WaistAways - June 2021 Chat



  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Sun 9832
    Mon 10,573
    Tues 10,245
    Wed 15,491
    Thurs 18,488
    Fri 16,072
    Sat 9,029
  • once_mas
    once_mas Posts: 160 Member
    hey everyone, I'm masoumeh 33, I won't be in weight challenge/any challenge for a while, because I've been so moody and a serial quitter and I don't show up once a while and go in a blue mood and may not be able to write down anything. So I may read your posts but won't write down replies regularly, and my only goal for this month is to be committed to using the June habit tracker.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,265 Member
    once_mas wrote: »
    hey everyone, I'm masoumeh 33, I won't be in weight challenge/any challenge for a while, because I've been so moody and a serial quitter and I don't show up once a while and go in a blue mood and may not be able to write down anything. So I may read your posts but won't write down replies regularly, and my only goal for this month is to be committed to using the June habit tracker.

    Hi Masoumeh - I am thinking you are the same person who used to have a different user name? If so, you are welcome to come here as much as you like, and post when you want. I will put you in the Support Team, so weigh-ins are optional. I see you are there in the habit tracker - that is great. I hope things go well for you.
  • once_mas
    once_mas Posts: 160 Member
    jugar wrote: »
    once_mas wrote: »
    hey everyone, I'm masoumeh 33, I won't be in weight challenge/any challenge for a while, because I've been so moody and a serial quitter and I don't show up once a while and go in a blue mood and may not be able to write down anything. So I may read your posts but won't write down replies regularly, and my only goal for this month is to be committed to using the June habit tracker.

    Hi Masoumeh - I am thinking you are the same person who used to have a different user name? If so, you are welcome to come here as much as you like, and post when you want. I will put you in the Support Team, so weigh-ins are optional. I see you are there in the habit tracker - that is great. I hope things go well for you.

    Hi @jugar, yes, I am the one from Amsterdam and changed it today for some privacy issues :) Thanks! I hope I can be committed to the plan this month.
  • happimess01
    happimess01 Posts: 9,074 Member
    @ashleycarole86 thank you so much. The gyms are finally open here and working out has made me even disciplined when it comes to eating. I hope to cross onederland soon.

    @jugar I hope to stay green for 2 more months after which I will start eating closer to maintenance. That will be a big adjustment, let's see
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,094 Member
    Steps and exercise stats for the past 7 days

    23/05 - 19490
    24/05 - 1758
    25/05 - 6831 / 70 mins Full Body workout [Epic 1 Day 14]
    27/05 - 2298 / 37 mins Tabata Full body HIIT [Epic 1 Day 15]
    28/05 - 21383
    29/05 - 2345 / 54 mins Back & biceps dumbbells workout [Epic 1 Day 16]
  • deniners2
    deniners2 Posts: 968 Member
    PW 155
    CW 156
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,265 Member
    edited May 2021
    Beautiful!! I'll bet you had a fabulous time. You look amazing!

    There are still a few more steps to fill in for last week - @Steph1498 @micki48 @EvMakesChanges
    Bring on the numbers!

    We had a good month in May. The official results will be posted soon, I hope - but we were #2 for the month, with a very respectable total loss of 51.2 pounds. Our final week was not the greatest, but overall, it was a strong month.

    Quick update on weigh-ins -

    still due today:

    Due Monday:

    Hit the habit tracker if you have not done so already - set those June goals and keep tracking right through the end of the month! It seems to happen every month that most people stop tracking. Give it a try, no matter how many days are missed - and then calculate which things were positive and which kind of meh at the end of the month. It's all information, even if you aren't happy with it! Then you can adjust your goals to have better success.

    OK enough number talk!
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,312 Member
    @YinxFed You look amazing and so happy! What a beautiful family photo. Looks like a lovely day. And that outfit!!!!! Love it all.

    I logged all my food. I made some adjustments to my goals and my calories went way up. I had my goals set at a pound and a half loss a week. THAT never happens. But now my calories are at 1900 before they were 1200. So I was always over my calories. Maybe I need to leave it at 1900 awhile and see what happens. I usually don’t go that high (when I log everything).

    Also went for a walk and listened to a podcast. Saw a new bee hive someone put at the top of a tree that was partly cut down. Cool. 🐝

    @jugar I will get my steps posted in a quick minute.
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,312 Member
    edited May 2021
    My steps for the week. @jugar

  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,259 Member
    @YinxFed I echo the ladies above.. beautiful dress and you all look so happy. Glad to hear it was such a nice day.

    I also looked up the Epic workout videos you have been mentioning and have subscribed to the channel for future inspiration.

    @micki48 sounds like a great tactic to me and much more satisfying mentally. Looking forward to seeing how the change feels.
  • ob1msu
    ob1msu Posts: 14 Member
    My steps for the last week9c1aobkapz9h.jpg
  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 986 Member
    @YinxFed OMG! BEAUTIFUL! It looks like a lovely day. Did they have to reschedule due to covid or were they lucky enough to schedule their wedding once?

    @gak71 Oh the soda thing is tough. I am a water person but my husband had a a hard time kicking soda. He lost the last 15 lbs by finally switching. We did it in stages. Once we got to the point you are we switched to sparkling water. We prefer the brand bubly. I would bubly the bottles of flavored syrups from the coffee section at the grocery store. We usually liked huckleberry or strawberry. We would measure and mix it in. Over time we reduced the amount until we were just drinking the sparkling water. It took my husband a year to completely switch. No sugar beverages for anyone in our house for almost 2 years

    @sunny9847 I am so sorry for the diagnosis. I have several family members with alzheimers and it is a lot to process and take in. Sending hugs your way.
  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 986 Member
    Hi I'm Kristi and I'm 38. Married for 13 years and we have 3 kids age 12, 10 and 6. I live near Spokane Washington in the US. We live on a little over 100 acres just outside of Mt. Spokane state park. We spend a lot of time outdoors and enjoy nature and lots of animals. My top weight was 255lbs and I am at 227 lbs right now. I'm stuck lately and have some bad habits to work out. Mostly chips need to get worked out of my meal plan lately!

    I am on vacation this week and it is going to be 90 degrees all week so we will run away to the lake. Then I have 2 more weeks of school and we are all on summer vacation! I can't wait.

    I have been using my pilates reformer at home a lot lately and just ordered a mini pilates tower that will arrive next week. I just found out we have a club pilates opening 30 minutes from my house in July! That's exciting 😄
  • Steph1498
    Steph1498 Posts: 307 Member
    So glad that June is here and the sun is finally peeking out in Luxembourg!!! My name is Stephanie, I am married with 3 kids. I like to run, hike and bike. Currently, I weigh 161 and want to get some momentum towards a loss.

    I know that good habits like limited alcohol, sugar and carbs help me stay on track. This month I’m working to keep my carbs less than 100g daily and read/learn about how to stay consistent. We are planning to travel back to the US for the month of July and I want to be more resilient for that time.
  • Steph1498
    Steph1498 Posts: 307 Member
    @jugar Here are my steps for late May, sorry for the delay.

    22: 10087
    23: 2649
    24: 5696
    25: 5704
    26: 6375
    27: 10195
    28: 6341
    29: 11113
    30: 8226
  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    PW: 80.8
    CW: 80.4

    I'm Katie from the UK near Nottingham (Robin Hood territory!). I live with my husband and two cats. I gained weight 10-12 years ago due to lifestyle changes, and came to MFP in January this year after trying unsuccessfully to lose it with WW.

    @gak71 there's no way I'm cutting out diet soft drinks completely, but I do try and limit it to when I've bought a meal - either out or to eat at home. Means I get 1-2 drinks a week and it's a treat, instead of the same amount a day!

    Yesterday was the first day I went over net calories all year and currently I am wishing I'd worked it differently. It's that balance between not feeling left out (others having cookies etc) Vs long term goals. That said, one day really won't have made a difference and I was in a good weekly deficit. I need to sit with it for a while, and then assess my plan for June. I'm leaning towards not changing anything, but we've got a few days away.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,265 Member
    Happy Monday!

    It is showering today, finally (really needed!), so it will be sewing and putting things in order today. That will mean more sitting than usual, so I'll try to work in some workouts here and there so I don't go too nuts. I'm a bit hyper (just ask my sister @EvMakesChanges ) so I have to be sure not to sit around too much to keep everyone around me safe!

    I like the discussion around soft drinks, transition to sparkling water - what else is anyone working on giving up or cutting down? What strategies are working?

    I'm working on keeping grains, especially anything made with any kind of flour, out. It has been quite a long time that I have known that I react to grains in general (elevated heart rate, stomach discomfort), so I get my carbs from vegetables, fruits, legumes. But sometimes the love of good bread or the dreaded awesome cookies gets me! I went quite hard into bready things a couple of weeks ago and have been paying the price ever since. So that is my goal for June - get back to a better baseline. I have to plan snacks well, and lunch. Big salads for lunch are starting to be possible now that my greens are growing well (the groundhog enjoys them too, blast him!), and I have to have good snack stuff on hand like apples (sliced with almond butter), other fruits, hummus and veg, etc.
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,312 Member
    I gave up diet soda some years ago. It wasn’t really with diet in mind because I drank diet soda only. Rather I had read so many articles about how even diet soda is not good for your health and there is nothing natural in it. My go to was Diet Coke. So I stopped one new year. Maybe 2017🤷🏻‍♀️ I drink bubbly water with a meal, but water (and coffee/tea 1x/day) the rest of the time. I like Pelligrino and then I add fruit. I almost always add fruit or mint or cucumber to my water. Cucumber is surprisingly tasty. I also do mint from my yard and lime for a hint of mojito. It’s nice to have a glass of ice tea for a change but I prefer the water now. Every now and then I’ll think I want a sip of my husband’s soda, but it no longer taste good to me.

    I am cutting out potato chips this week. Luckily I have none of my favorite kettle chips. I should be cutting out/down on ice cream. Realistically I don’t think eliminating it would ever happen. I come from a long line of ice cream eaters. Cut back—I’ll give that a try.

    @jugar 10:30sec of HIIT Pilates this am sort of. Yikes it was hard. I guess I don’t get a whole lot of a actual cardio.

This discussion has been closed.