Mission Slimpossible - May 2021 Team Chat



  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,748 Member
    @Katie43210 Favorite low calorie dinners are things like a veggie scramble with eggs or tofu or a stir fry. I eat a lot of vegetables.

    @AustinRuadhain Do you ever have sweets anymore aside of fruit? I know you eat WFPB but wasn't sure if you ever have anything like candy or cake once and awhile. Everyone said if you stop eating it you won't want it or it won't taste good but I found that wasn't true though when I did have something I wanted better quality as sugar for sugar's sake doesn't taste good.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 It may be that a cillinoid (sp?) broke but I'm not sure. I set it to water 50 minutes and it was watering when someone came at Noon the next day. You can't set the timer for 20 hours so I don't think it was me! Enjoy your movie.

    @TeresaW1020 Way to go on decluttering! LOL, your poor friend about the mammogram!

    @TwistedSassette You're doing amazing with diet and steps, wtg!

    @bgame4 Welcome to Slimpossibles!

    Hey gang, I'm taking a break but have to go outside and do some last-minute things but the house is ready. My boyfriend went to visit friends so I have the house to myself tonight. Did my usual arm cardio, stretching, then gardening plus cleaning so I'm taking it easy. I think I said I have the home-use unit now for micro current, it's amazing how fast it works! I will definitely be buying one in the future, whatever I pay renting goes toward purchasing a new one and it makes a big difference. Have a great weekend everyone!
  • bgame4
    bgame4 Posts: 94 Member
    Thank you for the warm welcome!

    I am totally new to this type of group/support, and I am also very shy, so this is going to be a challenge both physically and emotionally. However, I have been steadily gaining weight for the past year, and I needed to do something drastic.

    My name is Hannah, age 36, married 12 years next month. Nine months of the year, my life is consumed with teaching high school students with special needs. My goal for the next three months is to establish healthy habits and routines so I will feel better and have more energy.
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 513 Member
    edited May 2021
    @TeresaW1020 Nice job on the weight-loss this week! Thanks for the RESET graphic, I am ready for June, bring it on.

    @Jactop sorry about the fall, but good for you not gaining and figuring out how to come back! It’s hard when you can’t get the cardio you’re used to!

    @Kinalau I'm sorry about that posting, hopefully there is something around the next corner for you! A couple of years ago I had gotten down to 150 as well, but wasn’t really happy there, I had decided I wanted to lose a bit more but life happened and unfortunately I gained. I have now set my goal at 140

    @trooworld aaagghhh ... snacks, I can’t even have them in the house, no willpower right now😜

    @vegan4lyfe2012 sounds like you had a great day! I can’t even imagine being back in an office again LOL! Do you let us know how the movie goes for sure!!

    @askewcr you are right you ARE winning:)! My mom is the same as your friend, she is just starting to slow down at 93, his last year was tough on her. But she has always been able to run circles around me!

    @Kinalau haha I am still working on getting it all straight! Congrats on the loss!

    @bgame4 welcome! Really sounds like you have awesome goals!

    Yesterday, my day was not great. I didn’t eat enough throughout the day, so ended up going overboard last night. Part of my resetting for June is definitely going to be ensuring I get enough calories throughout the day. Today was good I stayed on target, figured out that my rowing machine does not bother my sciatica at all so I will be building up on that to get my cardio in. I got my training in today, did not get my puppy training in today:/.
  • Katie43210
    Katie43210 Posts: 65 Member
    I like to weigh in on the mornings I was going to do every Sunday but I'm out out tonight so might not be up to weigh in 😂I have did it this morning instead!

    I have lost 1lb!

    Now 10stone 9lbs
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member

    @TwistedSassete Good job on getting those 11,000 steps! Does that much walking hurt your plantar fasciitis? I can see where retaining water would affect it since that is a sign of inflammation in our bodies. I’m retaining water this morning and feel it in my face. I didn’t even have to look at myself to know my face would be puffy this morning. We both need to drink more water this weekend. :)

    @askewcr That is wonderful that you have a friend to walk with who is such an inspiration. I tried walking once with my friend who is in her 70’s and couldn’t keep up with her at all but I sure tried. We all need friends like that, don’t we? I also really love your positive attitude that you bless our group with. <3

    @Katmary71 I am glad that you have the micro current machine and that it is working so well for you. Yes, to buying your own!! Have a great weekend. When does your friend come to visit? :)

    @Kinalau Nice loss this week!! It’s good that you already expect the number to fluctuate. They always do! ;) We are active, and you are not expected to reply to each of us unless you want to. :grin: What I do is open the group page and a Word.doc that I have minimized at the bottom of the screen. This allows me to reply to each member easily, save when I need to, and never lose my post. :)

    @bgame4 Welcome to the group, Hannah! I am so glad to have you here. We are a very active and supportive group. Please jump in and make yourself at home. You will find that the accountability of this type of group will help keep you focused on your goals and I just bet it will also help you get over your shyness too. :)

    @laurelfit57 I find not eating enough has the same effect on me and I end up eating more when I do eat. One of the reasons I’m excited about doing this new Data Driven Fasting thing is that it’s supposed to help train my body on when to eat. We shall see! What type of puppy do you have? :)

    @Katie43210 Congrats on losing a pound this week!! When you are recording your weight for the week, please use the following format so that @broncobuddee can find you easily and make sure that your weight gets recorded. We are so active, and it will make it easier for him. And if you want to change your weigh-in day, just tag him in a post and he will make it happen for you. :)
    Weigh In Day:
    PW (Previous Weight):
    CW (Current Weight):

    Good morning! Wow, you all post a lot in the evenings! :grin: I best get a jump on replying. We had a lot of rain last night and the temperature is only going to 75 today. That is MOST unusual for this time of year. I can already see myself sitting on my back porch later today with one of my books in hand. But first I need to do a workout and some housework. :)
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,136 Member
    @Jactop Thanks! You are welcome for the recipes. :)

    @TeresaW1020 Thanks for the June resetgraphic! I'm going to reflect on it below. Honestly, I think that we left both packages of meat in the refrigerator too long before we froze it. I don't think it's an issue with the fridge. That's good you are purging and reorganizing stuff.

    @Cornanda @Kinalau woo hoo! Congrats on the losses!

    @Katie43210 WELL DONE! :D

    @vegan4lyfe2012 I think I will be able to get him to agree. re: the meat...yeah, right??? I hope not, either! That's great news from the surgeon. How awesome to enjoy being in the office. I do like being in the office, too. I'm not back there yet, we are still working in the office 1 day a week and the rest virtually. I can't wait to hear what you say about A Quiet Place II.

    @Katmary71 I'm glad you have the home-use unit and glad it's helping. Have fun with your friend!

    @bgame4 We are glad to have you on the team! Maybe it will be good for you to step a little outside of your comfort zone and participate in conversations when you feel up to it? I know it helps me (I'm actually an introvert with pretty bad anxiety in real life).

    @laurelfit57 Yeah, I'm not buying any snacks this week and we will eat what we have, and then it will be gone. I'll still buy fruit though, so we can snack on that. I'm sorry that you had a tough day yesterday. The good news is that today is a new day and you can try again! :D

    Hello all. I am going to my brother-in-law's apartment today for a small get-together of family. We are bringing the ribs and a salad. I decided to bring myself a BBQ chicken breast in lieu of the ribs (I *might* have a small portion). I'm keeping my eye on the prize today.

    I re-evaluated my goals on April 1st but I will do another re-evaluation today. These were my goals as of April 6th and how I did:
    - I drink a minimum of 50 oz of water each day. ✅ (I bought a new 64 oz tumbler and it is helping me drink more water)
    - I only have a less healthy meal once a week. ⛔ (Need to work on this. Less healthy meals have appeared on my food diary about 2-3 times a week. It's killing me.)
    - I exercise a minimum of three times a week. ⛔ (I re-evaluated this and reduced it to once a week to get started)
    - I go to bed by 8:00 p.m. Sunday through Thursday. ✅
    - I get up at 4:00 a.m. Monday through Friday. ⛔ (I decided 4:30 a.m. is early enough and have been doing that)

    50 Day Commitment:
    1) Track every day using WW app ✅
    2) Workout at least once a week (it's a start!) ✅
    3) No unplanned sugar ✅

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 374 Member
    Username: askewcr
    Weigh in week: Week 4
    Weigh in day: Saturday
    SW: 274
    PW: 253.5
    CW: 252.5
    LTD: 13.5

    Well I did drop that pound I gained last week so yay me! There are endless possibilities with each new day. Let's go get it!!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,227 Member
    The June team chat is open!

    Please continue to weigh in and report this week's steps here. Go to the new chat for introductions, your goals and commitments for the next month, and anything else you'd enjoy discussing. Thanks!

  • Firefly743
    Firefly743 Posts: 133 Member
    ***Weigh In***
    PW: 256.8
    CW: 256.4
    LTD: 81.0
  • mlhopp93
    mlhopp93 Posts: 192 Member
    HW -- 355 (9/1/2020)
    Weigh in day Saturday

    SW (5/1/2021): 263.6
    5/8/2021: 259.2 (-4.4)
    5/15/2021: 260.4 (+1.2)
    5/22/2021: 261.0 (+0.6)
    5/29/2021: 259.2 (-1.2)

    In my battle for losing 62 pounds starting last Saturday, I knocked out 1.2 this week. 59.3 pounds to get under 200. Although I've had success by losing 95 pounds since last Sept 1 I find I'm falling back on that success too much and being complacent about continuing the journey.

    My June weight goal is to achieve 255 or below to mark 100 pounds from my heaviest.
    My activity goal is to maintain above 10k steps per day average.
    My food goal is to journal food choices daily and to eat 4 to 5 servings of fruits/vegetables
    My why goal is spending time with my family and having fun.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,057 Member
    Hi MS team ...You have another new member heading your way .... Please welcome @xrj22 :)
  • xrj22
    xrj22 Posts: 197 Member
    Hi I am new, starting for June. I this looks like it could be really fun and hold me accountable. I think I will wait for the June thread to really introduce myself. For now, just the facts:
    Highest weight: 172
    Current weight 153
    Goal 132

    I am also working on plant based eating, lowering cholesterol, fighting depression, running and general fitness.

    I am going to go set up a habit tracker now.
  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 3,833 Member
    Username: Digger61
    Weigh in week: Week 4
    Weigh in day: Saturday
    PW: 200
    CW: 200
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 513 Member
    @Katie43210 congrats on the weight-loss!

    @TeresaW1020 I am curious to see how you do on the data driven fasting. I have a mini Australian Labradoodle, I got her her about six months before the world went crazy, she has definitely kept me sane giving me something to do :-) :-).

    @trooworld yay! Congrats on the weight-loss this week. It sounds like you have really got a handle on things the way you are tweaking your goals. I know I have to shake things up every once in a while, sometimes they don’t work out as well as they did in my head :-).

    @askewcr good for you for getting back on track!

    @Firefly743 Congratulations on the loss!

    @mlhopp93 that’s a great start for achieving your next goal! Sounds like you have a really solid plan laid out

    @RYcare Congrats on the loss

    @xrj22 welcome!

    I had a really good day today, Friday to Saturday I am always worn out because I am very lucky to have my grandkids spend the night with me! My cousin is coming over tomorrow with her puppy and we are going to go for a walk, then my mom is going to join us and we are going to have brunch here on the patio. They just loosened restrictions, so I am able to have all of my kids and their families over for dinner tomorrow night. I spent half of the day prepping food for tomorrow, so I can stay within my limits but still provide some yummy summer food for my family. I think I have my food all planned out in my diary so I should be good to go.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,057 Member
    Another new member heading your way ... Please welcome @TheGlwUp :)
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,148 Member
    P. W. 261
    C. W. 264
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,227 Member
This discussion has been closed.