Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,287 Member
    Marilyn, I see you've given three passages from the OT that refer to eating vegetables only. It doesn't say that Daniel and his friends never ate meat, they just chose for that time period, to not eat the extravagant food that the king was eating and chose to eat vegetables and water.
    Noah was given permission by God to eat meat: Gen 9:3  "Every moving thing that is alive shall be food for you; I give all to you, as I gave the green plant. 4  "Only you shall not eat flesh with its life, that is, its blood."
      In the NT we see Peter on the roof top, and the sheet comes down and is full of different animals, unclean to the Jew:
    Act 10:13  And a voice came to him, "Arise, Peter, kill and eat!" 14  But Peter said, "By no means, Lord, for I have never eaten anything unholy and unclean." 15  And again a voice came to him a second time, "What God has cleansed, no longer consider unholy."
    This was concerning the animals as well as the Gentiles.
    I hope that you have success in the plan that you have chosen and I won't argue with your choices, that's, again, between you and the Lord. I choose to eat meat because God gave His permission in the OT as well as the NT.

    You can get the Kindle app for your computer, as well as getting library books downloaded to the computer!

    Learning some new songs. I really love Matthew Ward's TO THE KING and I am learning SHEMA, YISRAEL from Deut. 6:4. The one that I am learning is done by two gals, one is Shae Weber. I was able to find the words and guitar chords on-line as well. It is a beautiful worship song with a lot of versions. I really like theirs. I haven't got the right chords for To the King though so that one is still in the works. I also need a second voice for the Shema, Yisrael.

    We've been hot here too and waiting to see what Elsa is going to do in our area. It should hit us some time tomorrow. Time to batten down the hatches!

    Love y'all
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,470 Member
    July 7 2021

    Feeling much better today after a good talk with the doctor - only thing now is that my sinuses are acting up and they do this every July for some reason. But I will get through it.

    @restfinder - thanks for your comment re the verses I shared. I guess I should have commented as to why I shared those verses. I do eat meat but in all honesty I think my family might eat a bit to much meat and not enough vegetables. I shared those verses noting that before the fall (sin) entered the world, only vegetables and fruit were eaten. After the fall meat was included with some limitations. But as you shared in Acts 10:13 all food was made clean. Just thought it was interesting to note that vegetables were the first foods to eat. As for Daniel, it was interesting to note that Daniel and his buddies ate vegetables while the 'kings food' contained what we would refer to as lots of carbs - rich food -and that Daniel and his buddies where shown to be more healthy. I am not saying we should eat like vegetarians but we should consider some that their choices might be a be more healthy over the 'deserts' many of us have. I know that is true for me. For me when I give up the snacks - which for most of us are junky type of food - then my health improves - and then when I refine that down even a little more to eliminating all sugar and flour then my foods just gets more clean - I know the way I eat now is not for everyone and that is ok - but I have found that when I eat a protein, a fruit and lots of vegetables - no snacks - that overall my health has improved but when I add back in the snacks and any food with either flour or sugar my health goes down the tube. And there are thousands upon thousands of people that have found this true also. But as I said it is not for everyone as honestly it can be difficult giving up things like birthday cakes and other deserts but for me my health has made me aware that those types of ingredients in my food are hurting my body not nourishing.

    Don't like to wish the time away but am looking forward to get through Friday - the day we have a final meeting with the Pastor and one of the Elders of the church we are leaving. Praying that it will go smoothly, he does have the tendency to try to control all conversations. We have connected with another church - the past 4 months we have checked out a few different ones to see if they line up with what we believe and this one seems to be the best fit. The Pastor of the church we are going to start going to was so sweet - he has connected us with a care group and I have been talking to the ladies on Mondays now for 6 weeks so have met a few and have had good fellowship and prayer time with them. This coming Sunday we will attend for the 1st time in person - am excited about that.

    Well it is time for me to get up and move a little

    Hope you all have a great day

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,697 Member
    Today Bill had his Dr. appointment. Blood work and everything came back good, but he wants him to see a rheumatologist and a wound clinic for the ulcer on his toe. It is actually caused by gout, so that's the reason for the Dr. He hadn't had a flare in about 18 months, but he had a flare last month. The flare was actually in the other ankle, but Dr. said they were related. He has had me dressing it and taking care of it, but I wasn't happy with it. He decided I was right (probably to appease me). His nurse didn't like a look of a mole on his elbow and said to also make an appointment with a dermatologist. Wow - If this had been a bad office visit, I wonder how many different doctors he would be seeing. Praise the Lord all was well.

    Word of the year: HOPE
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 759 Member
    We had some welcome rain here for 3 days, cooler temps in high 80's-mid 90's. I am glad to be inside most of the time and comfy.

    I woke up at 4 AM...another restful yet painful night. It was day 2 of the foot spasms that wake me every few minutes. I was able to squeeze my shoe on this morning and hoping all my pains take a hike and let me do my work without trouble the next 5 days. I'll be doing my verified prep today for tomorrow's mailing and getting called on the carpet by the bosses. I've gotten it by phone already but was told we'd have a "meeting" today when I return. They can't kill me so there's that....

    I've been avoiding the computer mostly since dealing with the tennis elbow blow out again. Having both arms out of commission at once (like with the feet)...makes me doubly appreciate them when they function. Like for combing hair, brushing teeth, getting a shower , lifting my coffee pot/cup, eating, cleaning, my JOB.....so many things that I need them for!

    I had another drop last night, to 70...had a bottle of OJ, it was just 87 at 11 PM so I skipped the Levemir and hooya....it was still 87 this morning. That's awesome!

    I've had Lean Cuisines several times in the past 4 days since it didn't require a lot of prep/pain. I want to do one of my omelets for breakfast, have a Bistro Bowl salad for lunch in there....I did cook 2 turkey thighs in the crock pot...not sure what to do with them.

    Praying this new day brings some joy, peace and healing for us all.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,287 Member
    Connie, continuing to pray for y'all. Am loving your pictures and thoughts as well. It is comforting to know that God is never taken by surprise and He knows exactly what is going on with Bill and has from the day he was conceived!

    Marilyn, thanks for the explanation. I agree. I'm one of those who doesn't get as many fruits and veggies as I should, but I have found some supplements made from whole fruits and veggies (a powder and a pill) so that I can get the nutrition. I'm 61, if I haven't learned to like a veggie by now it isn't going to happen, and I'd rather not eat than eat something I don't like. I have been putting spinach or okra in my smoothies. I need to get back to putting my berries in there as well! I've also been eating frozen cherries and whipped cream for a dessert. I heat the cherries though, I found that they are pretty tasteless for me if I leave them frozen. Then the cream melts over them and I have this yummy sauce too!

    Bren, woohoo on the low FBS. So glad that those meds are working. The BP isn't really that bad and the pain will definitely affect that. Did you ever get one of those Dash Chaffle/waffle makers. They are so good. You could make an egg white, cheese, chicken and veggie chaffle for dinner. Or make the chaffle with egg whites and cheese and use them as bread for a sandwich. Gives the omelet a run for its money! I haven't seen my Dash since we moved, but would love to have it about. I need to ask Wade about that! LOL!

    Super sleepy after taking my migraine meds and having a hard time typing right. Ugh. No more headache, just the after effects! Praise the Lord! This is the first headache in a week, which is awesome!

    God bless, love y'all.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,697 Member
    LOVE chaffles. I haven't made them in a long time, though. I could use the egg whites instead of egg, but haven't been buying as much cheese since I have been basically cooking no-salt for Bill.
  • grallen904
    grallen904 Posts: 104 Member
    edited July 2021
    Hello everyone! It is rather warm here only at 88 degrees but the humidity makes it feel much warmer. Today a new refrigerator is being delivered so I transferred all the food to the fridge in our camper. Otherwise, we aren’t doing much but staying inside to keep cool. Yesterday was mow day and grocery day. I prayed to the Lord to get me through my portion of the mowing and He did. I have a hard time with heat and humidity and the last time I mowed, I had to stop and rest multiple times to get through it. This time, I got all of my portion done without having to rest.

    Marilyn, so glad you had a good doctor visit. It was very interesting to read about the verses regarding meat and vegetables. I learn something new every day. It’s good that you have found a new church and are already connecting with the people. You’ll have to let us know what you think after attending this Sunday.

    Connie, Glad to hear Bill’s blood work came out ok. Wow, I didn’t know a person could get an ulcer anywhere other than the stomach. I do like that scripture, thanks for sharing.

    Restfinder, there are a lot of veggies I don’t like too. But I do try to eat as many of the ones I do like. I’m not big on meat so I eat a lot of chicken. Well, by a lot I mean mostly on the weekends when Bruce grills food. I will eat some steak and hamburger. Not a big fan of pork or seafood either. Anyway, I do like a lot of fruits so have incorporated them into my daily diet. I’m sorry you have migraines but glad the med are working. I have a friend who suffers from migraines. I’ll have to google chaffles as I’ve never heard of them.

    Bren, hang in there. You’ll get through this. Prayers for you.

    Well that’s all for now, I wish you all a beautiful peaceful day.


  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,470 Member
    July 8 2021

    Prayers going up for all here - seems we are all dealing with different issues - but we know that the Lord is with us and will guide our path and always be with us.

    One final meeting with the Pastor and one elder from the church we are leaving tomorrow afternoon - am a bit stressed as the Pastor tends to direct the conversation to his 'favor' without really listening to what others are saying - but we have our letter we sent him and will hold him to only discuss our concerns presented in the letter. We feel we know some things he might ask us so we are prepared for that - and should he not ask what we though we will with love let him know how we feel and will continue to pray for them.

    Ezekiel 36:26-27
    And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart flesh. And I will put my Spirit within you and cause you to walk in my statutes and be careful to obey my rules.

    leader of Walking Across Canada (all are welcome to join)
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 759 Member
    Had a meeting with the boy bosses today after a grinding already by phone on Tuesday...the meeting wasn't so "horrible" but gee whiz, they made me wait until 3:00 for it and my job IS in danger of termination. They are discussing it and haven't made a final decision yet.

    My "error"...the maniac who rented a large unit a few months back, under false pretenses, is a tweaker, beat up the girlfriend's car on our property, after their interaction with me on Saturday.
    I should have had him sign a release form or vacate notice before I had her fill out a contract in her name, transferring the unit to her, which is what he said he wanted to do.
    So legally...it's not binding and he is still the "legal" renter of that unit....and I may have put them (bosses) in danger of a lawsuit.
    They asked her to move out of the unit and not tell him, (the tweaker) transferring to another location that she is keen to do....but is dragging her feet.
    "They" are left wondering how many more times I have done such things, in the 23 years I've been there and can't trust that I have followed procedures in every circumstance prior to this.

    While I'd like to tuck away some more money for "retirement"...I am hoping they don't drag their feet if they choose to cut me loose. I am in so much pain of late that it won't be a hardship to stay at home, you know? God is aware of all the details and while this in in the boy boss's hands, it's ultimately in God's hands and I will be OK...whatever the outcome.

    Kim, I gave away my chaffle maker thing! I didn't have the patience to play with it and I enjoy my microwave omelets immensely...so hope whichever neighbor got it...enjoys it! My kitchen is so tiny and the space for my toys has been long outgrown so only the few things I love and use regularly are staples.

    I'm still a few days away from full recovery again...foot/elbow etc. I look forward to a normal night's rest and walking upright again....ad being able to do the necessities without such a struggle.
    I so appreciate thoughts and prayers for the days ahead. Thank you!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,697 Member
    Bren - you and your situation are in my prayers! God knows. I went through a really rough patch in my work a few years before I retired. They branch I worked in closed and they didn't have a spot for me in the same management level. I would have been 62 one month after my severance package ended, so I could easily have retired, but without any medical coverage. After much prayer and talking to upper management, they found me a slot in a lower management level. I HATED it at first, because I hated the location. I kept saying that I should have taken the pay-out and left, but the pastor preached a sermon on Esther and "For such a time as this." I'm not saying that thing immediately got better, but within a couple of months things turned around and I had a good 3 years until I was 65 and could retire with medicare. God knew!

    Whew - Bills good doctor appointment has just gotten even more complicated. Now the doctor called and wants Bill to see a foot and ankle specialist because of his toe. That means three doctors because of an ugly toe with a gout sore. Today he had a biopsy on the mole on his arm, but they aren't very worried about it. She said that if it was cancer, that she probably got all of it when she got the tissue for the biospy. If not, they may have to go just a little deeper, but she thinks it is just a weird mole.
  • rondajo56
    rondajo56 Posts: 556 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,287 Member
    Oh, Bren, I'm sorry things are going south for your at work. None of this is a surprise to the Lord and He has a plan that will bring you good and glory to Him as you obey! Praying for you sweetie-greens!

    Marilyn, I hope that all goes well in your meeting, that the Lord is glorified in the midst of it.

    Missed the storms yesterday, praise the Lord! We got some rain but very little wind and it came and went very quickly.

    Ugh, Wade brought up Jake and here I am crying again! Miss my boy!

    Have an awesome day. Love ya
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 759 Member
    Thanks Kim!...(and Connie) Yes...nothing slips by Him and He is fully aware of all aspects of every issue!
    So glad the storms passed by and you guys are OK! These are repeat performances...yearly. It's cloudy here today and somewhat cooler. I am quite comfy in here and had to turn one fan off already.

    I've started a list of things I need to collect from here if they decide to let me go. I've made myself quite cozy over the past 2 decades plus....Bible/books, chargers, food items in the kitchen, a "personal" drawer with misc. stuff.

    We've had an apparent break in per Chris....and I'm sure we have more than one maniac on property up to no good. Penning them down is the problem. Proof required and all that.

    I didn't bring ice today so may dart out for lunch when Chris leaves, grab my tea and something to eat. Hope the day goes well for us all.
    Kim...I used to have those times with David...talking about our beloved Spanky. We both loved him so much...we'd both be crying. The love and memories are treasures...and I'm thankful we have them. Love you!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,697 Member
    Well, we now have the appointments made at two of the three doctors that Bill is being referred to. The last one will probably call on Monday or Tuesday.

    Word of the year: Hope
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,287 Member
    Love the quotes and pictures, Connie! Thanks for sharing them. Praying for y'all. I felt like we were seeing doctors all the time, for Mom, when we first moved here. The neurologist wanted another visit, but we found out what we needed to know and they were trying to push anti-depressant meds on her (and as she says, "I'm not depressed!") They kept asking her questions about stress and depression, like they wanted her to admit it! Nope, that stuff changes your brain, and her brain has changed enough without them messing with it. I hope all goes well with him.

    Bren, the way this world is going things are only going to get worse, it may not be a bad idea for you not to be in a place where someone could do you harm to get what they want! I hope you are doing better pain-wise!

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 759 Member
    Thanks my sweet friend! I am so much better today and praising God for that fact. It was another rough ride this past week!
    I hear y'all on the Dr.'s appointments. I now have a team of 4 and their cohorts on board. Just getting to my appointments is an exhausting venture some days. I don't count my eye Dr., ENT or foot Dr. since I don't see them much at all and am OK with that. I have been getting the yearly eye exam due to the high sugars the past years. Am thankful there's been no change the past 3 years.

    I agree...and am quite OK if this is the end of my ride here. I've been working 40 years, am so very tired and the pain detracts a great deal from my joy levels. Now to spend the remainder of my time here being watched, evaluated, not trusted and under a cloud of suspicion of 23 years of such carelessness...well...that's a drain as well. So...bring it on! God is aware of every detail and I don't have to fret, stew or think less of myself because they do.

    This girl needs a haircut! I'm almost ready to hack at it but have been putting it off. I'll see how things play out in the next few weeks....to determine if a pro job is warranted. LOL

    Have a blessed weekend all....I'm going to go do a Wal-Mart order for pick up. Love and prayers for us all...Hoping our Missy is seeing some progress and much relief this week. With all my assorted pains....I can be so very grateful for the ones I DON'T have!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,697 Member
    I really need to get down to see my Mom. Since it is a 4 hour trip, we usually say for 2-3 nights. With all of Bill's doctor's appointments, it has been hard to get away. We are waiting for one more doctor to call to set up the appointment, then we may be able to make a plan.

    We are planning a trip to Branson in late August, early September for a few days at Silver Dollar City and the Gospel Music festival. In the past we usually spent 7-10 days there and camped. This year we sold our camper due to Bill just not being up to it. We decided we could get a lot of hotel visits for what we got out of the camper. He also has a hard time walking the hills at the park, so we decided to only do 4 nights (3 days in the park). In order to miss crowds we decided to leave before the Labor Day crowds arrive. Our reservations are in the same area as our favorite campground so we are on the backside of the park and coming in without the traffic. It is a nice little "resort" with studio apartments.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,287 Member
    Connie, do they have some kind of conveyance for people who have trouble walking? Like you see going from parking lot to amusement park, something like that that can take y'all from one venue to another.

    I was going through blog posts today and came across a verse about fretting. It seems there is much to "fret" about these days. I was surprised by the Strong's definition of fretting. Here are the verses that I found that tell us not to fret:

    H2734 chârâh khaw-raw' A primitive root (compare H2787); to glow or grow warm; figuratively (usually) to blaze up, of anger, zeal, jealousy: - be angry, burn, be displeased, X earnestly, fret self, grieve, be (wax) hot, be incensed, kindle, X very, be wroth. See H8474.

    Ps 37:1 A Psalm of David. Do not fret because of evildoers, Be not envious toward wrongdoers.
    [KCG: I always thought of fretting as being worried or agitated but it is far more than that! Read this now with the definition given in Strongs: Do not be angry; do not blaze up; do not be incensed...]

    Ps 37:7,8 Rest in the LORD and wait patiently for Him; Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, Be-cause of the man who carries out wicked schemes. 8 Cease from anger, and forsake wrath; Do not fret, it leads only to evildoing.

    Prov 24:19 Do not fret because of evildoers, Or be envious of the wicked;

    G3308 merimna mer'-im-nah From G3307 (through the idea of distraction); solicitude: - care. Thayer Definition: 1) care, anxiety

    Mt 13:22 "And the one on whom seed was sown among the thorns, this is the man who hears the word, and the worry of the world, and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful.”

    G3199 μέλω melō mel'-o A primary verb; to be of interest to, that is, to concern (only third person singular present indicative used impersonally it matters): - (take) care.

    1 Cor 7:21 Were you called while a slave? Do not worry about it; but if you are able also to become free, rather do that.

    Lot's soul was vexed by the sin around him, so I know that being vexed by the darkness in our world today isn't wrong, but letting our emotions be enflamed is. I get passionate about wrong sometimes, especially when it's an injustice. These passages are something I need to keep in mind and not allow that passion to boil over! My passion should be for reaching people for Christ!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,470 Member
    So smoky in my part of the world - air quality is so bad they advise not going out in it. So will have to work at walking around the house to get in enough steps for the day. They are telling us that what we are having re weather (extreme heat and wildfires all around the city) is what we should expect for the rest of the summer -this is the 3rd summer in a row that sitting outside to have a BBQ was not something that people we doing due to the heat and wildfires - and then we spend all winter inside because of the snow and ice - wonder if it will every be back to where it was before when we could sit outside and enjoy our yard and enjoy visiting outside with family and friends. Ok, no more complaining, I am happy and grateful that I am alive.

    1 Corinthians 2:6-14
    Yet among the mature we do impart wisdom, although it is not a wisdom of this age or of the rulers of this age, who are doomed to pass away. But we impart a secret and hidden wisdom of God, which God decreed before the ages for our glory. None of the rulers of this age understood this, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. But, as it is written, 'What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him' - these things God has revealed to us through the Spirit. For the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God. For who knows a person's thoughts except the spirit of that person, which is in him? So also no one comprehends the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might understand the things freely given us by God. And we impart this in words not taught by the Spirit, interpreting spiritual truths to those who are spiritual. The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned. The spiritual person judges all things, but is himself to be judged by no one. For who has understood the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?" But we have the mind of Christ

    2 Peter 1:16-21
    For we did not follow cleverly devised myths when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty. For when he received honor and glory from God the Father, and the voice was born to him by the Majestic Glory, 'This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased,' we ourselves heard this very voice born from heaven, for we were with him on the holy mountain. And we have the prophetic word more fully confirmed to which you will do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts, knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone's own interpretation. For no prophecy was every produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 759 Member
    edited July 2021
    I placed a pick up order for after work at HEB and ordered a rotisserie chicken for my dinner. I'm embarrassed to admit how lazy I can be when it comes to cooking, still! It would be to my benefit to do so and get rid of a LOT of sodium!
    I did up a simple salad for lunch of sweet onion, mini pepper and 2 Roma tomatoes...lovely...even without my cucumber! I had a container I'd put a serving of mashed potatoes in, some frozen peas, 5 meatballs and some jarred gravy. What a yummy lunch that was! I do look forward to my chicken tonight, too.

    I'm watching Amish Grace on youtube. What a beautiful, well done movie, from such a tragic, awful thing to have happened to those precious families. Breaks my heart....and such things happen every single day in this sin sick world.