New members



  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,517 Member
    Hello, I am 53 year old business woman, mother of 4 and a new grandmother. The past 25 years required me to take on a lot of caretaker roles; parent, caring for aging and ailing parents, ailing partner. My career was very stressful and I had a stressful relationship. Finally, I am at a place in my life where I have the space to care for me and live the life I choose. Well, these pounds are preventing that. I need to lose 50 pounds and am looking for a community to support me along the way.

    Hoping to meet other 50+er's for possitive support and hopefully a feeling of community as I focus on this area of my life.
    Welcome aboard!!

    Your story has similar to mine. Stressful job, very stressful relationship with a partner who drove a wedge between my parents and I. As I entered my 50s, I started to take back control of my life. It's been a hellava journey but life can get much, much better!!
  • BBee5064
    BBee5064 Posts: 1,020 Member
    Welcome aboard 👏👏
  • 927caryo
    927caryo Posts: 121 Member
    Greetings, I have been on MFP and in this group but not active in a long time. I am finding my work from home situation to be very lonely and am seeking support to keep me motivated on my road to total fitness. I’m a 57 year old banker with two grown children. My approach to nutrition is intermittent fasting and clean eating. So far, for exercise, I walk and practice yoga. I am interested in music, nature, reading.
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,517 Member
    927caryo wrote: »
    Greetings, I have been on MFP and in this group but not active in a long time. I am finding my work from home situation to be very lonely and am seeking support to keep me motivated on my road to total fitness. I’m a 57 year old banker with two grown children. My approach to nutrition is intermittent fasting and clean eating. So far, for exercise, I walk and practice yoga. I am interested in music, nature, reading.
    That sounds like an excellent approach to fitness. The only thing missing is resistance training for both muscle development & bone density retention.
  • 927caryo
    927caryo Posts: 121 Member
    UncleMac wrote: »
    927caryo wrote: »
    Greetings, I have been on MFP and in this group but not active in a long time. I am finding my work from home situation to be very lonely and am seeking support to keep me motivated on my road to total fitness. I’m a 57 year old banker with two grown children. My approach to nutrition is intermittent fasting and clean eating. So far, for exercise, I walk and practice yoga. I am interested in music, nature, reading.
    That sounds like an excellent approach to fitness. The only thing missing is resistance training for both muscle development & bone density retention.
    I agree with you - I need to figure that one out. As a postmenopausal woman, it’s super important. Any suggestions for starting? I’m not eager to join / go to a gym - maybe some day.

  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,054 Member
    edited October 2020
    Because osteoporosis risk skyrockets following menopause (estrogen is needed to help lay down bone), strength training is especially vital. Strength training exercises will help to build bone and muscle strength, burn body fat, and rev up your metabolism.

    At home, opt for dumbbells and resistance tubing. In the gym, choose from weight machines or free weights. Select a level that is heavy enough to tax your muscles in 12 repetitions and progress from there.

    If you have a crafty side you can make your own dumbbells.

    A search on YouTube can show you a vast variety of dumbbell exercises.
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,517 Member
    927caryo wrote: »
    UncleMac wrote: »
    927caryo wrote: »
    Greetings, I have been on MFP and in this group but not active in a long time. I am finding my work from home situation to be very lonely and am seeking support to keep me motivated on my road to total fitness. I’m a 57 year old banker with two grown children. My approach to nutrition is intermittent fasting and clean eating. So far, for exercise, I walk and practice yoga. I am interested in music, nature, reading.
    That sounds like an excellent approach to fitness. The only thing missing is resistance training for both muscle development & bone density retention.
    I agree with you - I need to figure that one out. As a postmenopausal woman, it’s super important. Any suggestions for starting? I’m not eager to join / go to a gym - maybe some day.

    My wife is in the same situation. Our lives are a bit chaotic now... with covid-19 & other personal stuff... so maintaining the discipline isn't easy.

    Gyms are convenient and some folks find the gym environment helpful, both from the motivation perspective and the lack of distractions. For myself, when I had a gym membership, I scheduled my workouts like I scheduled everything else in my day. Then I retired... and covid closed the gym...

    Working out at home with a few dumb bells or kettle bells is nearly as effective. Starting off, focus on whole body movements rather than specific muscles. YouTube is full of videos offering guided workouts.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,688 Member
    927caryo wrote: »
    UncleMac wrote: »
    927caryo wrote: »
    Greetings, I have been on MFP and in this group but not active in a long time. I am finding my work from home situation to be very lonely and am seeking support to keep me motivated on my road to total fitness. I’m a 57 year old banker with two grown children. My approach to nutrition is intermittent fasting and clean eating. So far, for exercise, I walk and practice yoga. I am interested in music, nature, reading.
    That sounds like an excellent approach to fitness. The only thing missing is resistance training for both muscle development & bone density retention.
    I agree with you - I need to figure that one out. As a postmenopausal woman, it’s super important. Any suggestions for starting? I’m not eager to join / go to a gym - maybe some day.

    There's a thread here where folks have collected a list of good strength programs. It's here:

    Despite what the title may imply, it includes beginner bodyweight programs one can do, to start, that require minimal or no equipment. Bodyweight exercises can be a good beginning, especially for home use.

    I'm 64, obviously postmenopausal, myself.

    For a beginner, some kind of well-designed whole body program is ideal, although I'm currently not taking that approach myself. 😉 These days, I'm doing some idiosyncratic dumbbell exercises, to remedy some unbalances and rehab some minor issues. Depending on how that's going, I may return to a full-body approach after on-water season is over this Winter.

    My base "cardio" (rowing, on water and machine) also has some strength benefits, but a true strength routine is a more efficient route.

    Welcome to the group!
  • 927caryo
    927caryo Posts: 121 Member
    Thank you so much to @AnnPT77 @UncleMac @d_thomas02 for the advice and guidance. I really appreciate it - I am working on building a “well designed whole body program” as we speak! thanks for the welcome back to this group.
  • RandJ6280
    RandJ6280 Posts: 1,161 Member
    Hi @broadwey21 trust me ~ you are NOT alone in this. I too need to get away from that awfully high number looking back at me on the scale.
    Feel free to add me - I'm tired of being a sluggish all the time. I want to get stronger, thinner and most of all ... happier.
  • Eimajnosbor
    Eimajnosbor Posts: 4 Member
    HI all,

    I was wondering where my over 50 "peeps" were hanging out. Started to lose weight and up my health game as I hit 50 about 2 years ago. Lost about 30 kg. Found myfitnesspal about 5 months ago. Biggest struggle at the moment is dealing with hunger and wanting to eat all the time. Usual health problems for the older person 😊 2 retinal detachments and a pituitary adenoma, plus our house burnt down in recent fires. There was also a cyclone and covid of course! and that's just been the last 8 months

    Most of my routine revolves around CICO and exercise is combination of strength training (lot of bodyweight exercises) 6 days a week and running usually about twice a week with a bit of skipping (skipping truly kicks my *kitten*). The more I exercise the more I can eat 😁

    hope everyone is well

  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,688 Member
    HI all,

    I was wondering where my over 50 "peeps" were hanging out. Started to lose weight and up my health game as I hit 50 about 2 years ago. Lost about 30 kg. Found myfitnesspal about 5 months ago. Biggest struggle at the moment is dealing with hunger and wanting to eat all the time. Usual health problems for the older person 😊 2 retinal detachments and a pituitary adenoma, plus our house burnt down in recent fires. There was also a cyclone and covid of course! and that's just been the last 8 months

    Most of my routine revolves around CICO and exercise is combination of strength training (lot of bodyweight exercises) 6 days a week and running usually about twice a week with a bit of skipping (skipping truly kicks my *kitten*). The more I exercise the more I can eat 😁

    hope everyone is well


    @Eimajnosbor, Jamie - welcome!

    This is not the most active group in the MFP universe, but there are lots of 50+ folks here on MFP.

    I'm so sorry to hear all the stuff you've being going through in your personal life: It's been a crazy time in various ways for many of us, but it sounds like you got an unfairly large portion of chaos dished up for you.

    I wish I had some good insight on the hunger front, but IMU the answers are very individual, more a thing for experimenting, both with what's eaten, and when. Filling foods can be protein, fat, high-volume things (like lots of veggies), and for some people even specific individual foods (cooked potatoes and oatmeal are common things mentioned, but not universal). Some people find reducing carbs limits appetite, others find certain carbs essential for satiation or energy. Eating timing can be anything from one meal a day to all-day grazing on small snack-sized portions.

    For me, I found I needed a solid breakfast with a good bit of protein, then protein through the day, and at least one meal with good volume, mostly volume from veggies. Usually, that's dinner. Eating more fruit helped me reduce cravings for less nutrient-dense sweets like baked goods or candies. But that's my personal, idiosyncratic route, no assumption those things will work for others. It took experimenting to figure out what worked best for me.

    FYI, I'm in year 5+ of maintaining a healthy weight (with a few gradual ups/downs within that healthy range) after losing 50+ pounds with MFP, obese to a healthy weight, back in 2015-16. I'm 65, and an enthusiastic rower (on water when I can, machine when I must), also enjoy recreational biking (road/trail in Summer, stationary in Winter). I don't do as much strength exercise as I know I should, so that's off and on.

    Sounds like you have a good exercise program in place, which is a great help.

    Wishing you much success!
  • sigsby
    sigsby Posts: 220 Member
    Hello over 50s,

    I am 50 years old with about 50 pounds to lose. I'm a husband and a father and I work from home since covid came onto the scene. In the summer I kayak anywhere I can get to the water on Lake Erie. In the winter I volunteer with a ski patrol in my area.

    A few years ago I was on track to him my weight goal and I injured myself at the gym. I had hernia surgery and haven't been able to find the motivation to get back on the horse. Until now!

    I've been back at it for four days now and so far the weight is coming off quickly. My plan starting out is pretty basic. I get my 10,000 steps every day and I keep my calories around 1500.

    I'm happy to have found a group and I hope it's a good one.


  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,517 Member
    Welcome Don!

    Although you describe your plan as being basic, when it comes to losing weight, it's all about the basics. There isn't any magic pill, button or diet which provides healthy sustainable loss.

    The group has been fairly quiet but there's good caring people here!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,688 Member
    Hi, Don (@sigsby) - Welcome! I'm a fellow Great Lakes-ian (but in Michigan, middle of the palm), and also fellow human powered boater (mostly rowing shells, in terms of what I do routinely, but I also have canoes & a kayak I paddle now and then. Congratulations on your weight loss so far: With any meaningful total amount to lose, slow and steady wins the race, I think, so as UncleMac said, basics rule. Best wishes!
  • cherchechristine
    cherchechristine Posts: 84 Member
    back after a year plus...need to drop 10lbs by Dec 3. Goal is to track every single day...
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,688 Member
    back after a year plus...need to drop 10lbs by Dec 3. Goal is to track every single day...

    Welcome back!

    Special event on December 3, maybe? 😉

    Wishing you success!
  • Michelle923
    Michelle923 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi All, Just joined the group. Last couple years have been challenging and need to drop some weight. I would love to lose 50 pounds and regain some energy. I am tired all the time and haven't been exercising due largely to my work schedule. Just trying to get back on a healthy track and feel good about myself.
  • Revlish
    Revlish Posts: 62 Member
    (cross posted from the "January 2022" thread. 'Cause I'm a derp. hahaha)

    Hi there! I'm Calleaghn (but Rev is fine) and I've been on myfitnesspal off and on for a long time.
    I just finished a year of Noom and loved it! Ready to transition out of there and into a more ongoing support system for continued fitness and weight loss. And just general lifeyness. :D

    I'm new to this group. Live just South of Seattle, a grad student, musician, avid reader, scifi fan and gamer. Dancing is my favorite work out, but I also do HIIT and weights, and whatever else catches my fancy. I love to skate and am currently looking for some local folx to do it with. Though I will definitely go by myself and make new friends there if that's how it goes down. lol

    I'm 58 and still recovering from a long term chronic illness. Just diagnosed with COPD last year and been having some joint issues for awhile. I keep modifying movement to work for me where ever I am. When I don't, things just get worse. Last two years were rough, starting before COVID, and this past year I've been coming out of it finally. I've lost 40 pounds and want to drop another 30, at least.

    The thing I most proud of from the past year is that I've gotten hooked on exercise in a way that's made everything better- my mood, my energy, my body, my joy level. Even when I'm hurting and fatigued, I find some way to move joyfully, even the littlest bit, and it feeds my everything.

    Thanks for being here! I hope to get to know some of you as the days roll on... <3