Weight No More - September 2020 Team Chat



  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,451 Member
    Check in for Monday
    Food-logged and on target
    Water-over 80 oz
    Exercise- 30 min bike ride, 30 min walk, PT

    I had such a nice day yesterday. I got a ton accomplished plus was able to go to the beach for 2 hours and relax. I did take a nice walk along the beach too. On the way home I rode my bike to the sea food place and got a lobster roll. Today I am supposed to go out with my sister in law but she wasn't feeling well so I am not sure. I am hoping to get a bike ride in before depending when she wants to meet up.

    I am behind on my computer time so I have to get moving. I am having problems with my disk space and I was sucked into deleting files this morning. I still had forms on my computer from when my kids were in grade school! I spent all that time but didn't seem to free up a ton of space. I need to go through my pictures, that I am sure will help with the disk space. I know there are a lot that I can delete.

    Have a great day everyone!!

    @freeglerock I am glad that you enjoyed your meal out on Sunday. I think it is good when you make a decision to enjoy a meal and a few drinks. No drama and you were able enjoy a nice time out between the meal, the weather and the company. When the guilt and drama comes in, then it is a problem. Sounds like you got right back on track so good for you!
    @minstrelofsarcasm Sounds like a lovely brunch! Glad that you enjoyed it. I know that doesn't happen often for you either. I would have to dump the pancakes and the cake because those are the things I love Lol! Hope the cryotherapy helped. Is it hard to do? I have a problem getting into cool water in a pool Lol! My daughter is doing well. Looks like a mild case or the medication stopped it early. So far it hasn't been too bad. I am up a bit this morning and was disappointed so I was happy to see your post. I also needed to do all the things you mentioned after Lol!
    @1theresamcvean Omg! That weigh in pic made me Lol! :D
    @lennoncpa That is why I love this team too! You can say how well you are doing or the struggles you are having which you wouldn't necessarily share with others. The support here is awesome! Good luck with the fridge-I am sure you will be happy when it finally arrives!
    @kirsten11872 I know it is a busy time. I am glad you are still doing well but make sure to always schedule time for YOU.
    @jedaschultz The scale is moving in the right direction! You got this!
    @debbiewsharpe I am glad your husband was there with you, that would have been a long ride home. It is scary but remember that it is better to know and get treated than not to know. Sending prayers and hugs Debbie.
    @tryingagain5 What made you start going to the chiropractor? I am wondering if that is something I need to do. I have lower back pain at times. Not sure if it is arthritis or something else. It isn't bad enough to have it checked out otherwise. I blame a lot on my weight.
    @mainebeachbum Hope with rest and ibuprofen your ankle starts feeling better
    @kandi3570 I think that it sounds reasonable that you give yourself a little more at lunch and see how that does with the evening hunger.
    @Cafelelia Glad things are going well although stressful. Hang in there!
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    There are some exemptions for jury duty that were listed in the letter, concerns about the pandemic being one of them but I think you have to be immune compromised and I'm not really since I'm pretty healthy now. They also are probably going to need more people now because of the social distancing and other things they need to do.

    I talked with one of my coworkers, whose daughter had to do it. She called the number every day as instructed but she never had to go, apparently they didn't need her. Pretty sure this was before the pandemic.

    I also talked with my boss. We wondered about 3rd shift being an exemption but we don't think so. He's had to do it and seemed like he kind of enjoyed it. He said depending on the type of case you get it could be pretty interesting. He mentioned wondering how the court system works in real life as opposed to what is seen on a TV show like Law & Order. He told me to keep an open mind about it. He lives in a different county than I do so I would have to go to a different courthouse than he did. It could be interesting, I think part of my hesitation was the initial shock of seeing such an official letter, since I've never done it before. My boss was surprised I never had to do it. He said his wife had too and his brother-in-law had to do it 3 different times and all 3 of them are in their mid thirties.

    The letter also states the court does compensate for the time you're actually there and if I understood what my boss told me that the company pays the difference of your pay, so you're not losing out on pay.

    He also told me just call or text him as soon as I find out if I have to go and he puts me absent due to jury duty, so you don't get penalized for not being at work. He understands that I would need the night off before going so I can be alert while there and then will need that night off because of being up all day.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    I started going to the chiropractor last fall when my lower back was really hurting. It was pretty painful at the time. My trainer and several other people said to try a chiropractor. My dad also goes. I asked where he went and he like the guy. If my 86 year old, stubborn Dutch father likes somebody, you know they're good.😁🤣

    I've been going since. Right now I'm going about every 5 weeks and it seems to be helping me. It may not help everyone though. If yours isn't that bad I probably wouldn't start either until it's bad enough that you need to do something. Sometimes it's related to weight and sometimes not.
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,297 Member
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    I think I have received a jury summons three times. Once I let them know I would be out of town as my Dad was having surgery, they just rescheduled me to a later date, I didn't need the excuse letter from the doctor. Another time I went to the court and went through the process, it was an interesting case, but too close to my own experience so I was excused. The last time I spent most of the day at the courthouse in a "waiting room" with a group of people, in case the judge needed us. Boring!!!
    In North Carolina you get a specific date and have to call the night before to find out if you are needed. Obviously they "need" a large number as undoubtedly several people have a reason to be excused. I wouldn't want to be on call for two weeks.
    Some cases can be very interesting. Keep an open mind.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member

    Wow! 3 times. I talked with a couple of my neighbors who are older than I am and they've never been summoned either.

    My boss made it sound like he just had a specific day to call too and ge mentioned something about sitting in a room with a lot of other people waiting for their number to be called. He also said it was boring for that part. Not sure why I 'm on call for the two week time frame. It's October 19 to October 30 that I have to be available. I'm actually glad it's during that time frame instead of the middle of winter. I really hate driving in the winter. I wonder if there's a difference between what I have to do and what my boss did because we're in 2 separate counties. I will keep an open mind because as you said it could be interesting and I might learn something.
  • mainebeachbum
    mainebeachbum Posts: 385 Member
    Tuesday check in
    10447 steps
    64 oz water
    Food prelogged
    17 min walk

    Ankle pain is a bit better, tolerated my AM walk and a busy day at work. Still getting some sharp pains here and there but no longer constant aching. Still have not had time to catch up. I had to get a new phone and I spent all evening dealing with that. Maybe tomorrow...

    I hope you all are well!
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    My church is relatively small, which probably makes it easier to do outside church. We are going back inside at the end of the month. It's been pretty cool here in the mornings and evenings but a little warmer during the day.

    The book club I missed this weekend is doing Crazy Love by Franci Chan to start out. My Tuesday book club just finished Eleanor Oliphant is perfectly fine by Gail Honeyman. Most of us gave it a 3 out of 5 stars. One lady gave it a 5. I had a hard time getting into it. I was over half way through before I really wanted to know how it was going to end. Our next book is Girl in Translation by Jean Kwok. Just got it tonight so I don't know yet if I'll like it. The description made it sound pretty good.
  • kandi3570
    kandi3570 Posts: 238 Member
    My sciatica is flared up along with tendinitis in my foot. I didn’t get my steps today. I came home from work made dinner. Picked up my daughter and we hit the couch. Hopefully it will be a better day tomorrow. But I have another trip to Home Depot. Hopefully the last one for some time. So It will be another errand day. I was also hungry again this evening. I am ramping up lunch calories tomorrow and I hope to avoid that tomorrow night. I’m at 1400 calories. Still ok but would much rather be below 1300.

    @lennoncpa I’m glad you have a fridge again. Healthy choices will be much easier for you now.

    @tryingagain5 there is usually a selection process for jury duty. You may be summoned and questioned about how you feel about certain things and then not even have to participate in the real trial. I have never had to go myself but I have know some people who have.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Tuesday 9/15
    Food: ok
    Water: 40 oz
    Exercise: 20 minutes speed intervals on the treadmill

    I did pretty well with food today but did have a piece of pumpkin pie at book club tonight. I'm only counting carbs and protein right now and before the pie I only had about 40 for the day and I've been trying to keep it around 100. I haven't looked up carbs for it yet but it doesn't matter since it's already been eaten but it was good.

    I know what woke me up today (again right around noon). My bladder decided I needed to get up.🙄 I was able to sleep again so that's good.

    I went to the gym this afternoon and did pretty well with my speed intervals. I didn't have any issues with my leg except when I was finished so I wonder if I overdid it a little. I iced it when I got home and took some ibuprofen so hopefully that will help.

    My Tuesday book club met tonight so that was nice. We meet about once a month and the lady who hosts it always has food. She's the person you go to if you have questions related to cooking,baking or anything kitchen.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Thanks for the information on the jury process. I really am clueless about it because of never having to do it. Several of the ladies at my book club tonight have had to do it and said something similar to what you did.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    I hope the sciatica and tendinitis issues clear up for you.
  • xX_PhoenixRising_Xx
    Ugh.. I've had a super busy week, I'm 5 pages behind in posts and I haven't posted my weigh in from Sunday (sorry!) Better start with the weigh in...

    Weigh in week 3
    Weigh in day: Sunday (better late than never!)
    PW: 252.2 (114.4kg)
    CW: 256.1 (116.2kg)

    So that sucked, but I had another migraine at the end of last week. It cleared up fairly quickly again, but my whole body ached and felt inflamed for days which probably accounts for the higher weight at weigh in. Hubby and I went for a couple of long walks over the weekend, 6km one day and 8.5km the other. Walked along the coast, up over the cliffs as well as over the rocks at points, so a bit of effort went in. Sunday was hubby's birthday so there was also cake. Kahlua mudcake to be precise, and I did eat some. It was delicious.

    I've struggled a bit this week with being hungry and had a resurgence of some of my ED thoughts. So I went back to basics, tried to listen to whether my body was hungry or not and eat accordingly, not stressing about calories. At least that's the idea. I swear, sometimes I wish I could eat everything and never eat again, both at the same time. My take-away from the past week is that I still need to work on being kinder to myself. That, and my brain is a conniption but at least I know that now. Knowledge is power and all that. :smiley:

  • debbiewsharpe
    debbiewsharpe Posts: 417 Member
  • brown6267
    brown6267 Posts: 476 Member
    00/15 steps 14841
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,247 Member
    edited September 2020

    Happy Wednesday!!

    I'm starting to get competitive with myself again, since I'm getting close to having done 700 rides at my spin studio. As of yesterday, I've completed 687. So, of course, I posed a challenge to myself to hit 700 before the end of the month. Which is totally possible, but I need to make sure I pace myself, because this is the type of thing that typically results in burnout or injury for me. I rushed 500 because I wanted to have it before the end of the year, MS be (ahem) darned. And I needed three days to recover from doing two rides a day for several days straight.

    Breathe, Ashley. There's 14 days left in the month, and you only need 13 rides. That's easy.

    @sleepymom5 -

    I ended up dumping the pancake bites (after eating four of them on Monday... whoops!) and keeping the cake. I've been slowly picking away at it, despite my worst fears of consuming all of it in one day. I also put it in the recipe function in MFP, and it's not nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be, so I'll let it stay for a couple more days before I toss it.

    As for cryotherapy... it's -140°F caused by evaporating liquid nitrogen, so it's a dry cold instead of the humid cold you'd get from jumping into cold water. It's a shock to the system at first, but it doesn't make you feel like you'll catch a cold from spending 3 minutes in it (which is really all it takes to be effective). It's not for everyone, but it's become a personal favorite of my recovery techniques, because I basically just do the macarena inside the chamber to pass the time.

    Glad your daughter is feeling better!

    @kandi3570 -

    Ramping up lunch calories is a great idea. Prevents hunger later on in the day, and is actually better for your metabolism to have more food earlier :smiley: Hope today turns out better for you!

    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx -

    Better late than never is absolutely right!

    Kahlua mudcake sounds so good, but also so dangerous! It would be a shame NOT to eat some of it.
    I swear, sometimes I wish I could eat everything and never eat again, both at the same time.

    Are you inside my head??? I constantly think how nice it would be if we weren't required to eat to live, and if eating had no physical impact... one can dream, I suppose.
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,310 Member
    week 3
    PW: 213
    CW: 213

    Not down, but not up. Don't have a lot of time, headed back to another day of constant phone calls, emails and zoom meetings. By the time I get home, I am wrung out.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,451 Member
    Check in for Tuesday
    Food-logged and under but off plan
    Water-64 oz
    Exercise-60 min Leslie Sansone video and PT

    Not the best day yesterday. I had a plan for the late lunch with my sister in law and then I added to it the plan when ordering which I shouldn't have done. We sat outside and it was definitely a soup kinda day so I had my favorite french onion soup. I did only eat 1/2 of my cobb salad so I was doing well with the hunger scale. Then dessert came, I had said no but gave in to splitting carrot cake with my SIL. I didn't eat it all, probably 1/3 of a slice but I ended up feeling so full and bloated. I think that I really have to watch when I order soup or appetizers because if I am honest with myself, I am not very hungry for the meal. Notice I say if I am honest with my self, don't get me wrong, I could definitely eat it all. I got home in plenty of time to exercise but felt lazy and bloated so didn't really do anything. I finally rallied around 6, exercised and was able to have a pretty productive day after all. I also listened to my hunger and I didn't have dinner since I was still full. I was afraid I would be hungry before I went to bed but I wasn't. I need to get into my brain that I am not constantly hungry and if for some reason I can't eat, it is not going to kill me. I guess decades of thoughts don't come undone overnight.

    I am thinking of riding the length of the island today. It would be round trip about 10 miles. I haven't ridden that far since before my hip problems. Today the weather is fall like, it is quiet so I don't have to worry as much about the cars and it is flat so everything is in my favor. I wasn't going to put this out there but now I will feel I have to stay accountable and go. Lol! Hope everyone has a Happy Wednesday!

    @lennoncpa Nice! It will be fun to start with a clean slate filling it up with healthy too. Plus a nice spot to get some cold water!
    @tryingagain5 I have been called to Jury duty at least 3 times and only once called back for a court case. That was short lived because on our way to the court room the jurors in the front saw the defendant in shackles so we were dismissed. I usually get a lot of reading done those days. Sounds like my county has started with a few days being available. That is hard for people who are nurses and I imagine teachers who need to have replacements. You just can't go to work if you aren't needed because someone is already working for you. They wouldn't give my friend a break who was a nurse and she ended up having to take vacation days because she wasn't actually on jury duty if she wasn't called in. Very unfair to me. If you have to go, I hope you get picked for something interesting. Thanks about the explanation with the chiropractor, maybe for now I will stick to stretching which seems to help it.
    @annliz23 Amazing workout!
    @mainebeachbum I am glad you are seeing some improvement with your ankle. New phone, how fun! It always takes me time to figure everything out Lol!
    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Sounds like you got in some amazing walks and I am sure beautiful scenery at the same time. I imagine that it isn't unusual to be struggling with those thoughts. I think it is a big win that you recognize it now and keep moving forward. I am working on the hunger myself. It isn't easy but I am proud that I am at the point that I am thinking about it, I used to remember I was supposed to be mindful of eating after I gobbled everything down. Baby steps I guess. Hugs, you have so much more going on and come through with humor and grace. Happy Birthday to your hubs! Big question-did you make the cake? You have made some pretty amazing cakes in the past!
    @debbiewsharpe Love that quote!
    @minstrelofsarcasm You are making me ponder this am. Glad I am on coffee #2! I love that quote! You crack me up with doing the macarena during cryotherapy! I always wonder how people who do planks so long pass the time, not that I have even gotten that far. Good luck with your goal rides. I know you will have them done by the end of September! :)
    @melaniedscott I hope things slow down for you soon. Hugs!
  • 1theresamcvean
    1theresamcvean Posts: 928 Member
    There are some exemptions for jury duty that were listed in the letter, concerns about the pandemic being one of them but I think you have to be immune compromised and I'm not really since I'm pretty healthy now. They also are probably going to need more people now because of the social distancing and other things they need to do.

    I talked with one of my coworkers, whose daughter had to do it. She called the number every day as instructed but she never had to go, apparently they didn't need her. Pretty sure this was before the pandemic.

    I also talked with my boss. We wondered about 3rd shift being an exemption but we don't think so. He's had to do it and seemed like he kind of enjoyed it. He said depending on the type of case you get it could be pretty interesting. He mentioned wondering how the court system works in real life as opposed to what is seen on a TV show like Law & Order. He told me to keep an open mind about it. He lives in a different county than I do so I would have to go to a different courthouse than he did. It could be interesting, I think part of my hesitation was the initial shock of seeing such an official letter, since I've never done it before. My boss was surprised I never had to do it. He said his wife had too and his brother-in-law had to do it 3 different times and all 3 of them are in their mid thirties.

    The letter also states the court does compensate for the time you're actually there and if I understood what my boss told me that the company pays the difference of your pay, so you're not losing out on pay.

    He also told me just call or text him as soon as I find out if I have to go and he puts me absent due to jury duty, so you don't get penalized for not being at work. He understands that I would need the night off before going so I can be alert while there and then will need that night off because of being up all day.

    Linda, I was thinking about this and wondered if it might be a nice change to days for a bit. It's good that your boss understands and, as you say, it could be interesting. Hopefully not too interesting or it will keep you up at night :wink:
This discussion has been closed.