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  • gewel321
    gewel321 Posts: 718 Member
    Very happy to welcome you back…I have missed your posts….I know you can do this because you have before!…I have been struggling a lot but really want to get back on track…we can do this!

    Girl just look at your picture. You have lost sooooo much. You look amazing! Hope you are out of Elsa's path!
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    Yep, we made it thru the hurricane with minimal damage….I want to lose about 40 to 50 more but that sure sounds better than 150 like it was!
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,280 Member
    eliezalot wrote: »
    This is what I have been doing as well. I am a very numbers/data driven person. I know I'm technically eating healthier for me if I have red meat 1-2 a month, and lots of fruits and veggies every day. But I like being able to see the actual numbers and to learn from them. As long as it fits, I can have it. And there are plenty of days I am under my goal, which means the occasional day over is still okay and balances out.

    The biggest thing with me is that I was telling myself "You can't have this." even though I KNOW that has never worked for me. Telling myself I can't have it only makes me want it even more. Which leads to restriction, then cravings, and then binging. It's funny because before I made this "One red meat meal a month" rule, I rarely ate red meat. Only like 1-2 times a month anyway. But as soon as the rule was there, all I noticed were recipes with red meat and I craved it. So odd how that happens.

    I am having burgers this week. Real beef burgers. But I am using 97% lean grass fed beef from a local farm. Only about 2g of saturated fat per 4 oz patty. So I am going to enjoy the heck out of it! Putting fresh veggies on them and having corn on the cob as a side.

    I think it needs to be more about balance then restriction. Have the red meat but in smaller portions and keep things balanced around that.
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    AlexandraFindsHerself1971 Posts: 3,106 Member
    We're doing very well at eating lighter in the heat. But lord, I do hate this steamy weather. It was up to 70% humidity earlier today, and I can't even when it's like that. Bleah.

    Dinner was pretty simple. Shrimp scampi, wild rice pilaf, pan-seared asparagus, and cheddar garlic biscuits.
    (Yes, it was simple. Rice pilaf is pre-portioned in bags, so just nuke and plate, same with the cheddar biscuits. Scampi is thaw shrimp, melt butter and mix sauce, pour sauce over shrimp and bake. Simple.)

    Tonight I have to find my brain and make the grocery list for next week.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,280 Member
    Please stick with your healthy eating because it is so worth it….I have no words to describe how much better I feel almost every day!…life sucks some days and life is messy but we can find happiness and joy in so many other ways besides in food!….I want you to succeed as much as I want myself and others!

    Big hugs!

    (Trimmed the quote to help with reading)

    Thank you Connie! That made me cry, but in a good way. I appreciate your support (and the support of others here) so much. I am so glad I found this part of the community!

    I'm not young but I need to get this weight off before it causes me even more problems. My back, hip, and knees have been giving me more and more trouble of late. I know a lot of that is due to my size. They won't miraculously get better, but at least could improve if I was putting less stress on them due to my weight.

    Could I have had just as much fun at my friends house without going food crazy? Yes. 100% yes. And I know my friend wouldn't have been upset if I didn't eat everything. In this case it was the idea that she double checked to make sure everything was safe for me to eat so I need to eat it to show her how appreciative I was. I need to get over feeling guilty for turning down food or weird for watching what I eat when those around me don't.

    I have felt like *kitten* the last 2 days because of going off plan this past weekend. I feel bloated and my digestive track hates me. It's not fun. So why do I keep doing it? I don't know.
  • coblujay
    coblujay Posts: 688 Member
    What a great thread! I'm 37 days in and down 14.4#. My starting weight was 261 and I'm at 246.4 today. I have one indulgence meal a week and that happens to be today. I'm meeting a good friend for lunch that I haven't seen for months. She told me to select the restaurant so I can get the exact meal I want, which happens to be a hamburger and fries. Being able to eat exactly what I want one meal a week has really helped me stay on track. For the first time in decades, I am starting to believe I can weigh under 200 pounds. That's because of this wonderful community. Those early in the journey and especially those who have been successful who are still here cheering us on. Thank you all!
  • amart4224
    amart4224 Posts: 345 Member
    Today was my last day of work at the job that's been stressing me out for the last year and a half. I start my new job a week from Monday, so I have next week to just rest up and enjoy a little break. I'm really excited about the new job, and I'm hoping for a big reduction in stress that will also give me more emotional energy to work on my weight loss. I've been stuck at 40 pounds lost for way too long and I'm ready to see the scale moving down again. I even got ambitious last week and ordered a pair of extra cushioned running shoes in hopes that I'll be able to rack up some exercise calories in spite of the plantar fasciitis in my left foot.
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    pdd1216 wrote: »
    Yesterday was a day that was such a struggle. I've been doing really well the past few weeks. Logging everything, making healthy choices and I'm still not sure what happened yesterday but I just wanted to quit and eat crap. It felt like emotional eating desire but I don't even know what triggered it. I did eat differently than I have been but not horrible (not near as bad as everything I wanted to eat). Hopefully today will be better mentally today. Two parties this evening so I'll be walking through minefields. I think a nap will help me have more resolution this evening.

    Some days are harder than others but when you make it through a tough day, it makes you feel so proud!….a cup of hot tea or low calorie hot cocoa or soup calms you down!….
  • pdd1216
    pdd1216 Posts: 319 Member
    Sometimes it takes a “ light bulb moment” to make you realize that you really need to lose the weight once and for all not only for your appearance but for your health…the combination of the pictures, grandson not recognizing you, and feeling ashamed might be your final wake up call!…we all have a time when something triggers us to eat the way we are supposed to….mine was falling in the yard, no one knowing I was outside and not being able to get up!….I was so embarrassed as drivers were stopping to ask if I was alright….

    Dieting is hard and being overweight is hard….it’s time to choose your hard!

    Well said Connie....I think I'll change that to a lifestyle change is hard and being overweight is hard...I can always diet for a little while. It's sticking to it! :wink: I've lost 150+ before; time to get back in the game.
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,730 Member
    Updated my profile picture to include a painting I've been working on since October. I was having fun with the grandson, taking pictures of him in the "red forest" and he took this one of me. It is a big beast - 60" x 60" painted with a tiny tiny brush...only white paint on a red background...and I think it is done! WOOHOO. My big excitement for the month.
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    Updated my profile picture to include a painting I've been working on since October. I was having fun with the grandson, taking pictures of him in the "red forest" and he took this one of me. It is a big beast - 60" x 60" painted with a tiny tiny brush...only white paint on a red background...and I think it is done! WOOHOO. My big excitement for the month.

    Great picture!…you are an artist?….amazing!