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Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Me again, the Christmas table arrangement came. Really pretty I think. It will cheer up the table and dining room. We are thinking of some board games this Christmas. So that will be fun and the arrangement will add a bit to the gaming.

    Not sure how the rest of the family is doing but I am having fun planning games, decor, non-sugar-low fat treats, music and a few token gifts along with the usual checks. My holiday outfit will be the usual Oregon jeans and a sweater. Not too classy but I will wear hoop earrings and bracelets to try to make it look dressy. Pandemic Christmas outfit. Maybe John will consent to a nicer shirt and newer blue jeans. But I don’t count on that. Our photos are always casual.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Sort of a nothing day here. We had quite a bit of snow fall and it was very cold but today it starts to improve and its positively balmy on Saturday. The groceries arrive today, a big order just in case I can't get delivery next time just before Christmas. Even in a cold clime fridges are a very useful item! Michael is supposed to arrive today. He comes for about four hours, lunch included. As for Mark, and often Mary Jo. he works on the house most days but not yesterday. Well actually he did and he shovelled the drive for the grocery delivery man and then he took some measurements of the sides of the stairs to cut out at home the stepped skirting boards. Now the "apartment" area is now free from damp he is going to concentrate on finishing the back entrance hall and stairs and painting the steep well. I have no idea what colour, I have been warned it won't be any shade of green however pale. So at least we will look normal in the back entrance hall and I can shut the downstairs door on all the junk lurking behind it.

    Sounds like a perfect spot for your poinsettia PATSY and its a beautiful plant. Mine is now on top of my desk and with my huge nutcracker standing guard under it we look very christmassy. My new next door neighbours spent yesterday evening putting up their Christmas lights around the departed Harrys [and his ancient plastic icicles] front door. In fact the whole street is beginning to look like Christmas.
    Everyone in our group seem to be "in the mood".
    Hope today is GOOD newsworthy, in which case will "see" you all later.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,874 Member
    Happy Friday Sneakers. Hail, sleet, rain and a cold wind for me and the menagerie so after a bracing walk on the moors when I unfortunately left my gloves in my car so froze my fingers, I am catching up on the smaller jobs that need doing and some housework. An airier of drying washing is standing in my dining room, mostly holding doggy towels that get so muddy.
    I did walk Bella Wednesday afternoon but kept her on a long lead when we got to the fields. After all our rain it was incredibly muddy and difficult to walk on and after twice round the perimeter Bella decided she’d had enough so we got back to Chrissie in time to miss a shower of hail. I stayed for a cup of tea so no curtains hung!
    Yesterday I managed to miss getting wet but again, the ground was so muddy where we walked I had to dig out the baby bath once home and wash eight doggy paws!! After lunch I shopped at one of the larger grocery stores where there were a few unmasked customers, spent a fortune on what seemed a small amount of goods and swore I won’t shop there again!
    The weather is so miserable it’s dark by 3.30pm so again no curtains hung but today I’m determined and have collected everything together to make it the next job. The extra holes are filled and painted over so no excuses!

    My friend Linda’s son Dan just phoned with an estimate for erecting wooden screens between my garden and big mouth next door and since our weather looks to improve next week, will hopefully start then. All I need to do this weekend is run my hedge trimmer along one section towards the bottom of my garden to level it and I’m already planning what pretty climbers to plant early Spring!

    That’s a beautiful table arrangement Patsy and I can tell you are getting into the spirit of Christmas and never mind Covid! My only contribution for now is an electric candle display in the snug window since I now have a new windowsill! I’ll probably do a bit more next weekend and pull out my small Christmas tree from under the bed!

    So much happening in your apartment area Anne, perhaps you could take in a lodger!! Oh dear, am I the only one who likes green? I’m guessing Jilly will be ecstatic to see Mike and get a nice long walk. My plan at the supermarket yesterday was to stock up “just in case” but not with their prices! We are anticipating balmy temperatures next week too which will be a treat after the freezing wind and hail.

    I daren’t go back a page but can visualise Lin’s teapot from yesterday as I thought it was the sort of pattern we loved in the 80’s. I did try to find the Facebook video of Max and family and found some with typed descriptions in a language I didn’t recognise but even they shut me out halfway through… typical Facebook!

    Sandy, I also remember that Babe told you Daisy seems better which is great news. Perhaps if his son does move out, you will be able to visit her. I’ll whisper to you quietly too that yes, our Anne painted my picture! 🤫

    Time to hang those curtains, currently slung over the back of a chair. I might have to iron them first.

    Stay safe and well everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Mikes here taking poor Jilly on a very slushy mucky walk. The groceries arrived intact with a large pre cooked hickory ham ... like naughty Jackie for....just in case. You know why you are naughty Jackie! see above. I like green and I've no idea why Mark is so against a very pretty, very pale yellowy green that I love. Springlike to remind me of dancing daffodils! I'll probably end up with taupe or some "modern" colour that's "in" but doesn't really complement 100 year old houses. I also got a huge bag of spuds for just in case and an enormous packet of toilet rolls etc. We are all set. The grocery prices have been rising steadily here and we are promised a 7% rise again in the new year. I suppose we will all get very slim without MFP help.and thats about it for now.'

    Anne [about to eye the fish we are having for Friday lunch.]
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,874 Member
    A bale of bedding for the hens sitting in my garden room waiting to be rolled down the garden distracted me so off I rolled then decided to open it with a knife and pour into a dustbin I use. It was packed so tightly the contents exploded out as soon as I cut the plastic so I had a battle to persuade it into the bin then, just as I felt I was getting somewhere, a hefty hail downpour hit me so I had to take refuge in the shed. Serves me right for being too easily distracted but the good news is that despite the curtain pole fighting back and me shouting at it, one curtain is hung and as soon as I’ve fed the hens their afternoon corn meal I’ll get the other up.

    Just heard our local primary has closed due to over 100 Covid cases and to put it into context, it’s a small village school with 267 pupils!

    Anne, the “in” colour here is currently grey and when I shopped for curtains it was practically the only one available. Luckily it suits my floor tiles!
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Just spoken to Mary Jo and she's ordered a huge ham etc as well so we shouldn't starve over Christmas between us all. Mike's booked the last of his holidays to take off from the 17th to the 28th. The Covid cases here are rising rapidly as well so we could be in for another lockdown.
    I've nothing against grey but I hope Mark doesn't decide to go that route because it's grey enough outside without adding to the gloom here. What's left of the walls are painted cranberry. That was MJs choice years ago and I must admit it is a welcoming colour when one steps out of the cold. Not really me though.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,258 Member
    Happy Friday! :) It fairly warm but I am staying in and doing laundry. It is supposed to rain and get very windy later so I don't mind staying home. Hopefully I get my cards done today although I am still waiting for the stamps I ordered from the post office.

    Anne, Jackie is not naughty she was just proud. It sounds like you are all set for Christmas at least with the main course. I would be happy with any color as long as it gets done but maybe drop a hint on what color you would like. We are lucky so far with no snow I wouldn't mind if it skipped us this year. Enjoy having those boys and MJ around they keep things humming and I know you love it!

    Jackie, I hope you got the bedding done without getting pelted by more hail. That is a lot of cases in your small school, poor kids. I can't wait for the new screening and hope you will share with a picture. It would be nice if Babe would let me see Daisy but we will see.

    Patsy, love both your poinsettia and your flower centerpiece both are beautiful. I think your Christmas sound wonderful. Casual with healthy food and board games my kind of day.

    Lin, you are having some productive days and getting things done, good for you. IMDb TV is where Judge Judy has a new show that I want to check out. She makes me laugh because she is sometimes just so rude. My favorite Christmas movie is It's a Wonderful Life, I will never get tired of it.

    I have to get moving to get done. Have a great day everyone.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello! Another cold wet morning here. I think it would be fun to go on that traditional evening drive to look at all the Christmas lights and decor around town. I hope everyone feels up for decorating again. But in truth, we still seems to be a bit timid about restarting the old Christmas crazies. And I do mean crazies! There are people who string up enough lights to be seen by the space station as it scoots by in the heavens. And as Mae West once said, “Too much of a good thing can be wonderful!”

    Poinsettia is still alive! She hasn’t started dropping her leaves yet. I have had her three days, no disaster yet. The amaryllis bulb is squirting out something else beside the emerging flower bud. Great fun to see what happens next with it. Might be some sort of leaf or a mutant stem or something!!?

    I have always maintained that John has all the sophistication of a 6th grade school boy. He delights in silly kid jokes. He accuses me of a severe case of arrested development. I am stuck in kindergarten and finger painting. True story here. Christmas is important to us. Candy canes and toys in our stocking on Christmas morning. It doesn’t take much to entertain us.

    Sandy: I assume you will be spending Christmas with your kiddos and enjoying that traditional Turkey and all the trimmings. Christmas with children is the absolutely best, take a ton of photos to share with us.

    Anne: your Christmas plans sound wonderful as well. I am sure you will be surrounded by your sons and family and outrageously wonderful food. I always loved how English always wear paper crowns on Christmas. Not sure what that tradition means but it looks fun and I also love the “crackers” that are popped after dinner with little toys and confetti.

    Jackie: I have a picture in my brain of you surrounded by your adorable animal family, in front of your fireplace. You watching a rugby game while sipping your salted caramel vodka. Oh my! I suspect you might also be enjoying some tempting English dessert. I have watched that TV show called the Great English Baking Show. Wow! You folks know how to cook!

    Lin: Christmas at your house might be peaceful and calm while you are enjoying a Christmas movie? Not sure if you can eat pop corn or some other vegan treat. I do know that the vegan friends I know have a number of delicious things that they enjoy during the holidays. They never seem deprived of holiday treats. Will you be designing new cards as you set aside the Christmas card list?

    I have the holidays firmly stuck in my brain, as you can plainly see.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,351 Member
    edited December 2021
    Hello all. Nothing interesting here today so I won’t drone on and on about my little conversations. Maybe the only little item of interest was my start at punching and cutting out hearts in anticipation of the start of Valentine’s Day or Galentine’s Day cards. I spoke with a friend on one of those extended length phone conversations.

    Patsy, I love that arrangement. Very festive and it looks quite good in your home. I am enjoying an organic, vegan candy cane this evening. Some nice some companies don’t use artificial color. The candy canes are only available in December each year. I do adore peppermint.

    Jackie, busy days for you. Making lots of progress with your tasks, even with the nasty weather. Are you staying warm at night now? I will agree that the cost of everything in the grocery store has gone up precipitously. A bit frightening.

    Sandy, I didn’t get to my laundry today. It is scheduled for tomorrow. It will be wet and they say that we will have some snow for a little while. So a good day to stay home. I hope you finished yours today. Did Bryanna ever get to your house to clean?

    Anne, I am glad you got your groceries. You are the wise one to get stocked up. Does Jilly get any bits of ham? Or does she stay strictly on chicken?

    Well again, nothing fabulous here so will sign off.

    Take care.


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,874 Member
    We are in the low clouds this morning so murky and damp but at least the mild air travelling up from the mid Atlantic Azores is drifting across Cornwall. Too wet to risk using my electric hedge trimmer at the moment!
    George enjoyed a walk round the block while Betty pretended to sleep, not wanting to go. I don’t force either to do what they don’t want and am sort of confident Betty is now housetrained… only sort of!
    The new curtains look nice and although not thick Winter material, gave the dining room a cosy feel last night so worth some cross shouting! Fingers crossed Lin, heating now sorted and hopefully no big shock when the electric meter gets read. I pay monthly so accumulate a pot during the summer months that goes towards topping up payments this time of year but it’s another utility on the increase!

    I’m sipping coffee and going to Google search chicken casserole recipes because the one thing I found priced reasonably at the expensive supermarket was a pack of free range chicken thighs that once belonged to a chook that got to run about!!
    Hmmm, perhaps I’ll look through some of my many cookbooks instead.

    Happy Saturday everyone. I’m sure to pop back later to see what everyone is up to.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,258 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Got all my cards done with checks ready to be mailed. My informed mail tells me that the stamps will be here today. So if they arrive before I leave I can get them mailed. Robby has a Christmas recital at 5:00 but we are having tacos at Rob and Lisa's at 2:00. Lot's of activity between now and Christmas but at least I am done with all my gifts except for Joe. I will probably get him a gift certificate to the place we go for lunch.

    Jackie, we had and still are having very heavy winds here up to 50 mph gusts. Last night a friend called to ask me where my son lived because there was a tornado that touched down in his area. I called them and they were in basement while the sirens went off but were safe and still had power. It turns out that a wall collapsed at an Amazon warehouse where employees were trapped. I haven't had an update to see if anyone was hurt but I pray not. My son and his wife are fine.

    Lin, I did finish my laundry and even ordered Max's birthday gift for his January 6 birthday. His mom always gives me ideas so I buy what they want. Bryanna is coming Monday to clean the house and I am happy about that. I have maintained a little but she gets in the grit of things.

    Patsy, I am not sure where we are having Christmas this year but assume I will find out this afternoon. We actually do Christmas Eve for our celebration and Christmas morning we go to Rob and Lisa's for breakfast so kids can play with their gifts from Santa. Plans could change but we will see.

    Anne, missed you this morning hope all is well.

    Have a good day stay safe and healthy.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning all! You know the longer this group communicates ,the more I think of this group throughout the day. I go along and think things like, “oh I must remember to tell the sneakers this or that.” I even see things while doing my Christmas shopping and think, “I’ll bet one of the sneakers would like that.” I told John about this and he doubled over laughing. Patsy, you have never met these ladies! He said it reminded him of the little kids who have invisible little playmates. do any of you remember an old movie about Harvey the big white rabbit? Starring Jimmy Stewart! Okay I admit it, I am a full on goof!

    We have really heavy wind and rain. Torrential rain really! Not very pleasant to drive around and look at the Christmas lights. Another night we can do that.

    John is still losing weight so I am going to fix a heavy dinner but with veggie options for me. This guy is disappearing before my eyes. He lost two more pounds yesterday. He doesn’t seem to have any other symptoms and his blood work is normal. This is odd! He does seem to have a lot of arthritis like me, and that’s a worry. Worries of the aging.

    Now I must really put on my thinking cap. The little things that make Christmas special for me are things like sentimental moments and activities. We are watching Polar Express tonight. Planning our Christmas Eve dinner and the games with funny prizes for winners. I usually write a special toast I read at dinner. I play relentless Christmas music but I need to find music that doesn’t grate on the nerves. You can see I really get into this. No one enjoys Christmas like I do.

    Well dear ones, I love reading your posts and hearing about your plans. I would call each of you during the holidays, if I knew your phone numbers and you were not involved with your own activities.
    You are all very dear to me.
    Merry Safe and healthy Christmas,

  • ABurgesspip1
    ABurgesspip1 Posts: 1 Member
    edited December 2021
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,351 Member
    Well, that was odd, I was typing and the screen froze and after a while, I was kicked out of the app. What?

    Okay, we had ice and snow overnight. Winds were strong but no damage. By this afternoon it warmed up and the sun was out so the ice disappeared. Yes!

    I had multiple deliveries today, several on my front porch and some at the mailbox. I was able to wait until the ice disappeared before trekking down to get those.

    One box was quite damaged so I did pay close attention to the contents. I purchased a heated throw/cover. All looked well and I plugged it in. Oh my, what delicious warmth.

    I have a library book that must be returned early next week, I had hoped to renew it but someone else wants it, so I will be reading quickly! But the heated throw will likely put me to sleep in the evening. 😄

    I see Anne stopped by with a new user name. I hope you are okay my friend. I don’t see any text.

    Sandy, a fun afternoon/evening. I hope your stamps arrived. Good shopping! It is nice when people will tell you what they want/need. I always know what I want. 🤣😂🤣. And I did finish all the laundry I had planned to wash/dry. There’s always more if I look hard enough.

    Reveal: I got myself an Advent calendar and have been opening one envelope each day. And what a lot of fun. Not chocolates but little tiny things related to card making. Just perfect for me and I felt I wanted to try this as it was the first one I had ever seen. Loving it! I am trying to not pinch the little bags because I found I could guess many of the items.

    Patsy, I am glad you enjoy Christmas and hope you find everything to make your celebration a happy and joy filled time. Are there any online Christmas playlists you could use for your music? Just 2 weeks to go.

    Jackie, did you find a casserole recipe? We’re you planning to make that this weekend? I need to cook some beans and rice again. Soon. I was going to make gluten free macaroni and tomatoes but didn’t do that either. I had purchased some packages of dehydrated hash browns and decided I wanted to try them as they had some upsetting ingredients (which were not revealed online). I fussed with them and found out, yep, they will not work for me. But the other cooking plans were shelved.

    I am looking forward to cuddling up in my new warm throw.

    Be safe!


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,874 Member
    Oh no, a new Anne again doesn’t bode well if another lock out has occurred! You have found us again Anne but for how long?

    Chicken casserole was delicious if I do say so myself. Looked at a variety of recipes and decided Good Housekeeping’s called for veggie additions that were snoozing in my fridge and then I swapped Spanish Chorizo for bacon bits and slow cooked for 5 hours…. Perfection and maybe something John would enjoy Patsy with a few roast potatoes. My gravy sauce would stick to his ribs!

    I did hear on our radio news about the tornadoes, apparently the strongest ever recorded. The extreme weather events are becoming as scary as the pandemic.

    For the first time in over 50 years I heard “It’s a marshmallow world in the Winter, when the snow comes to cover the ground” on my favourite radio station and that tells me Christmas isn’t far away!
    Usually when it comes to music on the day, I skip from Phil Spector’s Christmas album to carols from Kings College, Cambridge choir so quite a contrast.

    Time to put my head down.
    Jackie 💤
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Oh boy ladies, I've just spent from 6:30 to now to try and get back into our group. New name, new photo of the pup. Exhausted! I need a cup of tea and a shower. If I've made it will post later.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,874 Member
    I was without internet service until an hour ago, apparently due to a big outage over a wide area from around 3.30am. Engineers reporting a power surge but no reason why and someone mentioned a storm but I wasn’t aware of one last night. Anyway, just like JillyBurg, I’m back!

    A bleak, grey day but not raining at the moment so I’ll take the opportunity to muck out the hens and at least snip a few wayward branches off the hedge ready for my new trellis.

    Back later,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,351 Member
    Hello. Bright, sunny and breezy today. I need to go out and hunt for a package. I have a notice that one was delivered at 7:30am. 🤦🏼‍♀️

    Be safe everyone. Hello Jackie and Anne🥰

    Church this morning. Fussing with my iPad. Charging problem this morning. 🤦🏼‍♀️

    Oh, and sleeping under that heated throw was marvelous. Just set on low and the timer has it on for 3 hours. Perfect!

    See you later.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,258 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) I am done with Mass and after catching up on computer will stamp my cards with the stamps that arrived yesterday. I have three gifts to put in gift bags for my friends when we meet for our Christmas dinner on the 21st. and I will be done. Christmas Eve will be at Lisa's mom and dad's house.
    We have decided on a meat platter for sandwiches and salad. I will make ribs and meatballs for appetizers and of course some kind of dessert. We haven't sorted out all the details but will get it done.
    Christmas morning we will go to Rob and Lisa's for breakfast to spend a little time with the kiddos.
    The recital was wonderful with all the kids and of course watching Robby brought me to tears. He is doing so well with the new school and the right meds, I am so proud of him. He had a two line solo which I am sharing because even though I am his grandma I think he has a really good voice. You be the judge.

    Also to bore you I am sharing my inside Christmas decorations.

    Glad you got back on Anne and sorry about your internet service Jackie. Lin I hope you found your package and Patsy will check for you later. Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time