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Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Where did my big long post go? Bummmmmer!
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,874 Member
    edited December 2021
    It might turn up yet Patsy because when I posted this afternoon Sandy’s wasn’t there, yet she posted long before me!

    I’ve spent an age completing a questionnaire from our NHS about the care I received earlier this year when the melanoma was diagnosed, then continued with the form to renew my driving licence. The very last question on the licence application was my National Insurance ID number that I’ve not got written down anywhere but it was on the NHS letter that came with their questionnaire, since thrown on the fire! I’ve had to plough through a filing cabinet of papers to find a tax return…. Definitely not my day!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,351 Member
    edited December 2021
    Oh, what nice weather. I would so like to have weather like this year round. Sigh. Just a lovely dream.

    I made a trip to the post office and now the calendars are all winging their way to my friends. This time the clerk weighed and measured and prodded and then sold me stamps. I then had to move over and affix one to each envelope. And then return them to her. The last few times I was there, the clerk printed a label with the extra postage and the clerk would find an acceptable spot for that label. Everyone has different methods I guess. The post office removed all of the stickers on the floor, you know, the ones that showed exactly where to stand to stay the 6 feet apart. They also moved the customer work counter where you can fill out forms etc. to the lobby area outer lobby area. Still only one person is available to help customers.

    Then on to the library to return books and pick up a hold. A lady and her child were hogging two self-checkout stations so I wandered around a bit. They hadn’t made any progress so I went to the station that had been just an online search of resources and surprise, it had been updated to checkout materials and the keypad even worked well! Yippee!

    Home for a snack and then off to a grocery store. Lots of traffic on the streets, even more road construction, and a relatively busy store when I finally arrived. I purchased a few things but returned home without hitting the last store I had wanted to visit. Tomorrow perhaps.

    Patsy, oh gosh, I don’t see your long post anywhere. Has it emerged for anyone? I was going to mention that I have the Lee Child/Andrew Child book “Better off Dead.” Has John read it? He reads the Jack Reacher books right?

    Jackie, good job. You found some of the missing items. You are a brave soul. I would have called someone to mount something on the wall. I would ruin the wall and of course, I wouldn’t find a stud and just make holes in the drywall. 😄 So you have a colorful vocabulary from time to time. Love it! On the farm, we had knee high rubber boots to pull on over our shoes or work boots. (You can get into some horrible muck on a farm with lots of hogs.) I don’t think they manufacture them now. We would say, where are my Tingleys? 😄😃😄 a bit sillier than Wellies.

    Anne, I would love to ship you some warm weather as long as we can keep some of it as well. And best wishes for the continuing home improvements.

    Sandy, best wishes on your test tomorrow. Glad you got most of your Christmas decorating completed. I hope you can wait for Bryanna to help with the large wreath. Are you turning on your lights every evening? A number of my neighbors have outdoor lights this year. It is lovely when they are all on. Makes a trip down the block to the mailbox more pleasant especially since it is warm!

    Time to make my evening veggies.

    Be safe.


    A very unique teapot!
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    I simply don't believe this year! every month seems to bring something, bee stings, 2 molars out, shingles, wall leaks, basement walls pulled apart and just when I thought we must surely have finished with disasters..........

    it started off well. Mark and Mary Jo showed up and proceeded to tear more walls down etc and then they trotted off home and I made supper. I was feeling a little weary so decided to load the ancient dishwasher, something I rarely do except after dinner guests, and then I settled down to watch Jeopardy.

    Thats when Bean started to bug me. Sitting in front of me and pawing my leg and looking towards the kitchen. I told her to pack it in at first and finally went to investigate her problem during the commercial break.

    The kitchen was literally full of soap suds!!!!! I could have done with JACKIES wellies! I opened the dishwasher door and the bottom of the machine was full of water and soap suds. So I phoned Mark and he came galloping over again whilst I mopped the floor, and rinsed the dishes and put them away. We now have a very clean floor and the smell of summer breezes on the plus side.

    Mark goes downstairs to the furnace room and its raining cats and dogs down there! The kitchen is tiled with ceramic tiles, but not under the dishwasher. Buckets are strategically placed downstairs and we wait for the flood to subside to drips.

    Meanwhile, Bean gets the biggest treat I can find. That dear little thing was telling me that things weren't right!! The second time I haven't picked up a sign that she's not bugging me
    at all!

    Mark is coming over tomorrow morning and pardon me if I go
    Mary Jo couldn't stop laughing and asks if I'd like to stay in a posh hotel until all is done......or pulled down? I wouldn't say no to a ball of knitting wool, a rocking chair and an old folks home at this point! Kidding, but I AM off to bed to bury my nose under the duvet.

    Annsie [the unsinkable?]
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Morning! The good news is this very old dishwasher won't flood us out again! AND I've a super clean kitchen floor. Havent been downstairs yet.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Everything downstairs dried out thank the good Lord! I keep thinking of our Buzz living a life of luxury in the Florida home and being fed lobster at this point in time. Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,258 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) It's a beautiful day with temps near 60 today, a good day to get tested. Finally got my DVD's done with labels, now to get them to the girl who asked for them. She is going to have to wait until I am done isolating or else maybe I could mail them to her.
    Lisa is sad that her parents came in last night and she can't see them and I don't blame her. I think she is taking kids for tests today so hopefully all are negative. It has been ten days since their first symptoms so I would think they will be free soon, at least I hope so.

    Anne, I did not know that about wellies, thank you for sharing. When they are done with your basement it will be a whole new apartment, are there plans for someone to move in there, like your grandson??

    Jackie, I am glad you found your hardware but maybe you should just get a portable heater instead of attaching one to the wall. I have one that oscillates which keeps a room very warm, Joe and I used it in his garage to keep warm on the colder days.

    Hello to Lin and Patsy.

    Have a great day everyone and you know.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello everyone! I still don’t see my post from yesterday. Something went off the road into the weeds. Oh well, it must not have been too important…I can’t remember what I said. We have high thin clouds but no moisture as yet. A bit chilly but sun is trying to peep through those clouds. 🙄😎

    The stove pipe project got stalled yesterday. I think John was tired of fussing with it. He now has new plans to deal with the problem in the chimney. I personally don’t see what the big issue is but I am not the one doing this and I dare not get involved. Like most people living together, we know when and where to stick our nose in. This is one of those times. Damon said to me, “mom, stay out of this! You aren’t depending on the wood stove for heat, so what if he needs to address an issue that doesn’t need to be addressed.” That is a smart guy….

    I was telling John we will be doing Christmas reimagined. Less food, less decor, less parties and less family around, less alcohol. But more smiles, less stress, more music and healthy treats for us and fun pumpkin cookies for the pups. We are trying to come up with other ways to celebrate. Not easy! I always loved the idea of the Norman Rockwell Christmas. Alas! That was a delightful fantasy. It seems we can still get together with Damon and maybe daughter and her family. About the stove pipe and fittings and tools in the dining room….we might be having Christmas dinner on TV try’s in the living room. I doubt the stove pipe project will ever end!!!!!

    Anne: your dish washer experience reminds me of the time I made the mistake of putting regular dish washing detergent in my dish washer instead of the special low sudzing dish washer detergent. HOLY MOLY! What a mess! Suds everywhere in big soapy mounds that refused to go away.

    Jackie: I hope your heater project isn’t as long lasting as the stove pipe project. Katie must be channeling Betty. Lately if she determines the weather isn’t to her liking, Katy does her business then turns around and returns inside. She decides to annoy us until we give up and devote a half hour of toss and fetch. Which I confess is great fun!

    Sandy: not to worry dear friend. I feel sure your little family will be fine. You have all been responsible and careful. Even if it is a variant, vaccinated people are recovering quickly. Good work on your decor. It is so lovely to get that up and creating a happy holiday atmosphere.

    Lin: yes, John is a Lee Child fan. He was disappointed in the latest Child books. He seems to have run out of steam and needs to collaborate. Sometimes that can be a great idea. Sometimes not. Often the two voices don’t sing the same song in print on the page.

    I am hoping I can get this on the sneakers before someone sends it to Mars or the moon.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,874 Member
    edited December 2021
    Another cold, grey day which is nothing like the forecast bu we managed a walk for about an hour on the moors between showers and after I dropped the pooches back home I drove to the hardware store and bought a very basic heater for my bedroom. I’ll see tonight if its timer and thermostat work. if not happy I can swap it with the one in my garden room that’s sturdier. I bought a pasty on the way home then I’ve done some housework vacuuming and written the majority of Christmas cards.

    Lin, my new walls are cement rendered on to the original granite stones so hit and miss when drilling holes. There is some tidying up to be done before the curtains are hung but I’ll do that when more rings for the rail arrive. I read somewhere once that shouting or swearing when things go wrong is good for the blood pressure…. That’s my excuse anyway! 😁🤭

    Oh dear Anne, your dramas continue but hooray for Jilly letting you know something was wrong. I seem to remember we were pleased to see the back of 2019 but things went downhill after that so I won’t be wishing for a new year just yet!

    Lin, I love the idea of Tingleys but no one would know what I was talking about!

    Hopefully Sandy is now tested so just has to wait for the result. Thinking of you sweetheart ❤️

    Let’s hope Patsy manages a post without it flying into obscurity.

    Gone 8pm so time to relax although not sure I can take much more of The Crown for now!
    Jackie 🥰

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,258 Member
    Missed a lot of your posts this morning.

    Rapid test is negative now have to wait for PCR results a couple of days.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,351 Member
    edited December 2021
    Hello friends. A bit chillier today but still unseasonably warm. I could live with this indefinitely. But all things come to an end. Darn. I did run my leftover errand this morning. Many empty shelves in the store but my what a lot of lovely Christmas plants, flowers, greenery and wreaths. It was tempting to swoop up some pretties! But I resisted. It’s not often that I resist. 🤣😂🤣. Put my groceries away when I got home. And finished preparing a few cards for the mailbox and got them out before the mailman arrived.

    Annie, OMG, what a mess! Darn old dishwasher. I knew a couple at church who had a relatively new dishwasher. They started it up and then left the house for the day. They got home a flooded kitchen and it was the weekend as well. Hard to get someone out to do a repair. I can imagine the immense clean up job needed. Well, by the time everything is fixed up, the house will be a-okay.

    Patsy, I can understand why it is best to leave John to his own methods. Damon is quite wise in his advice. As far as Christmas, I don’t think anyone had Norman Rockwell illustration Christmas celebrations. I had some very nice ones as a young child and I am thankful for that. Things change.

    Jackie, aha, solid and durable walls my friend. Quite a contrast to our more flimsy frame walls with drywall. 🤣😂 I just hope you stay warm. I have been answering text prompts for a very long time for the government. One set of them had to do with reactions, health, etc. for weeks after each Covid vaccination. The other set is a weekly check-in to respond as to whether I am healthy or not. I don’t know know how I got on that list but it doesn’t take much time so I do it.

    Sandy, I hope you didn’t have to wait long for your test. We don’t have many testing centers right now. Many were shutdown. 🤞🏻 that you are in the clear!

    Time to empty the dryer. Also working on writing notes in my cards. Bit by bit.

    Be safe everyone.


  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Yeah, SANDY. The first hurdle over. Fingers crossed for the next result!

    The suds weren't the biggest problem, the biggest problem was the seal going on the ancient dishwasher hence the "rain" falling down below into the furnace room. Not surprising as we think the dishwasher is about 50 years old! The microwave will go next I expect from the same era. Time yet at 5pm but the only disaster today was me managing to burn my favourite spatula. The two Ms have worked so hard I've decided to treat them to a take home meal from their favourite posh restaurant. That will include a dessert and a bottle of wine. Just got to choose a day before Christmas. I have this awful feeling we will be in lockdown again by Christmas.

    Groceries should arrive early tomorrow followed by Michael and we are going to Jillys favourite pet store to stock up on my clever little pups favourite treats just in case I set fire to the Christmas turkey and she deserves a reward for warning me. You can see I am quite pessimistic about what comes next.

    Oh, my neighbours are back judging by a strong smell of curry drifting in the air. I'm glad they are back, somehow I feel safer with them there. Nice people.

    LIN had a good day shopping, JACKIE snug from gale force winds within granite stone walls and PATSY doing her best to leave John to do his thing. My fear, Mark knocks down a support wall. He assures me he won't.


  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Last word from me today hopefully. I've been quite ill from Shingles and overnight I got to wondering if the Corvid vaccine could trigger the dormant chickenpox virus. Despite a load of people reporting shingles soon after having the two vaccine shots the medical folk report there is no evidence that this is so. Shingles can cause hearing loss which I've now got in my left ear.
    I will keep an open mind on this because I can understand medics and governments wanting people to protect themselves and others from this awful disease by vaccination and not looking too deeply into this possibility, but shingles is NOT a walk in the park, in fact its pretty awful.
    Just my thought for the day as I continue to itch/ache simultaneously but think I am on the mend.
    Hugs, virtual of course, from me to you all,
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,874 Member
    edited December 2021
    It’s a slow rather lazy day today. Strangely, when I stepped out with George and Betty to take the rubbish bag up the track for refuse collection then drive to the moors, it was uncannily warm. We were supposed to endure heavy showers and even hail but no sign so it must have gone off in another direction. So what have I done after our walk? Well, not much… watched a couple of interesting YouTube videos, wrote a few more Christmas cards and sipped tea! Now for some washing up and perhaps view an episode of Escape to the Country.

    Anne, I’m guessing all sorts of conditions could be put at the door of Covid vaccinations although I read yesterday even the blood clots suffered by a very few in comparison to the numbers infected or vaccinated have been strenuously investigated and found to be caused by a rare gene scientists didn’t know existed so something new has been learnt. I did look up Shingles v Covid when I read your post and understand they are 2 completely different viruses although some patients have experienced recurring Shingles. Have you had shingles before? I have to admit I’m not one to look too deeply into what might affect me, just take it as life’s rich tapestry! In other words, sod all I can do about it! 🙃😉

    Another gorgeous jazzy teapot Lin!

    I’ll pop back later to read any missed posts. Already getting dark and only just past 3pm so the hens will be sitting hunched up by the door into their run waiting for a handful of corn to rain down….. out to feed them and fill the coal scuttle.

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    PS. Just heard from Michael. He's not coming over today because he says he feels rather ill and is off back to bed. He sounded full of cold.
    JACKIE, quite right - there is sod all we can do about viruses, lurgy's etc. Sorry to bend everyones ear! This is my first encounter with shingles so I guess I can't complain!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,258 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Another beautiful day here, a good day to do laundry. lol My nostril hurts a little from that test but it still is better than when they used to go deeper. If Charlie can do it so can Grandma is what I kept telling myself. It really isn't that bad so don't put if off if it is necessary. Everyone was negative except for Max who tested positive. According to the school rules he can go back to school next Wednesday and he has a school sing that day. I am going to suggest to Lisa that he be retested on Tuesday as I am and if negative I will go to see him sing. Not sure when Robby gets to go back to school but hopefully Monday. Once isolated for ten days they say you aren't contagious anymore and can go out of course inside with mask. Strange world we live in right now.

    Anne, sorry Michael is sick and I hope he gets some rest. As far as shingles I searched on google and this is what they say. Shingles is caused by the varicella-zoster virus — the same virus that causes chickenpox. After you've had chickenpox, the virus lies inactive in nerve tissue near your spinal cord and brain. Years later, the virus may reactivate as shingles.
    Did you have chicken pox as a kid? I did and that is probably why I got them years ago. I would really like the shingles shot but I just can't afford it at this time especially so close to Christmas.
    By the way I am sorry about your dishwasher and I bet Mark wasn't too happy either. Always something.

    Jackie, pleasant surprise in your weather, I will take any warm day they give us in December. Once winter really hits I am afraid it will be very cold and snowy.

    Lin, after driving around trying to find the testing place I finally called from the parking lot and asked it I was in the right place and I was. So I walked in and two people were in there and the man was being tested but kept sneezing from the test. The lady was sick and I stood my distance but then the tester told them that they were positive. That made me uneasy. The tester told them to wait outside and he sprayed lysol and asked me to step outside to fill out paperwork. He cleaned and disinfected and when I went inside he said he usually locks the door after a positive test and kept apologizing to me. I had my mask on and felt safe after he wiped everything down. I would not like that job at all.

    Patsy, sorry about your stove but as Damon said it is a good thing you don't need it for heat. I think a casual Christmas is a good idea during these times. I would prefer just to have appetizers of all kinds but Lisa's mom likes to make a ham as well. Not sure what the plans are this year, it is a wait and see kind of situation.

    Have a good day and please stay safe and healthy.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,874 Member
    Anne, you can bend our ears whenever you feel like it. Shingles is an awful condition and your past year hasn’t always been kind has it, so have a winge! Will Mike get tested now Covid symptoms are more like a bad cold? Driving home from the moors this morning the news came on the radio but that word Covid had me switching off. Two years with no end in sight and since it’s likely scientists were fiddling about mixing viruses before inflicting it on us humans, I’m particularly fed up!

    Sandy, how disturbing that must have been finding yourself in the same room as people testing positive. No fun for the man doing the testing either! My warm weather didn’t last so back to freezing rain and Brady insisted on sitting on the stove! I tried to push him off a couple of times but he kept jumping up! Luckily not too hot yet otherwise I’m sure he’d soon get down!

    Time to cook an evening meal so being Friday it’s fish fingers!


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,351 Member
    edited December 2021
    Hello. I have finally written a note in all of the remaining cards, gotten them in envelopes, applied my special Christmas seals and winter/Christmas stamps. I plan to drive to the post office and put them in the mail. Colder today and more like winter next week I guess. I may make a special card for a little girl but that is a maybe as I have no idea what I would make. Happy to have this part finished.

    Jackie, my goodness, Brady on the stove! Crazy kitty! But that is a great photo. 😂 It is quite a choice to make these days, listen to more news, or change stations. I don’t want to be uninformed. But I would like to sleep at night.

    Sandy, I am appalled by what happened at that testing site. I really would not want a swab shoved up my nose given several sick folks had just been inside! Yipes! I drove by the site that was supposedly located close to me. It looked abandoned. The testing site banner was dragging on the ground and there was not one car in the parking lot. Now I have no idea where one is available if I need it. Guess if it comes, I will have to search. I hope everyone will be well soon and Christmas plans can be formulated.

    Anne, I had Chicken Pox as a child so I am at risk of getting shingles as well. I have not had the 2 dose vaccine. It is expensive and the few people I know who have had the shots have gotten significant side effects from at least one of the two shots. That doesn’t make me eager to try to get them. Also in this area, for a long time, you had to get on a waiting list with your pharmacy. I don’t think they know what reactivates the virus after decades in the body. That would really be good to know! Particularly if we can then avoid that.

    Patsy, good day. I must have missed you again. I do get annoyed with MFP. Hoping to see a post from you soon.

    Be safe everyone.


    A cute snowman teapot

    And reminding me of Buzz…


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,874 Member
    edited December 2021
    When I was first trying to find my way back into our Sneakers group I found myself in May 2011 where this graphic posted by Buzz made me laugh out loud.

    Anne’s comment yesterday about Dear Buzz and Lin’s today reminded me of her wonderful sense of humour. She’s never far away, laughing or smiling with us. ❤️

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Hi LIN, I love todays two offerings and photos. Yes, I had chickenpox when I was 6 years old, that's a long time for it to be dormant in the body! I can remember being told not to scratch [to avoid being called Scarface] which must have been terribly hard not to do at 6 years old because I can't resist having a good old scratch today, [me and Beanie both!]. I was told that once you get the shingles you should be safe for the next 10 years so this lot should be my last!

    I am appalled as well SANDY! what a horrid experience! One of MJs coworkers was in contact with someone with the virus and had to get tested. She has NO symptoms at all but she is highly contagious to others so is in isolation. That's what makes this thing so dangerous!

    As for me I've given myself a severe ticking off. No more whingeing, JACKIE, and if I do fall off my perch, TELL ME OFF FOLKS.

    Oh, Mikes feeling a bit better. He says it is NOT corvid because he had it 2 years ago when he came back on the plane after his friends wedding and knows the symptoms. He deals with the public but sits behind plexiglass wearing a mask. I think work is catching up on him because his firm is short staffed. He's also keeping clear of [his] Sandy and her enormous family her adult children being a fireman, a secretary, a teacher and a postal worker with 9 kids between them.
