WaistAways - June 2021 Chat



  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,071 Member
    Happy Monday Friends!

    Thank you so much for your lovely wedding picture comments. It was 4th time lucky for my brother, @conleywoods! The wedding was originally scheduled for August last year, then as restrictions were put in place affecting the number of guests one could have, it was moved to October, then December, and finally we were able to go ahead yesterday. There were 21 guests. I believe that small weddings are going to be the new way forward thanks to Covid.

    So happy that you might give Caroline Girvan's Epic programs a go, @ashleycarole86, the programs are tough, but a lot of fun. And as you've probably guessed, I don't do 5 of her workouts each week, more like 2 or 3, fitting them around my walking schedule.
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    I'll never give up diet soda. There's just no meaning in it for me. There are more important issues.

    Like Doritos and gummy candy (fuzzy peaches particularly but also gummy worms). They're terrible. I haven't had them in two years, because I can't control myself around them at all. Better to just not be around them.
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,071 Member
    Greetings Friends and welcome to all Waistaways Newcomers!

    My name is Yinka. I'm 57 and I am from Bewdley in Worcestershire UK. I am married with a grown son who lives in the USA (Virginia) with his wife. We have a cantankerous elderly little dog called Edie and I work from home as an English language and global communications consultant for global corporates. I have been with MFP since 2014 and regularly struggle with keeping good habits. I would like to lose about 40lb, and have found this group to be invaluable with the level of support that flows from it.

    For June I would like to lose 3lb, keep drinking the water (I struggle to get 2 litres down me every day, but I am improving, with averaging 1.5 litres a day) and make a minimum of 7 hours' sleep a nightly constant.

    I have signed up for a walking challenge - 25 kilometres across 19 London bridges in September - and do 2 or 3 practice/training walks a week as well as another form of working out. Currently I am doing Caroline Girvan's Epic 1 program on YouTube.

    I am also inspired by our current good weather to go out and tidy up my patio so that we can go out and sit in the sun. That should certainly burn up some calories.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,162 Member
    @jugar in answer to your question, I don't feel particularly triggered or occupied with any one particular thing that warrants a complete elimination, and I'm generally someone who does better consuming most things in moderation rather than completely cutting out.

    Having said that, I still have lots of things I'm working on...

    One I've just recently started playing with is my coffee consumption. I love coffee, drink it in a low cal way (splash of 1% milk), and don't feel from a calorie counting perspective it's a problem. I also don't feel very caffeine sensitive, so I don't worry about that (meaning I can skip a day and not get headaches, or drink a cup before bed and not be wired.. etc). However, I do think it makes me pee an excessive amount, and that's just uncomfortable for me. It's also taking up space I could otherwise occupy with water, so it's one area I'm being more mindful of at least.

    I'm also reducing alcohol consumption quite a bit - I used to enjoy it a lot more (especially during my summer camping) and still have a drink from time to time, but I'd rather eat my calories most of the time, so I've learned the alcohol usually isn't worth it for me.

    The other thing I suppose I'm giving up is reckless abandon with food - yes I know that's the whole point, but if you want to know what the biggest change is and the thing I have to recommit myself to every morning, it's that. Left unchecked, my natural tendency is to massively overconsume. So I am overall less concerned about what I'm giving up - just that I give up enough to eat a reasonable amount. As time goes on, I will work more and more on healthful goals within the calories I eat, but at this point I am fairly lax. I naturally like healthy food anyway, so I feel good about my overall consumption most of the time, but I know it'll continue to get better as I progress on this journey.

    One other thing I'm definitely working on giving up is negative self-talk, self-sabotage, and all or nothing thinking - this stuff is absolutely detrimental to my progress and doesn't serve me at all.
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member



    1st @kerdil08 0.48 %
    2nd @hope002 0.27%
    3rd @Poobah1972 0.24 %

    1st @Poobah1972 7.8 Lbs
    2nd @hope002 4.4 Lbs
    3rd @kerdil08 4.2 Lbs
    3rd @littleflutterby 4.2 Lbs



  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member



    1st @kerdil08 4.96 %
    2nd @aqualang26 4.81%
    3rd @melaniedscott 4.39 %

    1st @rwood566 14.2 Lbs
    2nd @Poobah1972 11.3 Lbs
    3rd @aqualang26 9.4 Lbs
    3rd @graceojo999 9.4 Lbs



  • gak71
    gak71 Posts: 192 Member
    I have been using my pilates reformer at home a lot lately and just ordered a mini pilates tower that will arrive next week. I just found out we have a club pilates opening 30 minutes from my house in July! That's exciting 😄

    My wife and I love going to Club Pilates! I hope you enjoy it as much as we do and get as addicted to it as she has!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,183 Member
    Congratulations to all the successful losers for May! We did well and came out 2nd overall - that's a strong month if you ask me. Well done!

    Speaking of challenges and ways to stay inspired. We have a few people reporting steps and/or exercise minutes. @micki48 and I have been wondering if you think that having a team and keeping records is doing its job. Do you feel inspired to do more because you're tracking together with others, or would you already be doing it anyhow? There are only 6 regulars at the moment, so it would be good to know if we should keep this going or not. No matter what, you can certainly keep reporting your exercise efforts and get great applause from your teammates! We just want to know if it is helpful to do the weekly reports, etc. Thanks in advance for chiming in! All suggestions are welcome.
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 609 Member
    Hey team.... I'm baaaaack.

    Suffice to say my experiment for April and May with intuitive eating/not counting so many things was not so successful. Actually, the opposite. Since reaching a 7-year low (the whole time I've been using MFP) in mid-February, I finally got back on the scale last week to learn I gained back 32 lbs of a ~52 lb LTD. Well that sucked!

    @jugar I'd like to hop back in with Tuesday weigh-ins (first posting tomorrow), starting weight is still 233 lbs. Still figuring out what I want to do with my steps, so I'll stay off the step team for now.

    Intro - I'm Kay, 26, athlete/runner in high school, gained a lot of weight in college since I stopped being active, had an unlimited meal plan, definitely dealt with a lot of anxiety. I live in Boston now, and I've been traveling a lot to see family in New York during the pandemic. First joined F2F in Aug 2020, was so excited to see the scale moving in early 2021, and then... totally lost motivation. Pretty typical of me, but I think with focus and this group, I can shed this recent gain and keep moving forward. I think it is still possible for me to finally meet my goal zone by the end of this year.

    I almost never chime in on the weekly F2F challenges, but I think that's a mistake - taking a look at week 1 now.

    Happy Monday (Memorial Day, too, if you're in the US!).

    General question - what's your favorite vegetable recipe?
    Looking for side dishes to incorporate with dinner, seasonal things would also be helpful. I'm so bad at eating veggies.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,183 Member
    Kali225 wrote: »
    Hey team.... I'm baaaaack.

    Suffice to say my experiment for April and May with intuitive eating/not counting so many things was not so successful. Actually, the opposite. Since reaching a 7-year low (the whole time I've been using MFP) in mid-February, I finally got back on the scale last week to learn I gained back 32 lbs of a ~52 lb LTD. Well that sucked!

    @jugar I'd like to hop back in with Tuesday weigh-ins (first posting tomorrow), starting weight is still 233 lbs. Still figuring out what I want to do with my steps, so I'll stay off the step team for now.

    Intro - I'm Kay, 26, athlete/runner in high school, gained a lot of weight in college since I stopped being active, had an unlimited meal plan, definitely dealt with a lot of anxiety. I live in Boston now, and I've been traveling a lot to see family in New York during the pandemic. First joined F2F in Aug 2020, was so excited to see the scale moving in early 2021, and then... totally lost motivation. Pretty typical of me, but I think with focus and this group, I can shed this recent gain and keep moving forward. I think it is still possible for me to finally meet my goal zone by the end of this year.

    I almost never chime in on the weekly F2F challenges, but I think that's a mistake - taking a look at week 1 now.

    Happy Monday (Memorial Day, too, if you're in the US!).

    General question - what's your favorite vegetable recipe?
    Looking for side dishes to incorporate with dinner, seasonal things would also be helpful. I'm so bad at eating veggies.

    Welcome back!! This winter was a tough time for motivation for a lot of people, but it seems the energy is returning and things are looking up. I'm glad you tried your experiment, though. It is good to try everything possible - and to successfully discover the ways that don't work. Logging is a pain and gets annoying, but it sure helps.

    Vegetables help even more! And they are delicious. I eat so many vegetables my son always teases that if "we are what we eat" then I am kale. Or eggplant. Or whatever I am eating tons of - but yes, often lots of kale. It can be simple - I usually just pick by colour. 1 orange, 1 pale, 1-2 green - differing textures and levels of flavour, cut them, and put them in a skillet in the order of their cooking time. Longer for slices of sweet potato or carrot, eggplant, and parsnip, and shorter for greens like rapini, kale, bok choy - whatever is going in. Then I add whatever sauce-like concoction I feel like. Pesto, grated ginger and soy sauce, salsa, herbs, tomatoes, anything goes. It is hard to mess up. Just brown the first stuff, add a bit of water along with the greens and put on a lid, then take the lid off and add the yummy flavours. And salads! As you can see, I am a vegetable enthusiast. I am sure you can become one too :smiley:
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,183 Member
    edited June 2021
    Updates =

    I still need a starting weight for 2 returning members (your weight from last week) -

    and Sunday/Monday weigh-ins for:

    Tomorrow there is just one weigh-in!

  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,162 Member
    Hey, we have a Tuesday weigh in now ;)

    Welcome back @Kali225 and thanks for sharing your experience for those of us who weren't on the team then.

    We have been absolutely loving sauteed or roasted green beans lately... also love an apple kohlrabi salad with slivered red onion, roasted veggies (sweet potato, potato, broccoli).. nothing terribly inspired but veggies are my favorite part of any meal so I don't generally do much to them. What else... asparagus with parmesan or lemon. Kale chips. We had boiled beets lately and I enjoyed that. Cauliflower on the BBQ. Also like roasting acorn squash and filling it with things (or plain too!)

    We hopped on the air fryer train recently (so influenced lol) and we are finding it very handy for doing up any veggies at our trailer since we don't use the oven.
  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    Happy Tuesday all!

    Veggies... I'm also in the chuck-em-in-a-pan-add-stuff camp; not very helpful I know. I'm looking forward to doing skewers on the BBQ over summer.

    Cutting back... my '1-a-day" rule went out of the window in May. This is where I try to limit the portions I have of treats and snacks - e.g. one portion of crisps, one baked good in a day. Currently I could have one from each "category" as they'll fit in my calories but not multiple portions of crisps, like I did yesterday. I'd been using my exercise calories for these and eating them because I felt like I could, so I am getting back on that bandwagon.

    We're a bit less busy now - just small jobs, really. I need to re-do the list then we can chip away at it, and enjoy some down time. My preferred approach is to cross one thing off a day so that I still feel productive without rushing around like a headless chicken. I felt strange yesterday when the last of our house guests left and we didn't have anything specific to do. I even spent some time on a jigsaw I hadn't touched in months!

    This evening's task will be to give my roses some TLC - they're infested with aphids and this morning I noticed blackspot so I'm going to have to remove the affected leaves.

    Can you please share your favourite marinade recipes for meats that work well added to salad? I know a couple of chicken ones (sweet chilli, tikka) but wouldn't mind some greater variety. The ones I make at home are never quite as saucy as the cooked meat you can buy in the supermarket. I'm going to try and switch to salad for lunch most week days, which will free up some calories and stop me eating my exercise calories.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,183 Member
    Happy Tuesday and June 1st!

    May the vegetables be with you. @PlaneMonkey making your own veggies along with your DS's (darling saboteur) food is worth it. The cutting is the only long part, the steaming/roasting/tossing in a skillet part is pretty quick. A little olive oil, salt and pepper, a dab of butter, some asian-style sesame dressing - it is SO easy to dress them up and make them plaster a smile on your face.

    I'm off to grocery land. NO buying of that fabulous cheese bread that always gets me. C'est non, ça! as we say to our dogs and children here in Québec. And to ourselves. In the grocery store.

    Tally ho, folks!
  • gak71
    gak71 Posts: 192 Member
    I went away for my son's baseball tournament and came home 10 pounds heavier after only four days. I ate and drank all of the things that got me to my high of 287 pounds. Like @PlaneMonkey I need to start with one perfect day and that day is today! I'll also start researching ways to transition from keto to something less stringent and more sustainable!
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 609 Member
    Tuesday Weigh-in

    215.6 lbs

    Liking the one perfect day idea - June 1st sounds like a good day to try. My breakfast went super well - all my life, I have generally been very averse to yogurt. Tried a lot of kinds every few years, and the texture totally turned me off. Well, yesterday, I picked up 3x 6oz low fat vanilla yogurt cups. I had one this morning with 50g chopped strawberries, 1/3 cup raspberries, 1/3 chopped peach, 1 tbsp fig honey jam, and a sprinkle of cinnamon. WOW. YUM. 232 calories and I'm a happy camper.

    Lunch should be a bit of leftover arugula w/feta and balsamic vinaigrette, some sandwich style pepperoni, strawberries, and a skinny pop 100 cal bag.

    Thanks for the veggie ideas so far! Keep em coming! I am about to chopped some garlic and red pepper flakes into olive oil, let it sit all day and get flavorful, and then chart some broccoli florets with that oil over it. Got the idea from a food blog, see how it goes.
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,071 Member
    Happy Tuesday, Friends!

    I'm definitely getting on board with the Perfect Day Gang as it's the 1st today. I went for a short hike this morning, and then went out shopping with my mum. The weather's glorious so we're really taking advantage of it.

    All food and exercise is also logged.

    @jugar I log my steps and exercise regardless so it's not essential (for me) for a team record. I'm happy to go with the flow.

    Steak and VEGETABLES for supper!

  • gak71
    gak71 Posts: 192 Member
    I had the perfect day I needed which meant skipping bread, pasta, and dessert at a school banquet for my son tonight. Once I stack a few perfect days together I usually find it easier to stay on track.
This discussion has been closed.