Mission Slimpossible - Team Chat AUGUST 2021



  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 3,818 Member
    Username: Digger61
    Weigh-in week: week 2
    Weigh-in day: Saturday
    PW: 213 lbs
    CW: 212 lb
  • Jwhitegarcia
    Jwhitegarcia Posts: 35 Member
    Weigh in..
    PW: 150lbs
    Loss: 2.2 lbs!

    Not much to report this week, It was my time of the month so I was extra tired, and extra cranky but I didn't use those as excuses to slip back into old habits. I worked out every day and ate really well all week. The scale didn't change all week (the bloat was real) until this morning. So glad weigh in is Saturday! So happy with the progress I made this week. I'm only ounces away from hitting 50 lbs lost!!!
  • TheGlwUp
    TheGlwUp Posts: 78 Member
    Username: TheGlwUp
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous weight: 7/30/2021: 225
    Weigh in for 8/6/2021: 225.5
    Weigh in for 8/13/2021: 229
    Weigh in for 8/20/2021:
    Weigh in for 8/27/2021:

    Hello everyone! I hope you had a great week.
    I am posting my weigh in a day late because it has been a really hectic week.
    I was working long hours and realized that I was out of alignment with my self care.
    I didn't exercise or drink enough water this week, but I started to get back on track yesterday.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @trooworld Wahhhooo on your major loss this week! I know you were doing the happy dance when you saw that number. :grin: And thank you for my awesome graphic!! <3

    @Jwhitegarcia Yayyy for the bloat deciding to finally leave right before weigh-in! And we can’t wait to celebrate your 50 lb. loss!! Please don’t let us forget when you reach it. :grin:

    @TheGlwUp Get back on track and you will get that gain off for sure. We are starting a new challenge tomorrow that will be focused on exercise, so make sure to join to help you stay motivated and accountable. :)

    Hi Team! It’s been a pretty lazy day here. I did my workout, but my body is really tired and I’m glad that I’m taking a break tomorrow. I will do the squat challenge because I don’t want to fall behind on that, or I will never catch up. Eating was good today and my scale went down a bit more, which makes me super happy. I’m really going to watch it all this coming week so that I don’t have a bounce back up, which so often happens to me. NOT this time! :grin:

    Target Goals—Cal: 1300, Pro: 125 gm., Net Carbs 30 gm., Fat 75 gm.
    Tracked I pre-tracked today
    Target Goals Cal 1362, Protein 128.4, Net Carb 30.5, Fat 78.5
    Squat Challenge Day 14 was a much needed rest day
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,726 Member
    Weigh in day: Friday
    SW: 138.5kg
    PW: 122.8kg
    CW: 123.8kg
    LTD: 14.7kg
    LTW: 1kg GAIN
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,726 Member
    Sorry I have been a bit AWOL, it's really been a week here. On the good news front, I am all but over my cold now, and my covid test came back negative. On the bad news front, my hubby, who has a full mouth of dental implants, cracked the plate on his implant so he had to go to our nearest regional city to see his dentist (the plate needs to be remade, so in the meantime he has an old temporary denture plate in). That city has just started getting covid cases. Yesterday, the dental nurse who assisted in his appointment called, and she is a close contact for an exposure site in that city, so now hubby has potentially been exposed as well. We are hoping that it's all ok as the nurse and my hubby are both vaccinated, and her exposure was only a day or two before his appointment so even if she has got the virus, she might not have been contagious yet at that point. So hubby has been for a test this morning and now we wait to find out. It's really nice of the nurse to call and let him know though, normally he would have to wait for the contact tracers to let him know after her test is positive, which could be a week or more away. Hoping for good news all around and fast results!
  • apple852hk
    apple852hk Posts: 210 Member

    Weigh in Apple852hk
    Week 2 - 15thAug 2021 Sunday
    PW 140.8lbs (63.9kg)
    CW 141lbs (64kg)
    LTD about 37lbs (16.8 kg)
    GOAL weight 121lbs (55kg)

    Gained for past two weeks.

    I know as its eating chocolate whilst having too little calories at meal times.

    Will try and eat not bigger portions but more calories in meals.

    @trooworld thanks for joining me last week for mindful eating. i didn't manage it this week. But this week I'll aim to eat without watching videos or reading. Just look at my plate and chew looking out of the window

    Have a good week ahead!


  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    WEEK THREE CHALLENGE MOVE MORE is up and ready for you! :)

  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,022 Member
    Hello- Happy Sunday. Here is my first take away from Tiny Habits:

    "People change best by feeling good, not by feeling bad"

    Going to be a busy week, but Start Small and Start Now are other take aways. I'll see if I can find a few simple things to work on.

    @TeresaW1020 - enjoy your rest today. Glad the scale is moving down for you!

    @TwistedSassette - Welcome back! Glad you are feeling better. Hope your husband's test is negative!

    @apple852hk - Good luck with your mindful eating this week. You got this!
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,298 Member




    By Percentage

    By Pounds


    By Percentage

    By Pounds


  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @TwistedSassette Oh, I’m glad that you are doing ok and that your cold is better, and that the Covid test was negative. Your poor hubby with his mouth and the possibility that he was exposed. Let’s hope he also tests negative. :)

    @apple852hk Yes, make sure you get enough calories and enough nutrients. Make sure you are eating enough protein so that you are satiated and perhaps that will help you crave less chocolate. :)

    @Cornanda I like that Tiny Habit quote. I really should get that book. :grin:

    @trooworld I hope you had a great anniversary! Wahhoooo on making it to first place this week on pounds lost for the whole Fat2Fit group. You rocked it!! :star:B):star:

    Hi Team! Today has been a good day, although I'm coming down with a cold and that is super annoying. I started on the zinc and hopefully, it will be short-lived. I hate the idea of not keeping up with my workouts. Also, I just signed up for a new thing because yesterday was the last day for the DDF challenge until they start a new one in October. I was going to go it alone but after a lot of thought, I went ahead and joined Marty Kendall’s other challenge called Nutritional Optimization Masterclass. It is a six-week intensive course that steps you through the process of optimizing your macro and micronutrients. The goal of the masterclass is to give the participants the knowledge and support to find the foods and meals they enjoy and will enable them to continue to move towards their goals. There is a cool app and everything! And I still get to poke my finger all the time too. :D

    Target Goals—Cal: 1350, Pro: 95 gm., Total Carbs 50 gm., Fat 85 gm.
    Tracked I pre-tracked today
    Target Goals Cal 1438, Protein 123.8, Total Carb 36, Fat 88.6
    Squat Challenge Day 15 done! 35 regular squats and 35 sumo squats.
  • TheGlwUp
    TheGlwUp Posts: 78 Member
    trooworld wrote: »

    Hi all. I had a pretty good day yesterday. The only non-pre-tracked food I had was some Popcorners in the morning. I went to boxing class last night and it was pretty darned hard but I survived. We had to do push-ups, jumping jacks where we thrust a medicine ball in the air, jogging, squats, presses with kettlebells, more exercises, and of course, boxing. The scale was down several pounds this morning, I hope it holds for tomorrow's weigh-in.

    TRACKING CHALLENGE: Tracked 100% yesterday, 100% pre-tracked for today.
    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS

    Great job on making it through your boxing class! It sounds a lot like my fitness bootcamp class. You will definitely continue to see the results of your hard work in your boxing class.

  • TheGlwUp
    TheGlwUp Posts: 78 Member
    Cornanda wrote: »
    I'm bummed that the scale was up a tiny bit. I worked hard this week and yesterday I appeared to be poised for a small loss today. But, I got a little "upwoosh" instead. Oh well- that's how it goes sometimes.

    You will probably see a drop this week, so try not to be too discouraged. Congratulations on your hard work! It is going to pay off for you.

    Lulu_jo wrote: »
    Username: Lulu_jo
    Weigh in day: Friday
    SW: 277 (1/15/21)
    PW: 214
    CW: 211😳🎉

    Finally!! After weeks of nothing, a big drop!

    Congratulations on your big drop!

    Katmary71 wrote: »

    Hey gang, just called to make an appointment with the dentist, the tooth that couldn't "possibly" be having problems has been loose for awhile, its the same one that I had root canal in last year, then it broke eating a tortilla, had it crowned, went in because it was having pain but it couldn't possibly be that tooth and another was cracked and the dentist fixed that one, and then this was loose but since the dentist is 30 miles away now I've been postponing it but I can't eat what I want I had all those upper teeth done last year and that's BS, I want to eat corn-on-the-cobb again! After this is done I'm going to go back to the dentist near my house, I just can't get to this guy and he seems to cause more problems than he fixes, he's nice but he doesn't take my insurance and nothing was covered by it anyway, I'm just hoping I'll get a discount since he should've seen the problem the other 4xs. Aside of that nothing else is going on, did my workout and am taking it easy today, we're in a heat wave so I'm laying low.

    Sorry to hear about your dental problems. I have found it to be so hard finding a good dentist, so I hope the dentist can fix your teeth without causing further problems.

    Hi Team! Well as you can see by the pic below, I finally made it to the 170s which is such a huge milestone for me. It’s been since I was a teenager that I weighed this low and I’m just so freaking happy that I haven’t given up on myself and that I’m going to continue to push to reach my goal weight. It has taken so much longer than I intended but I’ve also learned so much along the way, which to me is so important. My real ultimate goal is to never be obese again!!

    Target Goals—Cal: 1300, Pro: 125 gm., Net Carbs 30 gm., Fat 75 gm.
    Tracked I pre-tracked today
    Target Goals Cal 1257, Protein 134.7, Net Carb 29.4, Fat 63.1
    Squat Challenge Day 13 done! 55 regular and 55sumo to relevé


    Congratulations on reaching the 170s! It is inspiring to see you reach this huge milestone!
  • TheGlwUp
    TheGlwUp Posts: 78 Member

    @TheGlwUp Get back on track and you will get that gain off for sure. We are starting a new challenge tomorrow that will be focused on exercise, so make sure to join to help you stay motivated and accountable. :)

    I will join that challenge because it will be helpful for me. Thanks!
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,726 Member
    @Cornanda @TeresaW1020 Thank you :smile: I am feeling much better now. Still waiting for hubby's results, but the dental nurse has returned negative so he should be fine.

    @TeresaW1020 Sorry to hear you're coming down with something too! I hope it's a speedy recovery for you. Your new challenge sounds interesting, keep us updated on how it goes!

    Our whole state is now on stay at home orders, so I'm working from home for at least this week (though realistically, it will extend for longer). It's a little frustrating as the connection is slow, but it's better than the poor souls who aren't able to work at all during the lockdown. I'm glad to have a good computer and good internet!

    Since I'm feeling so much better, I jumped into some exercise yesterday and felt a lot better for it. Today will be a good day, I can feel it!
  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 371 Member
    Target Goals—Cal: 1,520, Pro: 76 gm., Carbs 190 gm., Fat 76 gm.

    August 11
    Cal 1,434, Carb 88, Protein 93, Fat 80
    August 12
    Cal 1,766, Carb 114, Protein 130, Fat 86
    August 13
    Cal 1,697, Carb 166, Protein 66, Fat 80
    August 15
    Cal 2,000, Carb 204, Protein 76, Fat 99

    I am totally off my game and have been for the past few days. I have to find a rhythm and be more intentional. I know I can do it but have a wall or something. I sat with mother-in-law past two days in the hospital and when I left, tried to eat the whole cow. I didn't even log food yesterday because it was crazy. :( Emotions and such... I had the shot in my knee and it still hurts from time to time. I'm confessing and trying to get it together. I know I can do this because I've done it before with the Lord as my help. :'(
  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 371 Member
    It's just a season...
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 696 Member
    Username: Jactop
    Weigh in day: Monday
    PW: 178.9
    CW: 184.8
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,022 Member
    @TeresaW1020 - I will share more as I work through the book. I have good intentions this week, but not sure if working on it will help or stress me out. Please share some things you discover with your nutrition challenge. That sounds very interesting.

    Congrats to everyone on the leader board this week!

    @TheGlwUp - thanks for the encouragement. Appreciated!

    @TwistedSassette - Yay you for jumping in on the exercise! Hope the stay at home doesn't last too long and glad you are still able to work.

    @askewcr - I'm struggling with the emotion thing right now too- why does it make me eat? Why do I let myself eat? Then I just feel worse! Hang in there and go get it!

    @Jactop - hugs to you. How are you doing? Are you still working on the challenge?

    @leonadixon - it's been a few days since the move in- how are you?

    Happy Monday all- Moving the kids Thurs/Fri this week. I'm looking forward to them going back- less drama. But of course I will miss them. I get anxiety attacks trying to get everything organized. Everyone is a little nervous and cranky. And of course, I'm cooking some things for them before they go. Nothing terrible, but heavier than what I would normally eat. And I'm dreading the whole move in process. Grrk!

    I'm going to be intentional as I can this week. Get my exercise in. Eat the best I can. Use my list of ways to calm down when it gets to be too much. Try to analyze/journal my thoughts when I'm emotional so I won't eat. Squeeze in a few self care activities. Next week will be a much more normal week and I'm definitely looking forward to it.


  • leonadixon
    leonadixon Posts: 479 Member
    @Cornanda - I'm doing ok! I cried all week last week (no exaggeration). She is settling in well, first day of classes was today.
This discussion has been closed.