Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Shari…I have not yet indulged after 7:00 but IF I decide to have dessert at 7:30 or 8:00 or glass of wine etc…I will fast that extra hour or two the next day so my fasting time will remain the same. Is my backup plan and I believe I can follow it. It also keeps me from running to freezer for ice cream at 9:00 as I know I don’t want to fast until 1:00 next day. 😍 Just how my mind works and what helps me say no so far, I really would need to want something and so far I haven’t felt that need…so it keeps me strong. Was easier this morning on the fasting…not checking clock at all whereas yesterday I did, lol.

    My brunch is 320 calories so have plenty left in my budget. If really hungry or have a craving I can have that 120 calorie ice cream bar with my green tea today…and I just might. When I am eating at home I have been 200-300 calories under budget each day, even with a piece of toast or an ice cream bar. So far I am loving this routine! 🤞🤞🤞
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    Diane, Glad you are are safely in AZ and woo hoo for your impressive weight loss! You have really found what is working for you. I admire your determination in adhering to the intermittent fasting plan. I like the idea of adding the time on in the morning if you have a snack after 7. I will have to think about this to see if it could work for me....just to see what happens.

    DW, I thought of you yesterday and today. Last night DS recorded a program on ABC about 50 years of Walt Disney World. I watched it today....2 hours long but less because I fast forwarded through the commercials. It really made me wish for another visit to Disney World...not likely for me in the near future due to $$ as well as health issues. If you can watch this show I am sure you will enjoy it.

    Shari, Nice to have a day off but you are right, it sounds like such a somber day. That is how I feel every Sept. 11. I never make plans for that day and prefer to stay home, remember, pray, etc. Woo hoo for you and your intermittent fasting success. As I said above, I would like to be able to do that but I fear I would not be consistent enough.

    It was great to see my friend from church on Thursday and to give her the pierogie. She appreciated it very much. I also enjoyed seeing her dog who is very friendly and very active. It was a long day for me on Thursday and traffic going to and from Alice's was terrible. But it sure was worth it, just to see her after all this time. Last night was a blast with Kellie and her DH. We got a pizza from a place very close to our home, but we haven't had their pizza in ages. Kellie and her DH are pizza connoisseurs and rated this pizza the best they have ever had anywhere. Quite a compliment! I enjoyed some wine with Kellie and finished what was left today with dinner. Remarkably, I had no trouble getting back on track today and counting the wine in my daily calorie count. I really needed a night like last night to just relax and let go a bit. It was the best time I have had in ages.

  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    edited October 2021
    Yesterday was a very good for me emotionally. Some rest, no plans apart from having fish and chips out. I needed that. The highlight of the day was moose taking a walk through our farm yard. I attached a screen shot of a video I took. I wish I could have sent you the video. I haven't tried this feature before but it was pretty easy. ihhsb3rjd2dj.jpg
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    Wow Shari! I am amazed by this!!! What a great picture! I bet the video is amazing too. I am happy you had a "no plans" day. You most definitely needed that. Your life is quite busy and demanding.

    Other than our live stream church this morning it is a "no plans" day for me, which I enjoy. I am on track so far today and have thawed turkey burgers for supper. I anticipate a good week, with not too many items on the schedule. I still need to get my blood work done and plan to take care of that this week. I also need to schedule our flu shots.

    Hope the weekend is going well for everyone!
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 331 Member
    Hi Everyone! Shari, I love your moose photo! Do you see them often? Paula, I'm happy to hear that you had good visits with your friends! Diane, congrats on the weight loss!! I did take a break yesterday so my weight was up a tad this morning for the restart of 17DD. I'm back at it with the lemon water in the morning and eating C1. I'm battling to not eat tonight after having supper before 6pm. My plan is to not eat 6pm-8am and have a 10 hour eating window. That seems like a good place to start! I had a great time at the dog show yesterday and it was fun working! We stayed for the lunch and raffle to support the club having the show and visited with "dog friends". Today I focused on my dogs and took the youngest for a walk and then to a store for the first time . She did really well at the store! We are having some thunder storms going through-thankfully nothing serious! Everyone have a good evening and a great Monday!!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    I had a good on Sunday. Up this morning and ready for a full week of work. I go to see the physiotherapist today, I think my arm is improved which is great. No repeat visit from the moose, I wish it could be more often, but it does make me aware to be careful outdoors. You just don't know who might be traveling through the property.

    The time you had at the dog show sounds like it was a lot of fun DW. I bet it's a great community.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 331 Member
    Hi Everyone! Today has been a good day! I had a hair appointment today which took all afternoon and I've done well with eating. We had to miss our dog class tonight because my oldest dog had me up at night with intestinal problems. They've continued throughout the day so I will call the vet tomorrow. We received a message today asking if we could evaluate a dog who will possibly be coming into rescue. The dog is located very close to where we live so we will do a visit in the near future. I'm always happy when we can help! Have a great evening!!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    I had a bit of a down day yesterday. I did well eating though so I am happy about that. I think not eating after 7pm if very helpful. I think my mindless eating often happens in the evening. I have set easy mini goals of one pound/month. As long as I focus on that one pound I should be super close to my goal weight in July. I can do this! It's time to make it happen.

    DW, I hope your dog will be okay. Our dog has a very sensitive system so we are well aware of those types of issues. Lots of rice/pumpkin/ground beef to help reset his tummy if he gets into anything he shouldn't. I hope it's nothing serious.

    Grumpy cat had a major break through. She sat on DH's lap. She has built up some trust which is great. I think cats do well with some physical contact. Especially since she spends a lot of time on her own.
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    DW and Shari…yes, our pet family members do get sick now and then and we have to do our best to figure it out and help them. Awesome to here Grmpy cat is warming up to people! Hope your dog feels better soon DW and so good of you to help with rescue animals!!❤️

    Paula…so nice to have a restful, quiet weekend. Ours would have been but we have too many chores here to make me feel guilty if I relax too long, lol! Moving households and reopening a closed home take time! At my stage in life I am wise enough not to guilt myself into overdoing it. Have paid that price too often! Best thing we have done to help both of us is hiring a cleaning before we arrive! That takes stress off and makes the transition at arrival end so much better…very thankful, and life is good!😎
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    PS….DH started last night to join me in the IF fasting. He had no evening snacks. We read several articles, including Mayo Clinic, about it because he does have type 2 diabetes but low numbers, just above borderline and was almost taken off medication last year (but is still taking small dose of metformin). There are some studies saying IF (intermittent fasting) could prevent or reverse his diabetes??? It does say to ask your doctor….but he usually doesn’t eat breakfast until 9:00 or 10:00 anyway so he feels waiting waiting one more hour to eat with me at 11:00 should not be issue for him. His decision. The not snacking at night will be harder for him as he loves his popcorn and ice cream etc etc in evenings. 😍
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member

    Shari, How did you do at your physiotherapist appointment? How cool that Grumpy cat is warming up! My friend Kay who lives in your area has 2 cats and they are as different as night and day.

    DW, How is your oldest dog doing now? What did the vet say? I so admire your involvement with recues! I still check the shelters online here. I saw a dog that I know won’t be a good match for us, but when DS saw her he really melted. That is progress because he has been very reluctant about getting another dog, mostly because of our mobility limitations. I will keep looking.

    Diane, Since I am not a morning person, I tend to be a bit like your DH and eat breakfast quite late on some days depending on my schedule and plans. I have my lemon water and coffee but often delay the first meal of the day. Without really focusing on it, I realize that on some days I am accomplishing an IF of about 12 hours, sometimes more. I am going to start paying more attention to this. I looked up some info online and am beginning to understand how this could be helpful. I think as long as I have my green tea and seltzer I might be able to give this a try, at least on some days.

    I didn’t get to check in here yesterday. It seemed like my phone wouldn’t stop ringing, and each phone call was a long one. It is good to be in touch with friends, but I felt like it was just too much phone yesterday. All of the calls were church related in one way or another, friends from my church, my former church, and a church about an hour away from here. I enjoyed catching up and helping with some issues when I could. But I felt like the day was gone before it even started. I had a so-so day yesterday and am not sure why. Today is much better and I am very much on track. I am making chicken breasts for supper with veggies and a salad. So glad DS doesn’t complain about eating too much chicken. I promised him that soon I will make a few red meat meals as I saw some beef on sale at Shoprite. We so seldom eat red meat that I think a few beef meals won’t derail me too much.
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Paula…my DH will only eat chicken now and then…we used to eat it almost every day but he says he has OD’d on it, lol. So we do have red meat and other meats, even pork baby back ribs in crock pot once or so a month. I don’t worry about what the actual meat is as much as portion size and the carbs I want with it🙃. Now that I am counting calories and staying within the 1395 along with 7-11 fasting I only worry about portions to keep in calorie range…fill up with my veggies and “I know it’s not butter” which is 0 calories. DH had some of my veggies last night and never realized it wasn’t butter on his carrots😎. All this to say I am sure you will do OK with some of that beef that is on special…you are so on track majority of the time!👍
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    Paula, it would be wonderful to get another dog, I am hopeful that you will find the right fit for your situation in time. I am finding that the 11-7 eating window works well. I am drinking tea and water until meal time. I do switch it up with coffee once in awhile. I am starting to drop the weight slowly, if this keeps up, then I will keep up with IF. I am counting calories and it's nice to not worry about what foods I am choosing. I know it's best to choose whole foods, but this is looking like something I can keep up with.

    Don't we all get those kind of days when people all seem to call at once? I was exhausted after that happened to me last Wednesday. I am excited for a haircut today. I have chosen a new style, I will see if I am brave enough to go through with it. And if I do, I hope I like it on my face lol. It looks good in the picture I found and I think I have the right hair type that it should work for me.

    I met my mini goal today which I am so happy about. I have one month to lose the next pound. An easy target so I really have no excuse not to reach it. My goal dates are the 6th of each month so that I hit my goal weight by my birthday this summer. I have not been successful in the past, but I can only keep trying.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 331 Member
    Hi Everyone! Thank you for your good thoughts for my dog! He was doing better on Tuesday so I didn't call the vet and then he was outside 4 times last night between midnight and 5:00am.....three trips with me and one with my husband after I said loudly that it was his turn (I can get cranky on little sleep-LOL!!) I called the vet this morning and picked up some medicine. I also made rice and boiled ground beef for his supper so, hopefully we will all rest tonight! In spite of the rough night, I've been eating on plan today and hope to see some results after a good night's sleep! Have a great evening!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    Diane, I totally understand od’ing on chicken!! I think I am coming close, and DS is even closer. I do my best to change up a bit how I prepare the chicken, while still focusing on keeping it healthy, but I agree that some beef and pork could be a most welcome change. Tonight I made a frozen “Caulipower” pizza for DS while I had tuna. I am very much on track today. DS had a blueberry pastry roll for dessert, and I had more tuna! Believe it or not, I was satisfied. I was able to accomplish my IF today and will aim for the same tomorrow. Not sure how often and how long I will be able to keep it up, but I must point out that doing/trying to do this is highly motivating for me. Many years ago an old friend told me that one secret to weight loss is adding changes now and then to keep yourself interested and fresh.

    Shari, How did your aircut turn out? Will you be posting a new updated photo? I have very thin (the only part of me that is thin) hair, and it is baby fine. I haven’t changed my haircut in probably over 12 years! Woo hoo for hitting your mini goal!!! You are one step closer to your goal.

    I finally went for my blood tests today and now will be anxiously awaiting the results. I am trying not to stress too much since in the past I have always had good results. But I am a worrier at times. Found out today that a dear family friend has been diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer. Her name is Mary. Please, in your charity, remember her in your prayers. She is a few years older than me. My annual mammogram is on Oct. 15. Will be praying for good results of course.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    DW- we will be hoping that the meds and simple diet will do the trick for your dog.

    I love my haircut. I will see if I can find a more current before than the one I have posted here. I am back to the style shown here- more or less. I had grown out my hair and it was always in my face when I was doing things. I was wearing hats and headbands a lot. New freedom.

    I will join you in praying for Mary. It's not a good time to be getting ill. Our Province is struggling with ICU space and we just don't have a lot of surgeries taking place. It's mainly Covid patients getting treatment since their situations are deemed more critical. It's super frustrating for so many that have to wait it out until they themselves are critical. I really hope our numbers take a curve downward.

    I had dinner at 5pm and then was at work until after 9pm. I normally would have had something to eat, but I wasn't hungry and just had water. I am the same weight as yesterday, but I stuck to IF hours. Hoping to see some weight loss as I continue doing this.
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    I am down another small amount today just .2 lbs for total of 6.2 since September 3rd when I started the IF and tracking on Lose It! These small decreases in weight are spurring me on to keep doing the IF and keeping my calories within the 1395 I am allowed/budgeted to allow me to lose weight.

    I found out (by accident) if you are in log screen and tap the date at top between the arrow a couple times a whole history for all your days, by week are displayed on the screen. I have not missed any days of food tracking and the only “week” I have been over total calories was my travel week. I am learning this app as I go…but it is certainly the most user friendly food tracking, calories tracking and weight tracking app (or site) I have ever used. Love that it is free too!👍
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    A fresh haircut is such a good feeling Shari! I think your hairstyle on your current photo looks great. Thank you for praying for Mary. I just keep thinking about her so much.

    Diane, congrats on your continued success at the scale! Six pounds + is a noticeable loss! Great that you are staying within your calorie budget!! It is paying off for you. I have been consistent with my food tracking too. I will have to see if I can locate the history when I play around with the app. I agree that it is quite user friendly for tracking.

    I was able to access some of my blood test results online today. My cholesterol and thyroid numbers are all great. My family doctor’s office called today to tell me the good results. I also saw online the results for the tests my electro physiology cardiologist ordered, and there are some results that are not within the expected ranges. I have not heard from his office yet. I am trying not to stress too much but am looking forward to what he has to say. I haven’t been able to access the results of the tests ordered by my rheumatologist yet. I think those will take longer to receive. I was on track today and was not very hungry, partly because of the initial stress of the concerning blood work results. I eventually relaxed a little and was able to eat without feeling sick.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    Here is a photo of a bear in our suburban neighborhood. This bear was seen yesterday just about 3 miles from our home. He crossed a major road and went towards a nearby golf course.

  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 331 Member
    Hello Everyone! And Hello BEAR! WOW!! Paula, that is great news on your blood tests! I will keep your friend Mary in my prayers! Shari, I think that setting the mini goals is a great idea! Diane, congrats on your weight loss!!
    I am happy to report that my dog and I both had a good night's sleep last night. Whatever the vet gave us seems to be working! I am going to start slowly adding a little of his regular food into the rice and beef tomorrow to start the transition back to regular eating. I am also happy to report that I'm down 2.5 lbs since restarting 17DD C1. It isn't new pounds-I've been here before since our journey together began in January, but I'm closer to "new lbs." Having my big dog event at the end of the month is definitely motivating! I have a Dr appt on 11/6, which is a few days after the event and I have an order for bloodwork to be done prior to the visit. After reading your post, Paula, I've figured out that the best results will probably be before the "big event" so I will get it completed during the week before we go. Thank you for the reminder!! Have a great evening!!