Mission Slimpossible - January 2021 Team Chat



  • itsmegina
    itsmegina Posts: 101 Member
    Username: itsmegina
    Weigh in day: Friday
    PW: 145.6
    CW: 144.8

    Also, which loss to date do I post?
    From when I joined MFP (March 2013 😆) it would be 15.2 lbs
    From when I “recommitted” to MFP and tracking about 6 months ago) it would be 5.6 lbs

    Looking back at my MFP history, I have had periods where I was logging and engaging in the MFP community and I reliably lost weight/ ate better, then I would slack off and disengage. But it’s been so nice to have MFP and all my MFP friend support here for the times I came back. I’m so grateful to have something to help me take control of my eating when I feel I’ve lost it. And I know it reliably WORKS for me when I’m ready for the change I need.

    Sorry for the ramble - this all makes sense in my head and I’m tired. I don’t post much but I read daily and I’m just grateful for this team and all the inspiration you give me! 😀
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    itsmegina wrote: »

    Also, which loss to date do I post?
    From when I joined MFP (March 2013 😆) it would be 15.2 lbs
    From when I “recommitted” to MFP and tracking about 6 months ago) it would be 5.6 lbs

    You choose whatever weight you want us to use for your highest and we will put it on the spreadsheet and keep track of your celebrations from there. :)

  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 686 Member
    itsmegina wrote: »

    Also, which loss to date do I post?
    From when I joined MFP (March 2013 😆) it would be 15.2 lbs
    From when I “recommitted” to MFP and tracking about 6 months ago) it would be 5.6 lbs

    You choose whatever weight you want us to use for your highest and we will put it on the spreadsheet and keep track of your celebrations from there. :)

    @itsmegina I sorta figured it out to be the below, for me and what I want to remind myself of as far as how far I've come. Like @TeresaW1020 noted, you let us know. It's really your choice...it's your journey and story, you can lay out the chapter and verse as it best fits your travels. <3

    LTD MFP #2 54.1 lbs (my second big MFP experience started at 235 in April of 2018)
    LTD overall 119.1 lbs (I began at 300ish pounds - a guesstimate because I hadn't weighed in some time - more than 20 years ago, it took me 5 or 6 (7?) years to lose 130 lbs. It's actually become hard to recall all the details, that's how long ago it was! B) )

    The main thing about doing this, for me, is that when I gain weight, I have to change these numbers and make the loss amounts smaller which is a HUGE red flag and reminder to me to do something now, not later.
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 686 Member
    Saturday check in

    WOW - did I ever go out with a bang last night! I was right at my calorie goal with around 1160 and then had a moment that was about 700ish calories (starting with the third drink which is not ever really what one could call a 'good' idea). I didn't get 2 walks yesterday due to very cold rain and I didn't get all my water. I mean.....towel thrown in for no reason! It's a new day, though, and the sun is out and we're getting up to 50 degrees today!!! I'll get my walks and need to go shopping so steps won't be an issue. Got my water plan and working on pre-logging for the day. I did food prep last week and it was super nice to have food at the ready again so I'm doing it again for this coming week. Makes life so much easier! Also - uses all the food purchased and makes for less waste - all wins!

    @RYcare @mlhopp93 @Cstockton18 @itsmegina @adhmrh @gwamajtw91 @Cornanda - all excellent weigh ins, January is starting off in a most excellent way for YOU and for the team! CONGRATS! This is very inspiring and makes the day even more brilliant and looking doable for my own progress!!!!! B)

    I didn't come up with my own phrase but I'm taking inspiration from @Cornanda and @trooworld with "Do the work" and "Change happens" Change happens when we do the work - and this is such a fabulous bit of motivation that talks about what is REAL:
    Cornanda wrote: »

    "The biggest source of BMW-ing is refusing to accept that achieving and sustaining your mental and physical transformation takes work. That's right- mental and physical sweat, intensity, mindfulness, focus- all things that you apply to your job, your kids, your relationships. Why shouldn't you expend the same energy on yourself? Humbly accept that your self care will take work and you'll make the journey so much easier." Then, later this struck me: "It's about optimizing your strengths, navigating around your vulnerabilities and going for it." (Body for Life for Women)
    My phrase is "Do the work"
    @Cornanda thanks for sharing! As for *kitten* I have had that happen a few times and sometimes I leave it and sometimes I change the word...and like an insolate teenager, I'll do it in a way that makes my intent clear!! => It's probably good that it's monitored, I would be much more of a potty mouth, if not. Not everyone has a fine appreciation for the more colorful choices I would no doubt be making sometimes!
    @AustinRuadhain I love SlimPosse Peeps!!! And I just love that kid and dad band - it's the front girl who really tickles me and makes me happy!! I need as much happy in my day as I can get!! @TeresaW1020 I believe dad is in a band that was interrupted by COVID so the family came up with doing this as a way to keep busy and stay connected with family. It took off in that magical internet kinda way and they have gained quite a following - they were featured on the Ellen show, it's one of the videos on their channel!! They're just such fun to watch......and that little girl reminds me of my granddaughter and so....well, there you have it. It pushes my Gigi button. <3
    @TeresaW1020 you'll do great at dinner - enjoy it and the company!!! =>
  • kerritho
    kerritho Posts: 25 Member
    I had a bad day yesterday. I went for a long walk but then watched Emily in Paris on Netflix. They were all drinking wine so I decided to join in! Then I made some bad food choices - That's what happens when drinking. Sometimes when my garmin adds my activities to MFP the amount of calories for the exercise must be exaggerated. It gives me to much leeway with what I think I can consume. I think I need to focus more on total calories instead of net calories.

    Thanks for all the posts. They contain some very inspiring weight losses and ideas in them.
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,727 Member
    Weigh in day: Friday
    SW: 138.3kg
    PW: 133.9kg
    CW: 133.8kg
    LTD: 4.5kg
    LTW: 0.1kg
  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 3,815 Member
    PW: 217
    CW: 216
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 686 Member
    Saturday evening winding down

    Hi all, hope everyone had a great Saturday! It was sunny and got up to 50 today - we walked by the river for a 3.25 distance so no second walk... => Did some grocery shopping and didn't feel like making the dinner I had planned so I'll do that tomorrow and just had some leftovers. Food has been fine, although I will go over the MFP calories again - still not staying to the 1240 a day. @kerritho I agree with @TeresaW1020 on the philosophy of 'eating back' the calories. My goal is to stick to the *initial* allowance and although I have stayed in the green on the calories per MFP, it's because of the added exercise calories. Last summer, a friend said I should just take that off of my page and not have those added in as I went along. I took the plunge last year....maybe it was June of 2020....and I really did well as I was motivated to stick to the amount and stay green, not going over. And I was walking a LOT, often getting 15000 steps a day so the weight was just peeling off. I'm not in the head space to take that plunge right now but I will eventually do that again. It made a big difference for me when I did it and stuck to it for several months. The problem for me is when it feels depriving which I think would be the case if I tried that right now. BUT. You definitely have me thinking about it.

    I'm planning to be closer to home tomorrow, do my walks in the 'hood and spend some time cooking for the week and getting my home office squared away - it's a bit of a cluster at the moment and making me kinda crazy! It was never really turned into my office yet, more a quick stick a table and chair in there, sorta thing - and the bed (it's the guest room) is stacked up with all kinds of crapola. I'll feel better when it's more thoughtful and mindful, and looks more like a place someone would want to go and work all day.

    @Digger61 @TwistedSassette @cdnlaxmom @Firefly743 - SHAZAM, another great set of weigh ins!!!! I was telling hubby on our walk today that everyone has kicked into high gear, it's such fun and inspirational to be a part of it!!! WAY TO GO!!

    @TwistedSassette love your word peace.... Wishing much of it for you - guilt over food choices is painful and so pointless as nothing good comes from it - at least for me, it may make me eat more rather than the desired effect of making me think twice. <3 If you can, think about the coming guilt before making the choice and if it's going to make you feel guilty....let that be the reason you don't do it. BUT if you do - work on not allowing yourself to feel guilty.

    @kerritho the whole alcohol thing can be dicey for me, too! I drink pretty much everyday and do fine if I stick to 1 or 2. But the 3rd one is almost ALWAYS a bad idea and involves really poor eating choices. I do occasionally abstain or work toward only having 1 for several days in a row. Takes the all-important mindset for me to pull that off, though.

    @TeresaW1020 I am taking this advice and just moving along to a new and better day! I didn't make the water goal and don't really care to guzzle a ton o' aqua just to do that, at this late stage, so I'll be planning better for tomorrow!
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,590 Member
    Friday Checkin
    🟢Morning walk/workout (10+ min)
    🔴100 Pushups & Situps Programs (3 ea/week)
    🟢Food measured & tracked
    🟢Hit MFP calorie goal
    🟢Workout 45+ / 6 days-wk
    🟢10K steps
    🟢NO SUGAR challenge (for me, no added sugars; I do eat fruit & winter squash)
    🟢Check in on Slimpossibles daily

    Saturday Plan/Status
    🔴Morning walk/workout (10+ min) - I did get in exerciser but spaced on getting it done in the morning. Arg!
    ⚪100 Pushups & Situps Programs (3 ea/week) - not yet...
    🟢Food measured & tracked
    🟢Hit MFP calorie goal
    🟢Workout 45+ / 6 days-wk
    🟢10K steps
    🟢NO SUGAR challenge
    🟢Check in on Slimpossibles daily - though I have checked in late enough I am just going to say howdy and catch up more tomorrow.

  • apple852hk
    apple852hk Posts: 210 Member
    Weigh in Apple852hk
    Week 2 - Jan 2021 Sunday
    PW 136.4lbs (61.9kg)
    CW 137lbs (62.2kg)
    LTD about 45.8lbs (20.8kg)

    Stable but put on weight this week.

    Had a bad day on Thursday and ate a whole box of chocolates. I didn't manage sugar free January.

    Gone for walks 3 days this week but aiming to go daily.

    Did drink herbal tea but not daily habit yet.

    1. Drink herbal tea at 5pm than tea
    2. Walk on Mon, Tue + Thu (after rain has passed)
    3. January No-Sugar Challenge?
  • krea4
    krea4 Posts: 1,814 Member
    PW: 66.50kg 146.6 lbs
    CW: 66.15kg 145.8 lbs
    LTD: 3.75 kg   8.3 lbs

    No sugar challenge
    Me: 9
    Sugar: 1
    My no sugar challenge is aimed at reducing high sugar treats like chocolate, cake, biscuits etc. I'm very happy with where I am with this. Being back at work is stressful and tiring; these are my triggers for sugary treats. Usually I would have several snaccidents a day but so far only 1 :smiley:
    I'm still looking for it but, as other team mates have said MINDSET is crucuial. I'm in a good place at the moment so long may it continue.
    I also did my Zumba class online yesterday. Good fun so going to make that I regularly attend.
    I'm loving the habit tracker and the colouring in calendar poster -thanks for sharing these great motivators.
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