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Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,015 Member
    Wow, Isabella, that is hot and we had a much cooler week - even had the furnace on although it warmed back up to 80 today. We had mornings in the 40s and some days in the 50s. We were glad it warmed more on Friday as a woman in our church turned 100 and they had a drive thru party for her. She and two of her daughters sat on the porch. As you turned into the driveway, one daughter gave a container of trail mix to much on as you slowly moved on. Another had a guest book for us to sign. Next stop was in front of the porch and you could wave or speak into the microphone (and we left a card) and the last stop we got a cupcake. All of her children were there and some of her grandkids (and great grands). Ralph said she is the 3rd person in the 140 years of our church to make it to 100.

    Labor Day I went with Lori and her girls to a town about 90 minutes away and met up with a person from KC who had stuff for Lori’s shoeboxes. We looked around the auction but didn’t stay long. We stopped to eat at McDonalds on the way to her house and then worked on her shoebox area. Ralph came in to help and to take me home.

    Tuesday morning we had a flylady get together in a park. That was the day things were cooling down (and later in the day rain started) so it was almost too cool but we enjoyed the visiting for the 4 that came. Then Ralph and I went to a Walmart that had Dr. Pepper 10 and past Derek’s house. In the evening we went to the Farm Bureau annual meeting. We wore our masks some – couldn’t while eating. After the meeting, there was a legislative deal but Ralph couldn’t hear so we left. The rest of the week was the usual things.
    Grocery prices are coming down. Last week I got a 5 lb chub of hamburger for $6.99 and this week $8.99. Pork Loin was $1.49. Doing meatloaf tomorrow – used all 5 lbs. You guessed well on the dish from last week. It also had hamburger.

    Tomorrow there will just be 12 here as Julie is doing her sleepover with the girls 1st grade and up (except for Ava). So she has six of her nieces there tonight.

    Matthew and Julie had an conference call on a little girl who is up for adoption. She will be three in October. They were hoping to visit with the foster mother this weekend and decide if they want to move forward. There is also another family interested so prayers would be welcomed that they would see God leading them if this is their child.

    This next Monday is 4-H. Tuesday I’d like to go to Taryn’s tennis match and then I think it’s mostly the regular stuff.

    Glad you got to spend some time with Jamie. Inside stuff is good with that heat. Sorry your friend is moving. You’ll still have a good workers but you wont’ get to see her or talk. When you can work remotely, where you live can be so different. We had a girl move back home and set up her brother’s room as her office and is even getting overtime.

    All the kids are in school now. Derek’s kids started Wednesday. They had one day in person and two remote. That will change week by week depending on cases. Lori’s are in school all the time and Katie is homeschooling all of theirs. Some schools have been going for almost a month now.

    Oh year, we started our new SS class – only had 12 of the 15 and yes, there was crying but they were all quiet for the story and doing their papers. All 4 of us were kept busy and I had one on my lap while I told the story. We’ll see who all is there tomorrow. It’s a roomful but we’ll get into a routine.

    Have a good week.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi! A bit cooler here this week but air has been hazy all week due to so many fires in surrounding areas. Thank God none are close enough to have to worry about though. They changed my notary seminar to a zoom webinar instead of in person so I had to hurry up and get my desktop at work set up to do the webinar. I completed the 6 hour continuing education and got my certificate. On Monday, I will go in and have my fingerprints and picture taken. Then they will have a short refresher course. State administered test will start at 10am for about an hour then I will go to lunch and should be at work by 1pm. I don't think I will have a problem passing. Once I pass I will have to go to the county recorder, take my oath of office, and file a bond. Then I'll be all set for another 4 years. I don't plan on renewing next time.

    Did my usual shopping yesterday. Studied for my state test. Then the usual TV watching. Today is more of the same.

    My bible study starts up this Wednesday. We will be meeting outside for now. I finally got an appointment with my chiropractor for Tuesday morning. My hip feels somewhat better but I'm still going to keep the appointment because it still gets sore and stiff.

    Debora, Sounds like you had a really good week. Seeing your fly ladies is always enjoyable. I will definitely keep Matthew and Julie in my prayers for the Lord's wisdom and direction. Keep me posted on how it goes.

    Take care and have a great week!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,015 Member
    Just popping in to say it's been a hard week after a good Tuesday (my birthday). Grandson wit asthma went to hospital but did not go as usual. He coded twice, was on ventilator and intubated and His parents are saying their good byes. I'll write more later.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Oh no!! So sorry to hear it Debora! I am praying! Please keep me posted.

    It seems silly to write about my day to day after that so I'll just say that other than the usual shopping, We rented the movie Ford vs Ferrari. It was very good. We also got KFC for dinner which we haven't had for around 20 yrs. It was still the same. Would get it again but probably legs & thighs and coleslaw only next time.

    Again, praying the Lord has mercy and spares your family this tragedy.

    Love you.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,015 Member
    Well, Isabella, this week was way different than we wanted but God always knows best. Just before midnight last Saturday, Deacon ran from his earthly father’s arms into his heavenly Father’s arms. I had gotten the three younger kids Friday night knowing it was a possibility but still praying for him to stay with us. The kids had a chance to “talk” to Deacon Friday night and again on Saturday night. They didn’t want the kids to be too shocked when Deacon didn’t get to come home. Then Derek had me take the kids home Saturday evening. I put them in bed and then Lindsey’s sister was there so I came on home. I think her parents came to the house and waited for them to come home. We got the text right at midnight.

    The rest of us still came here for Sunday dinner and then we went to Derek’s in the evening as did a lot of others – seems like everyone was bringing food. They were using neighbors fridges and freezers. It’s a close knit neighborhood. Monday we went to Taryn’s tennis meet since she wanted to play. She also did school and it went okay. The other kids waited until Tuesday as their teachers were going to tell the classes and have counselors available. Deacon’s teacher said in her 15 years of teaching she had never had to tell news like this. Tuesday we went to another tennis meet. Wednesday was the visitation. Don’t think I’ve ever seen him so still. They had pictures of him going to. We stayed the whole 4 hours. Derek and Lindsey brought the kids in about 4 and had the grandparents go in with them. So hard for them. Madden (5) thought he was scary. But he did go up and see him before the end.

    Thursday morning was the burial (although they didn’t lower the casket while we were there) and in the afternoon was the service. It was a beautiful tribute to Deacon. You are my friend on facebook so maybe you’ve gotten to see the pictures. Most of them took place with his neighborhood family or the other grandparents cause I’m not a picture taker and thing were calmer here but he did have an adventurous spirit. After the service we went to Derek’s to eat again (their small group provided a meal) and then I went to a 4-H leaders meeting (we do it once a year). It was a long day.

    And for us things go back to seeming more normal much of the time but it won’t be that way for Derek and Lindsey. So we will continue to pray for them. His empty bed, not seeing his smile and antics and so much more will be there day after day for them. Her Sister is still there (she can work from anywhere) so that will be helpful. Think I might encourage Ralph to meet up for lunch with Derek someday.

    We had our third appointment in the vaccine study today. Biggest thing was drawing blood. Now we don’t go back till February. In a bit we are leaving for a wedding. So I’ll leave this to finish when I get home. Wedding was nice. Bride is 46 (1st marriage) and groom is 63 (wife died 4 years ago). Outside due to covid but we sat in shade and it was quite breezy. They stood on a trailer so we could all see them – very spread out since sitting at tables. They used his 4 grandkids and her nieces and nephews. Then they served the meal as soon as ceremony was over. BBQ chicken, potatoes, green beans, roll and cupcake. We were home before 7. So now finishing up a bit for tomorrow.

    Yes, tell me about your weekend, week and whatever. Life still goes on. I had 4-H questions during the week and when families apologized for asking questions, I said it was good for me to have some normalcy going on. Thanks for letting me drone on about all that went on. I sill miss his ‘Hi, Grandma”, and “you make the best rolls” and can I go see the chickens. But it’s just good-by-for now as Lindsey wrote in the obituary. (She did a beautiful job with it although I’m sure it was hard to write).

    Tomorrow is SS (had 14 of the 15 there last Sunday) and I work in the nursery. Then kids here and the start of a new week.

    I miss Sheryl. Hope things are going okay for her.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi Debora, So very sorry for your loss. The video on FB is beautiful! I can see that he was truly a great kid who brought so much joy. I will keep the whole family in my prayers.

    Sorry I forgot to wish you a happy birthday last week. Glad you posted about your week and how everything went. Sounds like the wedding was nice. I miss Sheryl too. I keep thinking I need to call her.

    I had a nice week all in all. Very busy. A girl who does the same job I do quit so they are going to send me her contracts to process at least for the foreseeable future so I see lots of overtime coming my way.
    Did my usual grocery shopping yesterday. Went to Trader Joe's and Sprouts. I also went to a store called Home Goods. They sell home furnishings, kitchen stuff, bedding, etc. I don't know if you have them where you are. I am searching for a new quilt but I don't want to settle. Didn't find anything this time but I'm not in a hurry.
    We rented a DVD from red box again this weekend. Saw the 2017 movie Wonder Woman. It was really well done and very enjoyable.
    Today I am about to watch church on line then do a bit of FB and some of my bible study homework. We started a new study. My bible study teacher usually creates a study but she recently lost her brother and just wasn't up for it so we are doing a book study this time. It is called "He Speaks to Me" by Priscilla Shirer. It is about hearing from God. I'm not used to having to do homework but so far, so good.
    We are going to have hot weather again in the middle of the coming week. Monday thru Thursday is supposed to be around 97 degrees. We also have fire danger warnings due to high winds expected. Praying the Lord spares us any further fires especially in our area.

    Stay safe and have a blessed week.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hello. It is hot here this week. High 90's. Supposed to get down to the mid 80's after Tuesday though. Yay! I was able to work yesterday to try and get caught up. I went into work at 7am till 10. Drove home to get my hair cut. Went back to work till 1pm. I am still a couple days behind but feel a bit better about the work load. After that I went shopping then picked up dinner at a local restaurant called Chicken Charlie's. I got the fried chicken basket for Dan and the chicken tenders basket for me. it was tasty but a lot of food. Today I listened to my church service then ordered a couple of things from "My Pillow" - a sheet set and a bath towel to try out. I don't usually do that but they are supposed to be a reputable company. Now I will go and cook my greens and do some laundry.

    Hope all is well with you. God bless your week.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning Debora and Isabella,

    I have thought of you so many mornings, (afternoons and nights too), just so hard to get over here, but I've got to turn over a new leaf and stop in more often. I need you both. I can't believe it's been so long, another 77 comments to catch up on. I still haven't caught up reading the previous 35 or so before that. I hope you both had a Merry Christmas and all the other holidays I've missed this year.

    Thank you so much for your emails, checking up on us, and words of encouragement. I so appreciate your thoughts and prayers. Especially your prayers, so important.

    I'll skip a lot of details here, I hope to get an email update out to everyone very soon, but I will tell you my good news...I'm officially in remission. I've had 3 clear CT scans. The liver procedure that I had last year wiped the cancer out of my liver and now I'm being monitored every 3 months. Next time will be a PET scan and if that's clear, then we'll change to every 6 months. Praising the Lord for healing. I can now proceed with my eyes, have had severe problems with them and my vision is poor, but soon will schedule to have cataracts removed.

    John is a lot worse now. This past year he has declined rapidly. The Lord has given me back quite a bit of strength to help him along, but I still tire easily. He needs constant care and he really keeps me on my toes. I am ready to try in-home care again. I trust this coronavirus will ease up enough that I can feel comfortable having someone come into our home. We tried it January/February, but John gave me so much grief. I was so stressed by his reactions that I put it on hold and then the virus put everything on hold.

    Debora, my condolences on the passing of Deacon. I saw the obituary post on Facebook. I am so sorry for your loss. I know he was a remarkable boy and will be missed by so many. What a testimony in his short years on earth.

    Thank you again for keeping me in your prayers. I'll do my best to check in with you more often, hopefully, I'll get back to every morning. It will be the three of us "regulars" again. I have missed you so much.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,015 Member
    Weeks are basically going like they did before covid it seems like. We had one evening we went to a tennis meet and a volleyball game and I plan to do that again tomorrow. Last tennis meet and nice to take care of two things in one night. Wednesday nights start up again this week – have no idea how many will be in the nursery. So will either be busy or have time to visit. I’m going to encourage Ralph to go to the Senior Bible study. He’s always so tired by evening and usually has to wait on me.

    Yesterday was a Fall Festival. Our 4-H Club had a float in the parade. The kidss (and adults) did a nice job of decorating. I got a few books at the book sale. I toured the art exhibit (even put my crocheted swan picture in it), the town museum and jail and watched Lori and Thomas make balloon swords, dogs and hats. On the way home I stopped and helped Thomas a bit at the church with setting up for children’s church. My feet were very sore when I got home – the concrete or just standing or ust something. Took them awhile to settle down.

    Had the usual group here Sunday. Since I was gone Saturday did Stouffer lasagna and garlic bread. Kids stayed till around 3. For the evening we were invited to the neighbors for a yummy supper. Our missionary friends home from Kenya were invited too. The one couple has two daughters and they got to listen to all three couples tell how they met. The girls left then and we talked about a lot of things. Thomas was asleep at our house and he wanted me to wake him at 7:30 so I set the alarm on my phone to remind me and tried several times. Then I decided I could call Lori and have her call. She finally got him awake aroudn 9. I knew he was tired. Fortunately, he didn’t have to be at till 11.

    We had communion Sunday morning and again used pre-packaged unites. Paige brought hers home he cup and drank her pop from it – takes a long time to drink a 12 oz. Can of pop in something like that. :)

    Isabella, sounds like you have ob security with doing the work for two now. The overtime will be nice and you are good at leaving the work at work. Hope you’re enjoying your haircut. I got one last week and it feels so good. 90’s does sound hot. We are getting up to the 70s no but it takes longer to get that warm and starts cooling down more quickly. I have thought about calling Sheryl too but I think about a lot of things that don’t happen. I thought she had popped in but if she did she didn’t have time to write after she got here. Hope you can get caught up with work this week. I’m sure your Bible study will be interestiend. I’ve heard her speak on a video once. I was getting mine done ahead of Bible study but am back to doing it the study – but it’s not a lot so works okay.
    Thanks for the birthday wishes. I’m glad it was before everything happened with Deacon. Derek and Lindsey are looking for a different vehicle. Lindsey is finfing it very hard to be in. Deacon sat right behind the front seats. And they don’t need something quite as bit. Derek would like to do a SUV which are higher priced than minivans but I’m sure God has a vehicle for them and will show it to them soon.

    Have a good week.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Afternoon, came in to fix lunch and thought that if I don't at least pop in to say "hi", another day will pass without coming by here. My mornings are filled with John. Seems like the only time I get away is when I tell him I'll go in the house to start lunch and he stays outside a little longer.

    Debora, wow! lucky you that your life is almost back to some 'before covid' normalcy. We're still in stay at home quarantine unless absolutely necessary to go out.

    John is coming in already so I better get lunch on the table.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Got a good night's sleep last night, that happens very seldom these days, next to never! John wanders through the house at night and if I happen to sleep through it, he will shake me awake to "make sure I'm breathing". Last night, he stayed in bed and did not wake me to "make sure I'm alive". yay!

    One of my cousins set up a Zoom meeting for the family yesterday. It was great to visit face to face. My uncle Paul and the rest of us were nieces. Myself, my sister Norma, Nancy and her sister Karen, and cousins April and Anna (they are sisters) and Lara who set the whole thing up. She and her son live with Paul and Esther and cares for them. I really needed to spend time with loved ones, I've been feeling the isolation more lately.

    After several weeks of gorgeous weather, it started raining yesterday and is forecast to rain...?? til next summer??? We are now into our rainy season, so I better get used to the mud and crud again.

    John's calling so I'll close for now.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good afternoon all!

    Sheryl, it is so very great to hear from you! You made my week! Very very happy to hear the news of the results of your treatment! God is SO good! Glad to hear your feeling stronger too. Your zoom family re-union sounds really nice. Glad you got to see everyone and love on each other for a while. Sorry to hear about John's dementia progressing so much this year. I bet at least part of it is the isolation. Our minds don't get enough stimulation. This lockdown is really causing a lot of other medical issues for everyone. Our crazy governor is one of the bad ones. I finally found a recall Newsome petition to sign. He talked about shutting down some businesses again and they said that they will not comply if he does because if they do, they will not be able to re-open. People and businesses of San Diego County have been following the mandates and he still wants to punish us. I think he realized he was going too far because so far he has not done it.

    Debora, very happy for you that things are pretty much back to normal in your area. Wish they were here as well. Sounds like you had a good crowd for Sunday dinner. Even back to Wednesday nights. How many came? Did your crocheted swan win anything?

    It was a beautiful week weather wise. Temps in the 80's. Next week is going to be in the 90's again. Crazy. But at least it won't be for very long each day. I worked again on Saturday. Still several days behind but I got some things done that would have been more difficult to do during the normal working day with the phone ringing, etc. So I was very happy to be able to come in. I got 10 hours of overtime this week. The paycheck will be nice. Now my boss is out of town for the rest of the month so I won't be able to come in on Saturday. I'll only be able to come in early and leave late each day. Oh well, I'll take what I can get. I got my ballot all filled out today and will drop it off at the library some time this week.

    Well, I'm going to go outside and enjoy some sunshine before it warms up again starting tomorrow. Sheryl, again, so very happy to have you back with us! Hope you can manage to drop in at least once a week. We've missed you!

    Have a blessed week ladies!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,015 Member
    Well, it’s been another busy week. A week ago Saturday I did things for Sunday and also worked on getting things ready for 4-H. Sunday just Lori’s family was here. The girls stayed till three. The guys left at 5 for a men’s event at church. I was dropped off at a friend’s house. The 5 of us women ate together and then prayed for the men’s meeting for an hour and then visited until our husbands picked us up on their way home.

    Monday morning I was up and did the usual walking with my friend. Then I went to the church and got everything set up for 4-H. When my sister and husband arrived, we headed to Wichita to my other sister’s house and were off for the day. We went to two garden areas, an Asian Market, Barnes and Noble, Firebirds for dinner, Bed Bath and Beyond and Steinmart. From 9-5. Then Verla went home and Donna, Jerry and I headed back to the church. I went through McDonalds to get a hamburger because I wasn’t going home until after 4-H. It was a good 4-H meeting but it was good to get home. Still have things to deal with from it.

    Tuesday we went to vote in the Extension elections and ate at McDonalds. I helped with Good News Club in the afternoon. Matthew and Julie came out to get eggs and Ralph went to a visitation. Wednesday morning was Bible study and that evening was the nursery at church. Thursday I worked with my friend at church at we got all the jump ropes made ready for shoebox use. In the afternoon I went in and had an impression of my top teeth done in prep for a gum graft later on. We also went to some bookstores and shopped for a western shirt and Ralph was nice enough to stop at Wendy’s so I didn’t have to cook. Friday was our usual errands. Than in the evening we went to Derek and Lindsey’s for supper. They are still getting meals from people and thought they could share. Their kids don’t eat that much. Madden showed his “new” room. They moved him to the big bed cause he was wondering if Deacon’s body could come back and would wake up so this has helped. Deacon’s clothes are still there but they just give it an update – put more orange in it that Madden likes and things.

    Today was at home. I put all the things from during the away (well at least out of the way), straightened the house, baked rolls, made cream puff dessert, did dishes and whatever else had to be done. Tomorrow is a full day too. SS and church, dinner with Lori’s family and then Alan’s kids here for about an hour while they are in a meeting. Then to a baptism in a lake (brrrrrrr) and then supper with the Bible study Ralph goes too (in the garage since it will be cold so will dress warm.

    Sheryl, wonder to hear from you. I forgot I have to click on your picture to read your posts so at first I thought you had come and then didn’t have time. It’s wonderful to hear from you. So super exciting to hear that you are in remission. Wonderful news. Hope you can do the cataracts soon. That will be huge thing too. So sorry to hear about the decline in John. Truly the Lord has been your strength. I hope he will be agreeable to some help soon.
    We’ve been out and about a long time. But we may have a lot more cases than you do since people are staying at home. But we do like the going. Are you still doing Blue Apron? That would help with your food.
    I don’t really enjoy zoom meetings but what a wonderful way for you to be able to visit with family. And it helps you not feel quite so alone. Glad it all worked out today.
    Thank you for your condolences. We are doing okay. Memories hit and then it’s sad again but we know God has his plans and they don’t always match our plans.

    Isabella, we just have two in the nursery. And they do pretty well after the first few minutes.
    The art deal was just for display so no prizes. It’s back in my living room now.
    While your boss is gone, you can enjoy your days at home (and errands). Hope you can keep up with going early and staying late. You seem to really enjoy your work so that’s nice too. Glad you have some nice days to sit outside. We had some warmer days and now it’s going cooler again – still haven’t had a freezing frost but it could be soon. It’s actually late for the year. Won’t be able to get tomatoes from my friend then.

    Well, it’s bedtime here so better get this off so I don’t forget. Have a great week and hope you can continue to pop in Sheryl. It's great to have the three of us again.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi all, did my usual grocery shopping yesterday. Also went to Target and bought several items I only buy every few months. Later Dan and I dropped our ballots off at the local library then went out to eat at one of our favorite greek restaurants. We had to sit outside but there was a nice breeze so we enjoyed it. Food was very good. We rented a DVD from redbox for the evening. We saw A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood. We enjoyed it. I'm only a couple of days behind now so that is good.

    Well, Dan wants to have a snack so I'll close for now. I'll try to come back later. If not, have a great week!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,015 Member
    Hi Isabella and Sheryl, nothing overly exciting happened this week. I had all of Monday at home – that’s exciting to me. Tuesday was Good News Club. We had 6 extra helpers. Our one teacher was gone and most of there are taking a cef class and need to help in a club so they did our lesson and led three to Christ – that’s exciting. Wednesday was Bible study and the rest of the day at home. Thursday I worked with friend at church and then she took me out to lunch (for my birthday finally). Had a delicious mushroom cheeseburger. Then I had the rest of the day at home. Friday we went and did our errands. Then later I bundled up very warmly and went to football game. Lori’s two youngest were in a cheer group which was hard to see. Jeremiah I watched stand on the side lines so headed home at halftime. It was also very cold. We went from a day with a high of 87 to a high of 42 on Friday so very cold when the sun went down. Today I made dessert and jello for tomorrow. Then we went to a funeral. Came home and baked rolls and other stuff (bags of candy for every one – October treat) and then we went to the session of our Family Conference. We have two more sessions tomorrow. All the kids will be here tomorrow – first time without Deacon. Since I had some time at home, I did get a little bit done on some projects but the list is still long. Menu tomorrow is ham, hashbrown casserole, applesauce jello, BBQ green beans, dinner rolls, eclair dessert. Then we’ll move into next week.
    Sad thing of the week is nephew-in-law is being moved to a care-home as it’s getting too much for his wife. He’s getting weaker. They at least can visit him 30 minutes a day.

    Isabella, glad you are almost caught up at work. We got our voting done this week. We did mail-in but took them to a special drop box when we were in town. Amazing that you can do Target just every few months. Glad you enjoyed the movie.
    I’m off to bed now. Good night.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning all! We had quite the weather change this week. It went from high 80's to high 70's. Beautiful weather. We're even getting some light rain today which is great since we will be getting Santa Ana winds again this coming week which brings fire danger. Having the ground damp will help suppress that. Jami is coming over at 11:00am today to go for a walk but since we're having light rain not sure if it will be clear enough to walk then. If not, hopefully she'll want to just hang out here for a little while. We'll see. Did my usual Trader Joe's and Sprouts shopping yesterday. Sprouts finally had their 20% off (plus an additional $10% if you spend $100 or more) on health and beauty sale so I really stocked up on supplements and such. Spent a LOT of money but I'll be stocked for a while now. The annoying thing is that they will only be offering this sale now if you have the coupon on your smart phone. I don't carry a smart phone and the coupon was too small on my stupid phone (flip phone) so they couldn't read it. They gave me the discount anyway but said there will come a point where you must use the smart phone. I talked it over with Dan and we're going to put it on the smart phone we leave at home and don't use. This will force me to start using it more and get used to it. We'll see how that goes. ;) But we don't like being forced to do something we don't want to do! It has been a nice weekend. We ran to Target spur of the moment for a couple of things, had a nice pork tenderloin and mashed potatoes for dinner, watched TV. New shows still haven't come back so we found a couple of shows that are re-runs that our local station is running that we can watch/record. That helps. I did notice that Young Sheldon is coming back this week so YAY for that!

    Debora, Wonderful that 3 were led to Christ in your Good News Club. Very exciting!! Sounds like you had a nice week. Some good time at home. Brrr on the football game outside in the 40's. Your Sunday dinner sounds heavenly! I want some! :) Sorry to hear about your nephew-in-law. I'll continue to keep your family in my prayers.

    Sheryl, hope you're able to pop in again soon. Praying for you and John.

    OK, I'm off to make Dan and I some breakfast and do some stuff around the house before it's time to get together with Jami. Have a blessed week.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,015 Member
    Hi, we’ve had an interesting week weather wise. Monday we had snow – not a lot but they cancelled most of the area schools. I didn’t think the roads were bad when I went to walk. Tuesday morning we had sleet and I thought roads were not nice when we went to town for may physical. I was ready to cancel but we went and did stuff and got home safely. Then it warmed up enough that the country roads were sloppy by Good News Club time. Wednesday it started to rain and we got a nice slow rain for about 12 hours – maybe 2 inches. Thursday was a nice day and it started to warm up. And it’s supposed to be up to 70 tomorrow.

    Sunday was an interesting day. Ralph walked out of Sunday School to be greeted by a cousin on his mom’s side from Arizona. We had no idea he was coming. Ralph sat in a different place in church but told the usher so when I came in he said follow me and I did. The cousin was much “cleaned up” from his last visit. Of course, Ralph invited him for dinner. It was our first time to have everyone here since Deacon passed away (and his absence was why it was so easy to have a place for Adolf). Things went okay. Adolf left about 2:30 and we got a call yesterday that he’s back in his cabin. We went to the last of our Fall Conference that evening. Wednesday we cleaned the Community House (3 of us worked for 2 hours). All cleaned up for voting on Tuesday. Our Good News Club will meet upstairs. Group was smaller this week cause some classes are out on quarantine. Thursday late afternoon we went to do our Friday shopping. Went to Walmart, ate at McDonalds and then to Dillons and got home about 8. I heard the sump pump running – it gets stuck at time and has to be unplugged and replugged. So I went down to do that and looked down to see a big snake in the sump pump hole. I quite calmly came up and told Ralph about it. He tried but ended up having Alan come over and get it. (there had been a small one at the bottom of the basement stairs on Sunday) and I’ve not had snakes before that I can remember.

    Friday we went in and I got my gum graft. Most painful part was getting the 6 or 7 numbing shots. They stressed taking it easy for a day so I have done that and iced and taken the pain meds even though no pain cause they said it would help with inflamation. I’m wearing a retainer like thing (surgical stent)for a couple of days and doing soft foods. I think just so I don’t open my mouth so wide. I also was supposed to talk as little as possible and not smile much – guess that would stretch it. They will take the stitches out when I go in on Nov. 12.

    Alan’s family came over this afternoon with a riddle. They had a bowl with 95 Reeces’ in it and the question was what did it represent. Ralph didn’t get it but I did – the 95 thesis of Martin Luther. :) Then everyone else (the kids each ate 4) got to eat some of the candy. They left the bowl here to use on Jim and Lori’s family tomorrow. Since I was to take it easy, doing hamburgers and hot dogs. I realized the only dills I have are small whole ones so will slice some of them up for people to use and add buying some to my shopping list.

    Isabella, I’m sure you had a good time with Jaimie and your weather sounds lovely. Yes, you won’t take long to get used to the smart phone and you’ll like it once you get used to it but when you’re satisfied with what you are suing, change is not fun. Your weekends always sound nice and relaxing.

    We were supposed to get together with those in Ralph’s Bible study group for supper tomorrow night – rescheduled from two weeks ago. Now the man in the home we were gong to has a cold. Any other year, a cold wouldn’t stop us. This year you don’t take chances so it’s postponed again. Glad I hadn’t gotten the rolls out of the freezer yet.

    Have a great week. Sheryl – got spoiled quickly with your quick notes. Hope John isn’t keeping you too busy.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Not much going on this week. I worked Saturday until 3:30pm. Paycheck will be nice! Did my usual Trader Joe's and Sprouts afterward then picked up Jersey Mike's subs for dinner. We watched an old 60's movie called Sweet Charity with Shirley McClain in the lead role. It was pretty silly but we watched it to the end anyway.

    Today I did laundry and watched church on line. Starting today they are allowing people to attend without having to register so I may consider going to the park next Sunday. We'll see.

    Debora, it was nice that Ralph's cousin showed up for a visit. I've had 2 gum graphs as well so I can relate.

    Take care and talk to you next week.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    This is a test to see if MFP will allow me to post this.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    I have no idea what was going on earlier, but it appears to be fixed. I emailed you my comment, but I'll post it here again anyway. Plus, I'll see if it will allow my photos now too.

    Good Morning. John went back to bed so I have a little time. I have such mixed feelings about that...I relish the few moments I get to myself, but then, if he sleeps during the day, he's more likely to be up all night. Well, now that I think about it, he's up and wandering at night whether he had a nap or not. So, I'll take my alone time and love it.

    Isabella, I was so jealous of your weekly trips to Trader Joe's. I hadn't been there in months because the last time we went, it was a disaster. I guess it was not long after the first run of covid lock-down and they were extremely strict. Only one person per household allowed to come into the store and a very limited number of people in at a time, so the line to get in was looooong. With 6 feet apart, the line of people went down past Party City and PetCo and around the building. I went back to the car and told John that I'd be a long time because of the wait just to get in. He said he was fine and would listen to a Bluegrass CD I had put in. Anyway, by the time I got my list of items and got back to the car, John was frantic. He had forgotten what I had told him and didn't know what to do. Since things have eased up a little bit, we tried again yesterday and it went smoothly. John still couldn't go in, but there was no line so I got in and out in record time. Finally stocked up on my TJ's favorites, except frozen items since we were not headed home right away.

    Oh, so much to tell you, I don't know where to start. Most important thing is Brent and Beth had another child last April. Sophia adds so much to their family, she's a treasure. Jackson and Hudson are great big brothers, they are so cute together.

    5/8/20, Jackson, Hudson and Sophia


    8/30/20, Jackson, Hudson and Sophia


    Since Sophia was born during quarantine, things were very different, however, I think they turned out beneficial. Brent was home because all schools were closed prior to Beth going into the hospital. Their whole family had been self-quarantined for more than the minimum time frame so that Brent was allowed into the hospital with Beth. Beth had been told that she'd have to go through the birth alone. Julie, Beth's mom, stayed with the boys and Brent stayed with Beth. Once he went to the hospital, he was not allowed to leave and come back, so he stayed the entire time, had his time to bond with his little girl.

    Norma had planned to fly out in April, but covid put a halt to that. She did drive up in June, quarantined here with us for 14 days and then was able to see her granddaughter for a few days before driving back home. Norma's coming back for a visit in 2 weeks, I can hardly wait.

    I'll really back track now, last year, I said I was following the Fatty Liver Docu-series. Well, it's hard to watch all the videos provided each day, so I purchased the package, still haven't watched it all. I do remember one doctor touted the ABC's of eating for healthy liver. Apple, Beets and Carrot every day. I like all three but still haven't implemented them into my daily diet. In the meantime, I mentioned that in January there was going to be a webinar on the Vagus Nerve. It never took place until last month, I don't know what the delay was, but again, I can't seem to watch these videos on the days they are aired, so I purchased the package and am just now catching up on some of it. Starting last Monday, there's one on "Breaking Up With Exhaustion", Ha, I NEED this one, but not planning to buy anymore. They are interesting.

    I hear John in the bathroom so I'll wrap this up.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, another rainy morning. John has gotten up about 4 different times this morning, looked out the window and went back to bed. This is beginning to be the morning habit. I tried to watch the last segment of Breaking Up with Exhaustion, it's on how important sleep is. Well, nothing new here...I KNOW how important sleep is, I just need to figure out how to get some. ha ha

    I did make another purchase after all. Wholetones. It's music based on frequencies and intervals to relax and sleep. It's Biblical and music that David played for Saul to calm him, 1 Samuel 16:23. We'll see if this helps me to sleep or keeps John in bed through the night, or both. Our days will be so much better if we could both sleep through the nights.

    Debora, I'll answer your email question here, The kids are 4 years apart, Jackson is now 8, Hudson is 4 and Sophia 6 months. Here are a few more photos, these are such cute kids.

    The biggest, dramatic change was a few months ago when Hudson got his first "big boy" haircut. Wow, from a baby to a kid who looks ready to take on school already.


    I love this photo of Brent with the kids on Father's Day. (June 2020)


    And here's the latest of Sophia that Beth had on facebook. She's been posting "fashion tips from Sophia" and that day was a hat. Usually she has matching bows for all her outfits. Beth said that Sophia has more outfits in her closet than Beth does.


    Here's an earlier one (September) with a bow


    Well, John's up again, so I'll close for now.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning! I just finished my church service on line. It is raining off and on this weekend so church in the park was cancelled. Our pastor is teaching on the fruits of the spirit and teaches on a different fruit each week. This week was "goodness". Pastor said that the same Greek word for goodness is used in other passages of the bible as generosity. I found this very interesting.

    I did my usual shopping at Trader Joe's and Sprouts. Just 2 stores and I still managed to spend over $200. Sheesh! Well, I did buy a fair amount of meats this week as well as a couple of new supplements so that was a big part of it. I had planned to go to a new Aldi store that just opened near by as well as the farmer's market and perhaps Grocery Outlet but since it was raining I decided all that can wait until next week. In the evening we watched a movie from 2010 called The King's Speech with Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush. I'd forgotten what an excellent movie it is. Kinda reminded me of Downton Abbey.

    Sheryl, what amazing pics. Really glad you got them to post. Such a photogenic bunch! And those beautiful eyes and smiles! And yes the pic with dad and the kids on father's day is precious! Did you pick up any good info from the fatty liver seminars that you would want to share? I have also heard of that music to sleep by. Let us know how that goes. When does Norma arrive?

    Debora, you must be even busier than usual this week. Hope all is going well.

    Have a blessed week ladies!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,015 Member
    Well, Isabella, I don’t know that I’ve been extra busy – just didn’t sit down and take the time to write but I’m doing it now. Had no problems with my gum graft – other than the stitches felt funny. I got them out last Thursday and can use a straw again. Still have to baby it along but it won’t be too hard.
    Nov. 8 was Youth Sunday. They did the Sunday morning service with special music, a skit and the two senior boys gave the message. Then all who wanted to could stay for a meal. Pulled pork, homemade rolls, delicious potatoes, corn and then a chocolate poke cake. There was also strawberry poke cake. I had made the one for Lori. Realized I didn’t poke as deep as I should have but hopefully it still tasted good. Mine didn’t raise a lot either but it is what it is. Came home and relaxed and worked on 4-H stuff some.
    Monday was 4-H and it was our achievement night so extra for me to get ready. Notebooks for the new families, stuff for the new members, sacks of goodies for work done this past year. I ordered the pizzas and one of the mothers picked them up. We started late cause the person bringing the drinks wasn’t there. Finally, sent a text and she had forgotten cause she been up all Sunday night with her dog having 9 very cute puppies (she sent a picture). So we got out some water pitchers, I grapped the cups I threw in the car for some reason and it all worked out. They enjoyed the door prizes and I had everything spread out so each 4-Her could easily pick up their stuff. We had a good turnout but still some leftover pizza. So the one mom on the committee took one and I took one.
    It ended up being a big help when Alan called Tuesday morning and asked if I could keep the kids and feed them. All but me got some but I had other food to eat. Then I went to Good News Club.
    Wednesday was Bible study and we sat at tables well spread out. Worked in the church nursery in the evening. Thursday I worked with friend at church. Then we went to my dentist appointment, to Aldi’s, to Wendy’s and then to Derek’s and got the shoeboxes they had folded and ready to go. They had had family pictures taken. I’m sure it was a very hard thing to do but she includes pictures in their Christmas card. They actually had been trying to do pictures in September when Deacon got sick. Lots of things are hard for them.
    Friday we did out usual errands and then was at home and today was at home. In town I got my second pneumonia shot. No problem except my arm was sore yesterday – fine today. Doctor also wants me to get the shingles shot but I’ll wait on it cause medicare doesn’t cover it. I finally worked on straightening the house. With 4-H and no one here for 2 Sundays, I’d let things go. Hope to finish on Monday. Friday morning I mixed up roll dough and took it to a friend to help her in having enough to make a lot of bierrocks with her cousin. I’m going to get a few to eat – yum.
    Ralph went to town Tuesday to have his hearing aid looked at – it’s out of warranty and I suggested he look at getting a new one and maybe doing two. Shock of shocks, he did it. He said they had come down it price so two only cost $2500. That sounded like a lot to me, but they aren’t cheap.
    Tomorrow is our shoebox packing party. Ralph has asked all the kids to bring masks and that entailed phone calls to all of them. Found Derek was out at his land so Ralph went and got the grand tour. Now he’s on the phone with Alan, I don’t know what he all said but they might not come tomorrow now. Makes me very sad. I love my husband but sometimes his words hurt and he doesn’t realize it. Hope they can talk it out.

    Isabella, do you know what caused your gum grafts? It was entirely new to me. A friend made the comment the other day that brushing too hard can do it. I did brush hard when it was happening cause I thought that was helpful (why I don’t know) but maybe I was part of the cause.

    Sheryl, you’re right. That haircut was a huge change. They are all so cute.
    Can you tell if the Wholetones are helpful? It would be wonderful for both of you to sleep all night.

    Isabella, That is a lot at the two stores for two of you but you don’t go every week and meat certainly adds up.
    We are still having in-person church but we are putting seating in the fellowship hall again (more work for Thomas). They aren’t putting the ropes up so you have to sit every other pew but are just asking us to spread out. There have been a few more cases in the church so being a bit more careful is good.

    It’s getting to be my bedtime so better copy and paste this so I don’t forget. Have a wonderful week.
    And thanks for haning in there and readying my long post. I don’t seem to know how to do short ones.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi all, went to Trader Joe's and Jimbo's Saturday and picked up a movie at Redbox called Robert the Bruce. Hope it is good. I also got my hair cut. In the salon this time. Yay!! We got a new Aldi near me so Sunday I went to check it out. Very nice and well stocked (better be for a new store!) but not much in the way of organic produce. Still I enjoyed shopping there and spent even more money. I have to watch my spending for the next few weeks! The weather has been beautiful. Going to get up in the high 80's today and tomorrow though then back down to the high 70's. Crazy! Not much else going on here.

    Debora, sure sounds like you were extra busy to me! :) Good that Ralph got 2 hearing aids this time. I bet he'll be happier with them. Yes, I was also told that I was brushing too hard and that was at least part of why my gums were receding. Also for a short time in my late 20's I didn't go to the dentist much and they thought the tartar buildup from that had something to do with it also.

    Sheryl, I bet you're spending time with Norma. Look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Have a great week. Love you guys!
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning! Did my usual Trader Joe's and Sprouts shopping this morning. I went early and good thing I did. I was able to go right in at Trader Joe's but by the time I came out there was a LONG line waiting to get in because they can only let a certain amount of people in. Bought the rest of the stuff for Thanksgiving. I bought a 1/2 turkey breast from Trader Joe's last week and the makings for green bean casserole so I didn't need much. Just the fresh stuff. Only spent about half what I usually spend since I bought so much last week. I took Friday after Thanksgiving so it will be nice to have a 4 day weekend. No plans - just R&R.

    Don't plan to do much else this weekend. Just laundry and maybe dust. It is absolutely gorgeous outside so I'm going to go outside and read.

    Have a great week ladies and happy Thanksgiving!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,015 Member
    It’s a dreary dirzzly day here. So the mail will stay in the mailbox and trash will go out in another day. Ralph spent the day with Derek where he was working on their land where they are going to build. They were starting to build a pond and using the dirt as fill for the house site and burning trees trunks they had to cut down. I have been here at home straightening the house and doing things for the meal. Brownies just came out of the oven and dinner rolls will soon be going in. We will have just Lori’s family here tomorrow.
    It was a pretty normal week except for Thursday afternoon. We went to town and signed insurance paper for our prescription coverage for next year and went and got Ralph’s new hearing aids. So is adjusting to them. I hope he can hear better now. He hasn’t said too much. He does have an ap on his phone when he can do some adjusting on them which is kind of cool. We also took a load to the thrift store. Almost everything I got together back and April and May is finally about out of the house. I was having a hard time coming up with an idea for supper so suggested we get the Arby’s deal – 5 roast beef sandwiches for $10. That made for an easy supper.
    Numbers keep going up on covid cases so Ralph things we shouldn’t have everyone here for Thanksgiving. I’m surprised he’s letting Lori’s come tomorrow. I haven’t told the kids yet – but do plan to drop off some food like I did at Easter. Only this time I’ll tell them what I’m bringing cause there was some duplication last time. I’m thinking I’ll do a pumpkin pie, deviled eggs, applesauce jello and dinner rolls for each. (Might freeze a few of the rolls I did today). We got a ham for the two of us – will have lots of leftovers to freeze but that’s okay too.
    With numbers up, the bank lobby is closed again and Walmart is back to counting people in and out. We’re spreading out a bit more in church but still not a lot of masks. There have been a few more to get it but it’s has spread through the whole church. Lindsey’s grandparents both got it. Her grandma’s case was very light. But her grandpa was in the hospital for 5 days, then out for 8 and is back in with a bad lung infection. His lungs are bad anyway. Prognosis was very bad so his daughters were able to put on PPE and spend an hour with him. They were ready to put him on comfort care but he has improved a little so will wait.
    Ralph and I don’t quite agree about having the kids over but I expressed myself and now will go along with him but sad about it. But it probably is safer. Katie’s family is up with them this weekend so there’s people we aren’t normally around and then Lori’s family is gong to Dallas so probably good to have a break from them. :) This year is so confusing to me.
    Hope you each have a wonderful week. Isabella, enjoy your 4 day weekend. Glad you got to Trader Joe’s early.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning.
    I finally had the chance to finish my email update and get those sent. It sure took me long enough, I think I started at least 2 weeks ago. So many interruptions, plus with brain fog, I can't string 2 thoughts together.

    Norma's in the shower and we will take her to the airport in 3 hours. Plans change at the drop of a hat around here. Original plans were for her to be with us for a week and then drive down to Albany to be with Brent, Beth and the grandkids for the week of Thanksgiving. Beth's family was driving up from California and extremely concerned that Norma would be a covid carrier since she was passing through airports, so they asked her not to come. Wow, that hurt. But, she's very good spirited and we could all understand their concerns, even though it's just not fair that she doesn't get to be with her family. So, instead of staying with us the entire time, it seemed better for her to go home early, spend Thanksgiving with her husband, and possibly come back in January for my cataract surgeries. They require that I have a driver and Carol has offered and will be here as a back up, but Norma is the best with John and can stay with him. My left eye is scheduled for Jan 5th and my right eye is Jan 12th. Back to Thanksgiving, it's all called off anyway. Oregon and California governors, both, have shut down the states. Beth's brothers and families will not be driving up.

    I better get some lunch prepared before we have to leave. In the past, we would leave early and eat at a restaurant by the airport, but with shut-down, every meal is at home again for awhile.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,015 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving - so blessed to have you as friends.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving.

    Norma got home safe and sound and already booked her flight to return in January for my eye surgeries. I am so thankful that her John is willing to share her with me.

    John and I had our turkey dinner yesterday. We don't have to necessarily celebrate on any given day and yesterday morning worked out perfectly to get things cooking in the kitchen, so I did. I'm never sure how mornings are going to go, or the whole day for that matter. I have beef and veggies for stew, so that will be simmering in the pot for today. Then, plenty of turkey left overs again for tomorrow.

    I have gotten responses from 2 cousins with more details about losing grandma in the 1918 pandemic. Interesting info, I should send a sequel email update to all the cousins, at least on the Ferris side of the family. Mary Etta actually died in 1920, towards the end of the third wave of the flu. Her whole family was sick and she was caring for them being sick herself. When the doctor came to check on them, he said that Mary was the sickest one of all and she passed away that night. Also, she was 54, not in her forties, although, for just about all of us, that's still very young. ha ha ha

    I have a few more emails to get out so I'll get to it before John gets up again.

    Have a wonderful day.

  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi all! Enjoying my 4 day weekend! Our 1/2 turkey breast was a bust. Not much good meat on it for $6.99 a lb we were very unhappy but everything else was good. I bought some shredded chicken yesterday and mixed it in with the green bean casserole. That was tasty. I did my usual grocery shopping and also went to Ralph's and Jimbo's. Then I did a little "shop local Saturday" shopping for my bible study group's white elephant gift exchange this coming Wednesday. I got some whimsical butterfly things. Hope whoever gets my gift will like it. LOTS of relaxing for the rest of the weekend. Backtracking - Dan and I met my friend Paula and her husband for lunch on Friday (outside dining of course) and had a REALLY good time. So happy Dan went with me. He really needed to get out and have some fun. We both did.

    Very sad that neither of you (or most other people) could have a real Thanksgiving this year. Sorry if this post is a bit scattered today.

    Sheryl, Glad that Norma is coming back in January. Very interesting about your great grandma.

    Debora, sorry to hear about people getting sick in your area. As you say, some have other issues anyway. It is also regular flu season.

    Well, I'm going to go have lunch and start my Christmas cards. Going to try to send much less this year. We'll see.

    Take care, stay well and I'll talk to you soon.