Downsizers - May 2021 Team Chat



  • 363days
    363days Posts: 548 Member
    @rlaskey2 Yikes, that is scary! I'm glad you are checking it out. I can get toe, foot numbness from a shoe hitting in the wrong place for an extended period of time, nothing painful, just a subtle pressure. Sometimes if I sleep in socks on cold nights, even the compression of the socks can cause my feet to have a pain. You mentioned you went on long walks - could your shoes have caused it?
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,574 Member
    Thanks @TheresaM787 and I believe @363days on the info on how to listen to podcasts.

    You are killing it on the peloton!
  • 363days
    363days Posts: 548 Member
    @Tazaria87 It is amazing how fast we pop back after the vaccine. I hope you continue to feel better
    @red1185 I'm so sorry you are having a bad week. Salt is my frenemy, too!!!
    @TheresaM787 Celebrations are tough!!! It sounds like you have the gooey goodness all around you and your ideas of seltzer water are great. For me, I know where we are going so I'm going to look at the menu from home, make a choice and stick with it when there.
    @littleflutterby Wow you are jumping back into the groove with all of the standing and walking. Your activity level is probably much more than reflected on steps.
    @roz0810 Aren't gadgets fun!!! It makes me more active, for sure.
    @bluetail6 I'm excited, thanks!
    I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,242 Member
    @TheresaM787 thank you! yes there's lots of challenges between friends etc I've joined 1 already and loving it 🙂
  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,242 Member
    @363days yes definitely, it's making me move so much more than I normally would 🙂
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,574 Member
    I am glad you are going to check out the numbness. I have it in my foot but it is from my diabetes.

    Awesome loss! I tend to have that cycle of a good loss and a lower loss or small gain when I am on track.

    I apologize if I already responded to this. As you may know I have been struggling with anxiety lately. It is very exhausting so I understand how hard anxiety can be. I appreciate all teachers and especially doing it in this trying time. I hope you get relieve soon.
  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member
    Nice going hitting all three of your daily goals 🎉🎉🎉 I'm sorry that you felt terrible yesterday after your walk and house work. Your body was telling you to rest and I'm glad you listened. Bonus, you were able to still sleep last night. Hoping your leg pain is nonexistent and you get to enjoy your afternoon walk. Most importantly, have loads of fun with the grandkids.
    Thank you, I'm trying hard to increase my endurance. 🤗

    Congratulations on your loss AND exceeding your step goals for the past two days! Another round of applause for staying under your calorie budget 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 How do you feel?

    That does sound stressful. I'm glad that you have the outlets of getting outside and going for a walk and talking with your therapist to help you during this time. Glad you see it that way also, it's only up a bit and it will come right back down (and then some). We are here for you!
  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,242 Member
    8th May
    Steps: 11,171
  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member
    Fantastic loss and step count! That maple glazed sounded amazingly delicious. That must have taken some serious willpower to choose from all of those donuts!
    Love tikka masala- yummy yummy. Have a wonderful Mother’s Day weekend 💐

    Tremendous step count! So glad they ruled out a blood clot. Happy Mother’s Day weekend.

    That’s incredible news Megan! Have a wonderful time with your son 🤗 That’s a lot of steps for someone taking it easy - ahem.

    Another huge day! 👏👏👏 You’re definitely putting the FitBit to work!
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,754 Member
    Fantastic loss and step count! That maple glazed sounded amazingly delicious. That must have taken some serious willpower to choose from all of those donuts!
    Love tikka masala- yummy yummy. Have a wonderful Mother’s Day weekend 💐

    Tremendous step count! So glad they ruled out a blood clot. Happy Mother’s Day weekend.

    That’s incredible news Megan! Have a wonderful time with your son 🤗 That’s a lot of steps for someone taking it easy - ahem.

    Another huge day! 👏👏👏 You’re definitely putting the FitBit to work!

    It was...but I had to go grocery shopping...and cut up fruit...daughter did the watermelon into balls so that helped🙂
  • Beautyofdreams
    Beautyofdreams Posts: 1,009 Member
    Wishing all you mothers a "Happy Mother's Day" tomorrow.
    @rlaskey2 that is quite a health scare! Hope the numbness has gone away.
    @roz0810 enjoy the fitbit challenges and increasing steps!
    @Tazaria87 glad your arm is better and great mindfulness and balance in enjoying mother's day.

    @lindamtuck2018 great job on getting some much needed sleep. Have you looked into the sleep and meditation related podcasts? I see there a quite a few available.

    @red1185 the school year is ra[idly winding down. I hope your stress level decreases. My sister is a teacher. Over 1/3 of her students are on the behavioral spectrum. It has been a very stressful year for her between last March and trying to catch the children up with in school learning.

    @megan_smartiepants1970 great loss and steps! Listen to your body and take care of yourself.

    @littleflutterby great job diving back into work and helping your co-worker out! How is your abdominal pain, now? I hope it has diminished and you have started dancing again.

    @rwoods0526 You're making me wish that I could wash my car today!
    @lmf1012 Those consistent losses and steps add up over time. You are doing fine.

    Well, yesterday was a perfect storm for me. I couldn't walk or exercise, or shop. I hyper focused and obsessed and my anxiety levels skyrocketed. I get where I need to get away and there was no avenue of escape open. I had a carby binge and the number on the scale jumped. I would be more bothered but measured myself today and hips are still the same but stomach is an inch bigger. So got up early this morning and did some core exercises. Put on a pair of non stretch, button fly jeans and am trying to think of strategies to derail this thinking. Have another skin graft scheduled
    for next week but doctor says that I can do some light movement 2 days after each graft. So looking forward to that as I am getting really twitchy.

  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member
    Proof of your determination right there in your post. You decided to get up early to do core exercises, and then make a plan of strategies to help in the future. BRILLIANT🤩
  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member
    Daily Goals
    Peloton 8 miles within 30 minutes 👎 my body didn't want to peddle at the usual pace, but I know a slow workout is better than no workout. I told myself that I need to complete the 8 miles, and if it didn't happen within 30 minutes, then I'd need to then add on a 5 minute class.
    Steps 8,000 ✅ went on a 5k (just over 3 miles) walk before heading to my in-laws
    Track everything that I ate and drank ✅ made sure to eat lunch prior, to help curb the snacking on chips when I get to my in-laws
    Stay under ✅ thanks to the walk, not snacking on the snacks, and not having any beer
    8 glasses of water ✅, drank 11 cups of water 🎉kept grabbing seltzer after seltzer so that I was drinking something while everyone was noshing on the snacks

    Peloton 36 minutes, 9 miles, slow effort
    Steps 9,300
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