Introduce Yourself



  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    jenpobble wrote: »
    Hi everyone,

    I’m Jen. Age 43, I’m British and live in London but previously lived in NYC for several years.

    I’ve struggled with my weight my whole life - I had severe asthma as a kid which made being active difficult, and I also have dyspraxia and struggle with physical coordination.

    I have a habit of going on a diet, losing 10kg pretty fast, then my periods stop and I get left feeling like I have permanent PMS (emotional and ravenous!) until I give up and gain it all back.

    Trying to do it slow and steady this time, showing my body love with healthy food and portions rather than ‘punishing’ it with starvation!

    Things that are on my side: I have a dog so I do plenty of walking, and I cook from scratch and always have. I have a biology degree and understand food chemistry, nutrition and digestion.

    My obstacles: I don’t enjoy ‘exercise’ or being sweaty. I’m a picky eater and dislike a lot of vegetables. I’m prone to emotional eating.

    SW:119kg (01/07/21). CW 114. GW1 99 Ideal 80

    I have exercise intolerance and despise being sweaty, myself. And my gut throws tantrums when I eat most vegetables. We can still lose weight and do it in a sensible and easy and loving fashion.
  • jenpobble
    jenpobble Posts: 10 Member

    I have exercise intolerance and despise being sweaty, myself. And my gut throws tantrums when I eat most vegetables. We can still lose weight and do it in a sensible and easy and loving fashion.

    Thank you! I’ve got into body positivity this past year and I’m really hoping that trying to make good choices from a health perspective rather than from negative feelings about how I look will make this time different for me.

    If I could take the weight of my knees and cardiovascular system without dropping a dress size I would be fine with that now.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,872 Member
    jenpobble wrote: »
    Thank you! I’ve got into body positivity this past year and I’m really hoping that trying to make good choices from a health perspective rather than from negative feelings about how I look will make this time different for me.

    If I could take the weight of my knees and cardiovascular system without dropping a dress size I would be fine with that now.

    As @NovusDies who started this group discovered when he got started "this round", as I discovered when I went looking for "something" and found MFP in November of 2014 when I was ready to give up a few months in and ~40lbs down (which was lost in spurts that were too intense to the point I was ready to give up since I *knew* that I couldn't keep eating that way forever), trying to go fast often ends up with you going much much slower!

    Instead of trying to "expiate past sins", just look up the calories for a sedentary person at your ultimate goal (or at the top of the normal weight range)... and maybe start by eating like the person you would ultimate like to be! (assuming that the deficit this generates falls somewhere in the range of 15-25% of your daily expenditure) And once you get in the groove... you can adjust! :wink:
  • Cheesy567
    Cheesy567 Posts: 1,186 Member
    edited August 2021
    Hi! I'm Aileen, 29 year old from Massachusetts, excited to be joining this group! I've got 150+ lbs to lose and want to do it in a way that will last (have lost over 80 lbs before but in a unhealthy, extremely restrictive way that was no way to live). Thank you everyone for being so welcoming 😊

    Welcome Aileen @aly_souza10! I have a lot to lose, too, I’m about 80 pounds down and still have probably about that much more to go. This group has been great, jump into the conversations whenever you’re ready!
  • eliezalot
    eliezalot Posts: 620 Member
    Hi! I'm Aileen, 29 year old from Massachusetts, excited to be joining this group! I've got 150+ lbs to lose and want to do it in a way that will last (have lost over 80 lbs before but in a unhealthy, extremely restrictive way that was no way to live). Thank you everyone for being so welcoming 😊

    Hi @aly_souza10 !
    You're in good company here! There is some great advice and perspectives here - it is definitely worth reading through some of the older and the pinned threads. Jump in whenever, whereever you like. This has been a friendly, understanding, and supportive group. Welcome!
  • Goodgollygee
    Goodgollygee Posts: 102 Member
    Hi. I have 150 lbs to lose. I am so glad to find this group. I already feel not so alone. Thanks for starting it Novus!
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    popping in at the advice of someone (i dont even know who, now)

    Some old timers may know me. I've been around, well, forever. Some may not. People tend to love me or hate me, either way, I come by my username honestly ;)

    As of the beginning of August, I had lost 189 pounds. Lost some more since then. I've literally lost over half my starting weight at this point. Most of that (about 130 pounds of it) was between 2015-2017. I think. its only been since the beginning of this year that I've really begun working on the rest, though I'm in no particular rush. Ironically enough I am on a medication that has all but taken away my appetite so I can't say its been hard. Its also why my traditionally open to the mfp public diary is now closed (so people dont get the wrong idea). I am also under very close medical supervision ;) Just full disclosure, I try to be an open book ...

    in the non MFP world I live on a farm in southern virginia. My world revolves around my dogs (2 great pyrenees- The Guardians, Holly and Hagrid; an English Setter- Dobby; Jack Russell-Rylie; German Shepherd-PITA; and okay thats all of them. then the livestock- chickens and goats and ducks and on occasion cattle (though not currently). We have a total of 120 acres, though only live on 20 of it, the other 100 of it is about 15 minutes away and was recently gifted to us.

    In addition to the farm, I am involved in the local theater, so if have gotten coerced into whatever show is going on, that can take a lot of my time. My best friend is involved in nearly ALL the shows, so she often .... signs me up for things.

    Quick note about friend requests - yes I accept most of them but I am not the friend for everyone. I rarely talk about diet and weight loss and talk a lot about my life and dogs and usually try to make it funny. I swear a lot. I dont usually acknowledge automatic posts (so and so logged in x amount of days or closed their diary type posts). I do try to acknowledge 'real' posts, assuming I see them. In the end, it wont hurt my feelings a bit if you add me, and then decide I'm not your cup of tea and delete me. Truly if you come and go quietly, I probably wont even notice LOL

    Anyway, now youve had a glimpse into my 6 am brain. welcome to the jungle. I can be bad about remembering to check groups and the forums in general.... i go in stages as far as being active. When I have the patience to deal with them, I'm here, when I want to strangle everyone- I take REALLY long breaks. REALLY LONG.

  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,717 Member
    Hi @Ladybug8882021 and @callsitlikeiseeit

    Nice to meet you and welcome to Larger Losers! Just popping in here for a few moments - but wanted to say hello.

    Look around - always something going on around here and there is an archive of great information here.

    Have a great day.
  • ChoosingToChange
    ChoosingToChange Posts: 159 Member
    hi all, new her and new to the concept of eating low sodium meals, im learning to adjust and even exercise a little. needed to lose 112 #, down to 78.3# to go been trying on my own but saw a nutritionist today, she turned me onto this site.
  • ChoosingToChange
    ChoosingToChange Posts: 159 Member
    I'm Dave, 5'10, 316 lbs. I used to be in shape. Now I'm just a shape. I was an ex pro hockey player, but I can't even tie my skates anymore. UGH!!! I seem to do well, then the binging happens and it's just throw everything down my face hole. I have a 3 year old daughter that I want to see grow up. I don't want to die!!

    Dave, how is your progress coming ? your daughter is truly blessed as she will grow up with positive habits.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,872 Member
    edited August 2021
    Hyia everyone new, welcome, welcome!

    Just hanging out around here after dropping down by about 125 back in 2014-2016. The hanging out is kinda part of the plan after Garlfied went splat in order to avoid a trampoline like bounce-back!

    Call-z-ies... boy am I ever forgettable! Glad you dropped by.... cause there seems to be a dearth of doggie people here?! :confused: JUST KIDDING! :lol: We gots lots of puppies! :love:
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    Hyia everyone new, welcome, welcome!

    Just hanging out around here after dropping down by about 125 back in 2014-2016. The hanging out is kinda part of the plan after Garlfied went splat in order to avoid a trampoline like bounce-back!

    Call-z-ies... boy am I ever forgettable! Glad you dropped by.... cause there seems to be a dearth of doggie people here?! :confused: JUST KIDDING! :lol: We gots lots of puppies! :love:

    im truly horrible at remembering names. i promise its not just you! lol

    bestie took me out today to get some things and then helped me carry them in. usually ill put the guardians outside before i leave but didnt today. so we come in and theres 5 white dogs (2 giant ones, obviously)swirling all around us as were trying to get in the door and im just praying none of them jump on me or jostle me too much. shes laughing and goes ' its like a big, white, fluffy moving SEA! '

    yes, yes it is.
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,717 Member
    I love that imagery - and all of your white fluffy waves. Sounds like you are swimming in love.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,872 Member
    I love that imagery - and all of your white fluffy waves. Sounds like you are swimming in love.

    Eau de chien mouillé, available from the PAV8888 collection at Shopper's :lol:
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    I love that imagery - and all of your white fluffy waves. Sounds like you are swimming in love.

    im swimming in dog hair and pounds of red clay dust that they carry in every day LOL
  • pamelar25
    pamelar25 Posts: 197 Member
    Don't know if I've posted here but I've been checking in and reading all your great posts the past month or so and friended a few of you. Thank you everyone for the advice I've read here. I have started to track my weight with Libra and weigh myself almost every day. I'm 41 years old and started at 321lbs back in Nov. of 2018. Joined MFP in May of this year after I had started to regain weight I had lost in 2019 and 2020. I had gotten down to 265lbs at some point in 2020 and started on MFP May 15, 2021 at 279.2. since then I have lost about 33.5 lbs. I will try to post on your forums more so we can get to know each other better.
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,717 Member
    Hello, @pamelaromanczuk25, and welcome!
    There is an amazing archive of information in this group - I learned so much when I found my way here. NovusDies told me about the group - and you will find some amazing, groundwork posts by him.

    Looking forward to seeing you in the forums!

    Glad you caught that backslide before you slid very far.