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Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,351 Member
    Oh sorry, I am Netflix deprived. ☺️

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Had a shower and hair washed. Washing chugging away. All's well in Bean and Annes world.

    Mike sent me an article though about an American employer firing 800 workers on a zoom
    call! How cruel! and I wonder if that was what was troubling Michael on Sunday when he was very quiet. The article said it couldn't happen that way in the UK, so I hope not in Canada as well!

    Mark and Mary Jo did a bit more downstairs. The bedroom walls are now fixed and today the chiselled out concrete that is under the floor boards is to be redone. All possible sources of dampness eliminated. Slow but we are getting there. Mary Jo has replaced Michael as Beans favourite visitor [don't tell Mike!] she is quite ecstatic when MJ pokes her nose around the door and does a George zen pose staring into space as she gets her ears fondled.

    Not much from me at this point, but will reply to everyones posts later.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,258 Member
    edited December 2021
    Happy Tuesday! :) Brrr, I should have done my errands yesterday. It is only 16 degrees but I bought a new winter hat that will keep me warm. lol Picking up groceries later, getting retested, dropping off old ink cartridges at Best Buy for recycling and going to drop off DVD's I made to the girl who asked for them. Oh yes and the dollar store for all my cards and wrappings. Since I haven't done much in ten days I should be exhausted by the time I get home. lol I am going to Max's school sing tomorrow morning and probably staying all day since I am back to sitting tomorrow. Lisa said to stay home for one more day so not needed until tomorrow. Her dad has an appointment at 9am but if done in time they will also come to see Max sing and the first time seeing Lisa since they got back. I am pretty sure the rest of the month will be busy with different activities so I am kind of glad I got some rest time before it gets hectic.

    That's all from me, I will be back later like Anne to check the rest of the posts.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dear sneakers, today looks like high clouds but showers are promised. And it is cold! And damp! John brought home a sweet poinsettia and an amaryllis bulb kit from Home Depot. I am so late in finishing up my Christmas decor but the stove pipe project got in the way. However we leave the decor in place until Jan. 6. Our family used to always wait until the day of epiphany to remove the tree and lights etc. old traditions are hard to break.

    I would love to have all sorts of activities like we used to but things have slowed dramatically as we have aged. However, I try to plan and design as much as John can tolerate. He,loves Christmas but gets stressed and tries to do too much. Thank God, I have started that St. Patrick’s Day letter thing. John used to go crazy with the card list. I would be up late at night addressing envelopes and trying to add personal,notes. Crazy-time! Now we have this new tradition. We have been doing this for at least 10 years.

    Anne: our sons have worries but I don’t think they want to trouble us with their concerns. If they only knew how strangely connected we are. John is sure I feel every pain our kids suffer. I am sure he is right. We have always lived in uncertain times but these are certainly uncertain these days. Ho Ho Ho! You are the glue that holds your family together. Little Jilly is also helps in her special way.

    Sandy: I know you treasure these times with those adorable kiddos. And you should. You are lucky that life has offered you this unusual opportunity. Your grandchildren get the opportunity of having a wonderful and safe person to spend time with until Mom comes home from her work. They are so fortunate!

    I hope I can keep this poinsettia alive like talented Anne. The amaryllis bulb looks very shriveled and in horrible condition. I will have a challenge on that as well!
    Jolly holidays….
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,874 Member
    Yesterday’s post seems to have disappeared that I typed late in the evening! What did you miss? Horrid weather, a shorter walk and finally getting to the end of The Crown on Netflix!
    Our latest storm called Barra arrived in the early hours and the gale force wind woke me and George. Betty will sleep through anything I’m sure! We didn’t walk until late morning when the rain eased but I could tell from our flooded parking area that nowhere would be easy for the pooches so popped them in the car and set off for a recce since I needed to go to the post office anyway. Our usual parking area was deserted but I could see rain water running in rivers across the moor so left immediately, popped into the post office just a few meters down the road for postage stamps to send off overseas cards and a couple of local grocery items… I managed to ignore the hot pasties! Closer to home I found a soggy but easier place to walk so George and Betty had a fun run about while I did my best to keep warm. It’s been a cold day with lots of hail and wind and even thunder and lightening as I cooked an easy pasta meal this evening but it’s cosy by the fire….. Brady decided the sideboard is a more friendly place to sit while I eat.

    Anne, I too saw the story about hundreds of employees being made redundant during a zoom call and do wonder at the integrity of such a “boss”. What must the remaining staff be feeling in case it’s their turn next? We have legislation in place to protect workers from such behaviour thank goodness.
    What an amazing job Mark is doing and what a talent to take it on in the first place.

    Enjoy your busy time out and about Sandy! You’ll feel pleased to have got those tasks out of the way!

    Wow, not sure where my evening went. I was going to put the kettle on for tea but it’s already gone 8.30pm so instead will make an instant Cappuccino ( hooray for spellcheck!).

    Lin, I hope your sinuses are less painful and Patsy, John and Katy are enjoying the finished stove chimney.
    Stay warm and safe everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,874 Member
    There you are Patsy… got in ahead of me! I’ll read your post as I sip a Cappuccino.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Brady looks none the worse for his horrible experience JACKIE.

    Not much to report except I feel like my old self which is LOVELY. I had a shower, put the washing machine on. tidied up etc AND put my sparse Christmas decorations up. Don't know if I can tackle a tree though and the decorations are somewhere in the jumble of a spare room downstairs. Mark and Mary Jo popped in just for a short visit because their old car wouldn't start so they came in the "best" one. They think the battery is gone. Anyway, Mark measured the floor downstairs which needs a cement job and then the three of us, bundled up against the bitter cold, took Jilly the Beanie for a walk. We had trouble with her harness though which felt too tight. I think its her Pomeranian ruff which she loses in the summer and really thickens in the winter. Of course Mark said she gets too many treats and not enough exercise. WELL, now I'm feeling more human again Bean and I are on a Jackie inspired exercise campaign. Although it was cold I found it strangely invigorating, but Mark was muttering about being cold as he headed ahead for the old homestead. Nobody about but us four.

    PATSY, I find my poinsettia is taking off by facing an east/south window. Mainly south.
    I'm not sure what to do with her once Christmas is over. She's grown even more since the photo. Like you we take our decorations down on twelfth night and I'm finding myself just like you. remembering those lovely Christmas's past. We always had two big family parties in my youth, Auntie Kathie joining the men in a game of darts which she was hopeless at resulting in Mom and Dads piano looking as if it had woodworm from all the bad throws. That would be us on Boxing Day and my aunt Mary had her party on New Years Day, same crowd of course, My family was a VERY merry crowd, full of fun. Like you, we are sadly diminished these days.

    Not complaining though, just a different time and age. Hard to imagine but my favourite memories of Christmas is in wartime when all the hoarded goodies came out of Moms secret squirrel box and we all fattened up to face January. Mind you my dad used to say that when you ate one of moms sausage rolls the first bite was pastry and the next bite was past the sausage meat and pastry again. I won't go into our homemade blackberry and rhubarb wines. Just remember the adults getting merrier.

    Well almost 6 o'clock news time. Do I really want to know how many people are facing Christmas in an ICU ward.
    Anne and a pooped out Jilly [from a very sniffy walk].

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,258 Member
    edited December 2021
    Good Evening! I did all my errands. The retest was easier this time and was negative. Got my groceries with two extra bags of frozen french fries and when I talked to someone from Walmart they told me to keep them even though I wasn't charged. Evidently when it is a food item they cannot take them back. I will keep a bag and give Lisa a bag, the kids should love them. Went and bought my cards for individual people and must have bought close to 30 cards. Dropped off my brother's medicine at the police station, then the post office. Also brought used ink cartridges to Office depot. But Jackie is right it feels good to get it all done.

    Patsy, Lisa does not work, she is a stay at home mom with three kids. She is a preschool special education teacher but will not go back to teaching until the little one is in school. I babysit on Tuesday's because she takes Robby to choir and goes to her meeting so I stay and put Charlie to bed. On Wednesday Robby goes to a play he will be in this weekend and then to religious ed. She also likes to go grocery shopping so she doesn't have to take all three kids. I just try to help as much as I can because I know how hard it is with three kids. My son works from home but he is a manager and really has to stay in his office and work. Lisa's parents are home for Christmas so they will share some of the sitting with me which is good because there is two of them and only one of me and they are ten years younger than me.

    Probably more information then needed but my life is an open book with you ladies.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,351 Member
    edited December 2021
    Good evening. It was another very cold day so I postponed running errands but did get a birthday card out in the mailbox. I will make a trip to the post office when the weather warms up a bit later this week. I finished a card for that little girl I mentioned and it has a bobble head and requires extra postage to try to get it delivered intact.

    One of the ladies from my old Mah Jongg group called me last evening. She was letting me know that a mutual friend (and Mah Jongg buddy) had just gotten out of the hospital. Yes, it is Covid and I don’t know how long she was hospitalized but it is the lady I was concerned about as she had disappeared from Facebook and wasn’t responding to texts. I have received a couple lines of text now. She is apparently extremely weak.

    I called the remaining Mah Jongg player from our old group this afternoon. She was best buddies with this lady until they had a massive falling out over Covid. The lady who is ill doesn’t believe in Covid vaccines. They have been friends for decades but this broke the tie. They had massive fights and stopped speaking. She said she wasn’t that interested in how her former friend was feeling but basically said it is what she deserved given her behavior. Okay, I am out of sharing information now! I resign.

    A blurb about the Zoom firing.

    The CEO of Better.com might want to consider his company’s moniker the next time he plans extensive layoffs.

    Vishal Garg, the head of the digital mortgage company, jumped on a Zoom call last Wednesday to abruptly inform more than 900 of his employees that they were being terminated.

    “If you’re on this call, you are part of the unlucky group that is being laid off,” Garg, looking stiff and unemotional, said on the call.

    “Your employment here is terminated effective immediately.”

    That is cold for sure. I guess that was about 6+% of the workforce in one call! Yipes!

    Anne, glad you are feeling yourself again which means the shingles are going away? Happy little Bean, surrounded by loving humans. Her life is pretty good. Our attitude towards holidays certainly changes over time and with differing circumstances. It is just nice to have some pleasant memories. I hope my memories are never lost.

    Jackie, yes Brady, a much safer place to hangout. I think I may make one more cup of hot tea. It is a nice warming drink. I like the painting on the wall behind Brady. Sweet!

    Kerry, the man who has Max, planted a tree in memory of the little boy who was tortured and killed. I had never read many of the details before. Jackie, you are probably well acquainted with it.

    For anyone who hadn’t heard about this, here’s a bit of a newspaper account.

    “ Arthur Labinjo-Hughes is a name that now rings with sadness. In fact, it goes way beyond that. The little boy endured agony, tragedy and even torture that no one should ever suffer, least of all a six-year-old innocent boy.

    He suffered at the hands of the worst of humanity. Made to stand still facing a wall hour after hour, day after day. Barked at by his bristling step-mother if he dared try sitting down to rest, battered and bruised from repeated beatings.

    He was deprived of food and water and was being attacked with hidden violence too — being poisoned with salt.

    On June 16, 2020 he collapsed in a heap from fatal injuries, so fragile he could barely pick up his blanket from the living room floor he was forced to sleep on.

    That afternoon, his stepmother, Emma Tustin, 32, had inflicted one final attack, brutally shaking his head back and forth and slamming it off either the walls, floor or both. His father, Thomas Hughes, 29, openly encouraged violence towards his son. Arthur was rushed to Birmingham Children’s Hospital but the damage to his brain was irreversible. He died in intensive care at 1am on June 17.”

    People are savage and often wore than animals.

    Sandy, did you make it through all of your errands? A very busy day for you. Best wishes tomorrow.

    Patsy, oh how lovely that you have seasonal flowers now. Best wishes on bringing both of them to bloom. That will brighten up the house. Good job John.

    Here is a sample of the snowflakes I am die cutting. Each little hole needs to me punched out with a tool. It takes a while so I will,be working on the stack for a while.


    And a teapot


    Be safe.

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Hi everyone. Two pieces of awful world news from LIN. The little boy Arthur I couldn't get out of my head when I read the sentence on the monstrous couple a few days ago. Before the little mite died he said "nobody loves me". Poor, poor little child. If one doesn't believe in hanging, and indeed it must be very hard to hang someone, what on earth do you do with such people? Apparently incarcerate them and feed them for life at the tax payers expense then let them out early for "good behaviour"?

    As for Mr. Vishai Garg of east Indian birth, it may be common practice in his homeland with its clamouring millions searching for work, but it isn't here - at the moment. We should learn how different cultures can and will erode our way of life if not stopped immediately. So much for Goodwill to all Men at Christmas time. Maybe sentence him to 60 continues hours of "A Christmas Carol". by the forward thinking Mr. Charles Dickens?

    Off my soapbox and back to my old fashioned way of thinking. Grocery list to be made out. always a problem because despite making a list as I run out of things I usually forget something.

    Hugs to everyone and PLEASE if you suspect child abuse don't worry about being wrong, REPORT.


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,874 Member
    Yet another unsettled weather day with rain, hail and high winds but I attempted to walk George and Betty on the moors when the sun showed itself. BIG MISTAKE! A beautiful rainbow warned me another shower was on its way then we were hit in the face by painful hail. At one point I took the pooches into a circle of gorse bushes that protected them but George was having too much fun to stay still for long! Once it eased we set off again and were lucky to get back to my car as the next downpour arrived.
    I’ve phoned Chrissie to let her know I will pick Bella up in the next hour, unless the weather is unkind again, and we’ll just have to take a chance because she is apparently scared of hail. Perhaps she had stones thrown at her when she was on the streets of Romania.

    I still haven’t hung my new curtains but did at least fill the extra holes in the wall ready for a spot of yellow paint! No excuses, I’ll get on with that job when I get back from walking.

    Anne, I’ve seen several stories this past year about executives sacking large numbers of staff during video calls and think it’s indicative of today’s reliance on social media to communicate any sort of news. We have employment laws in Britain that insist workers have a right to a consultation and someone to represent them but it still happens. I gather 3 executives have given in their notice at Better.com because of what happened and perhaps his customers will walk away too!
    As for dear Arthur, these dreadful murderers are facing possible life in a prison system that won’t treat them kindly. I read yesterday the step mother has already had a meal that’s prepared by prisoners, laced with salt and is apparently on suicide watch.

    Dear Lin, you are so good at imparting news of fallouts when it comes to Covid and make me smile every time! Lots of stories abound about anti vax Covid patients sick in hospital demanding to be vaccinated… too late! I think it’s Austria that is threatening the unvaccinated they won’t get hospital treatment if required. A bit extreme but then it is Austria !
    That’s the prettiest teapot and I’m wondering if a bird is painted on the other side. Perhaps we’ll never know.
    The picture on my wall over the sideboard was a birthday card I received a couple of years ago that I I loved so much I photographed it and got it printed on canvas. If I whisper that it was sent by a dear friend in Canada you might guess who! 😁

    The sun is shining and I must walk Bella.
    Stay safe

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Hi JACKIE, thank you for letting us know the latest on the female monster in prison. There are some very hard cases in prison, but few women in prison I think would harm a small child! Its bad enough that some men hurt and kill young women but a defenceless child is almost beyond imagination. There is a poetic justice meted out in prisons which our present systems can't match and beware anyone who ends up in prison after committing an appalling act. I guess she might be in solitary confinement for the rest of her life. The father as well.

    I've just made a ham and egg pie for lunch and then I MUST settle down and do the grocery order. I'm not keen on ordering on line but needs must! I don't want the "kids" running after me and me becoming an old nuisance.

    Thanks again Jackie, the more we learn the better however much it upsets us because that's the only way to save another unwanted and unloved little child.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,351 Member
    Hello. I wish I could share the video of the tree planting but it is only on Facebook, not YouTube. Here’s a bit Kerry posted after the Live feed video.

    A calming hour sat at Memory Wood after our live feed next to Arthur’s tree.
    Paddy unusually quiet, Harry never left my side. Dogs just know


    Jackie, I thought I recognized the style in that painting. Well done to think of enlarging it to put on the wall. Love it. And we will never know what is on the other side of that teapot.

    I need to go to the post office today although it is still cold. There is a possibility of a day or two in the high 50’s or low 60’s next week. Wow!

    And my attempt at making peace between those former friends taught me a lesson. Never try that again.

    Anne, I hope you are able to find all the supplies you need/want. I am going to try to shop in person tomorrow.

    Be well.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,258 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) I am back from Max's Christmas recital. I do not have to sit today as my son took a day off from work. Lisa's parents joined us and it was great seeing them. I don't have anything planned so another lazy day.

    Lin, those dogs are so beautiful and sorry the video isn't on YouTube for us to see. We also are getting 60 degree weather next week in December, who would have thought?

    Anne, I kind of like shopping online only because I hate shopping in person. It more than breaks my heart to hear about a child being abused and/or murdered. I can never understand how anyone could hurt a child or an animal. For all that matter I can't understand how anyone can pick up a gun and shoot anyone. It must be my thing for guns, I hate them.

    Jackie, am I right in assuming the card came from Annsie?? It is a beautiful canvas. Good luck on getting the curtains up today. I went to get my winter coat out of my hall closet and the door fell off. I wonder how long I will have to wait for that to be fixed?

    Hi to Patsy. I think I will order the pets Christmas presents and get them sent.

    Have a great day and keep staying safe.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello sweet friends! Well! We have some of that partly cloudy-showers-sunny-blue skies kind of weather. Throw in a bit of chill as well! It is truly December here.

    I am still trying to manufacture some holiday spirit and Christmas jolly. I guess I succeed at various times. But if things don’t stop breaking, I think my inner Grinch might show up. This time my blood sugar monitor. That is important to me. I plan food and exercise around this little monitor. There are times I wish we had a total physical in a monitor that tells us what on earth is wrong with you, Miss Patsy. Oh that it were available.

    Great news! My little amerilles bulb is alive and well. She shot up a flower bud in one afternoon. I read all about them on Wikipedia. I am to give her half strength plant food every other time I water her. Exciting to have a plant that grows dramatically in one day!

    I will make a sugarless cranberry loaf today. I think John will like that. I am going to see if I can find an acceptable mulled wine recipe for the holidays. Kind of like sangria, only heated. These diet restrictions are a pain during the holidays, especially when I am trying to make a jolly pandemic Christmas.

    I have brought out every Christmas movie dvd that we own. John will only give a nod to Die Hard so far. Seriously? I also have a small collection of children’s books, some with little moving parts. Our kids loved them. I might gift each one their childhood favorites as a Christmas stocking stuffer. I am really a sloppy sentimental goof.

    Years ago I helped direct a great children’s play called, “The best Christmas pageant ever”. It had dozens of kids in it. After is was over, John almost thought I might need to be hospitalized. I was so exhausted I remember sitting in the living room in the dark with only the Christmas tree lights and slowly sipping a huge brandy! If I could have, I would have consumed the whole bottle, just to calm my frazzled brain.

    Katie will be wearing her Christmas scarf…which she will try to eat, and her reindeer ears. and if we can do it fast enough, we will take her photo. Later on that project.

    And all is merry and bright🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    It aint merry and bright here PATSY. Just ruddy cold! Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,258 Member
    edited December 2021
    Happy Thursday! :) Meeting day but nothing after that. It is ruddy cold here as well, hard to believe it might reach 60 next week. I can't believe Christmas is two weeks from Saturday. Where has this year gone? Tomorrow I will get all my cards in the mail along with the checks for my family. I will also order the pets gifts from amazon to be delivered directly to their houses. Then I will be done. (I think)
    I tried calling Babe twice this week with no answer so I was concerned and emailed his son's wife to ask if he was okay. A few minutes later he called and said everything was hectic again and his phone doesn't work too good. They let his son come home but now want him to leave again since he does nothing all day. My concern was Daisy and he said she is doing okay again, which I was happy to hear.

    Patsy, I do love your attitude, you make the best out of everything and that is so important for mental and physical health. You certainly were involved with a lot of things in your early days, good for you.

    Have a warm day everyone at least in spirit.
    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,351 Member
    edited December 2021
    Hello! A sunny day here with temperatures in the 40’s. Kind of nice compared to earlier in the week. Rain and snow on the way I guess but next week should be quite warm. Wahoo!

    I planned on visiting 2 grocery stores and the library today. I got most of what I wanted at the first store so I skipped the second one (will go there next week) and made a stop at the library. I paid some bills and made out my quarterly tax payments. I drove to the post office to mail them and merchants were starting to set up for this evening’s Christmas market. It will be crowded this evening due to the nice weather. 🎄🎄

    I hope everyone is having a safe day. Nothing interesting here. Just more books to read, thinking of new card ideas and installed a new app IMDb TV and got logged with with my Amazon account. Lots of old television shows and movies (with commercials). Kind of like YouTube and Pluto TV.

    Maybe something interesting will occur tomorrow. 🤣😂🤣

    Patsy, I have so many Christmas movie musts! And I don’t mind watching them multiple times each year. I guess I am not too fussy.

    Sandy, best wishes on being all finished with your shopping. A good word about Daisy — wahoo!

    Anne, does Mark come over every day to work on the house?

    Jackie, did you take Bella for a walk?

    News alert on our local news—omicron has been found in our state. Not surprised.

    Kerry showed “the boys” Christmas socks. They are cute.


    See ya soon.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Yea, Christmas poincettia that I have not killed so far. There are windows on each side of her. Not sure about the exposure. I think it is west and southwest windows. I think…not good on directions. I get lost very easily.
    Happy holidays
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,874 Member
    Just checking in quickly. Nearly midnight after a cold, rainy but busy day. Already in bed with George and Betty both fast asleep 💤 so will sign off and promise to catch up properly tomorrow. Nothing planned except mucking out hen house if we get a dry day but not holding out much hope for that. 💨☔️💦