phones. All the hotels are full. I just have sweeping and gathering of tree debris to work on.

    Asian teapots this morning.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,136 Member
    edited August 2020
    Jackie, beautiful photo. The village looks lovely in the distance. I have never liked tough love too much. Poor little screeching bird. I hope it didn’t crash.

    Barbie, safe and sound. The best!

    Bob, another interesting day. How could you forget the peanut butter and applesauce? Oh my! I am intrigued by your glasses. Tell me more. I wear no line bifocals and the big deal with those is where they make the transition. Are yours single vision? Thanks.

    Anne, I hope you are feeling better today. Any after care involved? Gargling with salt water? Antibiotics? Did Jilly let you sleep?

    Buzz, how was PT? You must be so tired afterwards. Best wishes ❤️❤️❤️❤️

    Sandy, hi, what a day yesterday!

    Hello Patsy and Diane.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    :)Jackie, what beautiful country you have for your walks. Thanks for the photo.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,089 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) It was indeed an interesting day yesterday. I was driving to the kids house and the tornado sirens went off and the sky was really weird. Lisa texted at the same time to say their sirens were going off and they were in the basement. I asked if she still wanted me to come and she said yes please it could clear up in time for volleyball. I made it there safe and sound and it did clear up to play volleyball. Such a weird day.
    Today I am going to visit my friend, outside 6 feet apart and hope we are both safe.

    Line, sorry I messaged you so late, I was worried about you and had to check. There was a lot of damage north and south of me, but my area was fine. I am just glad that is is over.

    Jackie, another beautiful picture, you are so lucky to have those wonderful places to walk.

    Barbie, staying home and staying safe is what a lot more people should do. I just saw a photo from someone I know that had a bridal shower with at least 20 people and none were wearing masks or social distancing. And this was in Florida one of the hot spots. Blows my mind.

    Bob, hope your rain is just rain and no storms.

    Anne, I do hope you are better today and out of pain. (((hugs)))

    Time is escaping once again, time to get ready. Have a safe and healthy day.

    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I don't think I will be here very long posting. Lots of problems with the electricity. First it's on and then it's off and it's only our area grid.

    Anyway, briefly, I awoke in the night and my first thought was I've swallowed sand paper and then my second thought was "oh my God, I've gone blind". I kid you not, I truly thought that I had for a moment. It was pitch black, anyway I let this news sink in and then realized no familiar house sounds. So groping my way to the blinds, opened them and this very welcome moon shone back at me. Nope, not going blind! Lol. No idea what time the electricity went off and it's only just come back on, but it's flickering on and off, hence this hastily written good morning, except at 1:09 it's actually afternoon.

    Mark was on the doorstep at 8. Neither he nor Mike had heard from me, phone down, text down. At least I know I'll be found early should an electric bolt take me off.

    I am now going to be yanked off for a mobile phone.
    Never a dull moment here, who said old age is peaceful!

    I'm busy boiling spuds while I can to make potato salad. Easy on the healing gum. I'm ever so glad that when the dentist asked if I'd like my molar removed yesterday or wait until today I said "yank the damn thing out NOW! It's becoming a memory today and I didn't have to contend with no light at home and lukewarm shower! So I'm very lucky, tooth gone and I'm not blind!

    Cheers friends,
    Anne, the thankful.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    SANDY, I'm convinced too many living in Florida are surviving with sun-fried brains! Except for California, we have the most corona virus in the US!
    Sounds like Biden has made his decision. I have been furious about Trump firing 24 members of the US Postal Service in order to affect Mail in Voting! And he was accusing opposition of fraudulent plans!
    Just heard from one of my friends on the staff that she is working on letting me have this room by myself without an absurd fee added. It's about 12' X 18', which could be quite comfortable for me. "Stuff" is no longer important to me. (Except for hangers!)
    Yes, LIN, the PT is somewhat exhausting, particularly walking. Also painful. I hope, with time, it will improve.
    Where was that dreadful weather you and,to a lesser degree, SANDY experienced? As I look out my window, I see a very threatening black cloud.
    I hope ANNE has some relief from her extraction.
    And JACKIE's photo makes me long for those moors once more!
    BOB's walking, shopping and cooking ambitions wear me out!
    BARBIE, home grown zucchini sounds juicy and delicious!
    Now I must look up something I read about Social Security cuts. What next?
    <3 Buzz
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning! Sort of cloudy this morning, but I don’t think rain is in our forecast. Just planning a day of chores and my exercises outside on the deck. Then attack the scourge in the bathrooms! The older I get, the harder it is to keep the house clean. I would love some housecleaning help but that isn’t possible during the pandemic. As John reminds me, activity is good for our body and brain. I know it is true but I am having difficulty keeping up with the dust and dirt. We both chug around doing one little job after another.

    Tonight I will either have my taco bowl leftovers or else a veggie stir fry. I will check with John to see what “rings his dinner bell.” He was naughty and bought a bottle of wine in Costco called “Hot To Trot.” Seriously! It is a California blend and if I do say so, It is good. But is seems rude to drink California wine while living in Oregon. I know! That is taking loyalty too far.

    “Ain’t no sunshine when she’s gone 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶”. Blues with Bobby Blue Bland, love the gritty sound in “Dont put no headstone on my grave.” Something blusey to sing with while scrubbing the tub!

    Take great care everyone. These are perilous times.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    A day in the 90’s with sunshine BUT the forecast is breezy this afternoon with a heavy t-storm… Such is life… got that daily walk in when it was only 75.

    Had my regular rheumatologist mid-morning. I hate going when the joint pain hasn’t changed. As it stands, I go every 90-days to get my methotrexate prescription for (17.5 mg weekly) and have blood drawn to check for increased liver enzymes or other toxic reactions.

    Back home now and relaxing with a cup of coffee before “creatin” something for lunch.

    Jackie – the photo. It jumped out at me. You have a great way of describing the entire environment of grazing sheep, a gentle warm breeze and overall landscape. Felt like I was there… and the next thing I knew I was being entertained by a buzzard etc. and awaiting that all important fresh brewed cup of coffee! A wonderful read for sure.

    Lin – that is and sounds horrible… “No landline service apparently, no power with dying cell phones” – hard enough having the conditions you described but being unable to contact friends has to be stressing. Hope things improve quickly for you. So sorry. All of that makes forgetting peanut butter and applesauce unimportant LOL.

    With regards to my eyeglasses – yes they are single vision. I tried progressive lenses, but the just didn’t work for me. So for up close, I just take them off. This is their website:
    Again – the main thing is having an accurate PD so the lenses are correct.

    Sandy – Hope things work out with social distancing and visiting your friend. I do miss being able to pickup the grandchildren for hugs and kisses – also there would have been some sleep overs (they usually take turns and we do special things with each).

    Anne – with all the problems others are having with weather – I feel extremely fortunate. Love the positive attitude: “So I'm very lucky, tooth gone and I'm not blind!”

    Best to all. Bob
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,136 Member
    Hi. A silly teapot today

    “Licorice Allsorts novelty teapot. Made by Paul Cardew design.”

