Team: The Big Butt Theory (October)



    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Week 1 Weigh In:
    Oct SW: 173.5
    Current: 168.0

    I'm expecting this number to change a little in the coming days with TOM around the corner! Plus, a majority of this is water weight, and will balance itself out soon enough. I'm happy with it and will take it after finally finding a little more focus!

    @cmhubbard92 That first weigh-in after really getting back into it is always a pleasant one! Ride the wave as long as you can, and well done!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    @sandkp I am so glad you didn't fall off that cliff! Lol!! I can't wait to join you on this weight loss and fitness journey, once again, as soon as I return from my vacation!
  • rawrxamberx
    rawrxamberx Posts: 646 Member
    (Daily Post - Wed. Oct 7)
    Logged: no
    Exercise: no
    Water: 6 cups

    I took the day off logging to spend the day with my sister since it was our dads birthday. He passed away 7 years ago… but I still love to celebrate his birthday💗
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,679 Member
    edited October 2021
    Weigh in Week 2
    PW: 143.3
    CW: 144.6

    It's up but I totally expected it to be worse so I'm good.

    Visiting my son in Seattle this weekend so my food choices will probably not be the best but if you have ever walked around that city you know I'll get my exercise in. Lots of hills!
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,679 Member
    Thursdsy 7 October
    Track: yes
    Under: yes
    Exercise: yes
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    (Daily Post - Wed. Oct 7)
    Logged: no
    Exercise: no
    Water: 6 cups

    I took the day off logging to spend the day with my sister since it was our dads birthday. He passed away 7 years ago… but I still love to celebrate his birthday💗

    @rawrxamberx I am so sorry, Amber. What a sweet way to remember him and to celebrate his life!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Weigh in Week 2
    PW: 143.3
    CW: 144.6

    It's up but I totally expected it to be worse so I'm good.

    Visiting my son in Seattle this weekend so my food choices will probably not be the best but if you have ever walked around that city you know I'll get my exercise in. Lots of hills!

    @DaffyGirl88 Have a wonderful time in Seattle with your son! Never been, but my husband and I were just talking about the Kracken last night, so I can see us taking in a hockey game there at some point!!
  • brandi_84
    brandi_84 Posts: 1,963 Member
    @HASWLRS You're trip is just a few days away. I'm so excited for you! I'm glad you were able to find boots that you were looking for. Getting to buy a few new pieces of clothing for a trip is nice but can almost be the most stressful part. I'm sure your son is excited for you to visit, too. While I know it is probably tough for him to be so far away, at least it gives you an excuse to travel.
  • brandi_84
    brandi_84 Posts: 1,963 Member
    Weigh in : 187.6
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    brandi_84 wrote: »
    @HASWLRS You're trip is just a few days away. I'm so excited for you! I'm glad you were able to find boots that you were looking for. Getting to buy a few new pieces of clothing for a trip is nice but can almost be the most stressful part. I'm sure your son is excited for you to visit, too. While I know it is probably tough for him to be so far away, at least it gives you an excuse to travel.

    @brandi-84 For sure it is the excuse... I can tell you that we would not be travelling to Europe right now if it weren't for our son being there!
  • paupeter
    paupeter Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    This is Paul, first post in this group.
    I sought out this group challenge as a way to keep me accountable to weighing in each week, monitoring and making progress, in spite of whatever challenges come my way.
    I am a dad of 5 kids, 1 a sophomore in college, one a h.s. senior, a 9th grader, 7th grader, and 4th grader.
    We live in Minnesota.
    I work from home and also lead a cycling club.
    My wife has been sick off and on for the past 6-8 years (Lyme's and Mold Toxicity/Auto immune) which leads me to a lot of emotional eating and drinking that doesn't make me feel better or resolve anything.
    In January 2021 I was the heaviest I have ever been at 296lbs. Scary.
    I have large Scandinavian genetics - my uncles and dad are all big men. I like to think I am more muscle than fat but that doesn't really matter on the scale and with my fitness goals and interests.
    I love biking and ride a long distances, swimming laps at the Y, and try to keep up with all my kids' activities while making sure the house doesn't fall apart when my wife needs the day off due to illness.
    I have two goals for 2021 in regards to cycling. To finish a 120 hilly gravel bike event in Iowa - SWIGG at the end of June and a 100 mile hilly gravel event mid-May in S. MN. I have attempted both events multiple times and they are the hardest 10 hours on a bike you will ever do.
    I know my wattage/power on the bike will increase just by cutting weight. I also know that I cannot cut weight through biking alone. I need to end the week in a calorie deficit.
    Recovering after having COVID in April has taken way longer than expected and my biking gains this summer less than I had hoped for. So with a renewed focus, I am starting this October to lose weight and gain biking fitness. I bought a smart bike trainer and training software, Trainer Road, and am committed to completing their training plan to achieve my bike goals for next year.
    I am committed to losing weight through improving my diet, cutting calories, drinking more water, and making smart substitutions when I am hungry.

    Friday morning, U.S. Central time weigh in.

    Today's weight: down 2 lbs this week to 278. Progress.

    Not as much bike activity this week as I have a race coming up on Saturday (tomorrow).
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    @paupeter Hello, Paul! Welcome to the Biggest Loser Challenge! I'd welcome you to The Big Butt Theory, but unfortunately you are not actually on this team; you are on team Run Track Minds! Since you took the time to type out such a big intro, be sure to copy and paste it over onto that thread for your actual team mates to see! And congratulations on posting a loss for your first weigh-in!
  • kristiekay1962
    kristiekay1962 Posts: 322 Member
    Thurs. Oct. 7
    exercise--no, I went to a friends to help her get ready for an estate sale

    Fri. Oct. 8
    exercise- yes, 57 min.
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,679 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    @paupeter Hello, Paul! Welcome to the Biggest Loser Challenge! I'd welcome you to The Big Butt Theory, but unfortunately you are not actually on this team; you are on team Run Track Minds! Since you took the time to type out such a big intro, be sure to copy and paste it over onto that thread for your actual team mates to see! And congratulations on posting a loss for your first weigh-in!

    @paupeter Good luck with your journey, no matter which team you end up on! ☺️
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,679 Member
    Friday 8 October
    Track: no
    Under: no
    Exercise: heck yes! Hiking 🥾 including down to the base of the Snoqualmie Falls and back up.
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,679 Member
    That moment in Fitbit bingo when you accidentally click on a square that isn't part of the pattern and waste thousands of steps.
  • maryc11
    maryc11 Posts: 415 Member
    10/9/2021 - please roll my weight over from last week.
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    That moment in Fitbit bingo when you accidentally click on a square that isn't part of the pattern and waste thousands of steps.

    @DaffyGirl88 Ouch!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    (Sunday, September 26th to Saturday, October 3rd)

    Winner's Circle - 6 or 7 "yes" days

    @murdog3t (7)

    Notable Effort - 4 or 5 "yes" days

    @thedestar (5)


    @ashleymullo6195 (1)
    @atareid14 (1)
    @maryc11 (1)
    @rawrxamberx (1)
    @HASWLRS (1)

    Well, we had one Winner to close out the month of September...Congratulations, Tami!! And an honourable mention to Destiny, who put in a Notable Effort after a long time away from the MUAC!!