Mission Slimpossible - January 2021 Team Chat



  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @TwistedSassette Getting our mindset going in the right direction and keeping it there is the hardest part of our weight loss journey. You can go back to tracking but that isn’t going to fix the underlying problem of why you choose to overeat and the guilt that comes with it. When I did track my food, I would be super good when I was on my eating plan but if I wasn’t then I would track. So, for me tracking wasn’t a good enough tool to keep me losing weight. If you feel that it will help you with your mindset then you need to get back to doing it and be consistent no matter what you eat. What you can’t do is give up on yourself. That we will NOT allow!! <3

    @raleighgirl09 Yeah, you need a workspace that is comfortable to work in. Can you move the bed out and turn it into a real home office for you? If not you should at least try to make the room more of a space for you and less of a guest room. :)

    @AustinRuadhain You are doing awesome with your goals! I LOVE all the little graphics you post. :grin:

    @apple852hk OK, you had a whole box of chocolates. That doesn’t mean you blow the whole month. It means you blew one day. We have to stop the all-or-nothing mindset. When we have a slip we forgive ourselves and begin again. There is a whole lot of January left. ;)

    @krea4 You are doing great with your no sugar challenge! I’m all about us choosing the things we need to work on. It seems to me that you are finding your mindset by only have that one day that triggers you to eat sugar. Zumba is fun and that is another great way to keep yourself focused on your goals. :)
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    HEY TEAM!! I am soooo excited that The Quit Sugar Summit starts tomorrow!! This is a FREE event with some of the best doctors and researchers in the world! I am a huge fan of Dr. Robert Lustig, Dr. Gary Fettke, Dr. Tim Noaks, and Gary Taubes! I plan to watch as much as I possibly can. I hope you will register and at least try to watch when you are able to. This will really help us in our No Sugar Challenge and maybe even beyond January. :)


  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,918 Member
    edited January 2021
    @Cornanda Congratulations, yes it looks like your dials reset! Woo hoo! It sounds like you've done a lot of inner work on yourself, that's awesome. That's funny about *kitten*!

    @AustinRuadhain thank you!

    @TeresaW1020 I do, too.

    @TwistedSassette If you are having trouble tracking, just commit to tracking one meal a day for a bit. Then add on another meal. Then the other. You can do this!

    Hi all. I totally forgot to check in yesterday! I was really busy. One of the things I was busy with was creating "snack boxes" for 4 of the 7 days next week. In my snack boxes are: red pepper strips and single-serving hummus, 1 1/2 oz of reduced-fat cheddar, cherry tomatoes, and 28 grams of spicy pistachios. Plus I have a bag of cuties. I'm determined to have a loss this week.

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,918 Member
    Weigh in week: Week 1
    Weigh in day: Saturday
    Previous Weight: 230.6
    Todays Weight: 230.8
    Total Loss to Date: 17.2
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 685 Member
    Sunday Funday check in!!!

    Hideeho, SlimSlammers! That could be our wrestling name, if we were WWW brutes! I like making up wrestling names - we could be SlimONators, even! Or rappers with SlimDidees..... :D All of my friends are occasionally called PooPoo Platter or Puddin' Pop, BooBoo Kitty or their first initial Didee.... => It's a bit of fun, says I..... MDidee!!

    Today is brightly sunny again with a high if 52 - going for another long walk by the river! The river we walk by is the Neuse River - it boasts many miles of greenway space, much of it with access throughout Raleigh, NC, and connects at various points to the Mountains to Sea trails, an NC trail, and the East Coast Greenway which is multi-state. It beats the crap out of the 'hood walk which is my route on workdays due to time constraints... =>

    Also running some surprises over to the porch of the grand Miz Hazel! Some warm slippers and a picture I colored part of and she can finish. I'm trying to think of creative ways to stay connected aside from just video calls so I'm going to start mailing her some letters written on the back of pages for her to color - her parents can read the letters to her; she recognizes about half of the alphabet so they will be very simple and basic. I'll color some of the picture and she can color the rest. If anyone has ANY ideas for neat things to do in this endeavor, please let the creative ideas rain down upon me!!!

    Have a great day all! If your yesterday could have been better - which is me with a late night chip raid - strive to make it better today! If you were very happy with yesterday, may you repeat that over and over again!!

  • Cstockton18
    Cstockton18 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi everyone loved reading all your comments due to my physical health I’m currently house bound with difficulties moving about trying my best to get in my steps in a couple of months ago I would easily smash between 18 and 20 odd thousand steps just through work and running around after the kids that’s without exercise now struggling to get to 6000 😔 being house bond and limited plus the consent pain is starting to have a effect on my mental health so that’s something I need to work on any advice is welcomed 😊weekly meal planning for me and the family last week made such a difference it was a big help me to stay focused and organised. Ps just to let people know in the group personally I welcome tough love when it come to health, weight loss and exercise so please don’t be afraid to tell me what I need to hear at any time 💪
  • SammyDee2015
    SammyDee2015 Posts: 285 Member
    Weekly check-in 🤗
    Username SAMMYDEE2015
    Weigh In Day: Sunday
    PW (Previous Weight): 190.4
    CW (Current Weight): 189.0
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,011 Member
    Happy Sunday! only got a quick minute.....

    @AustinRuadhain @raleighgirl09 ---- keep the slim names coming until you run out, they are cracking me up.

    @trooworld - love the snack packs. Looks appetizing and tasty! What a great idea!

    @raleighgirl09 - how old is Miss Hazel? If you have any old school cassette tape equipment, you could read books to her. Probably there is a new school way to do this also. :)

    Wow- have we put up some great losses this week! Good work!

    As for the eating the exercise calories question- I turned off the sync with my fitbit/MFP for that. I didn't feel it was accurate, and it made me feel I could eat more than was good for me. I do enter my exercise calories on MFP, because I like to be able to make sure I'm meeting my goal for the day and usually my exercise is made up of a couple different types- so I like to see the grand total. I don't eat the exercise calories during the week. Sometimes I do eat them on the weekend.

    Here's to a good week!
  • kerritho
    kerritho Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks @Cornanda I’ve just delinked my Garmin! You’re all right it’s over calculating calories and giving me excuses to make bad choices. Thanks again
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,647 Member
    Hi all, Monday morning here and I'm back working from home this week until I'm allowed back on site. I'm not sure if I'm going to get the cold fully or not - I had a sore throat and a little congestion but that's all gone now so I may have beaten it before it got bad. Hubby is pretty much over it now as well. And the toddler...well...we were a little worried yesterday he still has a sniffly nose and a little cough, but he broke out in a pin-prick type of rash. It doesn't seem to bother him, he was much more himself than he has been in the last week, but it worried us. Dr Google says that in children, any virus (even the common cold) can cause a minor rash and it means they're almost over it. Doctor appointments are almost impossible to get here in our small town (at least a two week wait) so I guess we just see what today brings and go from there.

    Thanks for the support you all provide here, I really appreciate it. I tracked some of yesterday but not the whole day. I'll try to do better today. I find that when I track, I do better in general. I'm not sure what the connection is because it's not a conscious thing. I think maybe I'm just more aware of what I'm eating and how much I'm eating because I need to measure it to track. In terms of mindset, last year I did a lot of work within myself on taking the power away from the scale and seeing it as just another data point - I'm really, honestly good about that now. This year, I want to take the power away from food as well. It's just fuel and I need to see it that way. That's not to say that I won't enjoy food or choose things I prefer to eat, just that the calorie count is another data point that I can use to drive my decisions and move toward my goal. For me, it's so easy to give food the power so I need to fix that "relationship" - which for me is about portion control and sometimes saying no, rather than cutting out entire foods.

    Goals for January:
    Sleep: 67.5/200 hours (average 6.8 hours) - ON TRACK
    Total Calorie Deficit recorded to date: -662 - AT RISK
    Exercise: 75/600 minutes (average 8 minutes) - AT RISK
    Meditation: 1/4 sessions - ON TRACK
    Social Media: 7.23/31 hours (average 0.72 hours) - ON TRACK

    Updated to 10/01/2021
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @trooworld That is a good looking snack box!! I LOVE pistachios. My mom bought me a huge bag of them for Christmas and I have to measure them out or I will sit and eat the whole bag. Good thing is that mine is still in the shell which slows me down a bit. :grin:

    @raleighgirl09 I seriously want to be your best friend and get a cool nickname!! :D How lovely that you have a river to walk along and enjoy. How old is Hazel? That is a great idea to write letters on coloring sheets for her! I have a dear friend who can’t see her grandkids right now and she does Zoom with them where they do crafts together. You could drop off something for you two to do. Play-Doh or finger painting and then do it together. :)

    @Cstockton18 First off, I’m glad you are ok with tough love because I’m VERY good at that sort of thing. ;) Being housebound and in pain is a struggle enough but on top of that, you are taking care of your family and trying to be as healthy as possible. I think you are doing great! As far as what to do for your mental health, you need to find ways to relax and regroup. Hot bath and music, prayer or mediation, or get an adult coloring book and have fun with your kids. I’m sure you can Google some good ideas on being lockdown and protecting your mental health. We are here for you!! <3

    @TwistedSassette Yeah, a rash can be scary but it’s normal. You’re a good mama and that is why you worry. :) Yup, learning to stop giving food your power is the key to the whole thing! We do need to enjoy our food because it’s a huge part of our life, but we don’t need to enjoy all the food at once. If you get my meaning? It was a big breakthrough for me when I finally realized that food will always be here. It’s OK if I don’t eat X, Y, or Z today because it will be here tomorrow. :)

    Hi Team! Today was a good day. I did a good workout this morning and stayed on track with my eating and no sugar. I’m really wishing the scale would move on down, but I just need to stay the course and be patient. I’m excited for The Quit Sugar Summit that starts tomorrow and looking forward to getting the email that tells me who is the speakers for tomorrow. I know that I won’t be able to watch them all so I’m working on a plan to get hubby to let me buy the package which is more than worth the money. It’s just that it’s January and all the Christmas bills are coming in. :#

    January Goals: 1/10
    No Sugar Challenge: 10 Days sugar-free!
    Fast for 19+ hours: I fasted 23 hours
    Ate on plan: I stayed Keto today with just one lovely meal.
    Workout 30+ minutes: Beachbody Barre Blend full body cardio
    Drink 96+ oz. of water: I got all my water in for the day
    2021 Focus Word: TRANSFORMATION
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 685 Member
    Sunday wrap up - Monday so close on my heels!!

    Hi team! Today was a good day - didn't pre-log but stayed on plan and even.....drum roll........stayed under my MFP calorie goal!!! YAY ME! All of my January Habit Tracker checks can be added today - SUPER!

    I made a really great dinner and want to share the recipe for those who may also want to try it! I only used 1 TBS of oil and subbed in turkey kielbasa instead of andouille sausage because I needed to get the calories down. It makes 4 very generous servings (it cooks down - I thought it would be 8 but 4 was good!) and it was really delish and satisfying! High in sodium for me and that may be troublesome with numbers tomorrow but - it'll be ok eventually!

    Congrats all Slimalingas for the GREEN accomplishments!!!!!!! YAY US!!

    @SAMMYDEE2015 @Krea4 and @TSLOSE super-duper weigh in day, way to go and way to work January!!

    @trooworld your snack boxes are SUPER SMART and look very satisfying! Awesome idea to pre-plan and pull together snack, I never thought of that!
    @TeresaW1020 I hope you get the package!!! You're working a really awesome and wonderful January, great work!! :)
    @TwistedSassette a little progress at a time - is perfectly fine! It's hard to continue to be 100% on when there are outside stressors. Giving it some less than 100% for a while is ok because the starting place is so much better than trying to come back from a full-on ditch of everything. You'll be ok - heck, even *I'll* be ok!!! :DThe food relationship portion is critical - and getting the mindset around it makes the complete deal. No "good" foods, no "bad" foods (no good or bad you, either) - just food and how you choose to choose. And, as @TeresaW1020 said (with my embellishment!!!) - a choice of one day, of one MOMENT, can be a different choice another day and moment. Really indulgent choices aren't going away and really coming to a 100% understanding that it's a choice of the moment (or day, week, month) to NOT EAT them - as much as when you **do** eat them - makes all the difference.
    @cornanda and @TeresaW1020 the Sweet Hazel is 2 - 28 months. She's moving quickly with learning but the attention span is sometimes hard! I really like the playing together idea - we do Facebook chat but they are generally not planned as planning with a 2 year old has some moments.... => But I can give it some thought to see if we can get around a couple of challenges - I can have some ideas in hand for those moments! I have read to her via FB video and that was fun but she lost interest quickly because she wasn't in a lap with the book. She really loves to be read to... =>
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member

    Click on the link below to access the week 2 challenge.

    The Perfect 10 challenge is about tracking 5 of your habits/behaviors for a week then scoring yourself on your consistency.

    Hop on over and dust off your scorecards!!!

  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,647 Member
    @raleighgirl09 Thanks for your words of encouragement!
    I hope you get to spend time with little Hazel in person soon. My little guy is 25 months old so I know the struggle of trying to get them engaged for any period of time on the phone or video chat (one of his grandmothers lives 350km away so they don't see each other often). Maybe you can sing some songs to her on video chat - we love "Incy Wincy Spider" and "Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" for the actions and we love "Old McDonald" for the animal sounds. I love the shared colouring in idea and I hope her parents keep the pages as a keepsake for her. Maybe you can even share a virtual meal together sometimes - if you're both eating the same thing and chatting it might be nice for her!
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,574 Member
    Saturay Checkin
    🟢Morning walk/workout (10+ min) - I did get in exerciser but spaced on getting it done in the morning. Arg!
    🟢100 Pushups & Situps Programs (3 ea/week) (did 'em after I checked in - telling people I am going to do something is SO helpful!)
    🟢Food measured & tracked
    🟢Hit MFP calorie goal
    🟢Workout 45+ / 6 days-wk
    🟢10K steps
    🟢NO SUGAR challenge
    🟢Check in on Slimpossibles daily - though I have checked in late enough I am just going to say howdy and catch up more tomorrow.

    Sunday Plan/Status
    🟢Morning walk/workout (10+ min) - I did get in exerciser but spaced on getting it done in the morning. Arg!
    ⚪100 Pushups & Situps Programs (3 ea/week) - not yet...
    🟢Food measured & tracked
    🟢Hit MFP calorie goal
    🟢Workout 45+ / 6 days-wk
    🟢10K steps
    🟢NO SUGAR challenge
    🟢Check in on Slimpossibles daily

  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 685 Member
    Monday morning check in

    @TwistedSassette I think singing and dancing is something I can do most anytime Hazel calls, I'll keep that in the hopper!
    @AustinRuadhain what a great and all GREEN weekend for you!! Way to go!! And I love the determination of 'not yet' for 100 Pushups & Situps Programs (3 ea/week)!!! You're doing really well with balancing the goals and accomplishing them!

    I joined this week's challenge! I think it will be good to have a new/additional focus this week - and I do better with the shorter challenges, I have found. Maybe I should make sticking to a challenge be an official challenge.......?????? :D

    Hey - I resisted eating chips last night!!! I did have the thought to do it but then decided not to, hearing and feeling the Slims vibes! Also - not wanting to log it and report it! Night eating is something I think I'll always have to be aware is something I want to do. Except for when I am 1000% percent in the zone and perfect mindset - it's something I want to do. Sometimes I just want to, sometimes it's an urge varying degrees and sometimes it's an outright force against goals and all reason.

    Today looks reasonable for the 2 walks in the 'hood, don't see any issue with the steps. I already have 2 cups of water consumed and my 4 cup bottle handy, that will leave 1 more for the day to get 10 - if I accomplish this early enough, I get more. I know what the the day's food will be and will begin pre-logging before work.

    Have a good day, my friends!!
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member

    Wahooooo!! How awesome we were this past week!! B) First place in percentage, pounds loss, and winning the Green Challenge is incredible. We lost as a team 45.3 lbs!! I am so proud of all of you and I really think we can continue the momentum if we keep our eye on the prize! Stay mindful and committed to doing your best every day! And if that is too much then determine to do your best moment by moment. :)

    Today is our Monday Mindset. Tell us how you plan to set your mind this week to be the best you there is!!


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