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Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A very chilly day here…hello Mr. Winter! We are doing fine so far. Damon said he is feeling fine but he has been hard at work. He works from home and lives alone. He said that why he,he,loves his boat crew. They are an odd bunch and each are characters. But they don’t all get along with each other.

    Andrea has good and bad days but she is isolated as well. Her issues are related to her lingering health problems for years. She is also a Diva. But in general, she seems to be doing okay as well. She also is isolated because of her mobility issues.

    Both John and I are very careful and are isolating constantly. That part is driving me crazy. I need to find an outlet someway. I don’t want to risk John’s health or our kids. I do need to expand my personal horizons! That will require some creative thinking on my part.

    Today is cauliflower pizza night. We are going to rewatch a special favorite movie, Hugo. Love that movie. The art direction! Musical score! Delightful story and the actors are magnificent really! You must see it if you want a lovely awe inspiring experience. I am cleaning John’s bathroom and maybe Damon’s if I feel up to trudging downstairs with a bucket of cleaning supplies and his fresh clean towels. Might wait on that.

    Anne: dear one, I totally understand your condition. Shingles are miserable and the odd side effects are puzzling and painful. I believe it helps to discuss your situation with people who care about you. Some might call it complaining but not here on the sneakers. We reach out across the miles to give you a hug and pat your hand and offer you a shoulder to cry on.

    Lin: wonderful happy teapot. Can’t you see grandmother serving hot chocolate in that to her grandchildren? We all remember dearest Buzz. She was my political compatriot. She was a special friend to us all. She was irreverent and jazzy and she had opinions. What a legacy she left and she is still with us!

    Jackie: there are days when the energy just runs out like water through a sieve, as gran would say. I guess our body is telling us something. Sit down or I will knock you down! You get such an amazing amount done on a regular day, it must feel odd not to be doing something quite arduous.

    Sandy: what a horrible experience trying to get tested. I am so glad Biden is trying to get home testing kits in every household, for free. Damon does one of those every time he comes to see us. They are not too expensive but they are not free. Now they will be free to everyone, just like the vaccine.

    Take care dearest friends, we all need our sneakers,

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Just a quick good morning as I settle down to coffee and a warm fruit buttered scone just out of the oven.

    The grocery people sent me the most enormous Savoy cabbage and I've persuaded Mary Jo that she truly needs a half cabbage today. I will never eat all this giant before it's ready for the compost pile.

    I took Advil this morning and I've stopped feeling so prickly and less like a pin cushion. So....no whining today. I'm a changed gal!

    The back to normal Anne. For now anyway.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,258 Member
    edited December 2021
    Happy Saturday! :) Chilly day today, if I didn't have a zoom call with family this afternoon I would just stay in my pj's. Not that they would care but I do. I have been riding the bike but still gained a little weight so I like Anne's idea and should follow Buzz's meme. lol I think my body likes this weight since it insists at staying here and my health mate app from my scale says:
    So I am not going to focus so hard on loosing weight but just keep healthy.

    Anne, you are talking to the biggest whiner here, I dump all my problems and worries on all of you and so far not one person has told me to shut up already. That's what friends are for. (that tune will be in your head all day) I am waiting for my other results for the very reason you stated Anne. I am hoping I am not asymptomatic and contagious. The process wasn't horrible but I do think he should lock the door while testing someone before letting the next person in so he can disinfect. Nice man though, it was hard to be upset.

    Patsy, Damon is a hard worker and deserves that away time on his boat. So his friends are odd and characters and all do not get along? Or was that a typo?

    Jackie, I love that graphic and it sure does bring good memories of Buzz.

    Lin, your meme as well will always make us think of Buzz. I sure do miss her. I love the snowman teapot but really like the card holding pot. I had the same problem with another place I was going to be tested and finally called the number only to get no answer so I think they are closing some and forget to take them off website. Our cases are going up so I am sure they will leave most open especially for the holidays.

    Jackie, well in reality I was in the house with a whole family that was exposed and at least these people had their masks on and kept their distance. They just seemed sicker than Lisa and Rob which I think the vaccine helped them have mild cases. Max isn't vaccinated but seems to also have a mild case. I will be so happy when we are all negative and better and can see each other again. Love that picture of Brady on fireplace, he must have been chilly.

    Have a great day everyone and thanks for putting up with me.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,351 Member
    Rats, lost my completely finished post!

    Thinking of everyone.


  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Sleepless night with a cluttered mind so got up early and moved my bookcases and desk around. Love the new look and you can tell I must be on the mend lol. Mike will be over soon followed by Mark so expect the usual telling off.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,874 Member
    After my lazy day, I’m getting on with my long list of silly little chores needing my attention so a collection of discarded items is ready for a trip to the tip, maybe midweek when fewer people have the same idea. Our weather has turned erratic so that going outside is an adventure… will the sun be shining or perhaps a rainbow will herald the arrival of more hail hitting me and everything else in a blustery squall. Walking this morning I chatted to a fellow dog walker who had 6 dogs with her but what actually amazed me was her attire of a short sleeved top and no hat or gloves in temperatures no higher than 6c. Four dogs rescued from Romania and one from Serbia, the sixth being a British born Collie sheepdog called Arthur that George took an instant dislike to! So many pooches in this country needing homes, I do wonder why so many get imported from Eastern Europe. As we talked in the sunshine I became aware of a black bank of clouds on the horizon hurtling towards us so we said our farewells and I dashed for my car. Didn’t quite make it but noticed the other lady’s car already gone so she must have ran with her dogs!

    Sandy, that’s great you are within your BMI range so can relax and be kind to yourself. I’m on the edge of mine so just a couple of pounds tips me over but like you, think it’s the wrong time of year to worry about it. When I first joined MFP I would buy huge, helfty Stollen cakes leading up to Christmas, not to mention bottles of Baileys so there have been a couple of improvements! Chrissie phoned just now to ask if I can walk Bella on Wednesday because the lady that cleans for her was diagnosed with Covid on Thursday, a day after her visit. She is apprehensive because of her underlying health issues but received her booster last weekend so will hopefully be fine. Apparently our local primary school has most of its students away isolating because of positive tests and our number of new infections generally has more than doubled in a week so hopefully the scientists who think the latest variant is mild are right!
    As for Brady sitting on the stove, he does crazy things to get my attention so I still haven’t worked out if he’s extremely clever or plain stupid. Actually more likely clever because he has now worked out when I’m likely to give George and Betty a treat out of the drawer in the sideboard and sits over that drawer waiting for his which of course he gets… little cat biscuits called Dreamies!

    Oh Lin, another lost post, this one yours. What are we all doing wrong? 😤. That’s a pretty teapot but I agree with Sandy, the hand of cards one is special.

    Patsy, Hmmm, is there an answer to how we break out from these isolated times? I’m guessing you are as stir crazy as the rest of us! Plans risk being thwarted but then I worry I might never go anywhere again if I don’t look forwards. I’ve just made an appointment to get my eyes tested end January, the earliest available date, but who know where we’ll be by then and my friend Pat has tickets to an exhibition of Aboriginal art in Plymouth a week earlier and invited me along so decision time… to buy a ticket or not! Of course, you also have to think of John whereas my decisions only affect me.

    Anne, you’re over the page with your giant Savoy cabbage. Wouldn’t my chooks love you if you had a couple of leaves going spare!!

    Next job is to fill the holes I drilled for my curtain rail that were in the wrong place…. Exciting times! 🤪

    Stay safe everyone. Happy Sunday!
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,258 Member
    edited December 2021
    Happy Sunday! :) Cold with rain and some possible snow. Pajama day for me, nothing else to do. Still waiting for results but I understand they are backed up because of new cases and new computers. I wish I had my Christmas cards to write out but hopefully this week I will be able to get to store again.

    Jackie, after all these years of watching what I eat it is hard to turn it off. I will still eat healthy with the occasional cheat day but I swear I gain weight if I even look at food. lol For the holidays everything is off, bad enough still more or less being isolated so enjoying our days with some guilty food will be permissible. lol I do hope your friend Chrissie will be careful because Lisa was told the days before her test were the most contagious. Please be careful yourself when picking up Bella for her walk. I am now more paranoid then before.

    Anne, sorry you had a restless night. I do hope the furniture isn't too heavy but we ladies have more strength then they give us credit for. I am glad you are feeling like your "old" self again.

    Lin, ugh, sorry you lost your post. I hope all is well with you today and your sinus's are doing better.

    Watched Mass on TV, seem to be caught up on computer except for some games so it looks like a TV day chilling on the couch with a fire and later a glass of wine. Have a good day my dear friends and keep staying safe.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Wow! It is bitter cold this morning. Even Katie agrees. She didn’t want to play ball or even go out after she did her business and did a ceremonial bark at the neighborhood, she trotted right back in to sit right in front of the little dish heater we have in the living room. We have some sun and a few white fluffy clouds. But let me say it is really an unpleasant cold.

    John has almost finished the stove pipe project. Life will be so much better when he is not cussing things into submission. It is his way of working. A lot of grumbling and cussing and the occasional yelling of the worst profanity I have ever heard. But for a man of his age, he still does amazing things. He has no idea that he is an old duffer. He thinks he is still in his 60s or even 50s at times. He maintains that his secret is to get rid of all mirrors. Hummmmmm

    Anne: I don’t really understand rearranging furniture. It almost never happens here. John hates to have furniture moved. I guess I get used to that. Our furniture is mostly big heavy stuff that would break your back to move. However! I do understand wakeful nights. It is my curse. You will sleep well tonight I would guess.

    Jackie: oh would I love to see that exhibit. It sounds really interesting. And since you buy tickets, do they limit the attendance on each day and time? It might be safe to attend. Our art galleries and our one big art museum offer virtual tours and subscriptions. Not as much fun but it is safe and doesn’t put staff at risk as well. Here is something interesting….Damon’s long time girlfriend who lives in South America is trying to come for a visit. It involves a huge amount of back and forth documents shots and tests. She lives in a tropical country. No warm clothing available. Damon is going to take her to Goodwill and they will buy her an Oregon wardrobe very economically. They will re-donate the clothes when she leaves! She is sort of renting the clothes.

    Sandy: great day at home. I always have a gazillion things to do so that is not an issue for me. What is getting me, is not seeing people, face to face. Will you make yourself a pot of soup to eat in front of TV or as you chat with friends on zoom?

    Lin: hope you get to jump back on to tell us what you have been doing. We miss you and your amazing teapots.

    I love that teeshirt with the message, “Don’t mess with me or I will make your death look like an accident!” I might get John and Damon some silly teeshirts with a joke on the front for Christmas. It has to be outrageous and maybe quite naughty. A family tradition, gag gifts at Christmas.
    Still trying to stay safe,

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Katie is toasting her tootsies!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,351 Member
    Hello friends, let’s see if I get a post to stay today. That was so odd yesterday. This morning, another odd thing, I was using an app and my iPad totally shutdown and I had not done anything except a bit of scrolling. It finally started up again, and that took a long time, the battery was 10% lower than before it shutdown. Ghost in the iPad?

    I watched the church service this morning. Part 1 of 2. Other than that, I have been die cutting various shapes for future cards. I have some lovely snowflakes cut but I need to punch out LOTS of bits from each one. I will do that later. And I a, stocked up on 2-piece Happy Birthday due cuts both in black and silver and black and gold. Those really come in handy.

    I haven’t heard from any of my friends today. It seems kind of odd, I usually do. I called a friend yesterday after she posted that the battery had been stolen from her garage door opener keypad. Someone went up and down the condo complex garages and stole all of the batteries. Why would anyone want all of those 9v batteries. They could be almost discharged. Anyway, we had a conversation. She is perturbed that one of our friends doesn’t invite her over to sit outside and visit. We have all become quite odd. I said maybe things will be better next spring/summer and we can get together as a group once again for coffee. She didn’t think that would happen. But I found out she meets one lady in our group every Saturday for coffee. Another lady she meets every 2 weeks. But she was upset that another friend didn’t invite her over? Hello, I haven’t been asked to coffee with any of these people or to sit outdoors and visit. Then I guess she should call that lady and talk it over rather than pumping me for information which she will use to fuel her hurt feelings. She feels people no longer have empathy for others. Well, if the shoe fits….

    Jackie, a lady walking 6 dogs! Wow! And short sleeves? I would have been wearing two or three layers no doubt. Some people just do not feel the cold. We have a lot of people who wear shorts around here for a good portion of the year. They don’t even put them aside for minor snows storms. Below zero temps and a blizzard, yep, that changes their attire. Brady is such a character. And as you say. He sounds smart and wily. Glad he didn’t burn his tootsies.

    Sandy, all right. A PJday, wahoo! It is cold here but we haven’t had any rain today. I think it is in the forecast, at least a small chance. Drink up—cheers!

    Anne, oh my, moving furniture again. You will be in hot water with the boys. Trying to get over the pain of shingles and risking hurting your back again. Wow, running a risk there my friend.

    Patsy, I hope all is well. What are you up to this weekend? Still loving cauliflower pizza?

    Be safe everyone.


  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Enjoyed everyones posts and in a way I had the same theme going here. Mike showed up but for once he was rather grumpy. We had lunch of fish, mixed veggies and mashed potatoes, followed by one of my scones and then he took off by himself to find Beans treats of which she was running low. I wouldn't have minded a car outing but he seemed to want to "be alone". It is a cold and gloomy day and after finding the treats he decided to drive home. I'm glad he did because he drove home in snow squalls and he text me to let me know he had arrived home in one piece at which point I fell asleep on the sofa joined by Jilly who is still asleep.

    No Mark and Mary Jo today either because they had to drive quite a distance to solve some problem. I wonder if the pandemic is taking its toll?

    I took my time moving 2 bookcases, one large and the other less so, very slowly PATSY and also my desk and leather chair, but I'm so glad I did because the living room looks less cluttered and more attractive now. The worst is putting all the books back but they do get a dusting in the process. Its a sort of change of scenery for more or less housebound me. My version of pandemic travel!

    So a nothing post. The world outside was so silent today as though everyone had gone into hibernation.

    I won't be sending any cards out again and actually got very few myself last year. However, I am beginning to get the itch to pick up my art brushes once more. Dig out the old easel in my less cluttered LR. Wonder what tomorrow will bring.

    Stay safe everyone,

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,258 Member
    All tests are negative. Yipee! Will go back Tuesday for a retest just to be safe so I can sit this week.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,874 Member
    edited December 2021
    Wonderful news Sandy… hooray for you and hooray for vaccines! Now to get on with your life.

    Patsy, dear Katie looks so relaxed in front of the heater with her toys. Don’t you find sometimes these pets of ours are almost human! As for toasting tootsies, Brady came in through his cat flap expecting supper and no doubt because I was sitting at the dining table reading he went for some attention seeking again and jumped up on to the stove that this time had been lit for several hours so was extremely hot. Before he landed I was already out of my chair shouting NO but his paws touched the hot metal, immediately flying off with a Yelp and a horrible sizzling noise then back out the cat flap. I keep a torch by the door to light the pooches way when going out late at night so followed him and scooped him up to check what damage he’d done. Fur on the bottom of one foot is blackened but the pads looked and felt ok and he eat some supper without looking uncomfortable so hopefully no need for a trip to the vet in the morning. He’s currently sleeping on the spare bed so I’ll look in on him when I retire. Hopefully he learnt a lesson and won’t jump up again but that question about clever or stupid is hanging over him once more!

    The art centre showing the Aboriginal exhibits will restrict numbers and times allowed for viewing so I think I must take the opportunity to see it. In Australia it received terrific accolades and tens of thousands of visitors before heading off around the world so I’d be crazy not to go. Here’s a quote from one of the organisers.

    Indigenous people have lived in Australia for 65,000 years, surviving ice ages, sea rises and many other extreme events. “And in just the decade of this project, Australia has been on fire, flooded and now we’ve got a pandemic,” says Neale. “It is time to learn. These are profound stories about how people can care for each other while caring for the planet. Songlines is an art exhibition but it is also a history and science exhibition. It is Aboriginal but the truths told in these songlines have never been more relevant to humanity than they are now.”

    Anne, I definitely think the pandemic is taking its toll so we all get down days because that word normal has gone out the window. I hope Mike is alright but of course you’re going to be concerned. Furniture on the move again, naughty girl!

    Oh Lin, you do make me smile as you convey your thoughts about the conversation with your friend. The stolen batteries is certainly a weird mystery but I’d say anyone wanting to sit outside to chat this time of year is more than stir crazy especially when we have the availability of Zoom, WhatsApp and FaceTime to catch up in warm comfort.
    Walking this morning I wore 2 knitted tops, a padded waterproof jacket, fleece hat and gloves and still felt that cold, gale force wind but the lady I met was obviously made of sterner stuff!

    Time for bed and to check Brady’s pads.

    Jackie 🥰
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Oh JACKIE. poor Brady did what my dear little black cat Becky did many years ago. She burnt her pads and I meant to warn you today. I never lit the stove in the basement flat again. She survived but the outer skin on her pads was burnt off.
    SANDY, so very pleased for you and RELIEVED!
    gale force winds today. Bean is staying in bed. Might join her.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,258 Member
    edited December 2021
    Happy Monday! :) Cold and very windy. I thought about going out and getting my Christmas cards but I think I will wait until tomorrow when I go for my retest. Time is moving fast but I still have time to get them in the mail. I did text Bryanna and ask if she felt safe enough to come and clean my house today but so far no answer which probably means she is sleeping. Robby went back to school today tired because he has been sleeping in all week. Lisa said the ride did not show up so she had to drive him and forgot to leave his car seat so she will have to pick him up. Not a good start to the week but it will change. (I hope)
    Bryanna's great grandmother passed away in South America, she was 103. I told Lisa I want to live that long as long as I have a sound mind and body. She said she will help me do it. lol

    Anne, ewww and ouch for Becky, how sad. Was that is the house you own now or in England?
    Thank you, I am relieved myself even though I had no symptoms I needed verification. Everyone is entitled to a bad day even Mike. Could be work or friends or just a bad day, we all get them.

    Jackie, I totally agree with you about the vaccines they do work. Even though they had a breakthrough case they weren't any sicker than a bad cold and without a vaccine who knows? Now I feel strange that I can leave the house again like in the beginning of the pandemic. Poor Brady I do hope he didn't damage his pads like Becky. Do you think he learned a lesson or will you have to put something on top of the stove to stop him from jumping on it?

    Lin, it was dinner time before I actually sat down to relax with a glass of wine. I rode the bike and watched Lost in Space and then finished the third series after dinner. I used to watch that show as a kid so I got involved with season one and here I am still watching.

    Patsy, love that picture of Katie, she looks so comfy. So John will have the stove up and running for Christmas. You have a beautiful fireplace where Katie is laying do you use that one?

    Have a great day everyone no matter what you do, just stay safe and healthy.
    One Day at a Time
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    It was this house SANDY. I thought of buying one of those children's cages we used to put around fireplaces to protect children but not sure one can buy them anymore. I've Still got the stove downstairs. I may use it again one day. We have old chopped logs in the garage from those days. Jilly is hardly likely to leap on it but I'll put the pet cage which she never uses around it if I do. Beckys skin returned. She was a black puss like Bean wth black paw pads.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Rainy Monday here. And things are normal again. The deck door is wide open, Katie is lying in the doorway with her paws out in the rain. I am wrapped around a huge mug of hot coffee and Kris Kristofferson is on the CD player. “Take the ribbons from your hair🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶”. Slow getting going today. John slept in and is now rattling around. He will growl about the open door. Katie and I just smile and promise to do better………

    I have nagged daily to Andrea about getting a booster. Damon is trying to find an appointment. He has been trying several times a day for a couple of weeks. He is now trying one of those special apps that help search out available appointment openings.

    Ooooooops must towel off the kate. Okay the week begins and I am already behind on any holiday plans etc. our will be a small but heartfelt Christmas. And I am okay with that. We have a really nice Christmas table arrangement coming from our good friend that owns a florists shop here in town. They always put a glorious arrangement together for us with candles and pine boughs. Since we may not do the big Christmas tree again, this is important to help jolly up the old homestead.

    One thing we do that really helps relieve holiday pressure is we don’t do cards. We put together a st. Patrick’s day letter with lots of photos and it seems to be quite a hit with friends and family. We love putting it together. Lots of funny photos of Katie and John & some of me…always funny looking!

    Well gang! Must get the laundry going again. Stay well and safe. Take good care of Brady the adventurous one, Jilly the bean and all sneakers.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,351 Member
    Good afternoon. It is very cold and windy here today. Overnight the wind was close to howling but thankfully no snow. I have some errands to do this week but again my sinuses are telling me to stay out of the cold. Later I need to take my trash to the curb and I need to travel down the street to pickup my mail. I will need to wrap up my face as the sinuses are already swollen.

    Yesterday I did get a call from my friend. She had some very concerning news about her niece’s son. The short version is the child has an inoperable brain tumor. The doctors have done some type of biopsy and are determining if radiation and/or chemotherapy could help. She asked me to add their little boy to our church’s prayers chain. He has a number of churches praying for him now. Sad situation at any time but particularly unhappy during the holidays.

    Anyway, also had a bit of other church work, membership, stewardship and missions all had things to do. All finished now.

    I finally got a one word response to my text from the friend with Covid. I had asked if she and her husband were doing a bit better. Response: NO. She is always on Facebook and texting and on the phone. Not since Covid came to live with them. I believe it is almost 3 weeks now. Being unvaccinated is not good.

    Patsy, I am sorry, your post did not appear for me until today. Love the photo of your dear Katie. Love her toys and she does have a warm and cozy spot. That fireplace is lovely by the way. I hope Damon’s friend is able to sort everything out. It seems travel is more difficult again with changing procedures and requirements. A friend told me a gentleman stopped by to drop of some jigsaw puzzles at their house as he was leaving the U.S. for the winter. Traveling back to Colombia where he has family.

    Jackie, the exhibit looks lovely. With everything they have in place, I would likely go as well. Our Art Center ‘asks’ people to wear masks. They have eased up on getting timed tickets for entry, etc. So I haven’t been there for quite a while. Oh Brady! What a terrible accident. I hope he will not need a trip to the vet.

    Sandy, wonderful news! I am so happy for you. And I hope the rest of your week goes well. Wow, Lost In Space! Danger, danger Will Robinson!! Enjoy all the old episodes. What fun. I loved the robot.

    Anne, oh, the story of your kitty. 🥺 I hope Michael is feeling better and that Mark and MJ have things straightened out.

    Be safe everyone.


    Oh Christmas Tree Teapot

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,258 Member
    Lin, to clarify these are new episodes not the old TV show. Same family but made into a Netflix series with different actors. Robot still warns danger danger.