Downsizers - February 2021 Team Chat



  • lelbarou
    lelbarou Posts: 312 Member
    Daily check in Feb. 16
    Loggin yes - (over again - eek! )
    Exercise - only stretching and core
    steps - My fit bit is acting up - but I don't think I had significant steps regardless....

    Well - I'm doing so-so. I have my physio in about an 1.5 hours.
    I'm doing my rehab exercies twice a day - modified bridges, crunches and cobra pose.
    I think it's helping, but the process is slow. I think I will have to do this everyday to maintain my back and core from now on.

    So, I had my second teaching class with my new permanent part-time teaching job.
    I'm going to have a real challenge! LOL
    Some people cannot speak at all. Others can speak fairly well. YIKES!
    But I am creative and I've done all the levels before, so I know I can do it.
    One lady couldn't understand much, but she stayed after class and was blowing me kisses goodbye? Ha Ha. I guess she liked the class! LOL

    Anyway, I've also been eating over for a few days.
    Maybe stress or feeling a bit down or both.
    I'm trying to train my mind to think more positive thoughts.
    I hope to get back on track today with my logging on or under calories! YEP!
    My weight is starting to go up and not down! Uh oh!

    Have a super day everyone!
  • draby2011
    draby2011 Posts: 178 Member
    azkunk wrote: »
    @draby2011 - welcome back. I’m glad you are thanking steps to get healthy. I know you’ve must have seen lots of SVT over the years but when it’s you on the other side of the monitor, it becomes a wake up call. That scale seems cool, who makes it?

    @lcfa5317 - shoveling is a workout too!

    @iradi8 - I just walked around my bedroom to get 600+ steps before bed to meet my goal

    @heatherbluebell - sounds like vacation is off to a productive start ... enjoy your time off

    Yeah it is definitely scary. I actually told my friends at work that the worst part about being a nurse is that we know too much. Lol I could barely breathe through words yet refused to check in as a patient because I knew what they'd do lol. The scale was like $20 on amazon and is from a company called Etekcity. :)
  • rlaskey2
    rlaskey2 Posts: 461 Member
    Steps 2/16 16,940
    2/15 13,574
    3/14 14,443
  • 363days
    363days Posts: 548 Member
    @draby2011 I'm so glad you are back and I'm sure a million of us are thinking "you have nothing to be embarrassed about"! I get what you mean, though. The Tonal sounds totally unbelievable! I had to look it up, I hadn't hear of it. I just got one of those scales, too, and it is nice to have other things to target, not just the weight. What a great idea to cut your work hours - that should take a lot of stress off your plate. It sounds like you know exactly what to do to get back on track.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,513 Member
    Great job on your goals. It has to feel good to see the scales moving down.

    I haven’t had any luck with compression stockings but I will give them a try again.

    Nice loss!

    I am so glad to see you back. That had to been so scary for you. That tonal looks so amazing. I would be excited also. I have entered your starting weight as 249 and I have put you down for a Saturday weigh in.

    You are certainly burning lots of calories shoveling snow. Stay warm!

    I think you are right about organization affecting our weight loss. I have started making a daily task list to keep things on the right path.

  • 363days
    363days Posts: 548 Member
    @icfa5317 - I laughed at your heat wave and couldn't believe the snow you are getting! It is 13 here with a high predicted of 25. The challenge for our area is electricity. Our grid isn't used to this pull on it, and they are having scheduled shut offs during the day. So far I've kept electricity but I kinda walk on the tiptoes. I think I have to get out today...I'm getting cabin fever.
    @lelbarou Are you teaching English as a 2nd language? I took the TEFL classes this summer, in case I didn't get my old job back, but then decided even if I didn't get it back, I didn't want to teach online. It looked too HARD! I admire you! Are you teaching through a certain web site? Very cool.
    Regarding my way of eating this week - cake, ice cream, cool whip Oh, My!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,513 Member
    Coming from someone who went totally off the rails due to stress, anxiety and low mood, it is important to find another outlet besides food. I let it snowball until it became my only way of dealing with all my emotions. I know you are starting to get busy with teaching but try to find something to keep your hands and mind busy. Somethings to consider are crocheting, knitting, putting together a puzzle or even paint your nails. Make a list of things you can do instead of eating and post where you can see it. Maybe even on your fridge.
  • lelbarou
    lelbarou Posts: 312 Member
    @363days - Yes. I teach ESL. I have a TESL certificate as well as a M.Ed. I have taught for about 15 years for non-profits, colleges and the school board. Right now I am teaching at the continuing education ESL department at the Toronto District School Board. YEP! I have tried other jobs, but always come back to teach because it's my jam! It's not easy, but I imagine no job is...It's really just about really liking your job or hopefully even loving it! Otherwise, what's the point? Oh yes, rent and food! Ha Ha! And I get you about the eating. I'm trying to turn it around today. I just had a raspberry and protein powder smoothie! YUM. Have a great day! You are AWESOME!
  • lelbarou
    lelbarou Posts: 312 Member
    Yes. I agree. Food can be a coping mechanism for me when I'm stressed or down and it's a double hit when I'm both. That's a good idea to make a list of distraction activities to do instead of eatting. I like coloring, reading and listening to music. So, that's three right there. Thanks for your suggestion Linda. You are right on target! I think we might be similar! YEP!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,513 Member
    iradi8 wrote: »

    PW: 202.1
    CW: 201.2
    LTD: 51.4 pounds (SW 252.6)

    I almost missed this. Congrats on the loss!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,513 Member
    Tuesday’s check in
    ✅Steps 5,395

    The pool will not be opening right now. I am really disappointed but we are in a pandemic and rules are rules. If our numbers continue to stay down we should go from red to orange level in 2 weeks and hopefully it will open then. In the meantime, I will continue with mini walks the best I can. I also want to do at least one chair workout this week.

    I have 2 doctors appointments this afternoon. One of them is to follow up with the family doctor on the results of the nerve testing. Hopefully, the doctors all agreed to make changes to the medications to try and get some control of the pain. It is very defeating to be so limited by pain.

    I did a mini walk this morning before I even had coffee and I will do another when I go check the mail. I have to get all my chores done this morning and mix up my meatloaf so it is ready to pop in the oven. If I have time I will do a third walk before my doctors appointments.

    Happy Hump Day!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,513 Member

    Last question was about our favourite workout.
    What is a workout that you haven’t tried but would really like to do?

  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 39,900 Member

    Last question was about our favourite workout.
    What is a workout that you haven’t tried but would really like to do?

    I would love to start lifting weights ....But with hernias and other medical stuff I am terrified
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 39,900 Member
    Good Morning All ...Happy Hump Day ....I hope all of you are trying to stay warm for me I have to go do a CT scan (this is my 2nd one) tomorrow morning on my pelvis and abdomen with dye and without dye ....I swear it is never ending with me I need to stop by and pick up the dye (Yuck this stuff taste awful ) so I can drink it in the morning before my appt.
  • iradi8
    iradi8 Posts: 571 Member
    12/16 Steps 10,670
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    @lelbarou - I’m glad the exercises are starting to help. Teaching ESL sounds challenging but very rewarding. I can’t imaging trying to teach somebody a language if you don’t share a common language.

    @draby2011 - we nurses really do make the worst patients. Our CNS twisted my arm and made me go to the ED one day ... my BP was 200/120s 😱 I hope you are feeling better. Thanks for the info on the scale. I will check it out. I love all of the different things it tracks.

    @363days - I’m sorry you are feeling so blue. It’s good that you have that zoom call with your neighbors. Maybe when the weather gets better, you can meet up outdoors for a walk. I feel safe outside as long as there is distance.

    @lindamtuck2018 - sorry about the pool not opening yet. Good luck with your doctor appointments today

    @Megan_smartiepants1970 - that stuff is nasty 🤢 I hope you are getting close to an answer and the end of your health struggles

    @Tazaria87 - the mess is totally worth the time spent with family. You kids are making memories with cousins is priceless.

    @iradi - that sounds terrible but he is safe and he has food and water for now. Hope the power and water come back soon

This discussion has been closed.