Weight No More - September 2020 Team Chat



  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,448 Member
    Check in for Sunday
    Food-logged and a little over
    Water-96 oz
    Exercise 60+min walking, 30 min bike ride and PT

    I am plugging along. I did have a halo top that was on my plan when I wasn't hungry. Something happened with my freezer and it was soft like I like it so I wanted it. I know its not really a big deal but I do need to watch things like this. I was surprised my walk logged as leisurely, it didn't feel that way. I guess I walk slower than I thought. Or I start out quicker and end slower...I am not too concerned, as long as I get my HR up and am sweating I consider it exercise.

    I have to run, have a great week everyone!

    @lennoncpa You are awesome with your workouts so missing on a weekend shouldn't change that. I am glad you got right back on track though. You will get there with eating too. You did amazing during the quarantine, maybe we need to make you stay in again :wink: Lol! JK! Maybe just try to change one thing you are doing to get back to where you were. Sometimes you just need to break down a task. Hugs!
    @mainebeachbum I am glad you had fun at the wedding! No worries about going over while you were celebrating. I agree, enjoy and don't beat yourself up. Besides, you had a loss after a wedding-Nice!! I hope your ankle just needs a little rest, sounds like you have a good plan. Hugs!
    @1theresamcvean What a lovely way for a visit from your grandmother xo It sounded like a nice day all around with the outdoor dining too. I love the weather this time of year. :). So far so good with Shannon, it hasn't gotten any worse so I am hoping the medication is helping. I would love a visit from you! I have your room ready!
    @CassieGetsFit2013 It sounds like you know what you're doing. Why don't you pick one small thing to change, like when you find you are laying around go for a walk. Little changes add up. You can do this, you have done it before.
    @tryingagain5 I was actually wondering how church went. I wish my church would meet outside. I would have been distracted by the bees too. I am allergic. I am glad that bookclub is starting back up too. Things are slowly going back for you. Let me know what book, I am always looking for something to read
    @kandi3570 What a good idea to get a freezer and prepare meals ahead of time. That patio is going to be awesome! 3 weeks isn't a bad wait. Are you done with your part or do you still have work to do on it.
    @ljdanny your steps for the week are amazing!
  • Freeglerock
    Freeglerock Posts: 2,864 Member
    Saturday and Sunday check in
    Food: Logged - Sat under, Sun over
    Water: Sat good, Sun bad
    Exercise: Good amount of walking each day. Saturday I also did 1.5hrs other exercise (cardio and flexibility)

    Saturday was a good day food and exercise wise, and Sunday not so great! On Sunday we went out in the morning, and around lunchtime decided to eat out. I could have made better choices, but seeing the good come out, I decided to enjoy a lamb roast dinner. Been so long since I have had a proper roast - and it was lovely. Sun was shining and we were outside so I also enjoyed a couple of ciders.
    I'm not going to beat myself up over it. There are not many weeks where I go out twice, and I made the most of them, but I do plan on being a bit more mindful of my eating and drinking this week!
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,291 Member
    edited September 2020
    Oh boy, lots of posts for me to catch up on! While I'm reading everything, I lack the mental clarity to comment on all of it on this lovely Monday morning (maybe because I'm stuck in a cycle of dreading my next meeting while simultaneously slacking off).

    A quick update on me:

    I went to a birthday brunch yesterday and... let's just say I overdid it. Lots of food, lots of alcohol, very little movement. I also brought home all of my leftover maple bacon pancake bites AND my leftover lemon blueberry ricotta breakfast cake, so that may be an issue throughout the week. Thank goodness I went to spin class yesterday morning, but it definitely was not enough to counteract my bad habits. Today is going to be a reset. I'll probably head over to get some cryotherapy done, since my nerves are not happy with me today, and that might help me get back on track before my weigh-in on Thursday. May also dump all of the leftover pancake bites in the trash, because there's way too much temptation there that I'm not equipped to combat right now.

    @debbiewsharpe -

    I managed to get rid of the cookies. The issue is that I get on a baking kick and end up baking something almost every weekend unless I can stop myself early. I have a dinner planned on Saturday, so maybe I'll stick to making something savory, so at least that'll turn into a meal prep if I have to bring anything home.

    @sleepymom5 -

    How is your daughter doing??? Shingles does not sound pleasant - I'm very grateful that I don't remember my bout with chicken pox.

    @CassieGetsFit2013 -

    Eating a few too many sweets often leads to water retention, even if you're within calorie goals! All that sugar probably isn't helping much with your energy levels either, as the peaks and troughs of your blood sugar can lead to major fatigue. I'm sure you're not in as bad shape as you think - just take it all one decision at a time; you got this :heart:

    @kandi3570 -

    Your patio is looking good! I'm so jealous of people who have outdoor space to work with.

    @mainebeachbum -

    I think all of us can relate to getting in our own way. A day or two of "bad" behavior won't set your health back months. Glad you enjoyed yourself! Let us know what works for you, exercise-wise. Leg pain is no joke.

    @Freeglerock -

    Ooooh, lamb roast sounds so good! Totally worth the little bit of extra mindfulness this week, I'm sure.
  • 1theresamcvean
    1theresamcvean Posts: 927 Member
    edited September 2020
    Step Challenge

    Week 2 Winners*
    1st Place Debbie @debbiewsharpe 138,228 steps
    2nd Place Ann @annliz23 105,468 steps
    Average Over 10,000/day
    @ljdanny 77,747
    @1theresamcvean 79,548

    *We have a lot to learn from these women. They are consistently high steppers and both stay within a pretty tight weight range. Walking is safe (unless you're injured of course), difficult to overdo, and an especially effective form of exercise.
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    Hello all! Hope everyone is doing well! I am so excited it is finally feeling like Fall!

    I have not posted much lately, just so busy with work all day & working from home is so much more stressful! I should be returning to the office the end of the month, not sure if it is going to be 5 times a week, but definitely a few days.

    I am feeling great! Still following 18:6 IF, WW, MFP and using Isagenix shakes & cleanse products, it has really helped me! I am doing a Fall Challenge with the Isagenix group, I need to lose 5% by 10/9/20. If I hit that goal, I will be at just about goal weight, so I am definitely motivated! I have jeans & shirts I have not been able to wear that I have gotten back into. I want to be about 147 pounds, that is a weight I have been in the past & I feel really good! I think I can maintain that weight, anything lower will be very hard to maintain.

    I will try to keep up a little better!

    Have a great day! :smiley:
  • jedaschultz
    jedaschultz Posts: 1,010 Member
    Username: jedaschultz
    Weigh In Day: Monday
    PW (Previous Weight): 203.2
    CW (Current Weight): 203.0

    Slightly down but at least it's down and not up.
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    Happy Monday team. I’m supposed to get my refrigerator delivered tomorrow and I’m so happy. It’s been very tough eating without a refrigerator. It’s Monday evening and I’m trying to decide what to eat for dinner. It’s either a restaurant carry out or go to the grocery store for a one portion meal. Boy am I tired of this. I promise to fill my new refrigerator with lots of healthy and clean foods. What a perfect time to start over! This is a picture of my empty old one that is going to be hauled away tomorrow. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a totally empty refrigerator!
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    My body is strange.🙄 It's been my right leg that was bothering me but today it's the left. Last night it was my right side. My trainer did say that because the right one has been having the issue, I'm probably overcompensating and it's causing an issue for the left. Make sense to me.

    I'm glad the neurologist is highly recommended too. This test is for my wrist, which has actually been feeling better lately so hopefully that's a good sign.

    Work is busy and they've just decided they're going to start hiring more people so we don't have to do so much OT. Some is nice but it's tiring.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Oh, no! I hope your daughter gets relief from the shingles medication. One of my coworkers recently had them too. Hope you can still enjoy your time away.

    I could get the flu shot at work too but they do it during the day when I'm sleeping so that's out for me. I just go to one of the pharmacies in the area and I needed to get something from the store there anyway so it wasn't an issue.

    Thanks! Hopefully it won't be anything to serious. My wrist has actually been feeling better since I started doing some exercises for it and wearing the splint while I sleep.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    It's great being back at the gym! I am enjoying it! No, I don't have room darkening shades. My bedroom faces west and is dark when I go to bed since I go to bed shortly after I get home and it doesn't get light on that side until later in the day. I've never thought about earplugs. I wonder if I would sleep through the alarm if I had them. Can't be having that either.😉
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Monday 9/14
    Food: good
    Water: 48 oz
    Exercise: 40 minutes total

    Worked with my trainer at the gym today for our normal 30 minute session, did 10 minute warmup on the treadmill first. After that I went to the chiropractor and got an adjustment.

    Went home, had supper and was going to take a nap when my doorbell rang. I figured it was my dad since it's rare for someone to just stop by except for him. He'll stop by sometimes for a few minutes and then leave. I was able to get in a nap after he left.

    I got an interesting piece of mail today. An official looking envelope from the county courthouse. It was a a summons for jury duty. I have to be available for the two weeks that it noted, call the phone number every day after 5 for instructions for the next day. I have a few questions for them since I don't know how this all works. I've never been selected before. I also have to talk with my boss. I sleep during the day and work at night so that will be interesting, especially since I won't know what to do until the night before if I have to go or not.
  • mainebeachbum
    mainebeachbum Posts: 385 Member
    Monday check in
    5556 steps
    No walk
    Food prelogged for tomorrow
    40 oz water

    Just puttered around the house today trying to recuperate from the weekend. On plan for food but not water. I am going to try to walk my dog in the morning which is our normal routine, but my ankle is still sore. I’ve taken more ibuprofen this weekend than I have in several months...I’m not a happy camper!

  • kandi3570
    kandi3570 Posts: 238 Member
    We only have a few support beams to add and to cut off the post for the roofers then we are done.

    My check in for yesterday I was under 1200 calories and at about 11000 steps. I ran errands all day so not as much walking. I’ve found I’ve been hungrier the last few days. So I’ve been snacking in the evenings. Not sure why. I’ve been eating less at lunch. Maybe I need to increase calories then.
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,291 Member
    So, this morning I rediscovered my favorite silver lining of bloating/water retention:

    You feel so accomplished when so much weight drops off so quickly, even if, deep inside, you know it's just water. Logically, I know there's no possible way that I gained five pounds over the weekend, but seeing it come off is still a magical feeling. Reinforces all of my good recovery behaviors.

    Also, if you're reading this, drink some water, readjust your posture, and release the tension from your shoulders. You're welcome.
  • brown6267
    brown6267 Posts: 476 Member
    09/14 steps 8092
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Hi everyone, Sorry that I missed the past few days. Things are getting a bit overwhelming at times. I have been sticking to my plan though and still avoiding any stress eating. The school logistics and scheduling is more difficult than I even anticipated. Work is busy too. I really hope that you are all doing well!

    @minstrelsofsarcasm - Such a good point about water retention, thank you!

    @Kandi3570 - Your deck building is just so impressive!

    @mainebeachbum - Sorry that you had such a busy weekend and hope that you feel better today.

    @tryingagain5 - That is tough news about jury duty, particularly during a pandemic. Not sure how it works in your state, but in many jurisdictions, you can submit a letter and ask that it be put off to post pandemic if you have any health conditions, or you could also cite your shift work as well. Just a thought!

    @debbiewsharpe - I am so sorry about that news from your CT. I hope that it turns out to be nothing Also hope that you took that Xanax and got some rest.

    @lennoncpa - That fridge looks like it got a lot of use over the years! Hang in there until the new fridge arrives Can’t wait to see the new one full of healthy food!
This discussion has been closed.