WaistAways - February 2021 Team Chat



  • happimess01
    happimess01 Posts: 9,074 Member
    edited February 2021
    @conleywoods haha thank you, I have been trying this for a long time now and figured out some things that work for me. You look great btw
    @jugar thanks!
  • SMcFall0215
    SMcFall0215 Posts: 122 Member
    sarkrisd wrote: »

    Would anyone like to join me on an Apple Watch fitness app? I’m not sure how to add each other, but we can figure it out.


    What app? I like doing the challenges on there.

    If you go under the apple fitness app (the one with the 3 rings) at the bottom there is an “S” and it says sharing click that.. at the top of the screen you will see a little person with a plus sign then you can search and add by phone number or email!! I do have an Apple Watch if anyone wants to add me you can search my email it is below... maybe if I get some friends on there I’ll be more about closing all my rings hahaha


  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,311 Member
    Saturday weigh in

    PW 196.5
    CW 196.2

    Tiny, but I’ll take it. At least it’s green.

    This week, I need to be better about logging my food. I mostly logged last week, but it was a little sloppy. I wonder what one really great week of accurately logging would do for the scale? I also need to get more cardio minutes. It does wonders for burning calories.

    A walk awaits me today but first a zoom call with my bestie. Wish we could hike and talk. We both got our first vaccines yesterday, so we are a little closer to getting to see each other. 😃

    @Kali225 Your week sounds crazy. Glad you popped in and found your motivation. Looks like you have it under control now. I love the cooking with friends class. What a great idea and nice thing to do. 22 miles—You’ve got that! No problem.

    @jugar Sending virtual hugs as you rearrange for your surgery. Wish I could’ve nearby to offer a meal or help some way. You will do great!❤️

    Make it a great one friends!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,250 Member
    PW: 298.6
    CW: 297.6

    I think the pw may be different than my starting weight bc I posted in the new member discussion on a weekday but can’t remember when so this is my weight from last Saturday.

    It is good to see you! I was worried you had not been able to find our team chat. Please introduce yourself and tell us about you and your weight-loss journey!
  • sunny9847
    sunny9847 Posts: 137 Member
    Steps 14,450
  • EvMakesChanges
    EvMakesChanges Posts: 564 Member
    I managed to puppy sit while bringing a huge batch of returnable cans/bottles back for the deposits. It amounted to $4.60. Sheesh. Almost not worth the harangue.
    I didn’t get much exercise but plan to walk tomorrow. My food choices have been pretty good, even with this being my “whatever” day, so with that, I’m off to bed. Happy week 2 (almost)!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,250 Member
    Let's close this week! Only 2 more weigh-ins due for today:

    And last chance for @ChiaGnome and @tschwery - are you still with us?
  • fuschiabolero
    fuschiabolero Posts: 35 Member
    Friday - no workout and steps at 6399
    Saturday - barre 30 minutes medium intensity and steps at 9214
  • CurvyCalorie
    CurvyCalorie Posts: 266 Member
    @micki48 steps for February 6
  • Steph1498
    Steph1498 Posts: 307 Member
    Thanks for the energy and “kick” @jugar and @kali225!

    @conleywoods great dress and I love the hair!

    My weekend has been pretty slow so far. I forgot all about the Super Bowl... I’m wanting to get in a hike this morning in the quiet. So I am off to get started!
  • PlaneMonkey
    PlaneMonkey Posts: 568 Member
    Week one of Habit Tracking worked for me!

    Hope this motivation from colouring in squares continues! My food choices have slipped again on the weekend and I'm going to give into the family's requests for chicken wings and buffalo mac 'n cheese for Superbowl but I'm logging everything even when it puts me over the calorie limit. I'll do my best to be mindful of my portion sizes today and drink tons of water to start flushing the salt out before my Wednesday Weigh-In.

    @conleywoods you look amazing! love the ruffles

    @jugar did you get the tractor started?!?!?
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,250 Member
    @jugar did you get the tractor started?!?!?
    Yes! Started like a champ and the road is now clear. We'll drive up today and see how it goes. Our hill is quite steep (my sister's ex called it the hill of death :grimace: ) but it is getting nice and cold now, so that makes the packed snow over the gravel nice and grippy. It's all looking good.
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    @conleywoods I love the dress. It has the perfect amount of ruffles. And those shoes 🥰

    @micki48 I love the image of you and your granddaughter dancing around in tutus. I love the dress up phase.

    @planemonkey I like that full month visual. I have a planner for tracker for the week but I think I like the visual for the month.

    We had two birthday celebrations this weekend. My dad on Friday and my 11 year old yesterday. I had a small peice of cake Fri, a breakfast burrito yesterday, and sesame chicken last night. I skipped the cake last night. Today, I am going to lunch outside with a friend I haven't seen in over a year. My son has birthday on Wed and my mom on Friday. I just plan on small portions and no cheats in between the celebrations.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,250 Member
    @conleywoods I love the dress. It has the perfect amount of ruffles. And those shoes 🥰

    @micki48 I love the image of you and your granddaughter dancing around in tutus. I love the dress up phase.

    @planemonkey I like that full month visual. I have a planner for tracker for the week but I think I like the visual for the month.

    We had two birthday celebrations this weekend. My dad on Friday and my 11 year old yesterday. I had a small peice of cake Fri, a breakfast burrito yesterday, and sesame chicken last night. I skipped the cake last night. Today, I am going to lunch outside with a friend I haven't seen in over a year. My son has birthday on Wed and my mom on Friday. I just plan on small portions and no cheats in between the celebrations.

    Sounds like birthday central at your place!! The Age of Aquarius for sure :smiley:
  • evangsimmons170
    evangsimmons170 Posts: 1,188 Member
    @micki48 Here are my steps for the week. Thanks much!


  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,094 Member
    Sunday weigh-in
    PW - 185.2
    CW - 186

    Sorry team! I'm working out with Heather Robertson this month and most of her workouts are strength-based. So I am lifting heavier, I'm stronger, and more toned and even though I am weighing in a little higher than I would have liked - I'm a lot happier! But I hope the weight evens out and I can continue with a downward trajectory in the coming weeks.

    Personally I have felt the past week has been really good. I've logged all of my food and kept to my workout schedule. I've even gone out walking twice this week - a major check in the box for me as I was at risk of turning into a hermit.

    I've checked into this community at least once a day - although I haven't posted. Two reasons for that; Firstly I don't really have much to say and would rather say nothing than just add unnecessary chit chat. And, secondly, I am often overwhelmed by long posts and there's a good chance that I won't read it, being constantly time poor. Even more reason not to add a long post!

    That said, I shall be back later with my step and exercise log for the past week.

    Happy Sunday, Friends!
This discussion has been closed.