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  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,927 Member
    edited August 2021
    πŸ’š For emojis
    On my Apple PC
    Press the Control + Command + Spacebar keys at the same time.

    πŸ”¨ it works 🎬 🎼 πŸ₯ 🎷

    Eliza sorry for the 2nd cancelation. It's so hard finding help
    Buckets of luck with your next pick πŸ€ ❣️
    Thanks for the beautiful flowers :)

    Deby you brighten my life
    Thanks for the loved filled posts
    ~~πŸ’‹ ~~ πŸ™Œ ~~ πŸ₯° ~~πŸ’‹ ~~ πŸ™Œ ~~ πŸ₯° ~~πŸ’‹ ~~

    Nola how's PT going? Is he working on those Zumba moves?

    Dorothy Is constrution started on the second room floors?
    Still thinking of your handman 'photo or not' 😍

    Barb hope by tomorrow the humitity and heat are done ? Sending cool air your way.
    Out mornings are in the 40's and we have tested our house heater. Yes we are ready for an early fall.

    Joan thinking of you in beautiful Ottawa πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦

    Susan great to see you on the chat site :)
    Enjoy all your travels and seeing your loved ones Perfect Times :)

    ~~ πŸ₯° ~~πŸ’‹ ~~ πŸ™Œ ~~ πŸ₯° ~~πŸ’‹ ~~ πŸ™Œ ~~ πŸ₯°

    Okay back to kitchen chores πŸ‘‹
    Making meatloaf for dinner and fresh corn

    Today I walked for a 20 minute-mile, 10 minutes on trampoline, & 10 minutes of core
    By tonight I'll finish another 2 sets of core

  • Zzsally
    Zzsally Posts: 153 Member
    Today looks nice..its nice to know the kitchen is clean..
    Nice to hear mom is getting her 3 meals too.

    You all sound so happy!

  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,927 Member
    quick peek 🐌

    I'm out of the house early meeting GF for a morning stroll and grocery shopping

    Eliza waving Hi with a Big Kiss 😘
    Great job shining up your kitchen

    Hi to ALL
  • DebyS137
    DebyS137 Posts: 4,535 Member
    ~ Welcome to a Magnificent New Day ~yf1efvc69hb9.gif ~ ~ BLESSings ~ ~ ALLways ~ ~Deby~ ~

    ~ 🧚🏼 ~Waving Hi~ Wishing You ~ a LOVEly MAGNIFICENT Monday ~πŸ’•~ and ~ a WOOHOO WONDERfilled Week ~πŸ’•~

    "I Can See Your MAGNIFICENCE from Here ~ The Question Is-Can You See Your MAGNIFICENCE ? ~If Not~ Just Look Inside

    ~πŸ’•~ 😎 ~πŸ’•~ 😎 ~πŸ’•~ 😎 ~πŸ’•~ 😎 ~πŸ’•~ 😎 ~ πŸ’• ~ 😎 ~ πŸ’• ~ 😎 ~ πŸ’• ~ 😎 ~ πŸ’• ~ 😎 ~πŸ’•~ 😎 ~πŸ’•~ 😎 ~πŸ’•~ 😎 ~πŸ’•~
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Eliza: Sorry the boys didn't show up to weed. *SIGH*
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Monday: The start of another work week. Looks like today is going to be a bit cooler than it has been. Ready for that!

    Jason has a meeting in Lake Geneva (about 2 hrs. from us) on Wednesday, so I am going to go with him. We’re going to take Miss Lilly. There are lots of places for us to walk (Miss Lilly and I) while Jas has his meeting. So, it will be a change of pace.

    Hope you have a marvelous Monday.


    Karen: Yes, the heat and humidity did break! Still near 85 but very low humidity, so feels wonderful.

    Meatloaf and corn .. .yummy!

    Good exercises! Have fun w/your GF!

    Eliza: Glad your Mom is doing all rigth1

    Deby: LOvE the meme!
  • Dmbero
    Dmbero Posts: 19 Member
    Read all of your posts and stopping in to wish you all a good day - golf night for me.
  • Zzsally
    Zzsally Posts: 153 Member
    Laundry day yesterday..
    Busy de- cluttering.
    Found my turntable.. Maybe listen to music later. :)
  • DebyS137
    DebyS137 Posts: 4,535 Member
    ~🧚🏼~ Waving Hi~ Wishing You a Happy Terrific Tuesday ~πŸ˜€~ May We Find Today Filled with an Abundance of Happiness ~😁~

    "Here's a little song I wrote ~ You might want to sing it note for note ~ ~ ~ Don't worry ~ be happy ~ ~ ~In every life we have some
    trouble -BUT- when you worry you make it double ~~ Don't worry, be happy ~~ Don't worry, be happy now ~ ~Bobby McFerrin

    ~πŸ’•~ πŸ˜€ ~πŸ’•~ 😁 ~πŸ’•~ πŸ˜€ ~ πŸ’• ~ πŸ˜€ ~πŸ’•~ 😁 ~πŸ’•~ πŸ˜€ ~ πŸ’• ~ πŸ˜€ ~πŸ’•~ 😁 ~πŸ’•~ πŸ˜€ ~ πŸ’• ~ πŸ˜€ ~πŸ’•~ 😁 ~πŸ’•~ πŸ˜€ ~πŸ’•~
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Tuesday: Yesterday was a very comfortable day! Low humidity . . . ready for that!

    Just house chores today.

    Here’s to a terrific Tuesday!


    Dorothy: Have a good time golfing!

    Eliza: Good to listen to music. Relaxing.

    Deby: NO worries!
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,927 Member
    Trying a new group β€˜plank challenge’
    I’m be modifying and staying on my knees

    Also the Big BLC Week 1 starts tomorrow
    Excited to get back to that πŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈ πŸ„ πŸš΄β€β™€οΈ

    Enjoy your day my mates πŸ₯°
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,927 Member
    Morning ALL

    I’m getting ready for a week long mountain vacation. Next Wednesday, we will be joining friends for a week long β€˜live steam’ train meet. We rented a cabin at Central Station and will be front and center for the action. It’s been 2 years since I’ve ran my engine so TOOT TOOT


  • Zzsally
    Zzsally Posts: 153 Member
    I took doggie to get nails cut, he got his dog food too! Pancho..

    We had rain.. More coming! I just ordered food and will go pickup..later.
    I love your train.. Have fun!
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Wednesday: On the road to Lake Geneva. Looks like a great weather. So, it will be nice.

    Have a wonderful Wednesday. 01 September! Let’s make it the best month ever.

    Miss Lilly had her check up yesterday. Did well. Labs are all good. Does have allergies, so she has to be on an allergy med. Hoping that can be discontinued once the weather turns cooler. Her primary allergy is grass. Poor baby!

    She had 3 vaccinations, and was laid low yesterday, but a little more energetic today.


    Karen: Good luck w/your plank challenge!

    Oh have fun!

    Eliza: Glad Pancho got his nails clipped. So did Miss Lilly when she had her check up yesterday.

    Hope that the rain will cool things off for you a little.

    Nola, Lin, Dorothy: Hope all is well.
  • DebyS137
    DebyS137 Posts: 4,535 Member

    ~ Waving Hi ~🧚🏼~ Welcome to September ~ Wishing You ~ a WOOHOO WONDERfilled WEIRDnWILDnWISE Wednesday ~

    WOW ... its already September.... It is true ... the older we get... speeds up time.... ~Smile~

    β€œ To see a world in a grain of sand and heaven in a wild flower ~ Hold infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour. "
    ~ ~ ~ William Blake ~ ~ ~

  • DebyS137
    DebyS137 Posts: 4,535 Member
    ~Welcome to a~lv6auk3az12n.gif~New Day~

    ~ ~ ~🧚🏼~ ~ ~Waving Hi~ ~ ~

    Wishing You a LOVEly ~ πŸ‚ ~ THOUGHTfilled Thursday ~πŸƒ~ May We Find Today Filled with an Abundance of LOVE ~πŸ’•~

    "You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you." ~ James Allen

    ~πŸ’•~πŸ‚~πŸ’•~ πŸƒ ~πŸ’•~ πŸ‚ ~πŸ’•~πŸƒ ~πŸ’•~ πŸ‚ ~πŸ’•~ πŸƒ ~πŸ’•~πŸ‚~πŸ’•~πŸƒ~πŸ’•~ πŸ‚ ~πŸ’•~πŸƒ~πŸ’•~ πŸ‚ ~πŸ’•~πŸƒ ~πŸ’•~πŸ‚~πŸ’•~
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Thursday: The day in Lake Geneva was wonderful. Weather was perfect. Miss Lilly and I took a long walk on a path and then rested on a bench in a beautiful park. Headed back when Jas’ meeting was ended. Had a picnic lunch and the on the road home. Not bad traffic.

    So, today is a bit of a rest day.

    Deby: Gorgeous meme, as always!

    Time really does go quicker w/each passing year.

    Hope everyone is doing well!

  • Dmbero
    Dmbero Posts: 19 Member
    Hope everyone is staying healthy
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,927 Member
    edited September 2021

    Eliza hopefully it's your nails next Pancho can watch you next time ;)

    Barb So it was doggy day at the spa PERFECT!!
    Hope the allergy pills help Miss Lilly. Grass allergies are bad

    Deby thanks for brightening our day

    Joan how's the fires? We just heard 2 water dump planes flyover
    Will be watching the news for fire updates
    Our air quality has been good but it's because we are lucking out with the breeze

    Nola Hope your doing well, here's to your hip recovery 😘.
    Sorry I'm not online more it's just to much typing
    Now I'm so busy with my weight loss groups

    Dorothy hope you are finding some quiet time
    Is it time for a winery tour?

    Sharing my new Plank fitness interest
    modified πŸ‹οΈβ€β™€οΈ

    Side Plank - Reach Through
    Step 1: On your side, place your forearm on the floor so that your elbow is directly underneath your shoulder.
    Step 2: Bend your knees and extend your hips as you lift your body off the ground.
    Step 3: Make a straight line from your head to your knees.
    Step 4: Reach your free arm up to the sky.
    Step 5: Reach your free arm under and across your body.
    Step 6: Return the free arm back up to the sky.


    Modified Side Plank Crunches
    Make sure to check off these main points to ensure you are getting your best results:
    - elbow below shoulder, knee on ground
    -Hip touches ground
    - Crunch Hip level with your armpit nearest floor

  • Hemtech
    Hemtech Posts: 638 Member
    Most of the fires are on the West coast, I am in Eastern Ontario so not so bad here. Humidity has broken again and now we seem to be in fall mode with temp today only 17C, windy and cold! Weird weather all around the world.