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  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 2,034 Member
    edited August 2021
    @DebyS137 ~~waving HI~~ <3
    So great to read your feeling better and able to walk more

    You are my inspiration to get back up and keep moving <3

    Joan enjoy your 40C and humidity
    We won't talk the 'S' word :) yet ;)

  • DebyS137
    DebyS137 Posts: 4,640 Member
    @200Karen .... Thank You <3
  • Rdee22
    Rdee22 Posts: 92 Member
    Hi everyone. I am back with a brand new hip. The recovery is going well. I have all the leg strengthening exercises I did for a year before to thank for that.
    Thanks for all the well wishes. I will catch up with you all.
  • Hemtech
    Hemtech Posts: 707 Member
    So happy you are back and on the mend! 🤗
  • DebyS137
    DebyS137 Posts: 4,640 Member

    ~Its a New day~h1j7f62aj6yf.gif~BLESSings~ALLways~


    ~ 🧚🏼 ~ Waving Hi ~ Wishing You a ~ 🌞 ~ LOVEly SUNshiney SUNsational SUNday ~and~ a WONDER-filled Week ahead ~ ☀️ ~

    ~Waving @Rdee22

    "Let the SUNshine In Face it with a grin - Open up your heart and Let the SUNshine In" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Song Lyrics ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 2,034 Member
    edited August 2021
    This afternoon we have a predictions of clear skies
    High heat or not I’m heading outside

    I’m finally coming out of my hole of laying around eating
    Yesterday, I stayed in my calorie range and did some dancing and trampoline jumping

    Today it’s Nascar around 11, Indianapolis Brickyard road course
    So it's popcorn on the couch <3

    Nola Welcome back <3
    Thanks for the update on your new hip and recovery
    We are singing with ~~JOY~~

    Joan <3@DebyS137 <3 Eliza <3 Barb <3 thinking of you ALL helping sing a HAPPY TUNE :)

    Enjoy your new week <3

  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Wow guys! You've been busy. Nola -- so glad your home and recuperating! Awesome. LOVE the memes. Ummm, yeah, could have used that wine faucet this week!

    HUGS and will be back on track this week. Just chalking last week up to a very gad week. But this week is going to be better.

    I ended up w/sitches in my lip from a fall i he hospital waiting for my mammogram. Get them out tomorrow and that will feel better.

    So, onward with a new, better week!

    HUGS ladies.
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 2,034 Member
    Barb, Nola, Joan, Eliza, @DebyS137, AND ALL 💞

    Morning 👁 exam for both hubby and me
    Just remembered nobody likes to drive afterwards 😳 😳 so it’s a slow drive home

    Love wildlife yesterday in the canyon a tall weed caught my eye junking in the wind
    So I get close thinking rabbit 🐇 or snake 🐍
    Zoomed in with camera nothing
    Built my confidence and moved in
    Pulling on weed and up it came
    So thinking some gopher dwellers where dining and I pulled lunch right off their plate

    Look it’s a new COVID skill to try ☕️☕️

  • DebyS137
    DebyS137 Posts: 4,640 Member

    ~Welcome to Today~ n1oej7pbvf4k.gif ~BLESSings~ALLways


    ~ 🧚🏼 ~ Waving Hi ~ And ~ Wishing You a Most MAGICal Monday~ And ~a WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOO WONDERfilled Week ~

    "Every decently-made object, from a house to a lamp post to a bridge, spoon or egg cup, is not just a piece of 'stuff' but a physical
    embodiment of human energy, testimony to the magical ability of our species to take raw materials and turn them into things of use,
    value and beauty." ~ Kevin McCloud


  • peppikaye
    peppikaye Posts: 5,281 Member
    edited August 2021
    I've just been over to SP. Its so quiet, its lonely, like a ghost town. The site is closing at 8am EST if you have anything you want to keep. I was updating my profile here when I remembered I hadn't copied my sparkpage. I will go over there shortly and close my account. I've asked and all we will have access to after the site closes is some archived recipes and you tube fitness videos. All personal data will be gone, though if you google search you might still find yourself for a few days as it takes google a few days to do its back ups.

    We had a professional development day at school yesterday. We learnt about cyber safety and how children are being targeted. Very interesting and scary. We had a curry lunch day. Beautiful food but lots of Naan bread and Poppadoms. >:) Yummy! Not very good for my diet! Back on track today!
  • Rdee22
    Rdee22 Posts: 92 Member
    We are having brilliant weather these last few days. I think Spring is about to happen.
    Had my last trip down memory lane on Spark this morning. I will miss it.
    As Eliza says a new adventure awaits.
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 2,034 Member
    Forwarding to our dog 🐩 loving neighbors

  • Zzsally
    Zzsally Posts: 153 Member
    Its Tuesday.. tv..but, I still move around walking.
    Have a good day!
  • DebyS137
    DebyS137 Posts: 4,640 Member

    ~ ~Hello~ ~ Hi ~ ~Howdy~ ~ Hi ~ ~Hello~ ~6ke65iqvho7e.gif~ ~Hello~ ~ Hi ~ ~Howdy~ ~ Hi ~ ~Hello~ ~



    ~ Waving Hi ~ 🧚🏼 ~ Good Morning ~ Wishing Everyone a BEARy Terrific Tuesday ~ May We All find today filled with LOVE ~💕~

    " The happiest people in the world are those who feel absolutely terrific about themselves -and- this is the natural outgrowth of
    accepting total responsibility for every part of their life." ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Brian Tracy ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Deby: LOVE your memes!

    Karen: BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Yes, many ‘unusual’ skills acquired during the pandemic.

    Kaye: Yes, SP closed @ 8 am EDT on the dot. Oh well. It was a good ride!

    Hope your professional development day went well.

    Karen: BWAHAHAHA on the cat meme! LOL
  • Dmbero
    Dmbero Posts: 19 Member
    Rainy here is Warren today - we are getting the after affects of the tropical storms hitting the coast - hopefully Friday I can mow.
  • Dmbero
    Dmbero Posts: 19 Member
    Weird - I swear people disappeared off of here.
  • DebyS137
    DebyS137 Posts: 4,640 Member

    ~ ~🦋~ ~i8sdmvden1wf.gif~ ~🦋~ ~

    ~ ~ Waving Hi ~ ~ 🧚🏼 ~ ~ Wishing Everyone ~ ~ a WOOOOOOOHOOOOOO WONDERfilled WEIRDnWILDnWISE Wednesday ~ ~

    “Blessed are the weird people:poets... misfits... writers....... mystics...... painters....... troubadours for they teach us to see the world
    through different eyes.” ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Jacob Nordby~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


  • linwinnow
    linwinnow Posts: 3 Member
    with SP gone (what a hole that has left!), I am waving hi...


    will take a while to get up to speed with everyone. where I thought I was going crazy the last couple of months, turns out just my blood pressure was too low. when the gyn measured it and told me it was 86/56, I quit the prescribed medication and my eye sight is clearing back up and I'm feeling soooooo much better :D

    went in for my "annual" check up this morning (which happens about every 6 mos but that's what they call it), I'm down another 16 pounds and my EKG "looks beautiful" per the doctor of the day..... they took 4 vials of blood and I asked her about possible dehydration as part of the brain fog I've been experiencing and she said she would be able to tell from the bloodwork if that is a problem. also told her I quit taking the bp meds and tramadol and she said my bp today was just where it should be (122/78). The scheduled me for a bone density test in November (!) and are setting up a referral for a vascular doctor to take a look at the varicose veins in my left leg that are probably causing the leg and ankle to swell so much. oh the adventure of growing old!


    bigg huggs to all
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 2,034 Member
    edited August 2021
    Big 👋 hello to ALL
    I’m hopeful with the cooler weather my outside activity will increase.

    Great to see more SP friends joining in